How can I get my sons to eat better?

My son has this same issue he’s 4 tho and at school and now at home we have him put everything to his mouth and it has to touch his tongue… he started eating a ton of new foods

When I was a child growing up had no choice to eat what was given to me raising my 2 sons they always ate what I served them. Wednesdays were always Italian. Fridays were always pizza etc maybe you should try this idea it works for me. If u continue to buy them the same foods they are gonna always want it . Do u take them shopping with u to pick out new things

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My 14 yr old is the same way. He will not eat any vegetables or fruits of any kind, he will not eat anything if he can see the spices in it. He only like fries, cheese dogs only, chicken nuggets but only from two different places and mashed potatoes.

Let him eat what he wants but since he is 13 if he eats different than the rest of the family he can make his own and clean up the mess.

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I wouldn’t worry too much. My son when he was a teenager would only eat macaroni and cheese and chicken nuggets and pizza I couldn’t get him to eat anything else. But eventually near the end of high school he ate burgers and veggies and now he is in his twenties and doesn’t drink pop and has a very healthy lifestyle. Also when he was about 11 to 12 years of age people would tease him because he was chubby the pediatrician said not to worry about it because he will have a growth spurt and needs that chubbiness. The doctor was right, he sprouted up from being five foot eight to being over 6 foot tall he also thinned out. I will also never forget when his voice dropped. He spent a weekend at his dad’s I picked him up and when he said goodbye I had to take a double glance to make sure it actually was him with that deep voice lol.

Microwave and air fryer. Tell him he can cook what he wants. Those items are safe enough for a 13 year old. Fix what you like.

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Get him involved in cooking. Maybe he’ll eat what he cooks. My kids are more interested on meals when they help prepare them


Got a son in law that doesn’t eat vegetables or greens. Give your son a multi vitamin and have him start helping you cook that chicken and French toast. Get him involved in making pizza dough from scratch and have him make mini pizzas for dinner one night all with different toppings. He may become more interested in food. Right now he’s a lot on his plate.

They grow out of it don’t worry it’s the age there’s worst things coming lol let them eat what they want in 6 mts it will be something else my daughter was kraft dinner hot dogs and peanut butter sandwiches now she a marvelous cook and eats super healthy


Put veggies and fruit on their plate tell them your not done until it’s gone! Mine was the same way and that’s what I did now he’s trying more things on his own.

Should have started before 13. But he gets hungry enough he will eat. I had to have some of whatever cooked. If I didn’t you sat there. I had a lot of long nights at table and cold food. Pretty soon you figure out it is better warm

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My doctor told me to let him eat what he wants he would grow out of it. He is 15 now and has grown out of quite a bit

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Be glad he eats what he does. He gets all the food groups in pizza. I’d be happy to eat what he does.

Eating that is better than not eating. Maybe try getting him vitamins? They come in gummies if he won’t have have tablets

Take it from mom’s / grandma’s…no worries it’s part of growing up. He will be ok. He’s not going to starve. Fussing about it won’t help. Just take him along grocery shopping and let him help with menu even if it’s just for him. I did this and my anxiety is better

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Oh my gosh, he’ll be ok. Take him shopping :shopping_cart: have him pick out items, have him prepare his own food, take vitamin supplements

Maybe take him shopping and teach him to cook different recipes involving those things. My 13 year was the same way till he learned how to cook then he wanted to try and make different things.

Offer him to Cook with you for the whole family. Go together to the grocery and tell him to Pick the items… and watch where He stops. You can still co-ordinate his picks and give him advice or suggestions. Ending up which course He will want to Cook, you decide what to add for the rest of the family. Did this with a lot of kids and have had o lot of fun cooking together. After the meal, we discuss with Cook books what to try next time. Once per week as a starter, the Kids normaly want to repeat it.

You can’t force them to eat what they don’t want. I know I don’t and won’t eat what I don’t like. Our oldest son when he was younger had that issue as well. He ate hamburgers, hot dogs, mac & cheese, cereal. I just made sure they had vitamins also to take. Don’t stress it momma he will work it out on his own. I was a super picky eater too when I was young. I so wish sometimes I could go back to being picky lol

My son did the same thing. Only ate dry stuff. Now he’s 26, and eats everything, including seafood.

When my son was young all he wanted was PBJ for weeks. Asked the dr who said let him eat it, he’ll soon get tired of it & go to something else. He did & hes an adult & likes stuff I don’t

Can’t have any of the other until they have eaten 1 bit of everything that he is served. Might work.

