How can I get my libido back?

Read 50 shades of grey or watch it (by the way I’ve never read or watched it)


This can be caused by a hormone imbalance, but also is a common side effect of several anxiety/depression meds and even some birth control. TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR!!

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Go to the doctors also there us vitamins that can help

I think its alarming you married some guy you believe only values you for sex

Couples therapy. Also consider that maybe you’re not wanting it during bc he’s been coercive and you’re just trying to get through so he won’t guilt trip you about it. How many times do you think I should just do it so he doesn’t think I’m not attracted to him, or so he doesn’t cheat etc. ? Also have a check up with the doctor too. You deserve to be in good health!


Mine left me after having my kiddos

I was the same exact way for a long time. I was actually depressed and didn’t even know it. I started taking medication and now realize how bad I actually was. Since taking the medicine so many things in my life improved significantly including my libido. I also had an under active thyroid, that I take medication for. Either way I would talk to your doctor.


Sorry but if he is that ignorant to biology and would step outside of a marriage just to satisfy those needs then you dont need to be with him.
Go to ur doctor and they will do some bloodwork. Its probably just a simple hormone imbalance and very common.


I went through that after I had my second kid and never went to Dr… Go to Dr and get your hormones and everything checked

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I’m 40 yrs old, and going through menopause, I have ZERO desire for sex. Not saying that is what’s happening here, but if you had a baby your hormone levels could be off. I think you need to talk to your doctor, and get to the root cause of WHY you are feeling this way.

As for assuming your husband “has needs” and would cheat, that is a subconscious insecurity I think a lot of people have. Please give him a little more credit, im sure he would be hurt that you think he would do that. He isn’t an animal, and most men can control their baser urges without going outside the relationship.

Make sure you are communicating with each other. You both need support right now, while figuring out what really is going on. I wish you luck, and I hope this gets better for you…

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A DIM supplement will balance your estrogen levels

Try vyleesi it works like a charm

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M0re Info.

That’s normal for childbearing years. It will pass.

Tell your husband you are feeling do an and going to Dr. Also make sure you do date nights and give in every ounce to your can find it a gain

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Go see a doctor to check your hormone levels to ensure everything is ok on that front. Also, ensure you both are taking time to develop intimacy throughout your relationship. Intimacy isn’t always about sex, but, it can make it better! I suggest going to a therapist that also specializes in sex.

I’ve seen women using this:

Are you making time for yourselves? Do you go out on dates?

Go talk to your doctor they can def help.


I have the same problem and my husband works on the road so when he’s home that’s all he thinks about. Most of the time he has to help me get in the mood before we can get intimate but after he does it’s smooth sailing every time. I rarely come on to him because I would rather go to bed but with him being home for a short amount of time I try to give him his needs and this may sound funny but I ask him “ Do you want to do it?” And he said “ it’s up to you” and I always tell him I do even if I don’t feel like it because I love him and he deserves it


Is it painful? If it is id see a pelvic floor specialist. If you are on birth control that can also play a part in it.

I would definitely talk to a doctor! You could be low on vitamins or something else!! And if your marriage ends or he cheats because y’all aren’t having sec should mean something. Sex should not be the only thing keeping him. Especially if he won’t even listen to yoy

Need to have your hormone levels checked, but honestly, 2 miscarriages and then a birth in those few yrs is a lot for your mind and your body to heal from. Don’t let him make you feel like crap for not being interested in sex. You’ve been through a lot

Talk to your doctor. They will help with proper diagnosis and treatment. I’m sure many of us have gone through it, but we all may have different reasons as to why. Mine was due to depression and some other personal life events.


You might have some PTSD from your miscarriages, and compound that with postpartum, it’s completely understandable. Definitely talk to your Dr. and definitely take some “me” time. Adult conversation, and a little relaxation. Whatever it is that helps you get out of your head. Also, maybe go get a hotel for you and have some hotel sex. Find a sitter, and if you drink, have a drink or 2, and enjoy rediscovering each other. Good luck!

A herb called horny goat weed can work well , comes in pill or lube form x

Talk to your doctor. I am really concerned about your worry that he will cheat. You definitely need to discuss that with him. A good man will not cheat, regardless of your sex drive. There are ways to satisfy him without actual intercourse. Talking to your doctor will help, because then your husband will see that you are trying and it’s not about him. Communication is key.
I think all women go on this rollercoaster… especially during the years of pregnancy and child birth. Our hormones go crazy. Many men don’t fully understand it. They think they do, but they don’t.

