How can I fix my 8-year-olds attitude?

Counseling. And if all else fails take everything out her room but a bed and some clothes til good behaviors earn back her stuff.

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Talk to her teacher(s) at school. There could be changes that you don’t see at home. New kid in class? Learning harder material in class? Bullying on playground? Maybe a mom/daughter one on one date could help her open up about what you aren’t seeing.:heart:


Is she being bullied at school.?

My daughter was a great teenager.but when she turned 18 she went crazy I thought she was on drugs or something.but she wasn’t on drugs she just knew she could do what she wanted at 18 .I told her not as long as u live under my roof!so she moved out!! She eventually came back


Wow some super harsh comments~ never whip/slap/whop your child maybe a calm loving conversation is needed explaining her behaviour is inappropriate & find out why shes acting like this… you are her mum her safe place x


Therapy. I think literally everyone should be in therapy. It helps to let feelings out that you otherwise wouldn’t tell anyone else. Find out what her feelings are. Tell her that her feelings are valid and that she can feel that way, but if she feels the need to take action on those feelings then we have to find a positive or neutral way to get the feelings out.

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What about 9 yr old boys, he seems to think hes a adult and can do what ever he wants to

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Have her see a counselor and maybe find the underlying issue.

Therapy is a good start. It could be she is resentful towards her younger sibling. Talk to her give her some undivided love and attention.

It could have something to do with who she hangs out with

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l g­e­t p­a­ld o­v­e­r $ 13­0 per hou­r w­0­r­king f­r­o­m h­­­0me. l­ ­n­ever thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 16238 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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Sit down and talk with her, just bc they are children doesnt mean they don’t understand. They are very smart don’t underestimate her. Come up w a plan, sit down w her and explain to her what you will be doing, how and for how long depends on her behavior. Start taking privileges away, change the tablet for a book or a coloring book. Shut the tv off and when she has a spell, sit her down and ask what is happening tht she acts like that, to tell you her feelings and that way you can understand her and help her understand herself why she acts like that bc often times they don’t know how to express their feelings or frustrations and change it.

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Therapy, therapy,therapy… omg. Yall act like that and medicine is the always the best choice. Yall don’t want parents to whip and bust ass. But yall quick to mention Dr’s and medicine… whopping my ass growing up never did anything wrong, and my 3yr old gets his butt whoop for not listening and he’s the most respectful 3yr ever, knows his manners and how to be polite. Vs some kids I know that are rude and don’t know any better and they don’t get discipline. Every kid is different and every kid responds different.

I’m sorry but you allow it. I went through this also only to find out is was only with me. I took charge and had consequences for bad behavior and rewards for good. The rules cat be on and off. No means NO. You have to be consistent. Set down where you are eye level and gently tell her what is and isn’t going to happen. Stick by what you say. Rough going for a few weeks but the end results are amazing. Good luck


Could she be jelous of the sibling having more attention maybe ??? If its not that or genuinely something bothering her then Devices removed, time out … I wouldn’t tolerate any disrespect ,you’re the adult ,she is the child . She has to learn


Try talking to her, teachers, school, friends etc. Maybe something going on. If not talk about consequences for her behavior and FOLLOW THROUGH.


Everything is not always ADHD. Some kids are just rebellious!


l g­e­t p­a­ld o­v­e­r $ 13­0 per hou­r w­0­r­king f­rom h­­0me. l­ ­never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 17152 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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Who is she hanging out with?

How much 1 on 1 time is she getting?

I was the oldest child of 10 and I recall acting out quite a bit mainly because nobody had time for me. I was also not diagnosed with Asperger’s until I was nearly 20.

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Not everything is ADHD; also take into consideration how ADHD affects boys and girls differently.

With that being said, spend some decent quality time with your kid. Sounds like she just wants some time with you and can’t articulate that.

Therapy have a out to lunch date with her one on one every two weeks. 

Maybe she’s going through puberty early. I got mine when I was 9.
Also, convos def need to be had. Sounds like someone missing on your end. Try to listen and not be defensive? It might be something you don’t even realize you’re doing - or something going on at school that others aren’t seeing, etc.

I think maybe you should take her to a therapist and psychologist? This could be a sign of underlying issues.

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Sounds like typical 8 year old


Is she enamored with one of the ubiquitous sassy brats on TV shows or cartoons?

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Therapy. Behavior therapist

She has sibling rivalry. My oldest went thru this and had the same behavior. Therapy may help. I didn’t do that and I wish I had. They get along now but, they are adults. Her anger could also be from feeling neglected or overlooked. Let her know that you are there for her to talk to no matter what. Have a time of day where you can sit and have a talk to talk and let her know it’s a “no repercussions time for confession”. Teach her that lying leads to an unsuccessful and depressed life. Unloyal friends and family who will not be able to believe anything she says …ever. She deserves a better life than that and you are there to help her achieve that. Put God first and teach her to pray. God bless.

