How can I get my twins to stop pulling hair?

I’ll probably get hate for this but IDC, good ole fashioned spanking on the butt!!! And told no, no it’s NOT child abuse, you don’t hit them hard enough to bruise them at least not purposely… my brother and I was both raised with spankings when we deserved it, also with a belt… don’t agree with this one but ive had glass dishes thrown at me too… no we weren’t “abused” and we both grown into respectable adults… maybe that was just my generation though… born in spring of 90


Well now I have a question​:upside_down_face: My 8 month old grips and scratches people. I know he doesn’t understand that it hurts but he literally made me bleed a couple times from scratching me! How do you stop an 8 month old from scratching?! I clip his nails and it still hurts!:face_with_head_bandage:

Cut their hair too short to pull

Giving time outs to 1.5 year olds :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Tell them to stop if they don’t fucking don’t them, be a real fucking parent


You’re not pulling hard enough, my daughter was a bitter and she bit her cousins arm, legs , face, you name it and I tried everything to break her, even trying biting her back on her are and nothing helped then one day I was sitting at the dresser fixing my hair and she came over and what I thought she was going to lay her head on my leg was only to bite me and she bit me so hard it brought blood and hurt so bad and without thinking and quick reflex I grabbed her are and bit her so hard she fell to the floor and turned blue in the face from a tantrum and that stopped the biting!!! She3 yrs old and she’s 55


Go hard or go home, pull until they screech :joy:

Smack his hands when he does it, works for my kids when they touch stuff theyre not suppose to🤷🏻‍♀️

Just tug hair at the nape of their necks. That will get their attention quick.