My 9 year old is the same and we have even done food therapy.

I raised 4 picky kids, he will survive and they eventually will eat all those things they refuse to eat today!

I did gave anything fluids to my son since one month of his age starting when he be come 6 month I gave him anything as he can as long it’s doesn’t hurt him n now thanks God he’ll eat what ever he found food if am not around :joy:

Keto chicken breast stuffed pepperoni and matzerella and pizza sauce my kid loves it

Sounds like a very processed diet that could lead to constipation. You could start by adding fresh fruit or veggie smoothies. Then is it only a certain kind of pizza he’ll eat or if you make homemade pizza will he eat that? If so just add alot of healthy ingredients to it.

Boys have the worst taste for anything new. Just remember, “and this too shall pass.”Don’t stop making good dinners he will eventually come around as he grows because his appetite will grow right along with him. Don’t stress but make sure he gets a good vitamin daily.

Tell him he has to try at least one bit of everything you cooked before you consider cooking something else

As long as he is eating that’s good. When my nephew was young he went through stages. He would only eat 1 thing for weeks then change. The important thing he his eating.

My son is the same way and 15. We found out when he was 4 that he has sensory issues with food textures

Leave him alone! He will eat when he is hungry, Fix for the family , if he don’t eat, don’t worry about it

My ten year old granddaughter is the same way.

My son and grandson were the worst eaters ever. My son never ate pizza until in his teens. Grandson chicken nuggets and hot dogs till teens. NOW they eat just about anything and everything, stuff I won’t even eat. I know it’s frustrating but they do change, hopefully

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Whatever you cook tell him to eat it or you don’t eat all or tell him you need to try it you might like it

Don’t buy those things he will either starve or eat whatever you got lol

I always say try it if you don’t like it you don’t have to eat it. At least they try it

Maybe try various chicken meals since he will eat that and just do your best. Definitely add a vitamin or maybe a protein shake so you know he gets all the proteins/vitamins his body needs to grow

They only eats certain things for a reason so find out why. Don’t starve your kids just because you don’t agree with what they do eat. I have 2 sons who are autistic and they only eat certain foods and it’s better then nothing. Be creative with whatever they do eat. It’s a million ways to make pizza


I have a 4 year old grandson that way.

Bring in new non parishable food items snack on: fruit cups, yogurts, peanut butter with carrots/celery, boiled eggs, string cheese, peanuts, walnuts, pecans, granola bars, fruit bars, fruit chips, fresh fruit,etc.
I leave my snack items in a bowl and fruit baskets on the counter and in a clear container in the fridge.
Incorporate fresh fruit every morning; melon, grapes, cut apples, sliced oranges, bananas, berries, watermelon, etc.
Make sure he gets a fruit or veggie for lunch.
Bake whatever chicken he consumes (no frying) and add a veggie on the side; corn, carrots, broccoli, green beans.
Stick to eating pizza only one day a week.
It’s best to add good foods in slowly and give him praise when he eats those good food items. Limit those foods that you don’t want him eating or switch to healthier food items.
I was losing so much weight this way before I got pregnant.

At that age, if it’s not something a doctor has diagnosed, I would say he definitely won’t starve. Don’t provide the junk. Cook healthy meals. He can eat the meals or have a meal replacement shake? Fix another appropriate meal himself-sandwich, grilled chicken salad, or you could do a healthy granola instead of cereal? Teach him how to make his own pizza perhaps and then y’all could have pizza night once a week as a reward for trying new foods?


Don’t he will eat when he gets hungry

What do you serve??? Don’t serve junk food!!

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Sounds like an attention getter to me. Ignore it!

Get some supplements in him if at all possible " organic".
It will at least help build immune system and his body will start craving other healthy Foods

He 12 not 2 - its too late now.

My 7 yr. Old grandson only eats hamburger with meat and ketchup,cheese, pasta salad, pizza. Pancakes some cereal. He will eat kolaches. I guess he does a little better than your 12 year old but not

Maybe try making little boxes like these and see what they like

My 13 year old eats absolutely everything and anything. I’d say he’s a teen let him eat what he will but guide healthier options and stress importance of health to him. I know it’s hard at that age

Aw hell naw. Too old for a spanking? Trust me he ate in those 2 days :laughing::laughing: like someone else commented this has been a bad habit for longer than just recently. I dont cater to my kids junk food addictions and you shouldn’t either. Its expensive and unhealthy. Healthy food in the house and a nice dinner will get easier and eaten over time. Dont be an enabler. And I dont want to hear it from people thinking its mean. Its the truth. The sooner you can recognize your own faults the sooner you can make the changes you need to help your kid learn healthy eating habits. :broccoli:

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They’re old enough to go without. Offer them healthy options. When they’re hungry enough, they’ll eat.

