I’m a FTM and I recently found out I have hemorrhoids and a tear down there I was wondering what I should do I’m 36 weeks 6 days thank you
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. FTM here, what to do about hemorrhoids and tearing, I'm 36 weeks pregnant
It’ll be an uncomfortable few weeks, but they heal up fast once the baby comes and isn’t pushing down on your pelvic floor. Stock up on creams or suppositories and get an ice pack to sit on in the meantime.
Tucks pads for hemorrhoids! They go away like the next day it’s crazy! And it soothe everything and feels cool.
Call your doctor get off Facebook for that information
Very common. There really is not much to do right now, besides the cream & tucks. Because when you start pushing, you will have more hemorrhoids. Now when you go for your 6 wk check up if they are still bad, you can go have them removed. In the meantime, more fluids, creams, tucks & maybe a stool softener
Witch hazel works wonders
I got mine after labor. The nurse told me to kind push it up and squeeze it into your cheeks.
They were gone in 2-3 days
And avoid sitting for long periods of time. Use a pillow
They can prescribe you a hemorrhoid creme. Try not sitting too long or on hard surfaces. Take long warm baths and use witch hazel pads and let them sit on your anus for about 10 minutes.
Don’t sit on cement /concrete.
It’s a fissure. I ended up with hemorrhoids 10 years ago when I was pregnant with my daughter. I have them still. I use tucks pads and hemorrhoid wipes (they’re great!) I wouldn’t recommend preparation H unless u are going to bed bc it leaks out (due to hemorrhoids) and it’s gross Be careful not to push bc they’ll get worse, bleed and will be EXTREMELY uncomfortable. I have stomach issues so it’s always a problem for me u can have surgery later to get them removed but idk if insurance covers it. Good luck
Witch hazel pads work great for soothing hemorrhoids!
I highly recommend getting a bidet!! It helps tremendously!! Not to treat the issue, but just overall.
I would recommend getting a squatty potty and try not to push when going to the bathroom
Crazy as it sounds Vicks Vapor Rub
Put some preparation H on it. U can buy it right at your local pharmacy or Walmart etc.
Witch hazel wipes !!! I promise you it’ll help a lot. !!
Tucks, dissolve epson salt in water and freeze it in gauze pads, dermoblast, prep h
Keep your stools soft, and if you can get a dr to prescribe a cream called analpram it works wonders!
Tucks pads. Tucks also makes a cream that helps so much. Witch hazel pads if you freeze them it helps a little more with the swelling.
I tried these after I had my daughter and I SWEAR by them. I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt to try them before delivery either.
Anusol lots of baths hot and cold
Hemroid cream, exercises, and keep yourself regular (your midwife can help with these)
Stool softeners and Tucks. And because nobody told me, I’ll be nice and alert you to the fact that this will most likely be an on and off issue… forever.
Witch hazel pads. Ask your doctor if they will prescribe you proctofoam
Preparation H has some pads- they work great! Literally walked around with them tucked in my buttcheeks for a week during my last pregnancy
Witch hazel or tucks pads
Preparations H helps the hemorrhoids and will help the tear because its vaseline based. Ice will help shrink the hemorrhoids. Dont have the bath water too hot , drink lots of water , keep bowels regular and no straining. Keep the area scrupulously clean…wet wipes of some kind help after motions if you can’t always wash. Use a very mild soap in that area so the skin doesn’t dry out and crack …
Its an on going problem once you’ve got them im afraid…it does get better after the birth. They shrink but stay with you and spring back to life occasionally. Always keep a tube of cream handy …I feel your pain lol.
Good luck for the birth of your baby
Squatty potty and prep H 100%
I would suggest a nice soaking bath with epsom salt. Cornstarch when you dry off
Maybe a prescription for proctozone? I actually just had to have mine surgically fixed plus I had a rectal prolapse I’m 26 months post partum
Take warm water sitz baths (epson salt) and apply Witch Hazel… don’t wipe use a peri bottle. There are a few brands out there, you can find them in Amazon, Target etc…
The only thing you should be doing at 36 w & 6 days, is seeing your obstetrician as soon as possible as you may have to undergo a caesarean depending on the kind of tear & haemorrhoids you have. An obstetrician is the only one who should be giving you any kind of advice this far into your pregnancy…
Preparation H gel and witch hazel wipes. Do not use a oral stool softener unless your Dr. says it’s okay preparation H have Suppositories that work good to.
The ones getting bothered by the question and saying call your doctor. They probably have but are asking others real experiences. Some times what you learn from others the doctors don’t think of or remember at the time you ask. My Nausea from chemo I learned ginger and ginger candy helped when what the Dr prescribed did not.
I had those bad with my 5th you need to get a steroid cream from chemist and um the best one is the one you stick just inside your bottom and rub some on the haemorrhoids too. It hurts like a bitch but once they burst they get good pretty quickly. I only had them once but that was my experience
Nice warm bath n massage your butt!!!
Avoid constipating foods like white rice; eat lots of fruit and veggies. Metamucil also helps hemorrhoids.
I just got prescriptions of senna and docusate as well as witch hazel pads and hemorrhoid cream. I’m 30 weeks and had them bad with my middle child and had to have surgery. I’m hoping that it helps.
Stool softener and use the derma plast they usually give you when you have baby but you can use it to numb things now. Don’t strain when you’re going to the bathroom just let it happen. It sucks but you’re almost to the finish line! Also witch hazel pads and a lot of prep h!
Speak with your pcp. To see if you can take a stool softener. They have RX cream for anal fissure ( rectal tear) and it’s really good!!! Your hemorrhoids might not be what’s causing all your discomfort… it could very well be just the tear…
Witch Hazel and a sitz bath with epsom salt that has magnesium sulfate in it! Witch Hazel and the baths healed me in days versus medication or any other method
I had 3rd degree tears with my first 2 yrs ago. Im 34 weeks pregnant and spoke with my OB this week about my concern.
She said start perineum massages at 36 weeks! And possibly opt for a episiotomy during labor!!
If you’re having issues with constipation, don’t push to hard. Talk to your doctor first but mirlax helped me when I was pregnant. Witch hazel pads and I loved the preparation h wipes that had lidocaine in them because it helped numb any painful areas.