Has anyone all of a sudden not been able to use tampons?

Has anyone just randomly not been able to use tampons anymore? I wear them all the time for years but this cycle, they’re hurting me and idk why. It’s never happened before. It just feels so uncomfortable.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Has anyone all of a sudden not been able to use tampons? - Mamas Uncut

I can’t wear them either. It’s funny how the body changes.

I have. I use to use tampons from 13-20 years old I used them. But after I had my 1st baby, they got uncomfortable and then after my 2nd baby I tried to use a tampon again and it was miserable for me. I threw away my tampons and started wearing pads because it was the only thing that was comfortable to me.

Are you using the same brand? If not try another, I can’t use any but one brand or it’s painful. I need ones that grow fat not long or it just hurts bad

Girl. It’s time to try the diva cup!! Literally changed my life!


I had to quit wearing them when my uterus started prolapsing.

After my 2nd baby, I couldn’t do it. My body was literally rejecting them.

I had the same issue! Before I was on depo I would wear them. I got off depo and now have the implant in my arm and started getting periods. The first time I got my period again I tried inserting a tampon and it just hurt so so bad. I would try every month after that but they just kept hurting me so I can’t use them anymore.

Yes, I changed brands and it helped a little

I’m 42 this year and have used them since my second period but yeah the past few years they have been very uncomfortable and I can always feel that’s it “there” I switch to pads now when my flow gets lighter but i hate them

After my only child.

You should speak to your gyne

Yes I developed an allergy. Thought I was getting yeast infections but then noticed it was ONLY on my periods. So I stopped tampons, no issues lkl

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Your uterin floor might of collapsed go to you gyn

I stopped a few years ago just out of no where they hurt so bad. Switched to flex disc. Best thing ever!


I had my baby 6 months ago and haven’t been able to use them unless my flow is heavy. They’re not uncomfortable, but my body pushes them out. It sucks too because I hate pads lol.

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Is your menstrual flow heavy enough for one? I’ve always had pain in my vagina with a tampon and sex :woman_shrugging: ican deal with tampons but it’s still uncomfortable placing one in. Dr’s have no idea why though :roll_eyes:

After I had my second son I stopped wearing them because they were extremely uncomfortable.

After I had my kid, I had organ prolapse. No more tampons.

Do you have prolapse? Schedule with your Gynecologist

get checked out with your doctor or gynecologist to make sure there’s nothing wrong

Girl, yess! They just don’t seem to wanna work for me these days and I know this is gonna sound stupid as ever, but the only thing different is I’m not having boom boom like AT ALL anymore. And before that I was in a 12yr relationship… not sure what else it could be I haven’t even bothered to check it out

I had this issue 15 years ago and started using a menstrual cup. Haven’t used a tampon since (and also never got another yeast infection).

I never could. Lower back pain with them

yes, but my uterus had prolapsed, falling iout of my body!

Could just be normal changes in your body, but best practice would be to go get checked just to rule out any sorta medical issues that could be causing the sudden change

Pads are safer. I know a lot of women don’t like them but they are safer. You should also talk to your gynecologist if you have one. If you don’t, please get one asap.


Yup, they don’t wanna stay in position. I stopped using them years ago and only used them for a couple months when it started

Only when my husband had been knocking the mairo coins outta my kitty the day or so before :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


Yes. I use to wear them all the time since a teen. Then a few years ago I put 1 in and my body pushes it out and hurt so bad. I tried a few times after and still a no go

stop using tampons
theyre so bad for you and the environment
period cups are the BEST and safest now a days

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Obviously you need checked out but I had problems with mine. Wouldnt stay in place and hurt to insert. There were no physical reasons . Make sure you’re using the correct size for your flow and I found the tiniest spot of ky jelly made insertion easier .

I can’t use them. So ditched them. They cause severe cramping.
I did find organic cotton chemical free ones body does better with. Even cotton chemical free pads help with my cramping.

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Go see your doctor. Could be caused by dryness


Happened to me, I could use them all the way up until I had a miscarriage and had a wonky tech do an internal ultrasound on me. When I got my pap done a few months later the Dr informs me my uterus is tilted which never was the case before so coincidences or not idk

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Go up or down a size, eg… if your wearing a super and it hurts go down to a regular, if your wearing a plus and it hurts go down to a super. If your leaking go up a size eg… if your leaking on a regular go up to super

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It could be the size your using. Could be too large for your flow. Or it could also be that you’re not inserting them high enough. Your applicator can cause difficulties with insertion as well. Plastic vs cardboard work better. If none of those are the issue, then you might need to see your doc.


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I would say go to the doctor first to make sure there is nothing medically going on. Otherwise there are pads as a choice and there is also the menstrual cup. Though you may have an issue with it as well if you are having trouble with tampons. Honestly though, the cup works with gravity. I have never been able to use tampons because they hurt, but I can use a cup perfectly fine. No pain and no problems. Been saving a TON of money too not buying tampons and pads as expensive as they are. Plus a lot less messy imo.

I use a diva cup. Tampons are just so uncomfortable in general and I feel like they put more pressure on my cervix after having kids.

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I had the same issue. It turns out I had developed a cyst that needed to be removed.

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I wonder it there’s a way I can work from home and earn $150+ per hour


:raising_hand_woman:t2: it actually became painful.

I did for years, then about 5 years ago they started hurting really bad, cramps and just straight up lightening crotch (only way I know his to describe it lol)

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Make an appointment with your obgyn just for safe measure.

First check and make sure you don’t have more than one up there, yes it happens.
Second if you don’t, go to the doctor


I use the reusable flex disc… before that I used a menstrual cup. Haven’t used tampons in more than a decade. Super uncomfortable and can poison you!!!

I have a friend who couldn’t use them anymore Becuz she has endometriosis

Yep amd it only got worse to the point even when I was bleedin heavy a light would hurt… So I swtiched to the diva cup painless

Yes I used to wear them all the time and I can’t now they hurt me too

Look up toxic shock from tampons… trust when I say you will never wear one again. I collapsed around the age of 13 through wearing one of them haven’t worn one ever since