Having weird issues down there, anyone else dealt with this?

He needs to see a doctor too. Since non of this started Untill you were all togeather

You can get these on amazon. Put one in at night time and it helps

Doesn’t he need treatment? or else you’re just gonna keep passing it back and forth?


I have the same issue. Didnt start up till recent years. But boric acid suppositories are a life saver. Even taking a sit down soak in the bath tub can throw me off bad.

maybe your flower, doesnt like his mushroom? incompatible? :woman_shrugging:

I had an issue almost EXACTLY the same with BV, recurring constantly most of my adult life. I finally got a female OBGYN who said she had the same issue personally, and recommended I take a daily probiotic that has Lactobacillus Acidophilus as an active ingredient. Once I started on the probiotic I have not had one BV incident :hugs:

Stress can cause this also.

My friend was having this issue, turned out it was the bleach she was using. She had become semi allergic to bleach (don’t know how but apparently it can happen) and it was causing all kinds of issues with her ph levels. She switched over to using detergent with oxiclean and she’s been good ever since.

Get tested for diabetes things down south love sugar and if your a diabetic your at more of a risk for infections

There is a lot of garbage in our food these days no matter how healthy you try to eat. But I think it could be hormones too

Do not use soap on your kitty trust me I use to get bv and yeast infections and have odor all the time once I just made sure to use water ( our kitties are self cleaning) I have not had a single problem in years.

I get frequent BV and I have no partner, not for a while. I used to get them more frequently with my ex and also frequent UTIs. I know he never cheated on me. I believe it’s the partner. The partner can carry the bacteria on him. BV is considered a sexual transmitted infection and you can get it from your partner. Of course since he doesn’t have a vagina he feels nothing. I personally believe it’s God’s way of saying he isn’t the right person but that’s me because every guy that went wrong in our relationship, I would get frequent BVs with and those who we ended the relationship mutually and gave me no problems during our relationship, I didn’t have BV with. BV is an unbalanced Ph. The BV bacteria causes your Ph to become unbalanced. Vagina soaps are the WORST things to use! Never use them! You are technically only supposed to use water to clean down there as our vaginas are self cleaning “ovens” so to speak and soaps throw off our Ph balance. Sperm also throws off our Ph and sperm is very acidic. It could also be what he eats and not at all your fault but his. It’s almost like your allergic to his sperm and that can actually happen. The only way to get rid of it is medication from your Gynecologist and abstain from sex for a while. Find a new doctor to be honest because it sounds like they aren’t doing anything for you and that’s not right.

You can also try lumé deodorant down there

Probiotics and yogurts may be of help and avoid sugar drinks

Too all the people that keep saying for her man to go get treated for bv, you guys shouldn’t be saying shit that is not true, men don’t get bv, nor can they get treated for bv. I’ve talked to my doctor and she actually thought it was funny that I said the same thing, and told me what I’m telling you!!!

He needs to see a dr too.

Darling , when it happens scoop some of plain yogurt into your vagina, leave for 10 minutes, rinse, repeat. When you started feeling sort of warm , it will mean it’s working. Probiotics could be useful too. Wash your vagina ( down there) with plain warm water, like body temperature. It should help instantly. Good luck honey !

Have he been tested. Maybe it his semen you’re allergic to? Something going on with him.


You may be allergic to his semen. This is not uncommon.


Do you use condoms/latex allergy or allergy to lubes etc?

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I had this exact same issue back in the 90’s when I was married. He MUST take antibiotics with you, same time. NO sex during those 10-14 days while taking medicine…
.NO cleansing wipes no deodorant down there, nothing! Just dove sensitive skin soap an water. I promise it will go away for both of you. Remember if you have BV so does he. Hope this helps. :wink:


Ok so if this is a legit question…from what I understand is that you didn’t have trichomoniasis but did have bv??? bv is a buildup of a certain bacteria that throws off the normal balance…it can result in a thick discharge and smell and not an std…so not to get too personal but if your man performs oral sex on you or uses his hands and they are dirty…it can cause this and even if they look clean they can still be dirty…my advice would be to get treated for bv again and then use dental dams for these practices or stop them all together

Change your bath sponges as well, get new ones. Use your own when showering.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Having weird issues down there, anyone else dealt with this? - Mamas Uncut

It’s him with you. Some men can do that to a woman. They sell bv vitamins and otc medicine.


Yea I don’t continue with partners who make my ladybits uncomfortable like that…especially if it’s happened more more once :woman_shrugging:

Back in 1999 I had the same kind of issue with a guy I was with. Turned out I was literally allergic to his semen. The ph didnt match and it went away after we broke up. It should be brought up and checked into if I was you. It was seriously not cool.