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Supplements for gut health are a life saver!!

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Try finding a feel good exercise, I started spin classes and my libido went through the roof. Gets all of my happy hormones pumping and I’m making time for myself which I always struggled to do. Boxing/kickboxing is another great option!

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Following bc I’ve had the same issue since I had my twins

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Definitely talk to your doctor. It could be hormonal, it could be depression… even if you don’t “feel depressed”.


Your body has been through A LOT and now you seem to be very angry at your own body. Give yourself a break before you sustain serious psychological damage. If you’re taking anything for ppd or anything see about getting that adjusted because some medications can decimate a strong sex drive like it’s nothing. Your husband needs a reality check. After everything your body has been through he assumes you just suddenly stopped desiring him because you’re not feeling him? Kinda self centered viewpoint.

Get online and order you a tube of “0” with triplex Tingle

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Are you on antidepressant meds

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Well if he is as good as you say, he will be patient. Your body is going though a season that will change. Don’t panic and think you or he don’t love one another. Commit to being okay without sex. Also ask your gyn about it.

Sometimes we’re just TIRED…see a dr. to rule out anything medical. See a therapist to rule out anything psychological: (underlying resentments from lack of HELP, feeling under appreciated, no longer feeling attractive) Sex begins in the mind. Can’t turn it on and off like a switch. GOOD LUCK :four_leaf_clover:

See a doctor there are medications you can take to bring it back.


Talk to your doctor.

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Start taking Maca Root! 500mg a day.
Also a full women’s multi vitamin if you’re not already.


I had the same problem talk with your ob they have medication that can help I had yo have this talk with my ob as well and he suggested medication but also before trying he suggested working out and eating healthier options and its helped a ton . I no longer have the problem I did after having our son . Hugs mama

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You’re hormones are messed up! Have them checked. Biote hormone pellets work great!


See a Dr to have your hormones checked

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I have same issue I talked to my dr and female viagra for women is alot money so idk what else

At least you know he’d cheat if you don’t do something now. It’s understandable for women to feel this way when they have young children. Exercising can help, talk to a professional


Talk to your Dr. It very well could be depression even if you don’t really feel depressed. I have a hormone imbalance and part of it comes from my depression that I have been dealing with. They can do blood work to see if any of your levels are off. And even get you sent in the right direction to help you get those feelings back.


I had this same issue and I also had a miscarriage I did not talk to my doc about it we talked it out together and yes it is harder with kids to have sex I have our 4th coming in August. We went to a sex shop together and bout stuff. Not saying u have to but they explained what stuff was and how it worked they also had rubs and lube to help stimulate your sex drive again as well. I am not always in the mood and I dont finish most of the time but it has kept us together going on 14 years. Hope this helps a bit

It’s just your hormone levels. Go see your doctor

Look for a provider of EvexiPEL Subcutaneous Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) for men and women. My friend just started it & has had wonderful results.

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Go see your obgyn for help!!

Try anti depressants this may help I had a similar issue. You can speak with your lady dr they may be able to help

As everybody else has said, go talk to your Doctor !! She/He can help you, it’s probably hormones. This has happened to many of us after childbirth, so don’t feel alone. This is a normal occurance, you are not a freak or anything !! Call today for an appt. :heart_eyes:

If I can be honest, I just went to my OB in December. I have 3 kids and husband of 10 years. Same problems. She told me the female viagra was dangerous and you could only take it like 8 times a month amd had a small success rate. She also said that it would be pointless to do a hormone testing because there’s nothing they can do. She suggested to get out more with him, do things just the two of us, and the have sex in the morning when I’m less tired. But, with 3 kids and no one to watch them it’s been really hard.

I feel this 100%. We lost a child, I suffer from depression still. I have gone so many times to the drs to get my hormones checked and I am just told “it doesn’t work that way”. Or there’s no blood test to check hormones. It’s tiring. We are forced to just live like this?!?!

Are you hormones and metabolism off?

