How can I fix my childs sleep schedule?

Somehow my kids’ sleep schedule got all messed up. I have a 21 month old and almost 10 month old twins. I got my almost 21 month old to bed so 4:15 am and my twins finally at 5am. I’ve been trying to wake early and keep up longer during day but no matter what I do it’s back to this a day or two later. I’m going insane. Help. Tips.


I had issues with my new born because we live like vampires lol. Try opening all the window shades during the day. I also did a warm bath before bed time. My little is almost 5 months old and she goes to bed between 9-12. Then she sleeps till 6-8 in the morning. Adjust naps as well. My littles last nap is about 6 at night and I only let her sleep for an hour at most. Then dinner and bath time then bad. Hang in there :heart:

Routine routine routine…down like clockwork…twins are in bed by 7.30 pm. Dinner, play about an hour, bath at 7 and down. 3 yr old next bed by 8