He says he is just messed up in the head

Are we just going to fully ignore the fact that you are only SEPARATED… I’m just curious here. Maybe I’m a bit old-school but I’m pretty sure you really can’t wanna marry someone else until you’re done with the other husband…


he’s gaslighting tf outta you. run


The fact that women can allow to be treated like this so soon after another relationship isn’t no one to blame but YOURSELF :bangbang::bangbang:


Sounds like y’all were friends for 10 years, he got his opportunity to be with you because he hadn’t before and now he isn’t interested. He filled a goal, and accomplished a mission. Time to move on. He’s not going to stop, and deep down you know it. You don’t owe him anything, especially your sympathy for his selfish actions. Absolutely no reason to put yourself or your kids through that mess. You deserve better, and can flourish on your own while waiting to find Mr Right.

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runnnn while you still can

This is… I’m convinced that you have a type and it’s cheaters and liers. After being fresh out of a marriage ( not really) why would you even allow yourself to put up with this? You need to be single for a while and figure out why you keep going back .

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Read back what you wrote. You better start thinking you deserve better!

So your marriage was too toxic for your children but this man and situation is not??? His :eggplant: can’t be that great to keep you coming back and inviting him into your home with your children and doing these things while there !


Are you insane?? Because this is insane. Why is this even a question?


You need to leave him alone. Sounds like an even worse situation than the one you just left. Stop letting men cheat on you and get away with it. It lets then know they can keep doing it and then just lying and saying what you want to hear and you forgive them.


Bye boyee … he is using you!! Find a real man and LET HIM GO!! If need be get a restraining order so you don’t lose your job over his non sense!!

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If you are with someone and it is one bad thing after another, y’all aren’t meant to be.

1 - your littles need you, your time and your attention. They should be the priority.
2 - you aren’t even divorced yet, just because your soon to be ex moved on, doesn’t mean you should. Be the bigger person until it’s ‘over’
3 - he doesn’t value you or respect you. Move on quickly and ghost him. Get him out if your life. Spend some time with yourself and figure out what keeps leading you to toxic people.


You got out of a toxic marriage just to get into a toxic relationship???

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Move on. There are a lot of good men

Girl, screw him. Dump him

god most of you ladies on here are super insensitive. can’t believe some of the comments tbh… anyways. i think you have put up with enough and you should spend a little time on your own healing from these people, get to know yourself and what you really want out of life… i wouldn’t focus on having a relationship at all for a while other than with yourself. you’re stronger than you think


Think about your daughter’s. They see more than you know. They are very impressionable. Don’t show them that toxic relationships are worth fighting for, show them you have the strength to stay away and build better.

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I stopped reading halfway through. He keeps messing up because you keep giving him chances. Sounds like you want to be loved and in feeling that way you are allowing yourself to be treated like shit.

Would you want your children to go through a relationship like you are doing currently?! They are watching you being treated poorly and you keep going back which means they are learning that it’s okay to be treated like that.

Run and work on yourself so you don’t fall and put up with shitty ass people.

I stopped reading at the already catching him talking to other women. Kick him to the curb & go on about your business.


You need to be alone and concentrate on you’re kids,:eggplant: hopping will never fulfill the void you have you’re an adult with children get yourself together


When you’re used to toxicity people have a habit of accepting it again. Be your own advocate and break this cycle. This or him aren’t healthy or ok.

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Girl. Get yourself right. Think about your babies and forget that lying dirt bag. The change starts with you so stop. Get into therapy,make some girlfriends and meet some Mammas and focus on kids and yourself. HEAL FIRST don’t jump out of frying pan into fire. YOU and your children are what are important. You do not need a man to be validated.


You need to be single and get therapy……honestly. He doesn’t deserve a chance, nor does he actually care but you need help with what healthy is and what is not.


Get out while you can

Girl, runnnnn. :running_woman:t2: far far away from him. Focus on yourself and your daughters and the right man will come along.

Get the fuck out sound like to Me he’s not going to change and u keep taking him back every time he mess up so he knows he can get away with it.

Omg! He’s not going to change! Get rid of him! Don’t do this to your kids!

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Lol, no. Just no. All that drama in 6 months?


He has shown you time and time again who he is. You need to BELIEVE him and MOVE ON!