My oldest son was like that…he survived…he is 41 now and nothing is safe from him…as long as he is eating . You might try to make things that the smell will tempt him…but quit saying anything…just pretend you don’t care

YOU ARE THE PARENT. Do not let your child control you. He will not starve. It’s one thing to not force someone to eat one or two items thet Don’t like but an entire diet is absolutely a no. I hated peas…and all legumes really. So I never had to eat them. But everything else had to.

It’s not the kid it’s the parent

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Do not feed your kids what they like, their taste buds will change as they get older. The more you try to pressure them, the more they will resist.

He con u,he was eating

Let him eat what he wants.

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Is he on the spectrum?

Have you tried a belt across his ass?

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I have the opposite problem. My daughter is mow 24 and weighs 90 lbs. She eats like a grown man. She will eat steak, baked potatoes, veggie with a salad and desert. We can’t get her to gain. The only time she was bigger was 9 months pregnant and she was 121 . the next day 95.

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Don’t buy it after a while he will realize that’s you ain’t buying it, 2 of my kids won’t eat veggies and 1 don’t like them cooked and the other just don’t care. When they were younger they had to have at least a spoonful. Now that they are in the teens it’s different but I don’t make extra of what ever we will all eat for the fact if they’d eat the veggies they wouldn’t be as hungry… he will learn and hopefully start eating what put in front of him

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Surprisingly…I work with a full grown woman like this. She was finally diagnosed as having some rare trait where her taste buds are hyper sensitive and so she can only eats certain things because everything else is terrible to her. I mean if it happened to one person, it could happen to someone else. Just a thought.

I am in the same situations with my daughter… She she was younger & is now 14. She’ll only eat pizza, hotdogs & grill cheese… When I took her to a nutritionist a couple years ago, she said “that’s ok… Just make everything into a pizza for her”.

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Does he like smoothies.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How can I get my sons to eat better? - Mamas Uncut

Maybe have him help you look up different recipes and have him help you cook. He might want to try other things of there is ownership


Both my kids (ages 4 and 14) are extremely picky eaters. Trying to force your child to eat something they don’t want to is traumatic for everyone involved. As long as their growing there’s no reason to worry. Supplement a multi vitamin if you are concerned about vitamin deficiencies. It’ll be fine.


I may be in the minority here… My sons were picky eaters and we worked real hard to fix it. Honestly, we started with straight up bribery. If your choice is “vegetables and ice cream” or “nothing”, then in my opinion, is better to eat the food and the bad. We worked out way up from there. Mainly, upping the ante in what earned them a treat, and trying to bribe them with non-food items (tv time, kindle time, etc).

But, as many others have stated…at least he eats something!


I wouldn’t have ever gone 2 days without feeding my kid if I read that right . If he is healthy just keep offering if he doesn’t he doesn’t. Pick your battles.


So feed him chicken every night in a healthy way. My son isn’t a big eater and I have him drink with one meal a day boost plus shakes, high in calories, protein, vitamins and minerals. Personally, I don’t give in to kids. If that’s all he will eat, that was most likely his diet from a young age, so what do you expect?
Start introducing meals and if he doesn’t eat it, save it for the next meal. But have appropriate portions. He likes pizza? Make a healthy veggie and chicken pizza, but I’d venture to say he’d have an issue with it. Sorry, but I’m the parent and not my kids short order cook. And if it’s going to take an hour to eat, then so be it. Sounds like some ground rules need to be set.

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I was an extremely picky eater as a child. As I have gotten older my tastes have changed and I eat a bigger variety, but even at 50 I’m still pretty picky. I had a teacher in 1st grade that tried to make me eat everything we were served at lunch. Needless to say I won. My dad’s rule was to at least try a small bite before I could say I didn’t like something which was pretty fair in my opinion. I was as healthy as any of my classmates that ate a more well rounded diet. My question to you is do you eat food you don’t like? Probably not often. I have been blessed that my own child will eat pretty much anything like his dad, but even he has things he refuses to eat and I respect that.