Boric acid suppositories are a life saver with feminine odor issues related to BV.


Get a different gym and don’t give up.

You answered your own question at the end. Every time you are intimate with him, bam!
I know you won’t want to hear this, but: I’ve experienced this with a partner, but she was the one cheating. I’ve also known other females (friends) that this happened to, their bf’s were cheating on them. When the Kool-Aid is mixed with cheap “cool-ade” it will always come out bad. I know you’re gonna deny this, but it’s truth! Reevaluate your relationship.


Has he been treated?Otherwise,you all are going to pass it back and forth. Have you had your blood drawn? I would not try stuff over the counter or holistically if you have not checked all your levels. Also, like someone said you could be allergic to his semen. Any lubes being used could be a factor as well.


Jyst have him pull out and see if it makes a difference or wear a condom for awhile to see if it continues.


Either your boyfriend still has the bacteria in his penis or your not compatible with his semen. I had a boyfriend that I was allergic to his semen and I would break out in boils all over my body. Soon as I let him go I never had issue again. Amazing how our body can tell us things.

I had BV it is from a new partner more than likely. I had it once. I switched dial bar soap non scented, wear only cotton underwear and cotton leggings, also do not use anything as advertised as PH balancing. That’s what threw me off. Make these changes only, give it time and maybe get another round of the medication. Also when on this medication do not drink, tmi but the military hospital also said if you use “toys” or condoms use all natural and wash your toys off with warm water only.


This is going to sound weird but it could be the issue. Do you both know your RH factors in your blood? If one of you is a negative RH and 1 a positive RH you could actually be allergic to his semen. Do blood work and see.


Probiotics. They are very important for a healthy vagina.

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There must be either an allergic reaction to something (like him or his seman), he isn’t clean from either yeast or STI/STD or you are over cleaning. Maybe a combination.


I’d recommend trying a male condom for 2 weeks if it improves it could be a protein in his seamen that’s causing a yeast or bacteria. Also if you have a unknown allergy to wheat/gluten or something similar and he eats/drinks a lot it can get passed along in his seamen. given that lady bits are quite sensitive u could be having a reaction to it even if it’s a low grade allergy.


Are you using lube? Either lack of or sensitivity to some can cause it. Are you peeing and wiping after sex? If not this could cause it too. Don’t listen to people putting thoughts in your head about how faithful your partner is - you know your relationship.


Despite your disclaimer in the offset…If he’s “continually” disrupting your Ph…And your being clean and vigilant…The odds are more likely than not that there is a third party in the mix…IMO!


Get him tested and treated too. Don’t let him cum in you and use condoms. See if it stops. It could be more of a him problem than a you problem. Both of you Shower before and after sex. Always pee after sex.


I get BV right before I start my period when I get a slight discharge (if I don’t get a tampon in as soon as I notice) as it messes my ph up. So yeah it could totally be his semen not sure how you’d rectify that ? Healthier eating maybe ? I know if I eat a lot of junk / sugary food that plays havoc with my downstairs also

Men can carry the trich he needs to be treated as well


See an allergist, if you are allergic to him they should be able to tell. Also, BV can caused by a fungus and only becomes a problem when you sweat down there. There is a cream called Lorazapram that works well for this (also works well for gaulding under the breasts) but it is by prescription only. Ask your Dr about it. The heavier you are, the more likely it’s your problem- worth checking out


I never had a UTI in my life. I got 6 in a row and doc just kept giving me antibiotics. It would go away and return within a week after antibiotics. Turns out for me I was having digestion issues that were backing me up, causing them. After 6 months of not knowing, antibiotics, constant constipation from antibiotics and similar frustration I saw a 2nt doctor. 2nt doctor prescribed nitrofurantion. Take only when you have sex. I havnt had another since. I don’t know if this med treats what you have going on but bottom line is ask a 2nt doc if there is a preventative option vs a treatment after. I would also ask if the script I have would work for that.

There is a probiotic for there called rephresh try that. I had that issue many years ago from a guy I was dating but he was cheating on me. Once we broke up it never happened again.

Have you tried a simple Monistat 3 day vaginal yeast infection kit? The only issue I’ve ever had there was that a couple times and UTIs.

Periods can cause this

You might have bacterial vaginosis. I had it at one point and it would flare up after sex. You needmeds from the doc.

Are you on contraception? Depo sent me crazy with infections. But aside from that, I was having BV, thrush, PID monthly. Like clockwork. Until I went on anxiety meds it randomly went away, I know I was very stressed out and had panic attacks daily so I personally think that was a massive factor and my body was trying to cope x

Sounds like you have chronic BV. Target sells a product made by the honey pot company. It is a vaginal suppository and it will help regulate you pH balance. Green box, boric acid and herbs. Give it a try.