Leave! Stop being naive n leave this man alone or you’re going to have another repeat of what your marriage was like n that’s not fair to you nor your children. Tell him it’s over and to leave you alone n there’s no more chances.


Focus on yourself and your kids and forget about these guys and drama.

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Girl u need to kick his ass to the curb. Once i can understand and forgive but he made it a habit. Don’t let love ruin your life. U will fall in love again. He is just toxic.

I understand that you want to move on, but toxic relationships can be a cycle. You’re going from one toxic relationship to another toxic relationship. You’re already stuck in a toxic relationship merry-go-round again. You need to be rid of him. Know your worth! He’s not making a mistake, he’s doing it on purpose. He’s not your friend. He’s manipulating you by saying “oh, woe is me. I do terrible things and then there’s consequences”. It’s the oldest tactic in the book. This guy brings nothing to the table except audacity. Find you a loyal man and quit playing with these cheaters. Life is too short to deal with that shit.

How many signs do you need to leave. Surely you don’t think that comments on this thread are gonna tell you to stay. You’ve lived through all the evidence already… so make a choice to live miserably or start new. Period.

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Run. Run far far away. Block him everywhere.

Don’t do it!!! Get rid of him!!! They do not change!!!

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You didnt give yourself time to heal from the last relationship… and he sounds legit crazy.

Id give yourself some time :woman_shrugging:

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I’m sorry, but you’re a grown woman with children, why is this even a question?


If you have to ask? It sounds like you already know he is a fool, a cheater and liar. Dump him and find true love, it is out there.

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This has huge red flags all over it. You have already let him back in after messing up a few times he isn’t going to change, and you have only been dating a short time and he is already trying to paint you as a bad person to his family. Girl RUN cuz a narcissist doesn’t get better.


Girl, please just run.
Run now & don’t look back.
You deserve better, period.

Girlll. Come on now! You know exactly what needs to be done. If you stay with him you’re just asking for more pain. Which will definitely be the case. You need to let your daughters see how women should be treated instead of showing them it’s ok to put up with all that BS.

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You feel bad for leaving him for two reasons. 1. You’re used to that kind of treatment. If your husband was a liar and a cheater, that’s what you’re used to and that’s what you settle for. 2. You think you can fix this man, but you can’t.

In 3 months time, y’all have split 4 or 5 times, for the same reason.

Think about this… how many times have you caught him? How many times has he apologized and promised to never do it again? I don’t think cheating is ever okay, but after forgiving someone once and them doing it SEVERAL more times… yeah, that man doesn’t give a shit about you or your kids. If you marry him, you’re flat out an idiot! Leave him. So what if he convinces his family that you’re insane or a psycho? Rid yourself of him and them OR stop bitching and settle for being in yet another toxic relationship. It’s an excellent example for your children!

Honestly just move on. We’re too grown to still be believing these men will change. Mfs wanna act like they’re so grown but keep doing childish shit. Someone will come along and love you & your babies the way you DESERVE

Uhm I got to the part where you said you broke up so many times and have only been dating *months…leave. forever. Duh.


Lmao…u know what u need to do but for you to feel validated… u need a man! A man isn’t a need, it’s a want… your kids come first and what you show them is what they learn!

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Run run as fast as you can

Fast foward 20 years- would this relationship be ok for your daughters? I hope not. Focus on & love yourself and kids.


Here you go if you need help seeing them :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:


Nah. You should hear what my fiancé went through as a kid. For his sake I won’t share on a public platform but my ex would always say he was this way because of his upbringing. Abusive and terrible. Cheating etc. my fiancé had a worse life. In and out of foster care, some good some bad. He said he is not who his is because of his upbringing. He is his own person. He struggled a lot as a child but is the best dad we could ever ask for my daughter and the best future husband. I cry sometimes knowing he went through so much abuse himself and pain but he decided to change the cycle. Be the best man for us. And he’s done nothing but show us that. What one man won’t do, another will in a heartbeat. I know you love him or else you wouldn’t have trusted him or taken him back but don’t let him take advantage of you and your family. You deserve more. I’m sorry for the laugh reacts because it’s not funny at all.


