How can I get my daughter to stop crying when I take her to school?

Hi Mamas!!! I need some advice. My little girl is four, and we are very close. She has never been “daddy’s girl” for my husband and has always been very attached to me. She attends preschool two days a week when she can’t go to work with me and goes with me the rest of the week. About a month ago, she started crying the day before she has to go to school and clings to me when I drop her off. She cries throughout the day and says she wants her mommy. She has even started crying for me at her gymnastics class that she loves, and I am sitting outside the building in my truck. It has become so difficult for me to get her ready in the morning and to drop her off. I also feel like it has to be a pain for her teachers. She is set to start kindergarten in the fall at a private school that is somewhat hard to get into in our small town. I am afraid that she will have a hard time in kindergarten and may not even participate in her kindergarten screening because without me, she is either extremely shy or cries for me. I have let her be involved in all of our decisions as far as school. What school she would like to go to, I have tried rewards for good days; she wears a special necklace for when she misses me, and we spend extra “cuddle” time in the morning. I would love to help her get over this before kindergarten. Please help me help her!!


Sorry to say she may not be emotionally ready. And may not be ready for kindergarten unless she has a big growth spurt. Some kids just cant… my 3/4 year old couldnt but at 4 and half she was ready and did awesome.


All 3 of my kids, 2 boys and a girl, went through this phase. I couldn’t take them anywhere without them crying and begging for me to stay. 🥲
I just kept reassuring that I’d be back at a certain time. And I’d make sure to be there. Eventually they all came around and understood that it was okay and I’d be back soon. It’s definitely hard to leave them, but I promise it won’t last forever. Mine are now 10, 13, and 15…and I have to beg them for time.


How long has she been going all you can do really is just make drop off quick and not linger. It takes time for some kids longer than others to be ok with drop off.

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Constant reminder that you’ll come back. Daniel Tiger has a song called “Grownups come back”. Maybe that will help


I went through this EXACT same thing. I talked to her, made sure she wasn’t being bullied, someone mistreating her at school, etc. first. Then contacted her teacher and reach out to the counselor. Together we worked together to figure out she has testing anxiety. But prior to test, in Kindergarten she just got so attached she wouldn’t go with anyone (family, friends, anyone) for like an entire year. I kept reassuring her I would be there when I got off work (grandmother picked her up from school at 3, I work until 4:30). Since then, she’s good. She doesn’t want to go “because school makes you do work”, but no more tears, she just finished 2nd grade and did great! It’ll get better, it’s a phase but you’ll have to continue your schedule. If not, she’ll see she can cry and you won’t send her. It’s different if something were happening, but with our situation, she just wanted her mommy. I told her even if she didn’t go to school, I’d be at work and she’d be with mamaw. Hugs mama

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I had a picture of my mom I kept at my desk when I was a child . That really helped me

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My youngest went through this this year. I ended up having to quit working to stay home with him. He was just not emotionally ready to start school. We’ve decided to homeschool him this year and next and see how he does after that.

When I started school my mom gave me a small bottle of her perfume to get me through the first day. Maybe try that?
something small she can keep in her pocket of yours or an old bracelet may work as well.

My son went through this and his teacher told me it’s separates anxiety and it took a long while before he felt safe

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I went through this for several years, though school wasn’t a trigger, but being separated from my parents for other things was. Mine was a precursor to an anxiety disorder. Hope that’s not her issue. :grimacing::weary:

If this is something new she has started doing, maybe something happened at school that made her not want to go. Maybe try asking her if there’s a reason why she doesn’t want to go


Let her know you will be back and you love her make sure the teachers help in cases like this but make sure she knows you are leaving and have the teacher take her to do something else

Book “kissing hands” by Audrey Penn helped my son

I gave my boy a pocket hug that we made together and he kept that in his pocket and when he missed me he could hold the pocket hug and I would know magically that he is holding my hand x


It’s seperation anxiety and totally normal at that age.

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My son did the same thing when he first started kindergarten. I felt lost without him to. :frowning:

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My daughter did this with the first preschool she went too. Found out the teachers weren’t very nice to her. We put her in a public school for preschool and after a couple weeks of going she got over everything and even got excited to go to school!

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Sounds like separation anxiety

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Put her in pre school 5 days aweek you have to ween her away for both your goods good luck its hard to let go. I know lol

I would have her carefully examined by her pediatrician to make sure she’s not being abused by someone she’s coming in contact with. Or perhaps she’s afraid of another child, or someone has said something that has her frightened to let you out of her sight. Don’t trust that it’s just a phase she’s going through. A lot of physical, sexual and emotional abuse has been dismissed as “just a phase” causing the child to continue to suffer until the truth comes out.


