If you have him in preschool, there should be free programs available. Talk with his school about his behavior and see if you can get him into counseling asap
My child use to say things like this. We brought him to a behavioral doctor and he eventually was diagnosed with ADHD and bipolar.
He needs to see a pastor A REAL PASTOR. There’s evil amongst y’all.
I’m betting this child doesn’t get spanked or told no very often
Don’t over react. Deal with him more calmly try and approach things with reason instead of displays of authority and seek family therapy. Odds are your parenting style needs adjustment to deal more efficiently with your kids emotional state. Often that violent ideation is a reaction to stresses and insecurities
Does he watch violent things on TV ? Does anyone in the house say things like that? That’s learned behavior it didn’t just pop in his head , or maybe another kid at preschool said it to him? He doesn’t ev3n know what it actually means , have you asked him? " what do you mean when you say that about mommy and daddy?" He doesn’t even know what death means at this age, no concept of it.
U tube is conditioning children.pleasr take his electronics.its for real its ruining our children
Definitely needs professional help asap
Bipolar? Should get that checked out. Maybe something he can’t control
I would make a drs appointment.
Therapy…. Like NOW. I wouldn’t let him go to school today either.
I don’t have much advice on the violent thoughts other than. To get him seen❤️ when you guys are asking him to do something like brushing his teeth do you give options? Like “do you want to brush your teeth right now or after getting shoes on?” And then he can chose and it’ll help him feel like he is in control of his own choices. Look into mindful parenting it has helped me so so much❤️
Therapy therapy therapy
I would sit down with your son and ask him what he thinks kill means. If he understands you’d be gone forever I’d ask him who would he live with? Who would fox your meals and give him a bath? Make him truly think about it. And if he says him literally set up cameras and cut off the gas so nothing bad happens and just leave for one hour stay in the yard or hidden don’t go far of course and just wait for him to realize what he said and how he needs you.
Talk to the school, they will have access/resources to licensed counselors for children his age. Also, cut off all iPads/YouTube, etc. entirely!
My son did this same thing at this SAME age. He would say stuff like “I hate you and daddy” and “I just thought about picking up a knife and stabbing y’all”. I had to have deep conversations with him about his “bad thoughts” I called and spoke with his doctor about it (without him knowing) and they started with “take away YouTube, any shows with violence, any cartoons that seemed violent, etc.” Yes, mental illness is huge. There are people and children with mental illnesses that need professional help. But, do not smother a child with therapy and doctors. Start small with little convos about why he feels the way he feels, why he thinks the things he does. 90% of children have a tablet, phone, or access to videos on YouTube think the things they watch are real. 90% of kids play violent games like GTA, Fortnite, etc. at young ages, these games are a reality for these kids. And at this age, it will automatically make the child think something is wrong with him if you take him to a stranger who is trying to get into his mind and find out what is going on in there, which will 9/10 make him feel like he can’t trust his parents, and then will make him even angrier or upset. We did opening techniques. When my son had those thoughts, I just sat him down and me and his dad told him that we loved him, he was a good kid, he was not bad. And asked why he had those thoughts. Then told him everytime he had a bad thought to give it to Jesus so Jesus could give him a good thought. And everytime he had a bad thought, if he tried to give it to Jesus, and couldn’t, to come to us and tell us the thought, and we would help him get rid of it. (We also kept all violent shows, video games, and YouTube videos away from him) After a couple of weeks, he stopped. according to my son’s doctor, this is common. Unless they act on their thoughts, they’re just considered “thoughts of a wandering, and growing mind in an evil world”. And mommies and daddies are the closest ones to the child to shape their mind.
Early intervention is key to rehabilitation . Many resources available. Contact Devereux they will surely be able to help you!
If he has a personal device, such as a tablet, get rid of it. I seen video’s using the “cocomelon” kids with knives stabbing each other from the sound of it you think your kids are watching cocomelon’s nursery rhymes. Keep him on a screen that is always in your view.
I would find a psych Dr and start there or ask pcp for a referral. He needs help
Talk to the teacher. Get him into school counselor. The counselor can give you referrals to places that can help him
Does he play Roblox or video games / computer games and watch YouTube
My daughter says she wants a new mommy when mommy does majority of everything for her. She used to be nice and always want mommy but idk if it’s a jealous thing when her brother goes to his moms for the weekend she thinks someone will take her and no one does. My daughter is 4 and I’m tired of hearing it. I even took her out one day to see if she knew where she lived and then she cried bc nothing looked like her home.
