How Can I Get My 2-Year-Old Off the Bottle So It Doesn't Ruin His Teeth?

First off you’re far from a bad parent and they definitely don’t hate you. I had the same problem. I eventually just moved to a sippy cup and threw the bottle out. Took 3 nights of crying and up and down with my daughter but it had to be done. You’re doing everything right. Loving him and being a good parent is getting him off the bottle at 2. Just my opinion💗

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Theres a cup a dollar general that has a silicon nipple that feels like a bottle but is shaped like a sippy cup. They’re only $3 but they work. It’s how I got my son off the bottle.

I told my boys that they are big boys now and the little babies need his bottles. I would just keep telling him u are big boy now and would put his sippy cup in bed or crib so when he woke in middle of night he could get a sip and be satified :wink: Good luck mama!! :purple_heart:

Have you tried cutting a bigger hole in the nipple? Slightly not where it’ll drown him. Then increase it. It’s the sucking motion he’s gotten addicted to.

I know its hard but you just need to take the bottle away replace with a cup

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Thank you for posting this!! I am going through similar situation trying to wean my 16 month old.

Cut the nipple a little so it doesn’t work well

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I sat my son down and spoke to him and after we spoke he took his bottle and threw it in the bin and said yes mummy im a big boy

Just take the bottle and use a sippy cup with milk compromise give a drink just not in the bottle

Take him to the store with you and and line up some sippy cups then let him pick one then take him to buy his favorite juice or drink amd ask him to help you fill it up the excitement should distract him and throw away rhe bottle doesn’t matter what your husband says mom knows best

I kinda let my kids wean them selfs off the bottle, but these cups help make the transition go a little smoother.

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Send dad away :rofl: and take bottle away i never gave my kids chocolate milk which is actually half a serving of carnation instant breakfast till we put it in a sippy cup in the morning. And that helped we took all the bottles out and quit cold turkey it wasn’t as bad as I was expecting… kidding about sending dad away… just definitely sharing what helped us… :blush: also favorite character cups help

Not going to lie , they will cry a few nights but don’t give in. Your doing what is best for your baby. Give him or her a sippy cup. During g the day. But don’t give him a sippy cup in replacement of a bottle. Give them something to drink like water. They want other stuff but other stuff is bad for their teeth when they are going to sleep. It will be alright mom. They pull your heart String but you be fine. He or she will love you no matter what.

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Fact #1: Bad parents don’t worry about being bad parents. You are trying to do what’s best for your child. The sad thing is that your husband might be a bad parent and spouse because he’s making you feel like a bad mom.

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Gradually. Let them drink out if a cup during the day and maybe if they ask for one at night only.

You are the boss here- you can outlast the tantrums and Dad’s complaints-you are a good person - you will look back and say to yourself-“I’m a good person and excellent Mom!” Besides the period of revolt will not last as long as you are afraid it will! Substitutes like paccis do much the same damage- thumbs do it too!


Throw them all away. It’s like a band-aid you have to rip it off. They will cry a few nights MAYBE but then it will be forgotten. Kids are resilient. I waited until mine was 1 1/2 and threw them all out. The only bottle he was even having at that point was water before bed, during mealtime since he was 1 he had a plastic cup. Don’t give in, you can do it.

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My son when he was 2 threw away his nighttime bottle in the garbage can the garage truck came that night he cried and cried next night went to sleep.just fine he is 52 now

We had a bottle burying party for my son. Dug a hole in the backyard, let him throw in the bottles, covered them up and let him stomp the dirt down while saying bye bye to his babas. He never asked for one again

Make him throw his bottles away, doors are put on bedrooms for a reason, crying won’t hurt him.

I used the sippy cups by Nubby. They are cups but the mouth piece is silicone or rubber whatever it is made of like a bottle nipple but shaped like a sippy cup. Then when they got use to that transitioned to regular sippy cups.

At 8/9 months I introduced a sippy cup and threw the bottle away. There will be days he will cry but a bottle is not good for his teeth it’ll leave them permanently damaged if he’s had it too long. It pushes the teeth in different directions.

Quit giving him bottles. Plain and simple. Dont give him the option.

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Throw it away, just don’t give it to her. She’ll stop screaming eventually

He will tell you when the time is right

Sippy cup. 2 is to old for a bottle. Let him throw tantrums. He’ll will get over it

You waited waaaayyyy too long. You will all survive quitting cold turkey. You can do it- be strong!

In my opinion if you are giving your child an option bottle or cup that’s the problem.It has to be just the cup if you want them off the bottle.If you offer both your child is going to choose the one most comfortable with.If you don’t nip it in the bud now every decision regarding yes or no this or that is going to be a problem.Children always choose what they are comfortable with when given a choice.Remember you’re the Mama not the friend.If you let them choose for you at a young age they will be the ones setting boundaries for you in the future.You have to be the decision maker.

If its during the day just offer a cup and no bottle. If its at bed time it will be his comfort reduce the amount by an oz every couple of days until there isn’t anything left in it to give easier to loss an oz at bedtime than to loss a full 9oz bottle. X

I had twins and they took turns screaming all night…each took a two hour nap while other one screamed…then that one slept while other one screamed…wow

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I just took my son off the booby and sleeping in my bed he is 11 months and it took three nights of crying and now he sleeps all night by him self and it’s worth it and your husband should just support and help or come up with a better idea