He needs to be treated with Flagyl the same time as you to hopefully to stop the outbreaks.


You don’t have the copper iud do you?? I had this and exactly the same thing happened to me. It was a complete nightmare. Got the coil taken out and no more issues since.


So when you take the meds for the BV eat yogurt.
When your getting rid of bad bacteria your also getting rid of good bacteria and it helps immensely.
My Dr told me that anytime you take any kind of antibiotics that you need to eat at least 1 yogurt per day to counteract any “reaction” down there.

Deniz Bilyeli Soyler

Men carry trich… they have no clue! He needs treated for it… not you!

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I was with a partner from 13-20 and not once did I get BV. We split and I got with a guy I was with for four years… we were very sexually active and I was always getting BV with him. Nothing stopped it!! Tried over the counter, drs, hospital apts… nothing. It was awful. Anyway, I’m with my husband who I’ve been with for 7 years and again, not once have I had it with him. The only thing that I could think it could have been was that his semen had a chemical imbalance with my “lady juice”… thus giving me BV pretty much every time we had sex… sorry I can’t help you more xx

You have to make sure he is treated for the exact same thing(s) you are treated for at the exact same time and refrain from having sex until the treatment(s) are done and you retest

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It can be your detergent as well. Try unscented detergent along with the unscented soap. Also just because he’s coming back “clean” doesn’t mean anything. He need to be treated at the same time as you, every time that you’re treated but also keep your eyes open. Every man that cheats doesn’t contract a STD.

The boyfriend also has to be treated at the same time and tested 7 ways from Sunday, she has to be getting reinfected from someone or she has one nasty toilet seat.


If you use toys they may not be cleaned properly…

you might be allergic to his sperm. i know it sounds crazy, but it is a possiblity. check on this.

If you are treated and he is not, he will just pass it back to you. It is also physical possible to be allergic to your boyfriends sperm


I was going through the same thing a few years ago,my obgyn thought maybe uterine cancer did a biopsy and I actually had an infection in my uterus somehow,it’s painful but maybe if you had one they could figure out what’s going on

Honey Pot boric acid & herbs. Look it up, it’ll change your life. Use it after sex or for a 7 day treatment. I know all about being sensitive like this!

Do not use any scented detergent soaps etc. also do not douche or use any products like summers eve sprays or wash. Don’t get soap inside just around the edges and wear cotton underwear only. That’s the best advice I have. I hope you get a handle on it!


He needs to be treated at the same time. Once done with treatment, I’d use boric acid pills daily for a while. Then cut back to twice a week and then once a week. Also, it is very possible that your body isn’t reacting to him and it’s throwing your ph all off. Your body doesn’t agree with his most likely.

Probiotics and garlic supplements will change your life! :two_hearts: I’ve been there. It’s not fun at all. But there is hope.

:point_right:t4:You are allergic to his semen. :point_left:t4:
Yes, there is such a thing.


Flagyl is the ONLY thing that ever helps me when I get it.

Drink a tun of water . Cotton pants. Don’t use scented anything on your lady bits :laughing:

Was a constant issue with my ex husband. Hasn’t been since we divorced and that’s been almost 8 years ago.

Have you tried Flagyl? It’s an oral antifungal prescribed by your doctor. I had the same issue for years. Every time I had unprotected sex it would throw off my ph and I’d get BV again. I eventually got used to my husband I guess because I haven’t had it for a couple years.

If its bv you BOTH have to be treated (most drs will not tell you this, ONE told me and never had this issue since), ( a cure doesnt put money in their (doctors) pockets)then treatment can lead to yeast infection. So treat, no sexual contact during treatment. Make sure there is NO yeast infection. resume normal interactions.
Been there and done this!

He needs to get checked out as well, as he could be a carrier but showing no symptoms.
What you all eat wouldn’t effect you that way.
Have you tried getting protected sex?
Was it the same result?
You could have an allergy to his sperm.

You guy needs treated obviously he’s the carrier.

Collidol silver and Natalia’s Magic Skin Care natalias magic yoni soap, will balance your ph

I heard that we can be allergic to our man’s sperm sometimes. Have you tried having NOT finish inside you? I find that helpful.

I thought for years I had a problem turned out I just needed Lume.

Wash with just water

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For the longest I had issues with BV. Try taking a prebiotic/probiotic and also see if they can switch your meds. My body was immune to the same one and the oral tablets weren’t effective. So I was given a 7 days course of a gel you insert. I switched to a dove sensitive non-scented body wash and no scented laundry soap.

