How can I get in contact with my ex who I am trying to serve divorce papers?

It should go into “default” status and you should be able to get a default hearing.

Does he visit his parents often? Maybe you can sneak attack him there.

Check the Alberta Rules of Court. You would need to get an Order of Substitutional Service prior to doing any of the above.

You have to run a Ad in Newspaper. Then wait 30 days.


Serve him yourself make up an excuse to text a family member him that your kid is in the hospital give your kid to a family member tell them the hospital once he enters the ER serve him the papers in a fucking general area and walk the fuck out ! Make sure you take a picture of his he’s being served ! Haha once served he know the court date and you goes he goes if he doesn’t w.e

I have never heard of a newspaper ad about a divorce before. I also have never seen anyone post an ad in a newspaper before. This is all so new to me. What would the ad in the newspaper say? How do you word it out? How do you know if the ad went through? How do you see the ad if you’re in another state? I don’t even know which part of the newspaper to look in to find the divorce ads. This is so interesting. I’m in Los Angeles.

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If you are sure he was served the papers or you have made a reasonable effort to serve the papers you can usually file for default. I’m not 100% sure on laws where you are but most places have this option for this reason.

The judge can grant the divorce without him signing or being there.


Put it in the paper. Judges give them a certain amount of time to respond and then grant the divorce

Post his name and an idea where he might be…theres enough people on the Facebook group…we will find him! :joy: but seriously though.

My lawyer actually called my ex on phone. He had ignored the papers sent to him

All i had to do was run an ad in the local newspaper for 30 days.

I would hire a private detective and get it over with

File missing persons report after a time period I think they’re declared dead

It took me 11 years to finally get my divorce finalized …So good luck

Your lawyer or sherriff is suppose to find him to serve him

See if you can serve him by publication

Your Attorney should have the answer to that

File for abandonment!

Put it in the newspaper, 30 days I think

Post it in a newspaper. I did. He didnt even know we were divorced

Thru the paper u can serve a subpoena

Usually you have to run an ad in the town of the last know address for who you are trying to serve. The length of time varies by state.


You post it in the news paper thats all you need

Have to put ad in paper and if they don’t respond u get all ur asking for

File for abandonment.

Post it in the paper, try 3 times no go then ya should be able to do it with no trouble.

Yes what Basham says.

This is a free search sight a friend used to find a lost relative and it worked. I hope it works for you, also if your looking to serve him call your local police or the courthouse and ask them how to proceed. What is legal - posting in the paper and what it would need to say wording. Good luck

This was on a FAQ page of a ky divorce lawyer. Might want to check in to it.

In california if they don’t get served u have a post a thing in the newspaper where he was last known to live. Has to run for two weeks. Then u also try to mail certified to a family member of his.
You take both proofs and file them with the court.
After thirty days you file default paperwork. Then it’s around 6 months and a day for it to be finalized. (Mind u this is california law.)

Speaking as someone who works in the law enforcement realm, it depends on what state you live in. In WA state, it is still acceptable to serve someone by posting an ad in the local news papers. If the other party doesn’t respond after a certain amount of time, it’s considered served. You may want to refer to your local courthouse for information on that.


You publish it in a local newspaper for 4 consecutive weeks. After that, if nothing is heard, the “Respondent has been duly served through publication and appears not”. Yes, I work in a law firm :relaxed:


Has he filed taxes? Contact IRS. Tell them you do not think he filed taxes and is on the run. Give them his ss number. They will look for him. Also file for child support and say you want a DNA test done to prove he is the dad. They will look for him. Also, search any friends of his on facebook, look at their profile to see if there are any posts from him. Look for his family on facebook, look at their profiles, try contacting them, tell them it is about his kids. They may help. Google his name and see if there is anything in there about him. Try asking former employers to see if they have a forwarding address for him. Or tell child support where he did work, they will contact the HR dept for addresses etc.
Also, file a small claims against your attorney for charges paid for serving papers that didn’t happen, and for not doing her job. The courts look down on attorneys who get sued by their clients.

It depends on your state to what the rules are. But there should be something that can be done after so long of you trying to reach him. I even heard that if you can post it in the paper or somewhere you know he will see it to show you are trying to contact him for divorce and he doesn’t respond then they have to grant it to you. The court can’t just hold your life up forever bc he’s being difficult. There are time frames on it. Especially if he has been served and just won’t sign.

Mine was found to be non compliant and I got everything I wanted.


In Texas if you can’t serve them you just get a default divorce. here’s the information for Kentucky. Look at the bottom under FAQ it gives you all the information you need. I went through the same thing and I didn’t have an attorney, I represented myself. It’s pretty easy. You can also google the laws for your state.

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All your attorney. Not all states are the same.

I believe you can post an ad(:

Fuck living in America then men still own you… How backwards is that.