What’s the big deal. If he’s healthy otherwise just feed him those things. My kid wouldn’t eat anything when he was little he was skinny as hell but he’s 34 now and eats everything. It’s frustrating but this too shall pass.


Maybe see if you can get him in with a nutritionist and an OT. Might be a texture thing. I don’t give in with stuff like that, but that’s just me.


As long as he’s eating , l have a 7 year old grandson won’t eat potatoes, vegetables, fruit,always eats the same food , causes too much stress trying give them something you want them to eat :+1:

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Have you encouraged them to cook with you? Have you made fun things as a family?
There are plenty of healthy foods out there that are super fun and tasty. But if you don’t cook and show yourself and your children what’s available then they will just want what’s familiar (oven food)!
So here’s what I would do, if your children haven’t been introduced to home cooking you’ve got to start simple and work your way up.
Will they eat spaghetti bolognese for example? There are simple ways to put lots of veggies into dishes like that using a dicer or food chopper. I put celery, carrots, onions and tomatoes into my spaghetti bolognese :slightly_smiling_face:
You’ve got a hard road ahead but it will be so worth it for all of your futures if you can start eating better. The amount of sugar and salt in the food you mention above is going to be hard to replicate in healthy food. So try not to add things like salt and sugar into your cooking, only use salt to season for example. Buy some dried mixed herbs and get your boys to help try and make food to their tastes. If they eat seasoned oven chicken if May have a seasoned coating for example.
I’m someone who has always cooked a lot but when my son was born with loads of food allergies I had to start adjusting my recipes to suit him.
Think about what you all like, make a list of what’s healthy and what’s not. You could say that on a Saturday they can eat what they want, but during school days they will be eating fruit and veg. Expand their minds with new foods and try things as a family. You can get reasonable priced fruit and veg by going for what’s on offer in the supermarket too. Dry, Fresh, Frozen and Tinned all count :slightly_smiling_face:
Even if you make your own homemade pizza to start with. Get the boys helping with the cooking but get them to choose healthy toppings too.
I hope I’ve given you some things to think about :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Sabrina, parenting and lifestyle blogger

Parents/Guardians, please be aware that children who do not eat proper nutritious food, can get sick! I have a 12 year old granddaughter who was just diagnosed with a fatty liver. She was a breastfed baby until 2 years old and became a very picky eater. She eats no vegetables, hardly any fruit. She cannot stand any condiments. She is a meat and potato girl. She loved her poutine, hot dogs, pogo sticks and chicken fingers. Mom is now working hard on changing her diet and it’s not an easy task. Do what you need to do now to help your child(ren) eat nutritionally


My daughter only ate sausages and red sauce for a yrs give or take, went doctor. And low and behold he told me to give her more, if she’s eating something I’ve not to worry so from then on I now give her what ever she wants to eat no problem :blush: child’s happy leave them be don’t be forcing them to eat stuff they don’t want. My both kids are fine and healthy for there ages :blush:

He’s a boy and yep sounds like my 13 year old. In all reality he wants to basically try and live off cereal and pancakes

I knew a guy who would eat nothing but bacon, fried chicken, & drink only Coke. Even doctors couldn’t convince him to eat anything different.
Have you tried fixing different chicken based dishes for your boys, that might help a bit. Good luck.

Multi vitamin, have him help pick things or or help cook

Momma mince your veggies and hide it in his food. If not try giving him ensure for a supplement after he eats. If nothing else take away video games, TV, and phone and give him books and tell him you can get stuff back when you start eating right :woman_shrugging:

Let him eat what he wants and just give him vitamins and a pediasure drink to go with it so he gets more protein and vitamins

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Give him what he wants as long as he eats x

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Children will sometimes be super picky about what they eat when they feel like they need to control something in their lives…… Is he going through something else? Is he dealing with typical teen hormones and just wants to feel some sort of control? You might wanna check other areas of his life and make sure those are good. Honestly though the more you fight him the less he feels like he has control, the longer it’ll last and he’ll just fight you more. Pick your battles mama and stop stressing yourself out. As long as he’s healthy and growing he’s getting what he needs :wink:

My son normally eats a well rounded diet. He doest eat every fruit/veggie/meat etc but he will eat food in each category. On days he won’t eat veggies we go to smoothie king, get a fruit smoothie and drink in the sun. That’s all to saw make it fun. Ya know fruit smoothies for breakfast. It’s sweet. However they can’t continue on with that diet. We had to take added sugar out for the most part cause my son teeth are sensitive to sugar. So he just get water or smoothies to drink.

