How can I get my child ADHD tested?

How do you even get you’re five years old texted for ADHD, I need help! The school has problems, the church has asked for us not to bring her back, come on someone help!


Take him to a psychiatrist that specializes in children they will give him an evaluation meaning they will ask him questions expecting him to answer the question they will look at his behavior and his attention span and determined off the questions that they’re asking him whether or not something is wrong with it


Start with ped…they can dx or send for multi testing

I’d start with a pediatrician, maybe keep a journal of why you want your child tested, keep track of behavior, I don’t know if you want your kid on all different pills, maybe make a plan of what you’d like and do a lot of research. And for a church to tell you not to come back? Aren’t they suppose to support all and welcome everyone?!


Either take him to his pediatrician or a childrens psychiatrist. They will have him tested. From there they will decide what would work for him.

Religion is so fake. In more than one way.


Check e numbers in his food check what he drinks also no fizzy drinks x

Talk to your pediatrician and tell him about your concerns

Most insurances require a referral from a pedia. As someone who does ADHD testing, pedias use a brief measure to diagnose ADHD that is not always accurate. What looks like ADHD may be something else. Its worth the time to see a psychologist or psychiatrist that does actual testing and will also give you a detailed report with recommendations to assist you and your child with whatever difficulties need worked on.

Start with your pediatrician.

Talk to your pediatrician for a referral.

Tell your pediatrician that the school has asked you to have the child tested. Some states won’t do it until they are 7 years old, but there are some that will do it before then. Once they’ve been diagnosed you can start medication, and it DOES WONDERS

before putting on meds change diet and look of the food that mess with children of adhd or add also your dr should be able to point you in the right direction.


Start with the pediatrician. We started around 4/5 years old… But our insurance wouldn’t cover meds until child was 7 years old.

Start with talking to your pediatrician and switch churches

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Try your pediatrician. They will do some tests or refer you to someone

It breaks my heart that a church would treat you that e

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A developmental pediatrician that specializes in behavioral health should be able to assist you.

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Ask the school to test him … that’s how they did it for my oldest grandson

Just keep an open mind with all these opinions, it may not be adhd, maybe you just have a kid who has a lot of energy. As someone who used to be diagnosed with adhd, I highly recommend adding your child to any sports available.

Start with pediatrician. My son was recently diagnosed from a specialist in development. And my daughter was then diagnosed by the pediatrician. There were many concerns, and she actually was seen by a mental health practitioner as well.

Your paediatrician will give you a SNAP-IV questionnaire to give to your child’s teacher to be evaluated. You then hand this back to your doctor so they can make a formal diagnoses based on results, what your experiencing and the behaviours of the child.

Just went through this. You can even google the SNAP test yourself

The school should be making the effort to get the testing done.

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Start with her pediatrician they have to refer you to a psychiatrist. My daughter also has SEVER ADHD she was diagnosed at 4.5 and it took her going to school to really find out what meds she needed we went threw 5 different meds before we found her perfect match. She is 6 about to turn 7 and we just got her perfect match 4 months ago so be patient and keep in contact with her doctors so you can keep them updated on how the meds are working. I wish you all the luck and if you want to add me I’ll be more than happy to talk you threw the processes and the struggles because there will be many just keep your head up. It gets better I promise. My daughter was kicked out of 2 daycares they both said if they were to keep her they would be neglecting the other students. I wish someone would have told me she was different to begin with because all you do is blame yourself when you don’t know what’s really going on. Hope this helped and don’t blame yourself. All children a,re different.

What kind of church asks people not to bring kids


Pediatricians office

I took my daughter to a child psychiatrist not her pediatrician for evaluation

You need a licensed psychiatrist to make a diagnosis. (Momma of 2 ADHD kids)

Also, CAPD co exists with ADHD. I found out my son has CAPD (centralized auditory processing disorder). Have your child’s hearing tested by a audiologist. I was shocked to find out a lot of his behaviours were because of CAPD.

Pediatrician should make appointment watch child play .for 30/45 minutes that’s what ours did for our VERY ACTIVE SON
she said tell school to stop saying this about him &told me to put him in gymnastics (he was 5 years old and bored sitting all day at school soooo…

A doctor. You speak to a doctor about your concerns.

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Developmental specialist! They have done wonders for my 6 year old!

Not sure where you are from but most schools have a specialized person employed for minor testing to see if a child falls under the ADHD category then will let the parents know that they need to have their pediatrician give a referral to a doctor who specializes in this area and they will go from there…it will be ok take a breath and take it step by step day by day…just continue to try and help her the best you can and take notes of the behavior issues to be able to let the dr. know.