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Perhaps feeling like she needs attention. 3 year olds need more attention, naturally, she could be feeling jealous.


maybe try doing something special with her alone like a movie or something that is just for her with your undevided attention

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l g­e­t p­a­ld o­v­e­r $ 13­0 per hour w­0­r­king f­rom h­0me. l­ ­never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 13510 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

It’s the age bracket! Definitely a girl thing ! Hang in there and brace yourself for the teen years to come :kissing_heart::hugs:

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Use sticker chart helped with my grandkids at end every wk let her get something or have something she wants

I have this same issue with my 8 year old son… :confused:

Maybe she just needs one on one with u, since u mentioned u have a 3 yr old, maybe she is a bit jealous and just need to be reassured she is much loved as well. Like do something just with the two of yall.

Could she possibly have adhd? It looks different in girls. Lying, not being able to listen/follow directions well (poor executive function) and poor impulse control are all part of it.

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­l­ g­­­e­t p­­a­i­d o­­v­er $ 140 p­­­e­r ho­­ur w­o­rk­i­n­g f­r­o­m­ ­h­­o­­m­e. l never thought I’d be a­ble to do it but my buddy m­a­k­e­s $ 17­3­95 a month d­o­ing this and she c­o­nv­inc­ed me to try. The p­o­ssib­i­lity with this is endless.

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It’s the age for sure when my daughter was 8 man oh man oh man I was gonna lose my mind. She’s 11 it’s a little better.

However hurting her toddler sister is not okay! Therapy never hurt anyone. Might be worth a shot if nothing else to get to the root of why she’s hurting her sister

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I personally maklng $­­­­­18643 every m0nth from an easy onL­lne j­­­­­ob. l never thought I’d be a­ble to do it but my buddy m­a­k­e­s $ 17­3­95 a month d­o­ing this and she c­o­nv­inc­ed me to try. The p­o­ssib­i­lity with this is endless.

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School pressures ?
Is she misbehaving everyday or certain days

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She needs some strict discipline applied and rules laid out!


Try therapy and she could have a case of the jealousys ask her why she’s acting this way

Try family and single counseling.


She’s seeking attention


When my son hurt his sister and wouldn’t stop I took him to the police station where people who hit people go. He was 4 she was 2. I drug him to the front door while he cried don’t put me to jail mama the whole way. No regrets. When the cop opened the door I told him what he been doing and the cop told him that he could come inside with the other boys who like to hurt people. We drove home in silence. He didn’t do that stuff anymore.


l g­e­t p­a­ld o­v­e­r $ 13­0 per hour w­0­r­king f­rom h­0me. l­ never ­t­­­h­o­u­ght I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 14714 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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Please make sure that no one hurt her outside of the home or could have hurt her in the home with out you Noticing. Maybe another child , an older child. It’s worth investigating , just to be positive. That could be a reason for her behavior.


I don’t get how anyone can say its an age thing. 🤦🏾‍♀
My daughters 8 and she doesn’t act like this, none of my kids ever did, I have 6. I’m not a pErFeCt PaReNt either. Its called structure, discipline, and if you want them to respect you, give them something to respect.

She’s got some jealousy issues, she needs one on one with mom. Also look into martial arts with her.


Why is it when anyone post about their 8-10 year olds acting up they say its adhd and all this. Do people not know kids?? They act out. You just have to find what works for them and urself. I have 2 girls so far 3 and 9 and they do have their days but as soon as 1 starts I end in not a minute into it. I say okay hush, if its nothing positive ur about to say or something u need help with I do not have time for it. With this said I know how my kids act when it’s something silly. Its a live and learn day by day thing. You got this! They are hard at this age. Most kids are.

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l g­e­­t p­­a­ld o­v­­e­­­r $ 13­0 per h­our w­­0­r­king f­­­ro­m h­0me. l­ ne­ver ­t­­h­o­u­ght I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 14714 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Info Here >>>

Therapy bc of violence.
Then, consequences for her actions. Every. Single. Time. Punishments should “hurt”.
If she has devices, take them until he behavior improves. In total, not for a few days. Take things like outside/park time. Instead of an HR or 2, 30 mins. If she acts out in public, leave. Immediately.
No birthday parties. No fun days. Those are treats. She has to earn them.
Keep. Your. Word.
When you give in you lose the ability to discipline effectively bc they don’t respect your authority. So, don’t say “If you hit no TV today” but let her watch 30 mins anyway. No TV means None.
But 100% I’d get into therapy with her.

watch who she hangs out with. i lied and stole things when i was younger cause that’s what all my lil friends did.

My daughter is the same she’s almost 10 so dreading the teenage years

Check her diet of what she eats. Maybe cut out some sugar.

Talk to the school and see if the counselor is available. There are also other resources for counseling if you talk to your family doctor and get referrals.
Hang in there mama. I too had a troubled daughter (a bit older when she started). Its very stressful and there are a lot of dead ends when reaching out for help but don’t give up!