I’ve raised 3 boys (men now) and I can PROMISE you, they are fine! Be thankful they have even that much variety! lol. Don’t mean to laugh in any negative way but it’s so familiar! Eating is not a priority to people this age. I know our common sense says they must get so much of this or that vitamin and mineral etc but just throw in plenty of fluids (juice and milk always made me “feel” better) and I can assure you they are getting what they need. I believe I remember age 18± they start eating healthier. No harm no foul.

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Make a “milkshake”… ice cream vanilla almond milk whatever fruit you want in it my kids love strawberry banana …occasionally I’ll sneak some yogurt in there too … and they think it’s just a regular milk shake

Maybe taking what he does eat and try to cook it in a more healthy way? Using whole grain flower or cauliflower to make the pizza crust. Making homemade pizza sauce and adding veggies in it but blending it in a blender to disguise them, adding veggies to the pizza. Whole wheat bread for the French toast and add fresh fruit. Whole grain cereal options, baked chicken vs fried chicken or breading the chicken with Panko crumbs and baking it? Just some thoughts!


Try giving multiple vitamins! That way he can still get what he doesn’t from foods. I know it’s not a solution but at least it should give some peace of mind!

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As long as he’s eating really… And… You took him to the doctor over not wanting to eat certain things?

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If he’s healthy then don’t worry about it. My 2 boys were the same way. When they started dating and taking a girl out to eat, it all changed.

My oldest wouldn’t grow. At all. And she was a picky eater. They put us through hell about it. Even sent us to a major hospital a state away. They said we were starving her and weren’t feeding her right. They then told us to do the starvation diet. -.- she was 28 lbs at 5 years old.

Turns out she had a horrible case of Gerd and had a brain deformity that caused her to have zero growth hormone. (Along with other missing hormones)

Because of the shit they put her through for years she had such high anxiety towards food it took YEARS to overcome.

We moved several states away and they diagnosed it within a week. 1 app and 1 day of tests is all it took.

Now she’s on the correct meds. Growing fine. STILL a picky eater. But the doctor says as long as she’s eating and drinking it’s fine. We have a rule you have to try what is served. If you don’t like it you can have a ppj, but no dessert.

It’s been perfect since then. She has tried new foods and liked them. We do the same with our 5 year old. He does fairly good but still go through a lot of peanut butter in our house.

The 5 year old has pedisure in the morning with his breakfast just to help out since he is so picky and very active.

My 11 year old likes instant breakfast shakes in the am. She doesn’t like to eat in the am cause of heartburn so I don’t make her. She’ll just have one of those instead so she’s getting something.

Kids grow out of it. I went through it. So did my husband. Do what you can by offering it and letting them help cook or pick out new stuff to try. But don’t force it. When I say it took years. I’m not exaggerating. She would hide under the table and cry every meal because of the “rules” the doctors told us to follow. Thank goodness we caught on there was more to it and got another opinion. Her medical condition could have killed her if they didn’t find it.

5 years of utter hell. And moving 2 states away is what it took.

But now I have 2 healthy happy kids. Meal times are enjoyable and we all eat together. There’s no crying from us or the kids. No anxiety. It’s nice.

Ask the doctor about vitamins if you’re really worried about it. Offer what you cook. If he doesn’t like it let him have a sandwich. (Doctor said ppj is perfect cause they are getting a little bit of everything, plus it’s cheap quick and not many kids don’t like them. My oldest doesn’t like jelly but she eats her sandwiches with banana on it. Only way she will :woman_facepalming:)

Hang in there mama. Don’t overwhelm yourself about it.

Just stop forcing the kid to eat what you want him to eat. Let him chose on his own. I have a 14 year old and I let him eat what he wants.

Reward system… Its costly but it works. We have a foster child. The arrangement is, she has to atleast try one new thing per week. She can choose which day/meal that is. She gets something to the value of R200 then every weekend. Also something she chooses for herself. So far she has discovered that she actually likes cottage pie, vetkoek, bunnychow and chicken and pineapple wraps…

Give him it girl! I mean pizza has the whole food pyramid right :joy::heart: I hear ya tho my kids love junk!! Good luck mamas :four_leaf_clover:

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Let him eat what he’s eating now he will out grow this

He a teenager. He will eat what he wants don’t worry.