Mommas of little girls , how do you do there hair?
My daughter is 10 months and her hair is starting to get in her eyes. I do the typical pony tail up top, but looking for a change.
Barrettes or trim her bangs.
We do alot of these little pony tails on top, then a braid or pony tail or pigtails. Anything that you want really. I did this for both my girls as I was growing their hair out and even now today as they have really fine hair in the front and it keeps it from falling out so quickly
Don’t trim her bangs! As a Mom of 3 girls I can tell you bangs are the worst. Use a clip to pull them back or a headband.
i have mixed girls…i did braids, ponytails, headbands, clips, just hang loose too…took me awhile to learn how to braid lol but they had beautiful hair.
Lol. I barely have that problem at a year and a half. que ball baby
I didnt know anything about little girls hair till i started watching videos on fb and youtube check some of them out i normally do ponies but mix it up with the style part thanks to these videos
Pig tails. Or YouTube for different hair styles/braids.
I do everything with my daughter. She has the really tiny curls everywhere, so i do clips, pony tail, pig tails, etc
We love two ponytails! We also do lots of bows and headbands!
We use mini rubber bands and I’m starting to do some cool stuff with them. Like do three ponytails that break into two and then a big one. Get creative while they don’t remember
My daughter turned one in November and I don’t have enough hair to do much with she hates ponytails on top and hates headband etc I have a hard time brushing her hair lol
Trim hair for Bangs Two Pony tails
2 pony tails ontop and leave the bottom down… braid bangs to one side and clip… lots of options really…get some tiny rubber bands
Try little pigtails! I did that a lot with my niece
How do u do ur hair? Pony, pig tails, braids. Doesnt have to be anything big, just out of her face. Look online…you tube has great easy hair styles for girls.
She was about 15 months here but I used a spray bottle of water and a comb and a rubber band and a hair bow…
When LO is in her highchair I manage to put her bangs into a side braid. Little clips work great too
Not my picture but we do this one quite often! Just leave the bottom as pigtails
I do little ponytails or do a side part and slide a bow in. She will NOT leave headbands in, so those at a no go for now. She barely sits still for this, there’s no way I’m getting a braid in there!
Two pony tails tied in the back no hair in the face
My Rainbow babygirl barely had any hair born 10 weeks early with her being my first girl after 3 boys I couldn’t wait til her hair started growing. She’s now 2.5 years old I’m loving doing her hair
Even simple little bow clips
I want a daughter
Following because I’m tired of the top one too. She doesn’t sit for shit either so I’m doing this on the move
Following because I’m tired of the top one too. She doesn’t sit for shit either so I’m doing this on the move
Mine was stuck with the typical top pony tail until she was 2. Before then her hair wasnt really long enough for anything else lol and bangs weren’t an option for us. I hated then when I was little