Hello! So my 18 month olds head does this strange shake thing every time she is finished eating. It’s really difficult to explain, it looks as if she gets a shiver but it’s just her head that shakes. I can tell it’s coming almost every time as well. She gets this sort of… spaced out look on her face before it happens. It doesn’t seem like it bothers her that much, she’s a very happy energetic crazy little toddler. It’s just concerning. She’s been doing this for a long time… we have an appointment to see the paediatrician early July, I’m just curious if anyone is familiar with this.
Could be a type of seizure… Hope all goes well
Sounds like seizures, I would personally call the pedi and ask to be seen sooner. <3 best of luck, mama.
Could be absence seizure. My daughter started having them around age 4 and they often seemed centered around her mouth
Since it’s hard to explain what happens, you should video it several times so the dr sees what it actually looks like. I would also keep a record of how often and what she’s doing when it happens up until your dr visit. Good luck
Could it be a tic? My 2 sons have ticks, common with adhd. They have verbal and physical tics.
Could be haveing zeizures
That sounds like a seizure. I would definitely film and show your pediatrician
Could it be tik…or tereats
It sounds like a small seizure, I would def bring her in to be evaluated. If it turns out that’s what it is and they want to put her on medication, do ALL the research on the medicines they prescribe. My sister is epileptic and her motor skills have been horrible affected by certain medicines that she’s taken.
My daughter is a type 1 diabetic and she gets the shivers after she eats
Really sounds like a seizure. I would record her just before and all through the episode for her pediatrician to see
Sounds like an absence or focal seizure.
Seizure? A seizure doesn’t have to be full body. Also makes sense with the blank stare moment right before.
I would try to record it happening because doctor may not believe you.
Make a video to show the pediatrician
It definitely sounds like Seizure activity to me and I would absolutely be seeing pediatrician for a neurologist appointment.
My daughter would get what seemed like shivers when she ate a new food when she was a baby. She did it the most after trying a chocolate chip cookie oddly enough
Sounds like a seizure, especially with the spacing out part. Call and see if you can get a sooner appointment and also try to get one of the episodes on video, it’ll help the doctor with actually seeing it happen compared with hearing about it
Possibly focal seizure? Try to get video and note the times it happens like what she was doing right before and take it all in to doc at one time so you don’t get the runaround
You need to video it for your doctor can see what’s happening. Sounds like she’s having a seizure. When it happens I do suggest laying her on her side though and away from anything that can cause her harm. They will most likely want to run tests especially after she eats something since you say that’s usually when it happens.
Absolutely sounds like seizures and I personally wouldn’t wait to have her checked and next time it happens take her to the er. Try to record it and show the doctor. She needs an EEG asap
Be safe not sorry see a qualified paediatrician! Do not hesitate!
Seizure by the sounds of it.
Get it on video to show your doctor if you haven’t already.
Take her to the Dr it’s probably seizures
RECORD THEM & ask to be seen sooner
Maybe take her to a doctor instead of asking the internet??
Look into infantile spasms. Not knowing exactly what it looks like, I can’t say for sure, but sounds kind of like the seizure disorder my daughter had
As a mom of two children with seizure disorders, I would definitely record the event next time it happens and show it to the pediatrician. It can be a seizure. I would ask for a referral to a specialist, especially a neurologist.
Record it & take her to the Dr.
Seizures call your doctor immediately