Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Has anyone ever experienced this in pregnancy?
this is completely normal! He does have to understand how uncomfortable and exhausted you are. I would have a sit down with him and just explain it isn’t him. Being pregnant is so hard. Hang in there.
It’s normal, he will be happy once the hormones change and you want it all day long
Normal Same thing happened to me but in my case it happened after I had my son. I didn’t want anything to do with sex for like a year but now wanting it is slowly coming back.
Oohh wait till menopause hits then he is really gonna have a whinge
Normal during pregnancy…
You can either go crazy and want it every waking moment, or not want to be touched at all…
soon your hormones will shift and you’ll be a vixen lololololol
I hate sex while pregnant most of the time. 2nd pregnancy and its the same. Im just too miserable to even consider it lol
In the Caribbean it’s means you’re having a son, this happened with my pregnancies, (it’s common in certain cultures ). 2girls 1 boy, with the boy I hated sex. Also he should talk to the fetus more!
I’m 7 months pregnant and have been this way through this whole pregnancy, bless my husband’s heart. I feel you hun, I know it’s rough, things should get better throughout or after the pregnancy. I think it’s just hormones
It’s normal for many women. I’m 36wks & throughout my pregnancy, I’ve wanted sex a lot & my hubby doesn’t complain. But both of us just have high sex drives. Ask your bf to pls just bear with you for a few more months.
Each pregnancy is different… My first was like that but with my second I couldnt get enough…
Pregnancy Hormones. I’m currently 2m post patrum and I have no sex drive.
It were ur body going g threw different hormones all women r different wen pregnant he needs to support u n u understand that hope all goes well with pregnancy
Yep happened with my son
I dont have advice. I’m pregnant and want sex ALL the time. I cant get enough of my husband. Good luck and I’m sorry your going through this
I mean I know in my relationship my man is so supportive and does whatever to make me happy. If I have a craving for something he is out getting it and I’ve seen him stop at multiple places to give me exactly what I want. If his priority is making me happy then it’s my priority to make him happy. If you don’t want to have sex there are other ways to give him pleasure. Handies and BJs. Spice it up. I realize it’s normal to not be in the mood and I’m right there with you but I know before I got pregnant my sex drive was more than his and I often felt hurt or he wasn’t attracted to me. So now that the tables have turned I realize that it’s up to you to do what you got to do.
He needs to grow up. He’s acting like a child and it’s gross.
Its normal. In my 5 pregnancies only two I’ve wanted anything to do with it, the other 3, I was annoyed with it
I got like this at times my husband was thankfully understanding for the most part as well as I tried to be understanding of his needs are well. 9 months can be a long time for as guy to hardly get any… his hormones also don’t cut off just because your pregnant. I would say try fellatio and just be upfront you still would like him to be satisfied without hurting or making you uncomfortable
I’m total opposite it’s crap lol
That is absolutely normal, tell your ol man that if he didn’t want yalls sex life to change, he shouldn’t have knocked you up. He can man up and suck it up till after the baby or be a little bitch.
I was the opposite. I wanted it all the time haha. Now I have a baby and don’t want it as much but still help my partner get off other ways.
He gets it though that I don’t feel like it and it’s not him.
Totally normal, it’s the hormones, I think it was worse when I was pregnant with my sons, with my daughter it wasn’t as bad.
Completely normal!
I had sex 2 times during my whole pregnancy with my twins. Once to shut him the fuck up and the second time was to try bring on the labour at 39.5 weeks
I am 19w 3D and I can count on just 2 hands the amount of times my husband and I have had sex since I found out at 3w 4d lol. My hubby is super understanding though. The hormones can cause a huge dip in sex drive. It got worse with each pregnancy I had (this is my 3rd). I was extremely anemic in the beginning, (still am but not as bad as the beginning since I have been taking a bunch of supplements), so this caused me to be way too tired for it as well. I am just now starting to get any type of Sex drive back but I used to want to all the time so I am still not at my “normal”. Lately it’s been like once a week maybe week and a half. Where as before it was like a month in between. It does get better.
