How can I offer someone car seat advice?

Youtube videos on how to do the right way. The ones that show what will happen if it’s wrongly done and be like bro I saw this interesting video come check it out or something like that. They will realize it fast and might change how they do things. Or just straight out tell them but I get it my sister wouldn’t listen to me when I just was trying to help. So I shared videos then she finally realized I wasn’t lying and changed how she did things.


I would just tell them that the way they are buckling him is not only wrong but illegal. Help them understand the right way. If they aren’t perceptive them I would probably call the local police station and see if their officer trained in car seat safety can pay them a visit to help install their seat correctly.

Im a karen Id just go off on them that babys safety is far more important than their perspective of you


I would just talk to them. Some people just don’t listen and if they continue to do it then just have a police officer come over and talk to them about it; in my opinion that might scare them a little bit more


I usually try to keep my nose out of others business but not with car seat safety. Im all like hey you are doing that wrong and that baby’s life is in danger. Fix that now. If they don’t listen I just kinda stick my head and arms in there and tighten the straps myself. Thats usually the problem. And I keep on them about it. They hate it and think Im a B but I would feel like total s**t if something bad happened and I didn’t say something and at least try. And maybe they really don’t know about that thick body suit thing maybe try talking to them and showing them some info. Educate them without belittlement. Ask how you can help show them the correct way.

You can point out to them that if they get pulled over with the child not in a proper car seat they can get a ticket. Not sure where you are at, but in some states it is a $500+ ticket. Unfortunately the possibility of having to pay a lot of money is more powerful than endangering the child for some people.

Have a deputy or EMS responder come to the house to perform a car seat safety check, or you can take the mom to the fire station with the infant in the back. Either way, they will teach them the proper way to strap the infant in, and will go over the laws as well as weight requirements. An 8 month old is not equipped to withstand blunt force of a traumatic vehicular accident should one occur. Car seat safety is non-negotiable!


They need to stop putting that child in danger. That’s why they teach you about proper car seat safety before you leave the hospital. The child shouldn’t be forward facing until at least 2 years or a certain weight. My nephew is almost 3 and still is facing backwards.

I would bring it up as “hey I noticed you have him forward facing and wearing thick clothes and I just wanted to let you know that it can be dangerous and why, I’m just concerned for his safety God forbid you’re in an accident”

I would suggest having a “parent night”(invite new parents/parents with toddlers, heck…even parents who would like a refresher), also invite a local firefighter to come and demo how to properly install and use a car seat. I know as a mom…I’d enjoy that because it doesn’t focus all on one parent/couple.


Yeah I agree with just telling them. Make it very clear that its a matter of life or death in the case of an accident with my nephew his straps were wrong before and I straight up unstrapped him, fixed them and strapped him back in properly right in front of my sister. If I see a baby or child who’s straps aren’t tight enough or in the right position I just say 'make sure you fix the straps before you drive or fix them myself :woman_shrugging:


Find one of the car seat safety brochures and kindly place it somewhere they will see it

Just say, “It’s not my intentions to step on anyone’s toes or overstep you as parents, but I care enough to address something important that’s concerning me.”


Show them the law and also a video from YouTube as to why a child needs to be rear faced till AT LEAST 2 years old, but longer the better. Show the video and the video also shows how they should be properly strapped. They can get fined for it. If they don’t listen then it’s on them… at least u tried

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Just tell them, if they don’t listen wait till they go out in the car and call the police, give their license plate number. Maybe a dose of reality it what they need.

Sorry when it comes to the safety of a child I can’t stay out of it. I would tell them straight up and provide supporting documents


Sign them up for a car seat safety class


Show them the law where you are regarding forward facing. Most places it’s 2 years old now to be turned FF n that they can get a huge fine. Also you can send them videos of what will happen if they get in an accident n the child isn’t properly strapped in.


I’m a dick, I would just straight up tell them. And in my state it’s the law to rear face until 2 unless you have a doctor note.


If they have Facebook just post a bunch of car safety videos and laws without actually tagging them lol that’s how i have done it


Explain to them, then leave it alone. That’s literally all you can do

Show them a article while saying look what I read …

Either share a few videos on ur page or next time they are leaving try being the 1 to strap the baby in and maybe pass a comment in a subtle way (oh that coats keepin the straps too loose wil i take it off or how d u tighten these straps they r too loose)

Most hospitals have lil pamphlets and educational videos

Just tell them. Start off saying they could get in trouble if they got pulled over and saw the baby was forward facing. If your worried about saying something then tell the brothers mom. Grandmas can’t keep there mouth shut when it comes to their grand babies!

The baby’s neck is not yet strong enough to with stand potential injury from something simple as them slamming on breaks to stop at a stop light.

Not your circus, not your monkeys. But maybe a loud convo where they can overhear you about so and so kid getting killed in a accident because of improper carseat restraint might be ok


Not your kid so not your business

Who cares if you sound like you are parent shaming? That is against the law and putting their child in danger. If they get in an accident their child could be seriously injured. I’d call the cops, straight up. I don’t deal with people like this and I will go to the extreme right away because that child is in potential danger

dont. not your kid. mind yr business


My oldest son is 16 and I have another 11 years old. Both were forward facing at 1year. The car seats are much more advanced and fancier now a days but frankly it depends on the child’s height, weight, and type of seat. You could suggest them contacting the local police department for car seat regulations and workshops available for car seat installation but otherwise you should stay out of it with your opinion


Honestly I have no advice but this makes me really sad. My fiance has commented a few times about how our son doesn’t have tons of leg room anymore cause hes a big kid but I told him he will rear face til almost 3 unless a doc tells me otherwise. Im not gonna risk his safety and my fiance agrees on that especially considering its safety guidelines and the law


Just show them a safety video of a doll child in a car seat not properly strapped. People don’t realize the jolt and injury that happen just at 20 mph if not strapped properly even with an adult in a seatbelt. It’s the law not parent shaming, driving is a privilege not a right.