Find out what she is afraid of. Kids almost never confess their fears. Something is happening at school she is very fearful of. Sit her down and talk. Communicate mom. It’s key in your relationship with her from now till forever.


My youngest daughter did that at daycare. I found out years later that the directors older daughter was abusing her…don’t let this go unchecked!!


If this occurred suddenly and wasn’t a problem before, I would be checking to make sure she hasn’t been abused at one of those places. That change in behavior can be a red flag


Pull her out of pre-school. Keep her with you until she is ready for kindergarten. If you don’t, this may ruin her for kindergarten and possibly grade school too. She is not ready for school or something might be upsetting her at pre-school.


A firm talking to about it being time to be a big girl. Hang tough, Mom


My daughter cried and held unto my leg for 6 months when she started kindergarten. It upset me so much. I gave her a picture of me and her to keep in her bag. I told her that if she started getting sad and missed me real bad, she could just look at the picture and remember that I would be back soon. Then one day she just stopped.
I feel for you. Just know that it won’t last forever. :two_hearts:


Working in a daycare I can tell you a quick exit is the best way. Love you, hug and a kiss and get yourself gone! Trust me. Parents feed the drama more when they stay. If you stop acting worriedthey will as well. just be persistent.


What I would do ask your daughter if everything is ok at school . Only my grand child was the same she loved going to school and
She is a mummy’s girl too . We found out that she couldn’t do something at school ,and when she ask the teacher ,she didn’t explain how. To do it . So poppy was frighten every time she had that lesson . Her mum sorted with the teacher so now poppy is in a different group . It’s hard on children it seem to me they have to grow up to quick when they go to nursery’s after all they are still so young . There’s got to be something happening at school , may she is being picked on

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She just might not be ready yet. Give her the gift of time rather than rushing her into social situations.


Mine loved school people she was an only child, she just needs to get used to it.

Really blunt, but being very honest here. " I have let her be involved in all of our decisions as far as school." It is possible that at 4, she’s simply not ready for that separation yet. All kids come into their sense of some desire for independence at the time most ideal for them. Unfortunately, we’ve gotten to the point in our country where we feel it’s more important to make children fit our schedule, regardless of their emotional readiness for less close bonding time. If she doesn’t pass some screening for “kindergarten in the fall at a private school that is somewhat hard to get into”, then she’s telling you she’s not ready yet. We’ve got this idea that classes for things like “gymnastics” will somehow contribute to a little kid’s growth, when what they might need more is quality time with a parent? When she feels secure enough to be away from you, she’ll no longer experience what seems like “abandonment” right now, those problems will resolve them themselves. It’s difficult, i know, but sometimes we just have to put our own ambitions and wants, on the back burner and consider letting our children grow up at their own speed. So many kids are growing up dealing with depression and the problems that eventually creates because we insist they fit into the schedule we’ve chosen for ourselves.


Shes only 4 and all she knows is that she is safe with mommy. Dont rush putting her in school. She will grow up fast enought. Keep her with you as much as possible. You wanted a baby dont make her grow up any faster than what is normal

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My son had similar experience in 4th grade… ptds… 2 grandparents passed away the year before… talk to the teachers… counselors… they were a tremendous help… as well as he took a picture of me to school when he got anxious… but i also agree… make sure nothing happened at school or gymnastics.

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My daughter had separation anxiety. Started in preschool. We would go through this every year for about a month until she became familiar with a new situation. She’s 23 now and living in Seoul South Korea. Please be patient with her. She’s highly sensitive or could be on the autism spectrum. This sometimes happens with brilliant children. :blue_heart::purple_heart::orange_heart:


Sounds to me like she is just not ready for,school. I would do whatever,I could to keep her with you. I have 8 Grandchildren. One of which acted this way. School dept. acted like there was something wrong with her. They came to her house to have her “tested” She hid under coffee table. Mom stuck with,her instincts and kept,her home for a year. She is 8 now. Beautiful, exceedingly bright. Reading 2 grades above her class and very social. A joy to be around. Just wasn’t ready. I know it is,difficult when you have to work. Just thought I’d throw it out there. Good luck.


The minute she makes friends your good she’ll want to go to school. First week is always the hardest give her time and those preschool/kindergarten teachers they know what to do you have to be the strong one.