He needs to understand and respect you.
If he’s so shallow that he would cheat, he doesn’t deserve you anyway


I am so sorry for your loss. I understand what your going through. I’m currently having my 3rd MC myself. If your husband can’t or isn’t willing to understand that your body and hormones are not the same as it was before the MC he is trash. It doesn’t matter if he’s a good father, he’s required to be. It doesn’t matter if he’s not arguing with you for only a few hours out of the day, wtf is there to argue about? If he can’t love you and help you through this then why be with him? Why let yourself be scared if someone you think might cheat? That’s not love!! If he’s only satisfied when he gets his Dick wet then I would consider cutting your losses and find a man willing to love you through everything life puts you through. Hang in there b. :sparkles::heart:

Stay the fuck away from drugs/alcohol

See your doctor about this problem


Okay - let me start by saying I am in the EXACT same libido situation that you are in. First of all, see a doctor WITH YOUR HUSBAND. You could be in early stages of menopause. He needs to understand that it’s not about him. Second, stop thinking he’s going to cheat. If you put that out there, it will happen because subconsciously you’ll push him away. Third, find out what your love languages are. Maybe your libido is low because he’s not speaking to what turns you on.

Sex is always great and OFTEN in the beginning of any relationship. My husband used to hide from me because I wanted it so much. But over the years, I put on weight, which my husband actually likes, but it makes ME feel unattractive… and when I feel unattractive, the last thing I want to do is get naked with anyone, including myself! Our relationship also got comfortable. We are around each all the time and sex isn’t really a thing because we’d rather talk or go find new places to try. I also have this thing about bodily fluids lately that I just don’t know what to do about. :face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting: But that’s another story.

Anyway, being turned on is a mind game - not just a physical game. Start adjusting things there and see what happens. <3 Or just go buy him a flesh light.

First off if you think he would cheat that is a problem, but I would go see a Dr before anything else, it could be a number of things

Are u on birth control?

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What is holding you back from talking to your DOCTOR???


If you think he will cheat. Your marriage is not as strong as you think it is. Sex is 1 small portion of a marriage. You just gave birth. You had 2 miscarriages prior. Your hormones are probably out of whack and you’re exhausted from taking care of a tiny human that can do nothing for themselves. Go see your Dr. Get some blood work and if he cheats you all weren’t meant to be. Cause if he can’t have some compassion for all that you have gone thru and if sex if the most important part of your marriage then you should take a look at your marriage.

Mine did unfortunately, even went to doctors with no help…don’t give up if you love him

I think that’s pretty common after childbirth. Give your body some time. Your libido will come back :slight_smile:

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what is your view on THC? That helps some to get in the mood. Talk to a doctor, and see what the can do with help. Females have a different sexual peak then men do. So if you are in the ages of 20-35, you may have hit your peak and just have a plateau moment. Or your emotions can effect your libo too. Just find a doctor that will help you; and communicate everyday to your husban.


Get an o shot. Worked for me!

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You need to speak with your gynecologist over this it could be a number of things that none of us can help with on here - it could be a hormonal imbalance or it could be where you had the 2 miscarriages and then the pregnancy all in the same year and that in itself can take a toll on the female body due to healing or not healing fully from one occurrence to the next. Not sure how far along you were with the first two things that happened and sorry for your losses as well but in one year your body took on 3 major changes to itself and then you gave birth which are all shockers to the body in itself. Your body could still be going through changes from all of those situations but I would highly recommend speaking with your doctor and they can do a blood test to see if your hormones levels are a little off and when they are off everything goes off or it did for me. Good luck sweetie and your hubby seems like a good man and doesn’t seem like one that will run off for another just see your doctor soon.


This is not uncommon, AT ALL. You both need to communicate about this, together. And together you can try counseling, sex therapy, vitamins/medications, etc. You don’t have to feel this way, but it does take time and patience… and you do need to include your partner

They could perhaps try weed.

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Hormones. Check your hormones levels. That’s normal after pregnancy. Have your vitamin levels checked and your thyroid as it is a symptom.


Its your hormones. See a doctor.

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That’s sad :pensive: I would hope not :pray:

Please talk to your doctor. It’s probably a hormonal thing that could be easily resolved.


Give him head go figure out whats going on with a dr…

Get some help. It’s not about him.

Same sister. Married 14 years, no recent births, but I’m in the same boat. Prayers. Because I know I need them.

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Go see your doctor. Hormones might be to blame.

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Get to your Doctor asap

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Shoot tequila :crazy_face: then get after it!

Women’s enhancer tablets get em from sex shop

Sounds like you deserve to be left. Great dad, great husband and you don’t even want him to touch you? That’s a concoction for disaster right there. Better start looking for an apt.

I know this is probably a more doctor related question and probably to do with hormone imbalance but one thing that helped me was reading romance and ‘sexy’ scenes. It made it fun again and took my mind off the pressure of it all. And eventually my sex drive was no longer a problem for me. I goof this helps if even in a small way. You are not alone. I hope you find answers.