But the fact that your SO is too selfish of his own needs to care about yours and make you feel like there’s something wrong with you is beyond wrong. The changes your body is going through are massive and he has to learn to roll with the punches. Him getting it in isn’t your first priority. And he definitely should not be putting pressure on you to do anything you don’t want to do and get mad at you and carry an attitude with you if you don’t.
So many red flags there.
It’s very common for pregnant women to lose sexual interest. Your man needs to get himself together and stop being a jerk about it. He can masturbate and be happy he isn’t the one whose body has to completely change in order to carry your child.
Him questioning I feel is insecurity, or trying to guilt you. It’s not forever, he needs to get over it pregnancy is hard and if he thinks this change is hard let me know how he handles being a dad I’ll wait. Just let me get my popcorn ready!!!
Normal during pregnancy. But he needs needs ok grow up, and snap out of it, he shouldn’t be getting angry or an attitude because you’ve said no… If he can’t get over it and be mature about it, leave cause he won’t get any better
You can pleasure him without sex - just make him feel wanted - it may be his love language
You’re probably having a girl . My sex drive was very high when I was pregnant with my son, and completely opposite with my daughter! Lol
He needs to give you a break this is normal happens to the most of us x
And he shouldn’t be getting mad or annoying because you don’t want to have sex he should respect that to be honest x
He needs to gtfo it. You are dealing with crazy hormones and he has 2 hands.
That’s not okay and your boyfriend is disgustingly selfish for acting like that. Throw the whole mf man away!!
You are not alone! This crushed me as I had a really high drive before pregnancy. I was so sick my first two trimesters that I literally was a walking puking fest. But I knew my partner has needs and asked my doctor every apt what I could do to get more aroused and get into the moment. It was so hard because EVERYTHING made me puke, but with a lot of help and communication with my partner we managed to squeeze it in once a week for him and he has full ride to porn whenever he needed if I couldn’t help out lol. He heard me expressing my concerns to doctors about my low libido, constant pain and nausea and saw how hard I was trying to make sure we had the intimacy we needed! Communication is the key! He also felt like I wasn’t attracted to him so together we overcame that obstacle! Currently 39 weeks and I can’t leave him alone now just know pregnancy does some crazy shit to your body and it won’t last forever, and if it does don’t be afraid to consult your doctor or OB for tips!
It’s totally normal. Your sex drive changes. It will go back to normal. Either soon or after birth. Totally sucks but it’s totally normal.
That is disgusting. Having attitude because you won’t have sex with him is wrong and narcissistic. Gross!
It’s normal. Your hormones changing can definitely change your sex drive. I was the same way. And that’s not counting all the physical issues you have during pregnancy that make you feel crappy. And when you feel crappy, you usually don’t want to have sex. Like I had hyperemesis gravidarum so I puked for hours everyday for 9 months straight. Who wants to have sex after that? Lol
Some people loose their sex drive but eventually it will come back ! Just explain to him that ur just uncomfortable right now he should understand
I was like this with my son! didn’t want no part with him lol but i loved him very much! it was my hormones messing with me! once i had my son my hormones went reverse an back to my sexual self again lol
I was like this from about 4 months til about 7 months after birth. I also had tubes tied right after so that may have played a role for me after.
Girl just give him the puss. Sex is important in a healthy relationship.
I had this happen it’s normal with some pregnancies. I also became completely disgusted with me partner, like made me sick when he touched me, I didn’t want really anyone touching me in any way period.
Not u alone my dear I’m pregnant and I really don’t want nothing lol
He needs to grow up.
Red flag bro.
For all of these women hating on him… there are two sides to every story. My question is HOW is she rejecting him…if she is rejecting him with disgust…that is going to sting. She needs to explain to him what is going on with her hormones…heck they can read all this together. But also… is she ALLOWING him to service himself. I have seen women that have no interest in sex…but are disgusted by the fact he might relieve himself. A lot of times these are the same women that will complain about him looking at porn. Just because she is pregnant doesn’t give a pass to make everyine miserable. You dont have to buy him a porn subscription to be supportive.
It’s the pregnancy. I have felt the exact same way when pregnant before.
Wait until after the baby only gets worse (for me it did). I could probably go months without sex and not have it phase me lol.
That is when you do it for him, not yourself. Just because you dont want it, doesnt mean his libedo has shut down. You dont have to go all the way, there are ways to take care of him without doing that. We all have needs that need to be met.