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I personally did not cry at all for kindergarten, however I cried until Thanksgiving for first grade! I just did not want to be away from my mom all day. She let me cry it out & I love my first grade teacher still to this day!

A child in my preschool cried for his mom. After speaking with mom it was decided to buy him a watch. He learned where the hands would be when mom would be back so he could have a visual with him. There were no more tears after that.


I would take her to a counselor and try to find out what has caused her this trauma :disappointed_relieved:Something did ,and alot of times they will tell a counselor before they will tell us .These people are trained to know what questions to ask .It could of been something that was so small that you would never think it would have had such a big effect on her.


Take her out sometimes at weekends to children’s playgrounds… my youngest daughter was also attached to me, when her elder sister went to school she keeps saying to me, “I’ll never go to school, I won’t leave you”
soon she attended kindergarten, she refused first, everyday I sit outside then the teacher will take her to show that I was there for few dàys, until she was used to it, her teachers were kind then,
I hope your child is not having difficult time with other children (abusive), talk to the school admin if you can stay a few days with her (if it’s possible for you to do it)

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Take her out, maybe kinder will be better. Do a positive spin for kinder before. But definitely take her out of daycare, something doesn’t sound right

I struggled with this for years with my daughter… she’s gotten better but still at times fights me to go to school (she’s 11) I still have not figured out why. Maybe have your daughter talk with a counselor if one is available at school? Idk if they have them at pre-k? Something has changed or scared her that she doesn’t want to leave you. My daughter screamed and cried and I would literally have to “drag” her out of my car and walk her into the building some days.

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Start with little breaks away from mum just go out for 5-10 mins at a time so she knows you are coming back and lots of positive encouraging that don’t worry I’m going to be back, that she’s lucky she get to have fun at ‘school’ while you have to do boring job😊 it is hard seeing them upset!

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I agree with those who believe your daughter has had a bad encounter with someone or something at school. Maybe she feels like the other kids don’t like her, she is being bullied or abused.


It’s just not time for this girl to leave home, pls consider keeping her home with family
It might sound not feasible but it’s the only healthy choice, it makes for a mentally sound and confident girl in future


I might be the only one but maybe she needs to be in school full time. Little guys this age thrive on consistency. The split schedule between your job and school may be throwing her off. It may not give her enough time to bond with her teachers so she is confident that someone else can meet her needs. Just based on experience I currently teach pre k and sometimes just coming back from a 3 day weekend can throw them off because it’s not normal for them. She will be in kindergarten full time so why not try now? It hurts to see them hurt but you are a great mom taking the time to try and figure put the best way to support her. You know what’s best trust your gut.

we bought our daughter a locket and put mom and dad’s pictures in it. Told her to rub it whenever she missed us. She is 39 and still has the locket tucked away.

I was the same when I was little, and so was my son. It was not due to abuse at all, it was severe separation anxiety. Mine went away on its own, my son would scream when I left him and I was afraid they thought that I was abusing him, then he would scream just as loud when I picked him up because he didn’t want to go home. Go figure…made NO sense, and I wondered what in the world the kindergarten workers thought was going on.

Start sending her on outings and adventures with dad. She needs to be with someone she feels safe with that isn’t you. Don’t baby her in the sense of telling her how much you missed her, etc. When she is picked up or returns home just be more casual about her arrival. She needs to also experience you leaving the house without her and staying with dad while your gone. She needs more socialization, take her to the park, join a playgroup where the moms or dads just hang back while the kids play on the equipment. Psychologists say that separation anxiety is manifested thru the child, however it is the child picking up on the parent’s anxiety fears & concerns.

If it’s a sudden change then look into it!! It might even be that’s not the right school for her.
If not perhaps have dad take her to school, or lessen the carry on before. Have extra cuddle time at night time, at bed time perhaps. Perhaps too your anxiety of her fussing also feeds her fussing. Try to keep calm and take her in, get her sorted, and leave. The more you fuss the more she will. I only had this with 1 of my daughters, and being the baby she was the mini me.
I kept the drop offs small and sweet, got her busy and left. I was always saying how good she was going to school for the day and I kept her talking about school til we got home. I used to find out a lot in those car rides.

Maybe your husband should try taking her!


