How can I get my child to stop talking like a baby?

Treat her like a 3 year old learning to talk. Don’t respond to the baby talk and when she does it, remind her to use her words and that she’s a big girl.


Maybe you are rushing her to be to grown up!

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Is there a younger sibling, daycare, or a sudden shift in attention that makes her desire maybe sounding cuter? These are common reasons for this. If so just continue speaking to her as you would but also give praise for her capabilities and give her attention as a 6yr old so she knows she doesn’t need to act younger for attention.

This is all completely normal childhood behavior. They are still developing so much, just when we think they are “grown” we realize they are still only a few years into this great big world


l get paid over $ 188 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 16328 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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They all do it, she will stop. But also there’s no such thing as a ‘grown up’ 6 year old. She’s 6, she’s going to act like a 6 year old.


Did you recently have another baby by any chance?

Let her grown her own way.
Give her times to be a baby. Maybe she misses those times.
I’m 39 and would love times where I had absolutely no responsibility and didn’t have to make full sentences again.
But then also give her times to be a big girl out to dinner she acts her age, at family dinner she acts her age.
Lunch time alone spoon feed her like a baby.
Play time give her baby toys again.
Play time with friends she plays with age appropriate toys.

Tell her she isn’t a baby and don’t answer her when she talks that way. Tell her she needs to talk like a 6 year old girl.

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Give her times at home where you both get silly with talking that way and when you need to go out let her know “ok…time to talk like big people while we are out.”

I had a friend that’s son would fo this I came up with acting like we didn’t hear what he said unless he talked normally. It took about a week but it worked.


My 5 year old daughter does that sometimes…what we do is tell her to use her big girl words or we pretend we don’t know what she is talking about until she used her big girl words. But there is also sometimes where she will say words that makes no sense no matter what and she says she is speaking Spanish…which it is not by the way…she said she taught herself smh :woman_facepalming:t2: They do have Spanish in her school…but not to be able to have a conversation…least not in kindergarten. Could it be something like that? A pretend language that she thinks is a real language :woman_shrugging:t2:

tell her I can’t hear you until she speaks like a big girl


Let her be she will get over this faze she probably feels as if she’s getting older and she won’t get the attention of a baby or toddler anymore so she’s trying to act like one. Enjoy her because they grow up so fast

She’s getting attention she wants by doing it. It will stop eventually.

I refuse to listen to my kids when they talk like that. They still do on occasion and usually I give them a look and they stop, and sometimes the siblings tell them to quit :rofl:

My daughter is 11. Let me know if you figure out the secret because I have yet to figure out how to get her to stop the baby talk

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l get paid over $ 188 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 17659 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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My 10 year old still does it. As long as it’s on purpose and not a speech issue then I just let her. She just wants to be my baby :woman_shrugging:

I would just ignore her when she talks like this and tell her when she talks age appropriate you will talk to her.

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Looking for and getting attention. Ignore her.

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My daughter used to do stuff like this and I would just correct her it’s not chippies it’s chips it’s not Wawa it’s water. And I would tell her I don’t know what that is or I don’t understand what she is saying until she correctly said it

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ignore until spoken correctly

l get paid over $177 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18541 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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Tell her you dont understand what she’s saying…keep doing it till she gets fed up repeating herself and speaks properly


What did she say when you asked her why she is doing it?

I just tell my daughter I can’t understand her and to talk like a big girl and she does :woman_shrugging: she’s done it off and on for a year now… Her and her friends do it :woman_facepalming: i just tell her she can do it with her mates but talk like a big girl to me or I don’t understand.

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First have her evaluated to make sure nothing is wrong. Or tell her she may need to get a shot.

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I always told my kids you have words use them and use them correctly. Then I would ignore them until they spoke to me nicely.

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Kinda weird that you seem more worried about what other people think than WHY she’s doing it. Are you pregnant?


We ask them why they’re choosing to use baby talk when they’re capable of communicating clearly, and refuse to listen to them until they speak properly.

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Ignore her until she spoke correctly

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Young one, think what was common between both behaviors she is/was demonstrating. Your and others reaction- she has proper vocabulary/ grammar skills use them - in a “Momma’s way.” Have patience but stand firm - :sunflower::v:t4:

Tell her you can’t understand her till she talks like a big girl

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maybe she feels she gets more attention by talking like a baby

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Attention…seeking attention…is there a new pet, baby, partner, house in your home? Someone or some thing must have recently changed to make her feel she is not getting enough or not getting the same attention she once was getting. I always just told my daughter ask me the right way and you can have it. Talk in real voice and we’ll talk about it. If she once acted like an adult 6 year old continue to treat her like one.