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My sons doctor had a questionnaire I fill out and had his speech therapist fill out one too(or a teacher can fill it out,my son wasnt in school yet)

Comparing the results showed he has ADHD.

We already knew he was from a early age but they dont diagnose til 5

Have the school and church send a letter of concern to her primary. Have them explain signs she’s exhibited. Usually gets the fire lit. Our Dr says he won’t even push for diagnoses unless the school seems concerned. Even though I have sebere ADHD and struggled as a child and teen. And my son exhibits EVERY SIGN I DID. It is so hard getting a diagnosis these days.

We went to a pediatric neurologist (referredfrom her pediatrician). They tested for alot of different things. We even got her IQ. It was alot of paperwork and testing. The appointment lasted for 4 hours talking to us and reports from school and then observing and working with her.

I wouldn’t go to any church that acted that way towards my kids.i took my son to a developmental doctor


Your doctor, the school. And you were in the wrong church.


I got ignored by everyone went to resources for exceptional children, they did a back door referral to grandview… also can call healthy baby’s healthy children, or kinark… I feel for you. I went through the same thing few years ago. Granview saved my ass with the schools. All the best!

Talk to your pediatrician, they can recommend a developmental pediatric in your area

I took mine to his pediatrician for a behavioral exam and took all his paperwork from the school showing that he was doing poor. He just now turned six and still in kindergarten and he is already way behind. They had me take two different rating scales home, one for the parents and one for the teacher to fill out. it takes about three months but my doctor finally prescribed him some medication that is helping now. He is a lot calmer and more focused at school. just make sure you discuss all possible side effects one of the big ones is children not eating while on medication

Gross … a flipping church !? Thought they accepted EVERYBODY? Out the church ! That’s not right , not at all .


Talk to their pediatrician

The school can get the child study team to tested him also ur family doctor can set you up with info an if she gets to bad take her to ur crisis center emergency room they can get mobile response involved theres a lot of ways

Mention it to the doctors that youd like your child evaluated and then give you forms. The school forms etc to see if their behavior falls into the category. My son was diagnosed in kindergarten

Ur family Dr should be able to help

Talk to your ped…then get a referral. My son has ADHD and the same happened to him with at one church with the preachers wife…that one lady has made it to where he didn’t want to attend services again. He finally after years has been willing to try again after much explaining to him that most churches are not like that. We left that church as a family. Even with medication it isn’t always a cake walk. I would suggest behavior therapy first then proceed to meds if that doesn’t help. Sometimes meds can do wonders but not with every child. My son reacts poorly to most meds out there. It can be a long rough road but as long as you dont give up on your child then progress will be made…just will take some time. Good luck

Shes 5 years old for crying out loud. ADHD medication is for lazy teachers and parents that don’t want to take the time to raise their children right. All she needs is more physical activities and 2 on 2 attention from parents and teachers. And before anyone gets upset I’ve had ADHD my whole life as well as learning disabilities and both me and my dedicated parents survived my childhood without drugs and have a degree in behavioral science.


Talk with your pediatrician I am sad that the church asked you to not bring her bk actually that hurt me . I will keep yall in my prayers

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Talk to your pediatrician they will help! I’m so sorry your church has asked you not to bring her back that’s awful. They’re supposed to be supportive and help not treat church family like that.

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Do u think the child has it. Ur the child’s best advocate. Perhaps they need discipline and more instruction. Now if the church is complaining. That isnt the church for you and ur family. How dare they. Speak to ur child’s pediatrician. They will assist u with what u need. Do it through yall clinic. Not through the school.

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Get your so. In an after school program to help him channel his boredom of things not going as fast as he would like and find yourself another church and never worry about that dumb church ever again

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They usually don’t like to start them that early, however you can go to your regular Dr and let them know what’s going on. They can either diagnose or send you somewhere.

Start with the childs pediatrician.
They should refer you to a Psychiatrist.


The first thing you can do is talk to her doctor and ask for a referral. Be specific about the issues you and others are seeing.
If the doctor will not do a referral, call around to behavioral health clinics. They often do not require a referral, because of instances where people/kids need help and doctors are too reluctant to refer or cannot afford seperate appointments.

Our son’s doctor was willing yo refer but we ended up not needing one. He sees a child psychiatrist. He’s also fixing to undergo ASD eval (from a separate doctor).