You and your kids don’t need any of that. BLOCK :ghost:

Stay single. Be there for yourself and kids. They need you more then anything. Don’t let them think this okay. Just block him and leave his dirty ass in the dust.

Why leave the father of your children because of toxicity, just to put another toxic boy in the mix? I’d be analyzing myself


He’s lying - get out now

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He sounds legit crazy, like insane. You shouldn’t even be friends with him, he seems unstable! You also need to take time for yourself and your children to just heal and accept the new normal. Once you heal then you can find a partner thats much better for you and your children.

Get out now! While you can…he is not worth all the heartache he is causing!!! You could do better!!!

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Put your kids and yourself first and run from him! :heart:

Who cares what he tells other people? Care more about your kids & yourself because honestly you have a toxic pattern too. Block him to the extent he never blocked the other women he was talking to behind your back because he’s :wastebasket:!

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When someone shows you their true colors, stop trying to repaint them! If he’s given you all this drama and heartbreak in 3 months, why would you even consider wasting anymore of your time? Throw the whole thing away now… don’t keep giving more chances to hurt you… the longer you invest, the harder it will get. Cut your losses now and focus on you and your babies!


You should not be in this much chaos and drama in only 6 months. This will never get better. I recently read a quote that said " every time you forgive and let the disrespect slide, the person doing it has less and less respect for you!" Let that sink in…you have forgave and looked past the same shitty behavior time and time again, at this point his conversation to you about this are literally to just appease you and shut you up… not because he feels bad or has intentions of changing. Please get him out if your life and teach your babies that it’s necessary to have boundaries with toxic people and demand respect from those close to you!!

Sounds like you’re afraid to be lonely and possibly lose the friend you once had not a good boyfriend he’s not going to change he’s going to keep doing it and trying to emotionally manipulate you into staying with him and you clearly are already seeing the signs yet want to be stupid enough to take him back don’t do it. You know he’s not going to change if you’re that lonely get a dog

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Dude bye. He’s not changing, you’re buying into it, walk away, and be done.

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Run! He will never change. Do you want your two little girls to think that it’s okay for a man to treat a woman like this? Your setting them up for the same thing your going through. Seek counseling for yourself. Sadly you have no self worth and keep allowing this person back in your life. Remember not all friendships can be trusted nor do all last. Take time to be just you and your girls. I wish you the best.

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He’s manipulative, that’s why you feel bad. It sounds like his ex had the right idea.

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You are insane if you keep entertaining him. Block him. Ghost him. You dont need that. More importantly your kids dont need that. You need to focus on you. Two toxic relationships back to back…take a break from relationships and allow yourself to heal


Girl, you know what needs to be done. You didn’t leave one toxic marriage to end up with a toxic fuckboy. Stop it, put ya big girl panties on and say good bye to the narcissistic cheating liar of an amoeba.

You and your kids deserve better, get out of this relationship now, he’s not going to change, you’ve already given him more chances than you should of


It sounds like your fear of being alone is much greater than your self-love.
Run from that man, and don’t look back!! Focus only on your kids and Self. You need to get yourself back first before you allow anyone else in.


Think about what your daughters are seeing. Sounds like you just left a toxic situation and stepped right into another. Believe me I was with someone because he was an “old friend” for 5 yrs. Married, had 3 kiddos with and finally left him alone. Think about the kids and what they’re seeing.


6 months after leaving their father…another man shouldnt be in the house with them. This is crazy.


I would not keep going back girl, he isn’t going to change. You and your kids deserve better. He does it because you allow it

He stays with you because you allow it.
You set the boundaries for how other people treat you.
Love and respect yourself enough to never deal with that!
His actions-his problems.
You have kids to raise not another man!


What’s your problem?no?Walk away…Ask yourself why would you want to hang on to something like that?Seems you could be messed up also?

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Oh my God woman!!! Get rid of this LOSER NOW!!! He will NEVER change. You are better than that and you deserve better!!! Set you standards high, your heart on God, and the RIGHT one will come along. In the meantime, love yourself and those babies!!!


You should just try being single a while

Move on, you don’t want your kids to think that is okay. There definitely is a better man out there.

Have some respect for yourself girl!!! You deserve so much better!! You have given him more chances than he deserves!! Been separated for only 6 months and moving on with another man! Find out who you are and love yourself!! God bless!

