How can I help with the pain of a umbilical hernia?

Question: I gave birth to my third and final baby girl on August 31st and have developed what the OBGYN has called an “umbilical hernia,” so I’m waiting to schedule surgery to fix it. It hurts SO BAD. My question is, in what ways have you other mamas alleviated the pain, or what has helped you deal with it while waiting for surgery? Please keep in mind I’m nursing my baby and not crazy about taking medications. What can I expect with this surgery? As in like wait time, the healing process, etc. any advice is helpful!

Call your doctors office. They should have suggestions on safe ways to alleviate pain while you wait for surgery.

Would a belly band or wrapping your belly work? I have no idea if it would but in theory i would think it holding everything together would help

I just had a 7cm(I guess that’s pretty large) umbilicol hernia repaired last Thursday also had my tubes removed. I have a pretty high pain tolerance and this has had me pretty tender. Even a week later I have some intense camping feelings. So I hope you have someone that can help you with your children as your not suppose to be lifting. I’m not sure what to do though about pain relief prior to surgery as my hernia wasn’t bothering me. I too am breastfeeding and I just googled the meds I was prescribed and the safest way to take them and continue breastfeeding. I pump or breastfeed before I take my meds then try to wait as long as I can usually about 6 hours after I take my meds then pump or breastfeed again before I take more. I also bought a can of formula and have been using that here or there to keep him fed.

Try drinking vegetable juice, aloe vera, and ice. Oh n uhm… make sure you’re not struggling to “go” even if you need to take like stool softeners or laxatives.

I have a pretty wide diastasis recti and also an umbilical hernia. Both developed after my 3rd baby. Waiting to get it repaired but need to loose all the weight.
What helped me is fiber rich foods, stool softener and wearing loose clothing. Nothing to press over hernia as it causes irritation and discomfort. Not lifting anything heavy! Good luck mama!

Keep your bowels regular, dont strain, and the belly band is a good idea.

I’ve had one now 7 years bc surgery isn’t a option with no insurance, I just deal with it unfortunately