Straight up though, if she has a melt down every time you take her, I’d investigate to make sure the daycare isn’t being crappy or someone isn’t hurting her. Don’t tag her with a camera, recording other people’s children without consent can make issues, but a voice recorder should do. All in all though, it seems like she’s just got typical kid separation anxiety. Somewhere in her mind she probably thinks you’re never coming back. Stop rewarding for good days because it becomes an unhealthy habit of expectations. Remind her that no matter what, you’re always gonna come get her. Or when you drop her off, tell her you’ll be there at whatever time you usually get there. I noticed with kids that I’ve worked with, if you give them an actual time “4:30 pm” then they start focusing on other stuff.

If it began all of a sudden I would ask her what happened in school and talk to instructor . If al is good maybe she is just still too young …keep her home another yr.

My daughter did this half way through pre k and kindergarten then one day she flipped a switch hope that makes you feel better :heart:

It will pass as she gets older , All of us who have children ir grandchildren have been there do what you do normally be patient.

My 5 year old did this his first year in preschool its normal most children go threw a phase. He had to get up in the morning with me and then walk me out to the van vlose my door for me and give me multiple hugs and kisses and then watch me pull out of the driveway and down the road. This was 5am he did this every morning I worked. He is 5 now going to kindergarten next year he still needs me to wake him up and give him hugs and kisses. I am an infant toddler teacher and yes it happens with alot of kids they will cry for a few days last summer I had a girl who cried for 2 weeks before she started playing.

Speak to the educator …they may be able to throw some light on the situation
Ask them to put a click drawing with the time you will be back under their clock so the child can see it.Try to manage to be there for puck up before the other parents .
Often when a child see the others going home and their parent is not there the anxiety iccurs

I have my husband drop my preschooler off she would jump out the car seat and car before daddy even put the car in park lol… That’s the only thing that worked for us


Let her be a little independent, not exactly with making choices. Like when she comes to you, motivate her and encourage her she can do it. Like changing her clothes, let her choose her outfits. Change the subject when she’s crying, like what’s the weather outside, or what do you think you’ll have for lunch, etc etc. At times I don’t like it, but I am a parent and speak to my kids in a stern voice. 1st validate her emotions, tell her you know how hard it can be doing things on your own, even school is tough, like you going to work. Compare a bit of yourself with her, why bc she sees you doing it. Then she’ll see, mom goes to work, or mom stays at home and do homework something like that. Throw in your husband in there too. We all have to start taking part with growing up, and that mean her soothing herself. I wouldn’t get her use to many rewards, bc she then is going to be expecting it all the time. As for cuddle time, no issue. I wouldn’t do it in the morning bc that’ll trigger her and make her want to stay with you and cry. It breaks my heart when my 4 year old and 1 year old cry for me, but I always tell them at night “ see you in the morning and good night” my kisses and cuddle time as well. They will feel at ease, them knowing you will be there in the morning. ***nightly routine is we look for clothes and talk how awesome it’s going to be tomorrow and how nice they are going to look. Same for me I look for my clothes. Then in the morning, change all together, and keep her mind occupied with how is the weather going to be. Sing a song with her, talk what we plan on doing. ie my work, for them school. When dropping them off encourage them they are brave for going to school and tell them she will do great things. To have fun and to breathe if anything because we have each other, and with each other we can achieve the best in both family life’s. And the best thing is looking forward to pick her up. She will cry, but you need to keep the routine going, if she can go every day, she’ll get it. I don’t thing it’s your daughter, I think it may be you bc you may be nervous of leaving her. Kids pick up from us parents.

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Ask her why she does these things?

Take her to a child psychologist

Separation Anxiety Disorder!!

Have dad start taking care of her more to break her dependence. She needs to know she has other people that care


Start investigating things at the daycare.

My daughter was in a similar situation when she was 4. I learned many years later one of the teachers was abusive towards her.locking her in a bathroom turning out lights, etc. I still hurt when I think I forced her to go. Because they seemed so nice to my face. It was a Montessori highly recommended School. Talk gently to your daughter and trust what she says

Start with baby sitter. Sounds like you can’t cut the cord. Child needs to learn mommy isn’t always a arm length away. Probably even sleeps with you. Have dad take her away a few hour’s.

I use the hug button in my new entrants class for the first few weeks and it works well. Also giving your child a photo of you and her to look at when she misses you can help.

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its only normal she cries. I was the same, lots of children are like that no one on here can advise you, she’s only been with you and she will get used to it. Your letting her rule you.