I don’t know what kind of issues you’re seeing but, having children with adhd…
Yes. You have to advocate for your child but you have to have balance. Churches/schools/daycares aren’t parents. They have responsibility to more than just the one child and they have to balance every childs needs. Sometimes having an official diagnosis and some direction helps. Because discipline strategies do change.
If my son was neuro-typical and he slapped me, across the face…hed be grounded for at least a week because he knew it was wrong and had the self control to not slap me…so it would have been done purely to hurt me.
But he’s not. So instead the goal is reroute his impulses to a more acceptable form of expressing himself. It takes more patience. Immediate short term consequences verses long term because repetition is actually the best way to get through to him.

Talk to the pediatrician

Start at the pediatrician, im in the middle of doing this now as well

Give child mountain dew. If she passes out she is adhd. If she doesn’t and it makes her hyper she is not adhd. Method proven to work.


Your church told you not to bring your child back!? That is so sad.
Our church family has gotten to know my son. And times when he acted so bad in church, that I left crying I was told to KEEP BRINGING him! I would suggest you find a new church!!


Find a good psychologist and make an appointment take the letters from school ECT. With u to the appt.

Talk to a doctor, ask them to give a teacher evaluation sheet for ADHD. Send it to the teacher or whoever cares for the child. They will also give you one. Five years old is a little early to tell but that is when we found out my son has ADHD. He is almost 9 now and we are still working on finding a good medication with very few side affects. Good luck. I know its so hard and don’t let anyone discourage you.

Talk with your doctor about your concerns. There is a survey that both the parents and the teachers fill out about the behaviors being exhibited in the home as well as at school.

Developmental Pediatrician

I contacted my son’s guidance counselor who put me in contact with behavioral health specialists who were able to diagnose after multiple evaluations…

Talk to their doctor. Usually they’ll have you fill out a paper and hand the teacher fill out a seperate one. A church, they’re supposed to be accepting. And supportive. Not kick your child out. Honesty, I wouldn’t wanna be apart of some place that couldn’t accept my child.

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Talk to his pediatrician and have them give you a referral to a kid psychologist my son who is 7 has adhd and he has a psychiatrist and is on medication to help him function better it helps him alot he is doing alot better in school and is able to focus and stay on task

My step son is 6 and he was diagnosed ADHD and ODD and we started with his pediatrician whom then referred us to a therapist/counselor and they done his testing and gave us the diagnosis. I know their are alot of parents that dont believe in medication and that’s fine but in my experience with my step son since we raise him full time. I didn’t want to go to meds right off the bat so we started changing his diet and trying to keep him active but nothing was working for us and at school his behavior was so bad in Prek that we were constantly at the school because he couldn’t concentrate and he would get so angry when he was told to do his work he would throw horrible fits and hit his teachers at home he was the same way. We finally decided to try the meds and he was a totally different child because he was able to stay focused on his work and remain calm. We do therapy also. Everyone parents different and that’s okay but I dont think we should put other parents down because they choose med,s to help their child be the best he or she can be.

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Wait what? The church asked you not to bring your child back??? That’s bull crap.
Start at school they have a test or more like a questionnaire that you and teachers fill out and then take it to your dr.

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I’d say new church… and school thinks every child has ADHD if they’re not sitting down with their mouths closed and being a zombie… kids are kids… tooooo many people want to drug their child, make them into zombies, and stunt their growth with meds for it… let your children be!


After we discussed it with our pediatrician, he gave us paperwork (a questionnaire) that his teacher had to fill out and we were also given the same paperwork to fill out. I had to make an appt for our son and take both questionnaires back to him within 7 days. At this appt we discussed what pur options for medications were.

Your pediatrician can refer you out to your local behavioral health location

Start with her doctor and then they will get ahold of school

Your schools psychologist can test, you just need to ask for it in writing. If they are not able to, take her to a pediatrician that can. They will give you a form to give to her teachers to fill out.

Talk to the Dr and they can get them tested

Your child has a right to a multidisciplinary evaluation through the school district. Write a letter to your school requesting a full evaluation for special education needs and behavioral supports. You may also want to talk to the pediatrician to receive a referral for an outside assessment.

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Any PCP for the child will fo the ADHD testing

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Go to your childs pediatrician and ask for the adhd packet. It gives you a paper to fill out and a paper for your sons teacher. I went through this. Its as easy as that. Then you turn in the papers and they will call you for an appointment :grin:

Have you tried talking to your pediatrician? Best place to start. Alsi6you local children’s hospital.

Currently doing this with my son. Our pediatrician referred us to a neurobehavioralist.

