I am having a C Section and would like any advice for home care. Such as items needed for recovery
Comfy pants that don’t sit on your waistline. Take your pain management in the beginning it helps a lot. Get up and move around. You don’t really need any supplies. I slept in the recliner for a couple weeks because it was painful to pull myself out of bed. Good luck!
As soon as u can feel ur legs get up n move around. Don’t try lifting anything other than baby. Baby alone no car seat or anything like that with baby in it. Don’t try to sit to long as u will get much more sore. Pillow is a must if u need to cough or sneeze or even turn over hold pillow on the c-section spot.
Get up n move around. The more I moved the better I felt.
I used adult diapers and a belly binder they gave me! Without the binder it felt like my guts were so loose and gonna fall out!! It helps feel secure and held in and it helps so so much with pain level. As soon as I took it off I thought I was gonna pass out BUT mine was hip to hip almost like a tummy tuck. It was terrible. I had over 25 staples. A planned c section is so small compared to that. You got this!
I agree with everything that was said here! The one I would add is for plus size mama’s or anyone who’s stomach hangs at all - surgical pads were a lifesaver after my c section to help keep the incision dry! My doctor recommended them due to my stomach hanging and the sweat that builds up in between. I bought the big ones from Walmart and folded them in half long ways.
Walk as much as tolerated after c/section. Gas buildup can hurt more than the incision. That’s why walking is important plus keeps you from getting blood clots. Cough when needed and hold a pillow tight to your incision area That relieves some of the pressure. Keep incision clean and dry. Don’t lift more than 10 lbs for at least 6 weeks.
High waisted comfy underwear are a must! You will need a daily stool softener. Walk around as much as possible but also take it easy and don’t over do it. The soft gel icepacks felt amazing and provided great pain relief on my incision. If you have a tall bed, get a stool to put next to your bed. It makes it 10x easier to get in bed. Put everything you may need in a place that you won’t have to bend down or squat to get to.
I was using a tight body shape the day after my c- section and walked and move around, to be honest I never felt any pain at all , uncomfortable but not pain , that lasted for 2-3 weeks
Get underwear that is c-section friendly! And don’t wait to be in pain before taking your pain meds.
As a mom who had 3 c sections heres what helped me, as stated by the other ladies as soon as you get your feeling back in your legs-move around but dont over do it.
The wound will also need to be cared for and this was my biggest struggle. Always make sure that your wound is dried properly after you clean it, you can also blow dry it on low or lay exposing your wound to some sunlight. Dont press when you need to go to toilet to pass a stool, they usually prescribe stool softeners but sometimes your stomach does feel bloated and you do feel like you want to go. Overall they will also show you how to clean your wound and tell you how to care for yourself before discharging you. It will help alot if you have someone around to help you because its also difficult to get up if you lay flat down on your back. Everything will be okay you got this mamađź’ś
The hospital will provide you with self care information, they should. But I posted 2 items you’ll definitely need. Comfy underwear and pads. I liked the 1 time disposable ones because they are super stretchy so they won’t press hard against the scar.
Push in with ur fingers the incision area when u sit down or lay down. Wear a belly brace so when u sneeze or laugh u can handle it. Take ur meds 30 min prior so that u don’t deal with the extreme pain. Try to walk around but also don’t carry anything heavy. Pillow prop up.
Always dry under ur belly after showering.
Get granny underwear to hold tummy.
Dermoplast spray for the wound and Anise star tea for the gas buiÄşd up.
When I had my C-section I came home from the hospital that evening and cook supper
Get up and moving as soon as you can. Dont just sit
Make sure to move around a lot but respect your limits. Adult diapers because you’re still gonna bleed. A body pillow or roll to support your tummy during healing. Sleeping and coughing will be the worst feeling in the world. The hospital should give you pain meds and gas meds but if not make sure to get some! And make sure to get up SLOWLY.
The more you move the better you’ll feel and faster … you will learn NOT to use your abs while you heal
High wasted underwear. A wheat pack /heat pack for your back(not over your incision)
I came home from hospital had to carry my bub up 3 flights of stairs and immediately be a completely single parent to two kids. Moving around is the most helpful thing you can do for yourself. Keep up the pain meds( paracetamol n iboprofen) and stay hydrated
Adult diapers. 100xs better than what the hospital gives you.
Get up and walk as much as possible.
Buy a good stool softener, you’re going to need it and your body will thank you.
Have extra butterfly stitches nearby just in case.
After you shower blow dry your incision on low cool to keep it dry.
Don’t depend on the pain medication to make you feel better, once it wears off you will feel the pain you didn’t while taking it.
Keep a pillow over your abdomen and press it against yourself when you have to sneeze or laugh, or pick up a young one.
Invest in a Boppy pillow to hold your newborn during recovery.
Amazon Basics Incontinence, Bladder Control & Postpartum Pads for Women, Maximum Absorbency, Long Length, 39 Count, 1 Pack (Previously Solimo) https://a.co/d/2pGurjQ
FridaBaby Frida Mom Disposable Postpartum Underwear (Without pad) | Super Soft, Stretchy, Breathable, Wicking, Latex-Free, Boyshort Cut | Regular (8 Count), 28 - 42 Inch https://a.co/d/32xjHFi