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Something is going on at school,

You are a great mom to validate your child’s feelings not sure why a 4-year-old has to suck it up either… What a world we live in… My daughter kicked the gate of her preschool for 6 hours straight I was halfway down the block wouldn’t leave her but just listen she wouldn’t do a thing she’s just the sweetest girl you ever want to meet too but she was having none of it… When she was ready she loved School president of any class she was ever in and went on to major in theater and be an actress so no people fears just honor your daughter’s feelings whatever they are… If she’s four she can talk to you and tell you why she feels this way… We have a warped society that makes a four year old do what they don’t want to do what’s the big deal if she goes to school at 5 or 6? She doesn’t like her gym class anymore someone got to her someone did something to put this fear into her… Hair pulling pinching kids are mean and teachers are worse when the parents aren’t there to watch… trust yourself trust your instincts trust hers… In order to believe in herself… That’s the real lesson not whatever 1 2 3 or ABC goes on that day in the school.

Why the sudden change
Something has happened to have her act out this way
Can be something as trivial as someone said something and her feelings got hurt which can be a big deal to a child…


Sounds like someone is making her life miserable. My son became this way with me at one particular day care after not being there too long and i never had had this problem before. Turns out his teacher was being horribly mean to him. I told the director and moved my two kids out. It could be a teacher or anther kid. Talk to her.


My daughter was doing so good at school at 1st and then she came home crying almost every single day eith a headache and not wanting to go in the mornings. Turns out one of the teachers was being super mean. I caught her crying at a ceremony for school and I saw the teacher being mean to her with out her noticing me… We moved schools and she’s thriving at her new school. Now she’s even in the honor roll.

Yea my son cried everyday for 2 months. He hated it that school. I switched him to a different one and he stopped crying.

I think she’s just so attached to you" wen you leave her she just gets hysterical? hang in there she’ll be fine, maybe it’s time to stop babying her

Maybe she is being bullied and thats why she crys all of a sudden

Good luck as they say comes to positive thinkers… My luck was restored when I came in contact with Dr Bathsheba , She changed my life by replacing the negative energy in my life with positive energy… I received favours and luck where ever I go to, my long lost husband came and re-united with me after a long time separation.I will forever be grateful to Dr bathsheba for changing my life for ever.You are truly powerful and gifted if you need her help contact . Email: priestbathshebahelp@gmail. Com
WhatsApp phone number +2348054334283

Maybe try her full time? My daughter was like this and she has been full time and has been great! It’s become a consistent schedule and it’s so much better on her to be with friends all day. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

All of my boys went through this. My oldest was the hardest, but the teachers told me, I promise he is fine after you leave. I actually stayed and peeked through a window and he was looking at a book like a minute after I was gone. If the teachers are not engaging with her that makes a difference too. Some teachers acted soooo excited to see them that it made them feel cared for, others didn’t and it made it harder. In time, she will make friends and will get easier. Asking her about her day and what she does like might help. Maybe you can ask them to do a show and tell so she can talk about her favorite things each morning. She could talk about the necklace or her favorite toy. They can help with this too. My kids are 14, 12, and 7 and make friends so easily. I think daycare helped with that honestly.

It’s really, really tough to watch, but totally normal behavior. She will eventually get past her separation anxiety and so will you. Preschool teachers are very used to this and should know how to handle her. It will help tremendously if you make dropoffs as quick as possible and not prolong them. A quick hug and kiss, have a great day, Mommy will be back to get you at 3 o’clock. That’s it. Roll out and whatever you do don’t look back.
It also helps if dropoffs occur out of sight and earshot of the other children because watching the interaction between you and your daughter can sometimes trigger anxiety in some of them too.
After a while, she will get settled and make a couple of friends there that she looks forward to seeing each day. All of this will be behind you soon. Hang in there mama.

Be sure something isn’t happening or hasn’t happened in others care that has caused this upset


She needs a routine and go to school every day. Kids do better with routines and consistency. She also doesn’t need to be involved in decisions, she is 4. She doesn’t know what’s better for her, you do. It will be hard first but it will get better.