Get him in to Medical Therapy as soon as possible!!! Please! For his sake and yours!!! He may need medication!!!
When a child is 5 they have no concept of what death really means. They don’t understand that it’s permanent. In cartoons characters often die then come right back in the next scene or next episode. I would have a talk with him, explain what would happen if he killed mommy and daddy. How he would never ever see you again. He would be in very big trouble and might sadly end up with a family who wouldn’t love him and care for him the way you do. If it continues, I would definitely look into therapy. But I remember being that age and everything seems so big and you have so little control over anything. You say things you don’t mean or really understand because you’re just so mad!
Family conceling asap!!
Seems very odd for a 5 yr old to say unless he is being hurt by mommy and daddy
I’d make an appointment with a child psychologist and you and your husband both go .
Therapy. Does he see violence from video games his, yours,dads at a families house? My thoughts is it came from somewhere most kids don’t just come up with violent phrases like that. Could be from school, home, family or friends house.
First, arguments with a 5 year old…not good, who’s the parents here? Secondly, if he has death thoughts already, even though he probably doesn’t really know what death really means, it’s a red flag that shouldn’t be ignored. Seek professional help before he really does try to hurt someone.
Child Psychiatrist quickly
Not an easy answer, hopefully it will pass, try and give him positive support and not play hurt or victim as you will feed his bad behaviour. He is too young to fully understand. Keep strong and just give him unconditional love, thats what we do as parents. Sending a hug x
He is very young to understand but he had to pick that up from somewhere- I’d start child counselling/therapy and get a child psychologist if that were my son saying those types of things and start from there.
Go get him evaluated. I had been having trouble with my son from the age 2-4. Took him in, he was diagnosed with autism. Now we understand his behavior and can adjust accordingly.
A good ole fashion slap on the ass, now days parents are so afraid to spank their kids. That’s why kids are turning the way they are now days
Wow that’s rough when he says he wants a new take him to a homeless shelter leave him there (with permission of course) so maybe he can appreciate what he has but has he seen violent movies video games and be honest is he spoiled always getting what he wants without earning anything do you ask why he wants new parents or why he wants to kill you cause that’s serious you all need help
Seek professional help asap
You need to get him psychological help, one that specializes in children at that age and behavioral. It sounds like you need both the psychologist and behavior specialist.
Take him immediately to the hospital he needs help
Damm what has this kid been watching please take his tv time off him!
If this is his first saying something like this I wouldn’t brush over it but don’t mind it to much. You mentioned pre school so he could’ve heard it from someone else. Later ask him about it, sometimes kids don’t know another way to express themselves. If it becomes something reoccurring I would have a behavioral appointment with the pediatrician and they will point you to the right way
Get him evaluated. You can go to the board of ed and ask for your child to be evaluated. As long as you live in the district, they do it free and will provide you with all the information you need and professionals to get you started. Such behaviors need early interventions, don’t ignore it. He might just be a typical child in need of emotional support and coping skills. Or he might be a child with a disability and in need of early intervention. Whichever the best you can do is get him the support he needs. Working in a school with both typical and children with disabilities I can honestly say child depression/bipolar is real! I know many children in counseling and my school even provides socioemotional support for children. You’re not alone. The first step is acknowledging your child may need help. The 2nd is seeking it and following through. You’re obviously a great mom.
Find out where this is coming from. This is NOT normal. I strongly recommend counseling
You need to get him in to see a psychologist immediately. Thoughts like that are far from normal
First of all…. What is he watching or hearing coming from the TV? Don’t panic either. You said he’s five. Very impressionable age. As he is in preschool… maybe … just maybe… he picked up on what another child might have said or told him only. I would calmly have a nonchalant conversation with him about what he ‘ really ‘ meant.
Your not by chance living in mold right?
Start acting like parents and bust his ass if you can’t control your kid don’t expect someone else too!!!
Why is the father arguing with a 5yr old.? Why are you not responding to him when he tells you things.? Where did he learn or hear about killing.? It’s all off…!!
What media is he exposed to?
I would definitely seek some help… therapy might be your best bet right now so they can evaluate him… good luck momma