You can definitely be allergic to his Sperm, I also experienced something one time. My partner started using those energy powders to put in his food and drinks and it made his sperm smell GOD AWFUL that it made me smell as well. When he stopped using it ,it all stopped. Not sure if ur hubby is doing anything similar! But I hope it all gets better I definitely understand the insecurity of it :woman_facepalming:t2:

Your allergic to his sprog. Sorry

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What Danielle Fortier-Lynaugh said. Sounds like you are allergic to your boyfriend’s semen. Also means if you want kids you might have a hard time conceiving as your body is rejecting his semen. Best of luck, BV is a b!tch to get rid of.

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Your boyfriend needs to be treated. He’s passing it back to you. You need to either throw out all your panties or boil them in hot water to remove any bit of bacteria. You need to wash your lady bits differently and perhaps after sex use a wild soap and water and wash up.


Ok ladies just an FYI. DOUCHING is the common know cause of BV I would think at your second er trip when they said u didn’t have it but medicated you regardless was because of your first dose of antibiotics. When my hubs and I got together 17 yrs ago I douched after every time because you know it’s a new relationship and I wanted to constantly be fresh. Before hom I was married 17 yrs so I never douched with anything but water. Anyway fast forward to new relationship I kept getting BV AND MY OBGYN said do you douch I said yes daily I was informed to stop immediately. The douching washes away the good bacteria that the vagina needs. So stop. And also BV can’t be passed back and forth because it’s caused by lack of good bacteria.

It’s because he either genuinely doesn’t wash himself properly or it’s the bacteria merging with yours

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I always get that infection also all the time since I started menopause my doctor always gives me 10 refills so I can just get the medication when I need it because I always know when I have it

Douching. The practice of rinsing out your vagina with water or a cleansing agent (douching) upsets the natural balance of your vagina. This can lead to an overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria, and cause bacterial vaginosis. Since the vagina is self-cleaning, douching isn’t necessary.Jul 21, 2021

Have you been tested for diabetes? High sugar causes issues there as well.


This will change your life. https://www.amazon.com/NutraBlast-Suppositories-Vaginal-Applicator-Applicators/dp/B07DXB2ZKN/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=1ZSZGJY2H1TMV&dchild=1&keywords=boric+acid+suppositories+applicators+for+women&qid=1632147287&sprefix=boric+accid&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExWVVEOUxYQVA4VVRZJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUExMDAwMTUyMjI1SzUzV0pWNjZETSZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwMzI5NTY3MTdRTUFHN1RTV05MVCZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX3Bob25lX3NlYXJjaF9hdGYmYWN0aW9uPWNsaWNrUmVkaXJlY3QmZG9Ob3RMb2dDbGljaz10cnVl I did day and night for the first 2 weeks. Then nightly for 2 weeks - you could use in the morning if that better. Use a panty liner while using. Now I only use once or twice a week. My very old school OBGYN told me about using boric acid to balance ph which stops the bv from reoccurring.

Have him use a condom. You could even be allergic to his semen. Use a condom & see if that alleviates your symptoms

Going to sound crazy but there’s a condition that’s extremely rare and I cannot remember the name of it. However; Palmers cocoa butter (from dollar general) works. Yes I know they don’t want stuff down there but it works like magic. Just use it after showers to keep everything moisturized… best of luck

You could be allergic to his ejaculation.

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It sounds like you might be allergic to him, seriously… I know there are specialists out there that can determine this. Also good to rule out either way bc on the chance that you are allergic to him (and not to be presumptuous) but if it’s in your mind to maybe have children with him, that would pose a big issue

Yes reduce your sugar intake for sure and take some hooha vitamins/probiotics. You may want to try using a condom for awhile to see it you might be allergic to his fluids. And def drink lots of water.

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I had a few problems so i switched to femine hygiene products soaps and stuff. I use femfresh and that rebalances your ph

Or you may be allergic to his sperm so try with a condom for a bit and see if anything changes

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Take a daily probiotic made for women. It could be that simple

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BV is something you’ll have to live with the rest of your life. Since you are sexually active it may seem that your boyfriend gave you BV which is honestly very common. The main thing the docs look at is to make sure it doesn’t turn into cancer. Unprotected sex can give you yeast infections or a BV breakout. To reduce these outbreaks its always recommended to make sure he is washed very well with unscented products and you as well. No douching. No scented products down there. I’m sure your doctor went over this but my obgyn actually said that using ph balance products like vagisil doesn’t actually help the ph balance at all. It makes it worse. I have heard about eating healthier may reduce the outbreaks but I’m not too sure about that one. I would get a second opinion and switch woman doctors. Hope you resolve this issue! I know what its like I have this as well. Goodluck!