I suggest u try and let dad take her to school and also maybe let dad or grandmother take her more often. U have created a separation anxiety issue by letting her cling. U might also need to talk to her dr about separation anxiety and take her to counseling


My son did this when I sent him to head start. He cried alllll day the first day… I ended up having to pick him up. The next day, and for a few days after, I would stay in his class with him and then “sneak” out. After about a week, he got used to it and couldn’t wait to go back. Not sure if that’s an option for you, but it worked for my little guy. Good luck, mama. She’ll get there. :heart:

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I definitely would up her days at school to 5 she knows she needs to get in the routine of going everyday and I would make it a huge point on the weekends when you’re home with her to do all kinds of family things

Maybe get a special stuffed animal from you and have her take it to school with her and hug it whenever she misses you and let her know it’s you hugging back. That’s the best advice I have, I’ve worked in numerous daycares and schools and I’ve found that helps. Or have her attend school more. Only attending two days a week is a lot to handle on a little body and being away from you. Good luck mama! :four_leaf_clover:


My oldest daughter cried for me two weeks straight when I would drop her off at school for pre-K. She was extremely attached to me. After the two weeks she got over it and didn’t even wave bye to me. It’ll take time. But it’ll happen. I would tell her that when she got home I would have little fun play times or little surprises and that’s something she looked forward to after school. But in order for that to happen she had to behave the whole day at school. It worked. She is now going to second grade. Good luck!

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I went thru this myself with my daughter from pre-school until the end of first grade. It was a daily battle, lots of tears…from both her and myself. I had a great support from her school, the counselor met me daily and had to bear hug her as I dropped her bag and said my goodbyes quickly and always told her she’s got this, I loved her and would see her after school. It took all I had to fight the tears so she couldn’t see that it broke my heart to leave her like that, but I knew she was in good hands with all the staff at her school. The counselor and her teacher would find something to occupy her mind and the tears quickly disappeared and she was fine the rest of the day. After reading and actually taking her to see a counselor that specializes with children with anxiety…she made tremendous strides. One day out of the blue she asked me to drop her off at the door and not come in with her. Ever since that day she amazes me as she now does gymnast competitions, never hesitates to go in to school and just all the little things I never thought we’d see. Just remember you will get thru, just be consistent and patient. I promise!

Put her in school more often so she gets used to being separated from you. When you drop her off you literally have to put her with a teacher and leave. Explain to her that school is important. Just like you have to work she has to go to school. Explain you love and wish you could spend every minute with her but to become a big girl she has to go to school, make friends and know that mommy is always close by and she is safe.

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My daughter had seperation anxiety in preschool and kindergarten. I just could not get her use to going. Since preschool is not required I took her out mid year. I couldn’t handle it anymore. Broke my heart everything. And I got tired of chasing her around the car when it was time to go in. In kindergarten she chased me down the hallway crying. Teacher had to hold her kicking and screaming. It was to much. So I see we’re your coming from. Im.dreading 1st grade. I tried after-school rewards. Worked for a couple weeks but that’s it. I’m still figuring it out.

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a home day care with one or two providers might be a better choice for her when you can’t have her with you to work. she is not ready and there is no reason to force her–it will just cause more anxiety. When she is ready she will let you know! One of my daughters was very social even though also a mommy’s girl–she started at a Montisorri school at just 3 and loved it. I tried her younger sister when she turned 3 and it was like you described. I gave up on it and kept her with her day care provider (which was like a second home), when she was 5 she was ready to go to school. I feel if I had forced her earlier it would have back fired. Remember it was just a couple generations ago that all 3-5 yr olds were home with mom.

Something my daughters pre k teacher taught the parents years ago was short good byes leave dry eyes. She would distract the child and shoo the parents out.

As a preschool teacher I suggest adjusting her schedule now! Have her attend more days, get into a set routine. Maybe have dad do drop offs for a while, but eventually she will just adjust but the schedule will be the biggest thing!

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Maybe try hyping it up like shes gonna have so much fun and she should play with her friends for a little bit instead of mommy. Maybe get a little something like 2 matching kids necklaces and see if she has a friend shed like to give it to. Tell her the friend will be so happy once she gives it to her. Just try to find any reason that she would like to go and make it a big deal. My daughter couldnt wait to go to school cause i had hyped it up for a long time thatd it would be so much fun when she was finally old enough to go to school.

My grandson does this when we take him to preschool! It wil be a month next week…and he cries for me or mom to stay there with him…

Both my kids are like this I gave them something of mine to bring with them. Like a necklace or something it really helped them

I went through this with my son, I would send little notes/jokes in his lunch everyday just as a picker upper! The teacher suggested sending a picture or something special to comfort him! Good luck mama :heart:

I did this with my sister couldn’t be anywhere without her so my kindergarten teacher let me tape a picture of my sister to my desk… not sure if this would help but it might it helped me

I had separation anxiety when I was a little girl. I cried every day of Kindergarten. What my mom did for me was she bought a locket and put our pictures in it, and told me that if I started to miss her then I could open the locket and look at the pictures of us. Made me feel better! Also lots of reassurance that you will be back to pick her up.