Quickie and get it over with or he can himself
It’s completely normal. And I found the more he wanted it the less I was turned on. And yours being aggravated acting towards the situation, I’d be 100% turned off. He’s a grown man, you don’t have to sacrifice you being comfortable to “please his needs” He’s a grown man. He played his part, now your body is going through a hell of a process and he can’t deal with… not getting laid… lmao.
He needs to get over it. Trust when the baby comes the last thing on ur mind is sex! Ur gonna be so tired from the baby ur not even gonna want to think of his needs lol. It’s just the hormones and he should know this he should use his hand if he needs it that bad. Even having sex can cause contractions too that happen to me one time it was really bad I didn’t even care about my baby daddy and his needs after that. He needs to adjust and be patient u can have sex forever but having a baby is a certain time in ur life. If he doesn’t feel loved by not having sex that’s selfish u can always show love in other ways which u should do. Write him notes or cook him food showing u care.
It’s part of pregnancy I think… I was the same with all my pregnancies. My husband was very understanding. Just my husband breathing on me irritate me
I didn’t want it the whole pregnancy. But my husband has needs so we did it. Not a ton but at least twice a week
My child is almost 9 and I still rarely have a sex drive.
Sounds like a child tell him to stfu and sit down your growing a child that takes a tole on your body and mind
Now while I do agree he needs to chill a bit every now and then throw him a bone.
It’s normal, but yet frustrating on both of you though. Sometimes you have to fake it until you make it, for example perhaps even if you don’t feel like it, start foreplay, sometimes your body will react in a good way, other times leave it for next time, don’t push yourself. But either way, your bf will need to expect less because you can’t help it,he will need to find a hobby like gym, games whatever to distract him
if a guy gets mad or has “attitudes” all day that is abusive behavior and a huge red flag. Yes, in healthy relationships compromise is necessary but that kind of behavior does not lend itself to wanting to be intimate!
Hormonal changes. Body changes. Etc… Your man needs to Deal with it.
If he wants sex so bad he can use his damn hand. There problem solved. Pregnancy can affect your hormones especially when it comes to sex. He needs to understand that will change when you’re done being pregnant. I didn’t have sex until my second trimester. I was too nauseous and tired for it. My partner understood and let me be.
We’ve had sex like once a month since I was about 5 months pregnant. I’m 37 weeks. I’ve done other stuff for him. But he don’t throw tantrums he doesn’t even ask for sex lol and it’s uncomfortable for him to have sex now too bc im so big he seems to not be understanding at all id tell him to f*ck off throwing fits like that. I may have considered other ways to help him til he started acting like that
Is it a girl? Girls will do that. With boys itll be the opposite
Why do people think this is Funny? I went through it and was so depressed BC of the tension and feeling like there’s something wrong with me.
Totally normal, and it could change throughout your pregnancy!
Yeah, pretty normal but, sometimes you need to fake it. Lol. Idk because after the baby comes you definitely don’t want to have sex. So sometimes in relationships give in take. No easy answer it’s never the same after having a baby. Just my opinion.
I went through this with my 1st! I never wanted to be touched. With this pregnancy I always wanted the d and now at 36 weeks im so tired and I GAG even during intercourse I hate it mood is kinda there but my bf understands there are other ways to get him off if I really don’t feel like helping him all the time
Have him try running into a brick wall. See if he gets through or not
Does he have hands? If the answer is yes, he needs to get over it. If the answer is no, he still needs to get over it. You are in no way at fault for not wanting it. Pregnancy does weird things to your body and mind. He helped you make that baby. He needs to understand your body is going through alot right now
He shouldn’t be having any sort of attitude about it
I’m 37 weeks now, and after my 1st trimester I didn’t want to be touched 90% of the time. Don’t even want to kiss. Literally makes me nauseous to even think about it. It was very confusing because I’ve had 2 boys and I ALWAYS wanted to when I was pregnant with them…maybe cause I’m pregnant with a girl now…idk.
