I’m newly single and have not long moved into a flat with my daughter (age 2). I’m trying to get my level 3 apprenticeship in child care which I will get £6.56 an hour for. My question is how do single mams go to work full time hours and manage with a toddler at the same time on such little money and absolutely no family support? I don’t know how I’m going to do this on my own, I’m scared.
I’m not sure how it works in Europe because I’m in the United States but we have a place called health and human services where they give you like food and rental help and things like that and they will give you vouchers to help you pay for your child care depending on your income
Oh my days, I’ve got an interview for an apprenticeship as early years practitioner on Wednesday and I assumed the wage would be minimum wage I won’t be able to survive on less that £7 an hour
Well you should be able to collect some kind of social assistance and possibly get child care subsidies as well.
Lots of planning and being organized is what will get you through. If you are attending a school, talk to the financial aid office to see if they can assist.
The unknown, is always scary, to all of us! You will get there! Try and find local support groups etc and when she starts nursery / school it will help, you get into a more structured routine. P.s Well Done and keep going! You are a great role model for her to look up to! It will all be worth it, in the end. Good luck Xx
If its an appenticeship your doing speak to your tutor or someone from your college. Im currently studying as a single Mam and the college paid for childcare, and for my sons meals at his nursery. You will definatley get help. Also contact the jobcentre and ask for a lone parent advisor, they will tell you what else you can apply for. You will also be eligable for universal credit as an apprenticeship is classed as a low income job. Good luck with everything lovely. Keep your chin up xx
Were do you live? In the uk you should be entitled to some extra help while on a low wage x
Not the same situation but when i was an apprentice care worker i was getting £5 an hour so i emailed my local mp asking what i could do and he was very helpful i then spoke to my manager and got a raise xx
Don’t be scared. Be brave and Strong. You have your daughter watching you. You can do this for you and your daughter. Just make sure you have time to breath.
Where r u based? I know in scotland ur entitled to some free hours childcare and if u get universal credits they will pay 85% of ur childcare and also top up ur money, help with rent etc x
I am in the same position, I am in my own flat with a 2 year old and I study and work on min wage. I get universal credit to top up my wages, so that goes towards my rent. I also get 15 hours childcare funding so my daughter goes to nursery for 2.5 days a week so I can work. Feel free to message me xx
Don’t be scared you’ll be fine x one day at a time
I ended up babysitting for family from my house to make some money… luckily state helps and now that I have one child left that I watch, she will be going to school soon, I can get out and find something with more pay… my 2 are in school full days now so it will be much easier
If you use the website entitledto.co.Uk if you pop in all your details including what you would expect to earn it will give you a rough guide to help available and how much.
I raised two children as a single mom without financial support from anyone… Including my children’s father. You can do it. I also had a home childcare business… It’ll work. Set your rates, manage your hours, and go for it
You can get a childcare grant if you’re in full time Higher education. Contact the Citizens Advice Bureau, they will be able to help. Its frightening, but you can do it. Be brave and good luck!
I did childminding when mine were young. I only had 2 children coming to me but the pay was better than working else where and i could be with my children too.
One day at a time I pray god’s pease, wisdom and strength be upon you
I had 2 toddlers and worked full time. It is not easy we all had to sacrifice to make it work, however it did work. You got this momma!
You should be able to get working families tax credits and child tax credits, look into that
Why are you not receiving child support for your child. Put the bastered in jail if he is not paying you
Universal Credit will help as a top up. It’s replacing child tax and working tax as well as legacy benefits. They also pay for childcare with registered minders and miseries but you would have to pay for the first month yourself
Have a look see if where your studying has got a crech/nursery I no a few years ago when I was studying child care there was a nursery on sight and if you were studying it was either free or really cheep compared to people using it from the outside xx
Bloody hard but chin up & keep going .
if your doing an apprentice you can get care to learn look into it, because your doing an apprenticeship your still studying they will pay al your child care, i was in this same position a few years ago, you can do it x
Don’t be afraid, one day at a time, just focus on being a good mom and trying your best! The universe has a way of providing for those who do good
No one wants to be a single parent but unfortunately situations like this happen. I remember the start of my journey with it as well. I was thankful to have a best friend who has been through it all by my side. First know that life isn’t about what you want anymore it’s about what you need to do to provide and survive this crazy world. Secondly usually your local job n family provides help for people under the income. It’s a daycare program where you just pay a copayment and they pay the rest. They should have a list of state certified babysitters that they recommend. Like the others have said….just take things one day at a time and before you know it you will be killing that single motherhood life
If your in college do you not get free childcare?
You will manage. Routine is key so you have time to yourself after she goes to bed.i was a single mom of 2. Worked and went to school. No family in the area.
Where is the father,maybe you should seek help from him.He is not innocent in this action.
You are not alone in this situation. Many others face the same challenges. Look for other people that were in the same situation, but found a way to do it- they will probably be happy to help you. Check with other parents at the daycare or even the daycare workers - they may have some resources that will help you. Being scared is normal, not only do you have to take care of yourself, but you have a precious child to take care of. You will do great! One day and one step at a time. You will figure it out just like so many others have. Prayers and positive thoughts , I am sending your way
In the states, a mom working at a daycare gets to enroll her child for free or at a discounted rate. Ask your employer
Can you not ask for part time hours? And put the child in preschool where you are doing your apprenticeship placement?
It’s all about keeping a routine. There will be hiccup but with a strong foundation , you can do it. My mom said will there is a will there is a way. I’ve used that line for a long time. Has never failed me in 30 years of parenting and working.
Honestly. A lot of prayers and " what the fk am i doing?" Gets said.
You will find a way.
A first things can seem over whelming but as you go along day by day you’ll do.fine. maybe check out to see if u can go on a subsidy program or assistance cause you are a single parent good luck my dear and hands up on being a single mom and trying.
What is you minimum wage in your country? If it’s not enough money, you may want to check into a higher paying job.
You’ll be okay! i did it with 3 small kids
Move to Australia where the going rate for childcare is $27 an hr possibly more
Its hard, my sons 16 but disabled so i get no help with childcare and no family to help, his school are great though
If there’s a will there’s a way. You’re a mom and us mothers make something out of nothing. You got this. Just give it to higher power and he’ll deal with it.