What a GREAT church that is.:joy:


Wow you need to find a new church that’s crazy :astonished: but yes make an appointment with your primary first ask them to give you any paperwork that could be filled out by the school before the appointment it’s better to bring everything in together. Good luck

The school district will pay for that testing if not call the school advocacy

Make an appointment with child’s Pediatrician and then ask for an appointment with the school psychologist who will test and determine the child’s diagnosis. Finding a good counselor/therapist will also help in diagnosing your child.,I’m not going to lie it is a process and is not an overnight fix. Unfortunately until there is a diagnosis and medication is in place (if you choose) you will not see results. I was told that the school was not equipped to handle a child like mine. Well we as parents have to advocate for our children and if you get no results try the superintendent of your school district or seek a lawyer you’ll see how quickly the become equipped to deal with a child as ours.

You have to book an appointment with her family doctor and they will give you forms to fill out. They may also send her to a specialist who deals with ADHD to get her further tested. First step is to make a doctors appointment and voice your concerns. Make sure to write all her behaviours down and/or concerns so you can tell the doctor everything.

I went to our ped and he gave me a form and one for my child’s teacher to fill out. We scheduled an appt after both were completed to go over it and get the process started and also we’re referred to child psychologist for evaluation. My daughter has changed tremendously. She was having an extremely hard time getting her work completed she got distracted easily and other issues and now she’s getting everything she needs to finished and completed on time. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad for doing what’s best for your child either because that was a big issue with me. Family made me feel guilty… My daughter is in 6th grade and we just finished this whole thing last year and she has always been a very high strung wild child, but this really was a life changer for her.

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Ok u need to speak to your GP and your kids school.
They will have a SENCO teacher
If they believe there is a possibility of ADHD they can refer your child. X


Very sad for a church to turn a child away. I sure as hell wouldn’t be Going back to that so called church. As for school. Teach your kid some good manners. ADHD or not they’ll actually learn to be more mannerful. Medications will only mess up your kid. For goodness sake she’s 5. Give her more activities to do such as running around. Stop feed your child sweets so she wont get so hyper. Oh btw. I have a very depressed nephew with ADHD that was once a very active happy child that started on medications.

Go to a behavioral health specialist for kids and they will test for everything

Dont get offended think of how you interact with child …the drs teachers said same to me and i let them drug him for about a year then i chose to help him by helping myself know how to help him i went parent child interactive therapy and turns out my kids acted crazy because i was a fat lazy preoccupied mom that didn’t think i needed to be patient and speak to him slowly and show him how to be respectful and have healthy boundaries …drugs are not the answer …kids act out how they learn they learn by sight sound and doing …it takes effort and prayers and you can doit i believe in you gods for you so just try things less stimulated turn off all tv radio spend time asking questions i got my sons attention whisper in to his ear so we had our own thing and he loved that and it helped him greatly . you can have kids tested for autism too maybe sensory issues …believe it or not kids dont just wake up pre taught that be like handing them the dictionary and having them read it from cover to cover and they dont know there alphabets …same with behavior my sons 11 now and we still practice new ways to interact now that hes in middle school … Start at the beginning say things like lets hold hands and i like holding your hand lets talk about feelings ext takes time worth it

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You are your childs only advocate, to many teachers nowadays try to diagnose ADHD. Have your health insurance provider how to get mental health provided. Most pediatricians don’t deal with ADHD its not in their field of practice.

My childs teacher and the paraprofessional had to fill out a paper and I also had to. I knew my daughter had it at a very young age. The pediatrician also knew. I just had to wait until she was 5 to be certain.

Talk to your child’s Dr. tell them you want your child tested for ADHD and they should ask you to fill out a questionaire, which will give the Dr. a baseline of what is the best course of treatment for your child.

Make sure its not a parenting issue…i mean no disrespect but have worked in the school system and many many cases could be helped with parenting classes…either way good luck and prayers sent


Have your child tested get a evaluation done sometime councilor can help set it up

Can your child sit and watch a cartoon or sit down for a meal? There is no true test for adhd. But one thing is to talk to your doctor anf in the mean time change your child’s diet, completely cut out processed foods, anything that has red food die, no sugar, gluten also can make a child act up. Another test is to give your child a cup of diet mountain dew and see if he/she calms down or gets more active. Also how old is your child

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We had to take our boys to their primary doctor to get a referral to get evaluated by a psychologist.

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Pediatrician will be able to help

Talk to family dr. See he can refer you for testing.

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School is responsible for doing the testing!

Pediatrician should be able to do it