That will change lol the earlier in the pregnancy sucked for me because all those hormones going on then they kinda level out a bit then sky rocket and make you wanna have tons of sex
Compromise because when your pregnancy heat comes on he will understand your no lol
Me with my 2nd and 3rd pregnancy. Now that I have an iud in and my husband got snipped our sex life is level 100. there’s hope that it will come back.
My poor husband. No libido whatsoever when I was pregnant-5 babies and he went like 7 months without each time:rofl:
leave your hormones alone girl pregnancies do lots of weird shit to the body.
Not gonna be the comment people agree with but I definitely agree with having sex with him sometimes even when you aren’t feeling it, who knows, maybe he can get you in the mood. I get you’re carrying his child but that doesn’t mean the men’s needs get to be totally neglected. A lot of women act like they’re a god when they’re pregnant and the world revolves around them. Especially because you aren’t even far along yet. Do it while you won’t totally be uncomfortable.
This is why pregnancy sometimes ruins relationships because everything changes and a lot of men can’t handle that.
When I was pregnant, my drive intensified. And that wasn’t a great thing because my not- pregnant-drive is already high. Hormones can do all kinds of things to your body!
I was fine during my pregnancy my son is now over 1 and the thought of it still repulses me I never want it xx
It’s normal. I lost my sex drive.
Yea it’s normal I was so into my boyfriend then I got pregnant and my whole attitude changed towards him and it never went back! We stayed together until my son was 18 months but it was never the same! My son is 13 now and we’re roommates but not together. I don’t know why it changed between us but it did and never went back
Ummmmm tape a watermelon to his stomach and make him go a whole day with it. While sweating and feeling nauseous. Then ask him if he wants to have sex. men. He’s got hands!!!
Tell him to try growing a human himself.
A lot of women lose their sex drive while pregnant.
I had this same problem with both of my pregnancies. It’s normal. If anything just try for him or give him a bj or something.
I was the opposite when I was pregnant. It was sex sex and more sex . I couldn’t get enough. Pregnancy hormones effect us all differently xxx
I just gave in because I know men stress about babies way more than they show. Have a talk about it. If you can fully let him in on what is going on with your body he will understand. Get down and honestly tell him the gross, hurtful, and weird things your body is doing. It helped my relationship a lot!
I was the same way. Pregnant with my first last year and we only had sex 3 times during my whole pregnancy. I was just never in the mood
During my first trimester I had no sex drive. My partner never pressured for sex. I told him it was the pregnancy and after the second trimester it changed
I am not trying to be rude, but you both sound very young and y’all are about to bring a baby into this world and he’s getting pissy over sex? Sounds like you both need to talk to your DR on your next appointment so your boyfriend can receive a little bit of education on how drastically each pregnancy can be and how drastically your hormones can change.
Give the poor guy a hummer once a week.
During my first trimester I didn’t want sex but wanted it all the time 2nd and 3rd
If you want to be interested, talk to your Dr.
men is too headache honestly. You’re growing a whole human. He can wait until you’re ready or you’re done being pregnant and it’s safe.
The best thing you guys can do is just sit down and talk seriously and bluntly. Communicate. Communicate. Communicate!!!
I had a high drive before and during it plummeted, but third trimester it has definitely picked up. It’s just weird now Bc I get so out of breath and I’m breathing like darth vadar while we are going at it😂 everyone talks about increased sex drive but many don’t talk about decreased! I will say now he is scared to have sex Bc we had our first time of it causing a little bit of blood, but if he thinks I’m going the last 8 weeks without he is crazy😂 (I had absolutely no pain or indication that I started bleeding but baby is perfectly fine! It’s just the increase of blood at the cervix that caused the bleeding)
It’s completely normal. Unfortunately most of the time husbands don’t understand that. Tell him to go rub one out and stop throwing a fit like a narcissistic toddler. No one is entitled to our bodies. We’re not pieces of meat. We’re growing a whole ass human and our hormones are running crazy. Sex aversion is real and very common.
I don’t want it either. Tell him bug off.
Your boyfriend sounds like an asshole
Totally normal you should join a due date group for your self like Feb 2022 due date moms or something you’d have to search on fb but they are really helpful with things like this because it’s thousands of women a few weeks apart going through pregnancy together and you can ask question and experienced moms give advice on baby products and what works well and trust me alot of them don’t want to have sex …