My sister did with her last two. Their first two were one of each so with 3 and 4 they waited. #4 is due in June and this auntie is going crazy!
I didn’t find out til a few weeks after at my gender reveal party. It was a boy! Thank God, I already had 2 girls. He’s 18 months now.
I thought about it but I’m to impatient lol I found out at 18-20 weeks with my first 2 and 14 and a half weeks with this one lol I’m 25 weeks today
Yes, you used to have to wait to find out, lol.
Didn’t find out until the day he was born I feel like in life there are only a few times where you truly can be surprised.
We did not find out with either of ours. I wanted it to be a special moment at birth. My OB let my hubs announce it for both babies which was VERY special as well We got SO MUCH crap from some family and friends because it is definitely not the norm anymore. All of the labor and delivery nurses loved it though. We had a boy who is 4 in April and a girl who is 2.5.
We’re waiting. I’m pretty impatient but hubs and bestie (who waited) say it’s our last chance for a big surprise and totally worth it. I’ve waited this long, might as well go the distance.
Not trying to hijack your post but how hard was it to wait to buy clothes ect. I knowyou can get gender nuteral stuff but did you buy a little of each?
I waited both times. Best surprise ever. There are no surprises left in life so I’m so glad I waited. I kind of knew in my heart I was having girls both times though, but the moment the doctor said “and you haaave a beautifulllll LITTLE GIRL” was pretty incredible lol
Yea i waited with our first
With my second we were going to wait but we jokingly looked at the 11 week ultrasound and surprise it was a boy
I just found out at 30 weeks but I haven’t told anyone else, not even my bd
I wish I could have waited but I new each time what I was having so even if I did I would know.
Four babies and a surprise every time
I did with my first. I didn’t want to though. It was my old fashioned mom & her sisters decision. Anyway I felt a lot of anxiety over it. I couldn’t prepare a name, didn’t research gender specific things like circumcision. It depends on your personality. If you’re the type that needs details so you can prepare yourself mentally find out. I did with the 2nd & 3rd & felt much more prepared.
The best surprise youll ever get no matter what you will be happy
Hell no lol I am a planner
Hell no. I’m WAY too impatient for big news like that
I’m waiting to find out. I don’t want any expectations or “limitations” thrown upon them before they even get here.
Yes I waited for my 3rd. If I have any more I will wait again. The surprise was so fun!!
We didn’t find out with our first and it was fun! It also helped us get practical gifts instead of 100 bows and outfits baby might not wear
My sister did! It was an amazing surprise!
You get so few real surprises in life… why spoil it?
Not myself, but my mom waited for 5 out of 6 kids. The last they found out only because they needed to know if they could reuse all the girls clothes she had or not. She never cared to find out.
I didnt know gender of either of my kids. I loved the surprise
I loved it. Nothing like that moment when hubby says it’s a … Will definitely do it again. Plus it was fun to torture people
Umm wasn’t told. Ultrasound gave it away when I got a checkup at 12 weeks with my twins. Then my son I just knew it was a boy. Didn’t need the ultrasound done to find out. Although surprise is nice I chose to announce the genders only because I didn’t want my son receiving girls stuff and my daughters receiving boys stuff.
I was surprised all four times!
I didn’t with my 3…It was back in the 70’s an 80’s. However nowadays it seems to be the norm. My daughter is having a boy in July. So I know it’s all blue. It’s your call honey. Wishing you the very best.
I found out with first and my second was a surprise. Made the birth more exciting.
I waited. I wanted the surprise. I picked a boy name and a girl name. I decorated in teddy bears so the room was neutral.
My husband and I found out and then we did a gender reveal party. It was really fun. It really comes down to a personal choice though.
I have 4 kids. I knew the gender of the first 3 (boys) when I got pregnant for the 4th time my fiancé and I decided it would be our last so we decided that we were gonna let this baby be a surprise. I’m not gonna lie it was super hard but we did it and it was the best thing ever. And a surprise it was too because our 4th was a girl
I wasn’t going to wait anyways, but I know ultrasounds enough I could tell before the tech even explained what angle we were looking at lol
We didn’t know til he came into the world We just prepared two names, and bought whatever we wanted for clothes/furniture/ect cause colors are just colors, so yeah, my son has a few pink onesies. Gender doesn’t matter to us, we were gonna love him no matter what. Got a lot of judgement (not bad but people not understanding why we would do that) but it’s our life and our baby so… screw 'em haha.
I’m not as anxious to know the gender as my mother and husband and if I had it my way I would have waited until birth. But TBH, kinda glad I’m finally having a girl after 3 boys.