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I couldn’t read past I caught him once. ONCE is enough then you allow it to happen again?

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Why would you allow it to go so far. You have fault as well for letting it get this far. Don’t ever stoop to his level. Remember your worth.

He sounds as toxic as your ex. You should focus on raising your girls and not a man at this point.

Dfaq did I just read? Girl move on! This guy is s a douche and using you and knows you will take him back. If he won’t leave you alone then file a restraining order.

He needs treatment. And so do you

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Clearly after just 6 months out of a marriage you weren’t ready to date either. And the fact that you bring a man you clearly didn’t know that well to stay at your house around you and your daughters and keep allowing him to stay all the while seeing the things he’s doing is a problem. Get rid of the loser and work on yourself and take care of your kids.

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Dont mess with him anymore you are wasting time/your life on him and getting no where


Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me. He’s going to keep doing it because you’re letting him get away with it. You have already took him back how many times? he knows he just has to grovel and cry and get you to feel sorry for him and you’ll take him back and that he doesn’t have to change he can continue to disrespect you and you’re gonna continue to allow it, so stop continuing to allow it. Do you really want to spend your life with a man that has a perfectly good woman sitting next to him and feels the need to have to buy pictures from a woman on the Internet? He’s a loser and hes pathetic you deserve so much better than that pos and so do your kids. Do you want your kids to think that that’s the kind of man that they should have in their lives? they’re going to think that’s normal because they see you keep taking that pos back.

Break up with him for good and go work on making yourself and your children happy and healthy

All the red flags are there. Quit hurting yourself. Find your own happiness and someone will come along. Omg leave this guy alone. Smh. Quit falling for his narcissistic ways. Think of you and your kids before any man. Hope you find your answers.

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I’m wondering How old you guys are? Wisdom tells us if peoples words are different from their actions, you watch their actions. This is who he is and he is not changing as he keeps doing the same thing. You don’t need this drama around your daughters. 1st get him out of your house if your living together because that just complicates things.
Second he needs to go to individual counseling.
Third, you said your previous relationship was toxic, can’t u see that this is too? Not good for your girls at all.
Make the right choice and get him out of your life now.

Years from now, you will never regret choosing yourself!!! He is not gonna change. Period. You need to change. Good Luck Girl…… :heart:

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Run away from him as fast as you can!

You’re confused cuz you’re letting him confuse you, move the f on…


I don’t understand the question. But pretty sure you already know the answer. Your girls deserve better than you going back and forth with toxic men. Maybe try staying single for a while.


Run…who needs a lifetime of this cheating stuff? Happy people don’t seek out others…be happy.

Take care of you by saying bye bye. No explanation to others is needed. Or take pictures of his pictures and say I was tired of this

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He will never change! It all depends if you want to keep going through this or if you want to be strong and leave for good. You have to do what’s best for you and your kids, not giving into his lies. If he wanted to be faithful and stop with the nonsense then he would.


He sounds NARCISSISTIC and he’s also gaslighting. Look both up on YouTube and RUN…


You already answered any questions you still need to make a final decision… " I cant be hurt like this anymore. I dont deserve this." So why are you still hanging on swtypie? Bad things only happens to us over and over when we allow it over and over :woman_shrugging: , ONLY you CAN put a stop to this. As hard as it is , you have to choose YOU and let go of all this toxicity and start with you inner healing. You didn’t even given yourself that opportunity or chance to heal from what you experienced and endured in your marriage before you gave this guy a chance in your life. This is not healthy for your own sanity and it’s not healthy for your daughters either. Remember, it’s not the end of this world yet so everything we encounter or have to go through we must be held accountable for it, good or bad. Stay strong, stay prayful and it’s in those moments you will receive all your answers and guidance to do the right thing and to move on with Peace, Contentment in your Soul, Heart, Mind and Body…

:dizzy: LOVE and LIGHT Always :dizzy:

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He’s right, he deserves to be alone. Get him tf out of your life


Please don’t put your girls through that!! Run. You keep taking him back isn’t good for either of you. I did that for 4 years. Not worth it!! Do you always want to be wondering what he is doing when your not around?? He broke that trust too many times. Move on!!