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My 3 year old does this. You’ve said people often comment on her seeming older than she is, maybe she’s tired of it. Same thing happens to my kid, and she does the same thing, usually when other people are around. Pretends she needs help with more tasks than she actually does as well. Children who look/act older tend to be treated as older, you can’t help how the general public treats her, but I’d make sure you’re treating her like a six year old, she’s not 9 or ten even if at times she acts it. She may notice people naturally put more responsibility on her than they do other kids of similar age and she doesn’t want it. Let her know she doesn’t have to act like a baby to escape adulthood at the tender age of six, let her be six.


What made that happen. Is she around people who have children in the baby talking stage?

l get paid over $ 188 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 21099 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

Really, let he be a child…silly talk is a form of expression. Enjoy every moment they grow so fast…relax, ask a frien for some help with removing that stick that’s obviously so far up your azz it’s damaging your sense of humor and causing you to focus on such nonsense that your requesting help about suxh trivial BS while so many are truly dealing with issuse of survival and well-being.


Good luck. My mom hated that shit, and I’m 31 and i still use my baby voice when I don’t feel good or just need comfort. What’s really truly wrong with it if she’s speaking fine when she needs to? Let her be herself at home. If it bothers you find a way around it, because you have the ability to understand why you’re changing your ways for her. She doesn’t understand why she has to change her ways for mom’s comfort.

My mom died 6 years ago in the 18th of this month. I still feel shame when I use it even though my husband loves it and finds it adorable.

If she’s gonna phase out of it she will. If it’s part of her you will only hurt her and your relationship with her.

Talk to them likehes an adult they pick up on what you say more than you think .My son has has autism and talking to him like an adult, he has a vocabulary of one at 10!

Y0u might ask why? Is there a new baby in the family? Some younger child that she is in contact with that gets what she/he wants? Maybe something on TV or, God forbid, TikTok? Children do things for a reason.

She will outgrow it, be patient

Mine does the same thing here and there

My 7 yr old does this and I do not mind if she’s playing, but when she comes to me to ask for something in that same tone. I simply just ask her if we talk like that to grown ups, at which point she corrects herself and asks correctly. But I do not yell or critique her for doing it, given there’s a time and place for it and I want her to understand that

l get paid over $197 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18265 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info.

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Totally ignore her when she does baby talk she’ll quit it when she doesn’t get any attention


So my youngest son was very whiny. He was 6 or 7. When I started telling him he was not a baby only babies whine all the time. I started not understanding that whiny voice. It didn’t take long for him to stop.


Stressful situations can do that. When she hears how grown up she is, it may scare her to go back in time. Ages 6-7-8 are tough on kids and it is getting harder and harder with everything being instanteous due to the internet. Ignore the baby talk or tell her that you know that she is going through a lot and you don’t understand her when she does that and just walk away. Downplay it as much as possible.

Ask her to repeat herself and let her know you don’t understand what she is saying

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question is she an only child? sometimes being an only child can do this to them - having a new baby around the house may change a lot - this way she can talk to the baby even though the baby doesn’t understand what she is saying ,but it may help your daughter out a lot! i’m saying this cause i had gone through with this with my son - once the new baby came a long he started to act like a big boy and his speech got so much better - i guess in away this is way of our kids telling us mom &dad i would like a new baby around the house someone whom i could protect .

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It’s either for fun or for attention. I know life gets busy, but maybe you could spend some time with her and see what’s going on. It may be a tactic to get your attention, like she had from you when she was younger. Often times as the kids get older, they need that connection that they had, and feel you’re drifting apart or don’t do things together like you used to.

Same reason some kids start acting out around that age. Trying to get your attention.

My daughter did this around 7. She did it for attention . I ignored her or told her to talk right I hated it .

Just let her be a kid.

stop responding to her acting that way … simply tell her … mommy can’t understand you when your talking like a baby , when your ready to use your big girl words we can talk … and then walk away

Something new has happened. :woman_shrugging: are you pregnant? New daycare or teachers.