I did with our first and was super happy people didn’t know the gender for my baby showers so all of my stuff is gender neutral for next babies. My friends who were pregnant around the same time as me knew and got a ton of clothes and blankets rather than the main baby gear. People will still buy gender specific clothes after they find out and babies grow so fast they can only wear so many so even if you choose to find out for yourself you might want to keep it quiet
20 weeks/40 weeks. Same surprise. We found out with all 3 - went into the anatomy scans with a boy and girl name. So they had their names from that time (full name revealed at birth - first name told to all and sundry). Instead of asking how the baby was or how I was people would ask about the child by name. I liked it. I don’t feel I lost anything by knowing. And we had the ‘other gender’ name on back-up just in case. Never needed it. As for the ‘what if they don’t look like x when they are born’. No one, knowing my kids, would ever say they had the wrong name.
I know the current trend is to wait and politely scoff at those of us who don’t wait - it it comes down to personal choice. And it waiting is your choice - that’s cool. Either way you get to meet this cool person you don’t know but love with all your heart. I would not change my experience for all the world!
I waited baby 2.pleasantly another girl.3rd I wanted a boy he would be my last.dr said it’s a girl.dissapointed. I still set up my tubal.born November 18th son.really happy and pissed.i bought all girl have a really wanted will be so find out after all the pain.sweat and tears.
I found out what my babies were when they were born. (3). It is an incentive for the 9 months of pregnancy.
I found out with my firstborn, however, I waited with my other 2 babies and it was amazing! So worth the extra element of surprise!
I waited with all 3 of my kids! The element of surprise is worth it. Plus, just making those phone calls to grandparents and saying,“You have a granddaughter,” was the best thing ever! I wouldn’t do anything differently if given the chance!
I loved waiting! It keeps people guessing until the end and it’s a great surprise.
I waited with my firstborn. It drove everyone else insane but my husband and didn’t care. It became hilarious everyone’s reaction to us not knowing. It was a girl! She was healthy and that was all that mattered.
With my first 3 children, technology wasn’t advanced like it is today. With my last child, I chose to know the gender. I liked the idea of being able to shop for my last child and was better prepared in advance.
Well, I am older and old school. We didn’t have gender reveal parties and ultrasounds were not always accurate: Case in point, they told my sister she was having a good size baby boy. She had twin girls. But I wanted each time with all three. I guessed correctly each time as I prayed for what I wanted. Naturally would have been happy with whatever.
We were going to wait with our first one, and then had a miscarriage at 15 1/2 weeks. When I got pregnant again right away we found out for the peace of mind that everything was ok.
I didn’t let the doctor tell us on either pregnancy , I just knew
I waited with my son, he’s my only one so far. It wasn’t hard because I was just excited and anxious at the fact that I was going to be a mom. He will be one in April.
My first was unknown til his birth… One week exactly before his dad’s birthday so that was my husbands early birthday gift. A son who looks just like him
Yes we did I did the nursery in classic Winnie the Pooh so everything was in creams and mint green and a soft pale pink. It was a blessing to wait and I received everything I needed instead of clothes for my baby shower.
I have 4 children, We didn’t wait to find the gender out of my first three, two boys and a girl, but our fourth we did, girl, and I have to say it was something special. Very exciting cause up to that point all you could do is guess lol.
I never had an Ultrasound. I would have wanted to know. My cousins kids are all waiting.
I had some friends I troduced through my husband and they had their baby last January of 2019 and they waited till they had her to find out… said it maybe it more worth while and amazing
I waited with all 4 kids. So few surprises in life so we decided to wait !
I waited with my 1st and last one. But just knew what they were. Got what outfit to bring home in.
I had 5 never knew. Always a wonderful surprise
I have with all 3. I knew what they were before they were born with mom intuition though
I waited for both of my kids … best surprises ever.
My Grandma told me what I was having & she was 100 % accurate, 1st Girl, 2nd Boy, 3rd Boy,
Never had the patience to do it, sounds so amazing that birth moment gender reveal
I didn’t want to know - I love a mystery.
I think it’s the greatest surprise life had to offer. Let the anticipation build
I enjoyed the surprise~
Yes with my third born it was so fun
I didnt. I just cant handle suprises lol
Am doing this next baby cant wait🙏
I just waited but you must decide
My daughter and my expected daughter
I did not want to know. I wanted the surprise
I had to know… lol… I’m not one for suprises
Not me. I needed to know the Sex of All my Children For my 1st child I wanted a BOY…GOD gave me a Girl, so we tried again for our son…GIRL again, 3rd Child Boy and 4 child Boy. Double Blessings. Now I’m just Enjoying them All❤