How can I get my child to stop taking his diaper off?

Potty training can be started at 1. If the child is ready! If they wake up dry, show a desire to sit on the pot and. Will sit on it before bedtime try! Don’t ever put diapers at night and underwear during day!


I had to put my daughter in zip up jammies, put on backwards. And that is a clue they are ready to begin seriously potty training. If it’s too warm for full Jammies with feet and long sleeves, cut those off, make them shorts with short sleeves. But they won’t be able to get it off to get the diapers off. Good luck!!

Make him stay on the potty till he does go if it takes all day. No diaper to pants nothing. He doesn’t get to do anything else till he poops in the potty. When he does reward him well. Say how great that is. Make it a regular thing around the same time he shits each day.

He already understands his bodily functions and he’s trying to tell you he’s ready to be Potty trained.

Potty train him that’s usually the sign they are ready doesn’t matter the age if he won’t keep it on start potty training

not to sound meen, I love kids but mine r adults now…give him a taste of a ( jalepeno) that will make stop!!! good luck!

You are late on the potty training. Keep a closer watch and you take the diaper off and put him on the potty.

When kids take their diaper off their ready to train

I introduced the potty to my son before he turned 2 …

Back in my days all kids were trained at 1 years old. no comfy disposable diapers either.

Nail it to the floor with bloody big nails lol

He is plenty old enough to potty train.

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That’s what staples are for

put him in zip up pjs backwards.

I’m so but that is to darn funny :laughing:

Potty train him now!!!

Time to start potty training

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When the diaper is on put on footed pajamas backwards and cut the feet out. He can’t unzip it if it’s in the back

Get a zip up sleeper and put it on him backwards. He can’t unzip it and he can’t get to his diaper. Good luck momma

Taking his diaper off is a sign he is ready to start potty training


I think he is letting you know it is time to potty train. If he is taking off his diaper it is time

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My daughter will be two in July also, she started ripping her diapers off so that was my que to start potty training can’t hurt to start early !

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I used duct tape 🤷:sweat_smile::rofl:

Put it on backwards lol


My youngest has been potty trained since before he turned 2, and it started with taking his diaper off. He may be more ready to potty train than you think, wouldn’t hurt to try!


Get footy PJ turn them backwards and safety pin zipper. When not going out that is what he wears. Try potty training might be ready? Talk to pediatrician? Might have Pica you never noticed before Pica is when they eat strange things. Could be he tasted because lack of a vitamin or mineral talk to pediatrician. Could have developmental delay talk with pediatrician? There is always a reason for a behavior don’t give up. Magic DUCK TAPE it on.


From my experience that is for sure a sign of being ready to potty train. My youngest boy was completely potty trained at 18 months. I would definitely start potty training and try pullups for overnight/naps.

The right time to potty train is when children tell us they’re ready, not when we decide it’s time. And taking off his diaper is definitely a sign that he’s ready. Start loading up on potty training tips and tricks and start working on it :slight_smile: my boy isn’t there yet so I’m only just starting to gather advice myself, so I have none to give really, but there are toooooons if resources out there!

My daughter started to do the same. We try potty training and it was clear she wasn’t ready for that. So we try pull-ups and putting her in onesies and it stop! But it definitely depends of your child :slightly_smiling_face:

Awee my baby is 1 year and 4 months old he took his diaper off and found poop touched it started screaming I came in the room and asked “why are you crying mi amor” he showed me his hand and cried “this” :joy::joy: it was cutest nastiest thing I’ve even seen hahaha I stopped it by putting onesies on him again size 18 months depending on your baby’s age you could try that or maybe overalls :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2: try to encourage him to use his words and whatever you do don’t scold him he will associate potty with you getting mad and won’t go to you when he has to go potty out of fear of making you angry

Easy ups are amazing and good nights

Trained my kids at 2he may be ready

Some kids go through this phase they are used to getting their nappy taken on n off while been changed so it’s a habbit they pick up doesn’t always mean their ready to toilet train just means their exploring id put his baby grow on backwards n double nappy or better tape can’t imagine facing into that every morning

Yes it is time to potty train. If you miss this opportunity it could result in a big delay.

You should at least try potting training. Don’t put so much thought into what age is the right time to start.

My 3 children were potty trained and out of diapers by the time they were 10 months old. It takes patience, but it is well worth the time! My 3 grand children were taught the same way. Most people are too lazy to take the time!!

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All of my children and all of my grandchildren were potty trained before they were 2 years old so there would like 17 months 18 months and 19 months

Time to potty train. 2 yrs old soon. Yes, older generations had to use cloth diapers. Was the poop out in commode. Some had to wash and hang to dry. So, I see why we got them trained by 2.

Remove the diaper, and potty train him now. Reward using potty, discipline when not using potty. Simple!

Never to early for potty training, soon as mine could walk I started training and my daughter has done the same with my grandson’s. There will be accidents but could be worth a try. Good luck

He is not to young to start to potty train him. Maybe that’s his way of telling he’s ready. Take the hint.

My son was potty training that early cause of similar things. Give it a shot. At this point it can only get better. I don’t blame him tho. Diapers would SUCK at any age lol.

My girls were potty trained by 18 mo. He is definitely ready to train.

It’s time to toss the diapers and potty train him.

2 years old is age appropriate for potty training

He is obviously telling u

He’s ready for potty training.

Start potty training. Least give it a try

He should’ve been on the pot months ago.

Turn him in for a different model!!!:woozy_face:

Omg :joy::joy:iq is what? 60? Oh I see

If he’s removing his diaper then he is ready for potty training, whether you are or not. I’m not trying to sound mean, but that is what it sounds like to me. One of the first ways kiddos show that they’re ready is by doing what you described. Good luck!

If he/she is nearing 2 and taking his/her diaper off, this is a sign that he/she is developmentally ready to start potty training.

My youngest did the same thing. Had to start potty training at 18 months. He caught on pretty quick because I bribed him. :laughing: I put Cheerios in the bowl for him to aim at ( had to use the tooth-brushing stool to stand on) and we practically had a parade everytime he pooped in the potty. It wasn’t easy, but he was a fast learner.