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Congratulations to me… I’m so
excited my broken relationship
has been restored & my
husband is back after he left me
and our 2 kids for another
woman. After 10years of
marriage, me and my husband
has been living happily together
until June he suddenly changed
and left me and our kids and
moved to California to be with
another mistress. i felt my life
was over and my kids thought
they would never see their
Dad again. i tried to be strong
just for the kids but i could not
control the pains that torments
my heart, my heart was filled
with sorrows and pains because
| was really in love with my
husband. Every day and night i
think of him and always wish he
would come back to me, I was
really upset and i needed help,
so i searched for help online
and I came across Dr Durojaiye that he can help get ex
back fast. So, I felt I should give
him a try. I contacted him on WhatsApp and
he told me what to do and i did
it then he did a love spell for
me 48 hours later, my husband
called me and told me that he
miss me and the kids so much,
So Amazing!! So that was how
he came back that same day,
with lots of love and joy, and he
apologized for his mistake, and
for the pain he caused me and
the kids. Then from that day,.our
Marriage was now stronger than
how it were before,All thanks to
Dr Durojaiye he is so
powerful and i decided to share
my story on the internet that
Dr Durojaiye is real and
powerful spell caster. if you are
here and you need your Ex back
or your husband who moved to
another woman, do not cry
anymore, Contact him through WhatsApp

To put a permanent end to your problem

Jennifer Baria helps. She’s like the damn fbi when it Congress to finding addresses.

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Go for divorce by abandoned

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Notification by publication

Get his ass Served !!

Serve the paper via newspaper

Put it in the newspaper

One of my best friends moms has been trying to get her shitty ex to sign divorce papers for YEARS he’s moved states, and just flat out refused. She’s just basically gotten to the point of saying screw it and not even trying anymore. So legally they are married but past that they have next to no communication and just have moved on with their lives

You can only avoid being served so many times and then you’re considered SOL and the court date moves forward. That’s probably what your attorney meant.

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You place an advert in the newspaper(s) of the state /city where you think he is likely to be. He gets 30 days to respond. If he doesn’t, the divorce would be granted.

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There’s usually a process to prove you’ve made reasonable attempts to contact him (you attest to attempts made by various means, social media, newspaper ad in the location you believe him to now reside or work, attempts to contact his relations etc) and then you can have the divorce procede. Your attorney should be able to help with that… Just because you can’t serve him successfully doesn’t mean you can’t ask for child support. Might be advisable to have a court order for it even if you never expect him to pay for it since it sounds like he’s difficult and it could come in handy later if he tries to have the custody order amended down the road after a change of heart.


I don’t know the law there but in some countries where the spouse can’t be found after a certain yime period the judge grants the divorce

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Ur able to just get a divorce, and have the kids to u fully. If a person doesnt want to be found and take responsibility and they have tried to reach out and have no results, then u have the right away. I am dealing with a father of my kids who has been deported 11 yrs ago. U will get what u want

I worked in family law for 20+years. If you have exhausted all avenues to serve him you can petition the court to grant you permission to serve by publication

Well i heard that if u put an add in the paper looking for him and if he dont respond witheen so many days, u can get ur divorce. But ask ur lawyer cause i just “heard” that.


If he wont respond, u have to wait a set time (different everywhere) and u can apply to a judge for divorce on grounds of desertion. Literally all u can do really.

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After a period of time, if he doesn’t respond, you can apply to the court and the Judge makes the decision for it to be final.

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There is a way to get divorced from that person and since they haven’t responded they would still be married

I have not seen my ex for eight years Refused to file. So I finally did paperwork myself.
If you can’t locate him, most states will allow you to post a public notice in the newspaper of the last area you knew him to be at.


U can just move forward if they dont respond. I think u have to attempt a newspaper posting or something like that but otherwise u can just go thru with it. The courts will tell u

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In nc you can run an ad for 30 days in the local paper. Once its unanswered you can file for a directed verdict. Good luck.


I had to put it in the paper 3 times, after that got full custody, and default divorce.

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I know here in Alabama, you can put an ad in the paper. If they don’t respond, bam! Divorced. GL


I haven’t, but I do know that most courthouses provide time on a first come first serve basis where they can help you figure out what steps to take and where to file paperwork.

I know some states allow it to be printed in the newspaper. Don’t know if that’s true there.

All you can do is wait the designated amount of time for your county/state and ask the judge for a divorce without the other person, I can’t remember exactly what is called, possibly abandonment, not sure.
Some states allow you to place an ad in the newspaper and wait a certain amount of time, if no response, they grant the divorce.

Best of luck to you.
I’m going to try to find some resources but I may not be able to find this post again. Can someone just comment back or like this comment so I can find it again?


Illinois publish in paper and no response your get direct verdict.

Need to put it in the paper. There’s a certain amount of time it needs to run and then it proves you tried everything

Lol witheen…wth** but u get the picture…

Have you ever watched shameless? Pull a Debbie

Hire a process server

Check state laws some states you just have put ad in paper. Or if he goes so long without responding divorce gets granted by default

Service by publication. You put a notice of your intent to divorce in the newspaper of the last known address and he has so many days to respond. If he doesn’t, you get your divorce thru default. Good luck!

That I know of you can post a notice in the newspaper after I think 30 days no response they grant it with or without his signature

He can lose custody because in most states the court will see that as abandonment depending on length of time missing Also if he’s missing for a number of years you get an automatic divorce I believe in our state it’s seven years ( missing )learned that in Family Law

You can file divorce on abandonment. You have to run an add in the paper for a week (different areas have different requirements) n wait for a response. No response means that he doesn’t have to be present or served, n the judge will grant you your divorce anyway. I know of a couple people who had to take this route to get their divorce.

All you have to do is post it in the News Paper of their last known address for like 30 days and if no reply the judge will sign off on it.

Ya. She’s wrong. Get a dif lawyer. You’re getting *ssholed. Irretrievable difference. And his refusal doesn’t mean you need his permission for the divorce. Wow.