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If you have them on fb, the get car seat information and just share it all the time. Different videos. Different pictures people put together on google. Anything.

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Dont say anything and Send them this Car Seat Safety By Age: Infants in Rear-facing Seats (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia) - YouTube

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Some people are sayung leave it be… No! If something happens to that baby u will feel so guilty because u could of saved his life! Definitely speak up lots of good ideas on here.


I would tell them that a “coworker’s son” coincidentally the same age as their kid was the only child that died in a family of three. Parents are remorseful that they themselves were protected more than their child because he was not strapped tight enough and rear facing :woman_shrugging:t3:

Good luck. I tried to correct someone once that was family and to this day they still do it their way even though they know how unsafe it is :slightly_frowning_face:

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I am crazy when it comes to car seats and kids being in them properly. I just tell people honestly that they’re not secure enough some people like it some dont at the end of the day atleast I can say I tried to show them how to do it id rather say something and hope they fix it then have it on my conscience if they get into an accident :woman_shrugging:

Are you in the UK?

My little ones 14 mnths, an we were told Rear facing until 15 mnths… and NO padded jackets… were not in a car often but when we do, i just put a Cardigan on her then put a blanket over the car seat across her knees… usually gets kicked off but :roll_eyes:

As much info as there is out there on car seat safety I’m almost certain they know what they are doing is wrong and just do not care just like they will not care on your input on raising their child :woman_shrugging: good luck though


You guys saying “mind your own business”…you really feel that way? God forbid this family actually gets into a wreck where the baby is harmed. Parent shaming does suck but in the case of safety, maybe life or death, it’s necessary and kind of her duty. Shame on all you who think she should do nothing. All it takes is one time.

To the OP. I agree with some others here, just keep trying. Show them videos, and wreck statistics. Maybe show them some articles of accidents where the baby was injured/lost due to poor seating…painful but they need to see proof. Dont be like, an asshole about it or anything but do keep trying… maybe get others involved too… Good luck

You are not alone. I try my best to share every meme I see on the subject bc so many parents don’t know. I agree with the lady that said show videos. Seeing it being said by somebody else may open their eyes. Don’t stop and try your very best to teach them. Keep YOUR nephew safe :heart:

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Just be honest with them. Point out the issues. Pointing out what is wrong and why it’s unsafe isn’t parent shaming, it is educating them.

I called out my boyfriend’s cousin for having his daughter forward facing too early. I told him what could happen and he went home and changed the seat back to rear facing.

that is not giving somebody advice honey that is you don’t let them leave with your child until that child is facing the right way and that car seat

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I don’t even like me 3-year-old facing forward for it but we don’t have the room in the car for the car seat to face backwards and we can’t afford a new car

Go to, car seats, they have info, links & many auto dealers hold free car seat safety checks annually.

Say something. You could be saving a child’s life. This is my soapbox… I share facts and examples as they come up. I don’t care if it’s not wanted information… if they were in an accident and the baby got hurt I would feel horrible that I didn’t try to tell them how dangerous it is.
On etsy you can find some nice heavy blanket ponchos that allow for buckling against the body and a heavy blanket to cover everywhere else. Maybe send the link or buy one.

I know someone so stubborn been told more than once even by there aunt put there kids in a car seat old enough still to be in a car seat.and nope .and get otherwise need properly use the car seat.

Send them a car seat safety video and they can watch them test them… I wish everyone would ppl stress me out about car seats

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This makes me so angry that we don’t have strict car seat laws. That should be considered endangering a child :triumph:

Just straight up tell them they are not being safe with their child and something needs to change bc if not the child services can and will get involved. You dont even have to be the one who reports them some stranger on the street that none of you know could see it and report it. And with it being an 8mnth old baby just one report would have them making a visit to the parents of the baby.

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This is about your child’s safety. Be honest and direct. What they are doing, or lack their of, could cause the death of your child. No wiggle room allowed.

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I feel like for this just flat out explaining it to them maybe even sending links about car seat safety is the best approach. If they take your advice, great, if not, at least you tried!

Omg just show them just say hey can I show you somthing and take the body suit off of the child and put back in the car seat and show them how it’s not safe and ots the law that your child stay back facing until they are 2 or reach the weight or height limit so that one not really hard to say. Like you don’t have to be all weird about it or w.e. just tell them your not following the law with you child and your putting your child in danger because of the things your doing.

Depending on where you live there are laws about car seats. My state requires babies under 1 to be rear facing. They will ticket you for not doing so. Check your area about the laws. I had a friend who lost her fiance and child in a wreck. They said the child was not strapped in correctly causing his death. She later committed suicide due to the guilt she felt. She was the driver. When it comes to life and death you should not worry about hurting their feelings. Provide them with sources and tell them you only want the best for them and their baby.

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Check out your state laws. In NY by law kids cant be forward facing until 2, but its recomended longer. Sometimes people dont know that things are unsafe. Choose a way to address that without coming off as putting them down. Show them safety videos of kids in carseats, and be helpful with the information! It doesnt hurt to say something, but it could be tragic if you dont!

I would just wind up sending them a proper “how to” meme with hearts and say “I send this only with love in my heart. Not judgement” and if they try to aggressively respond dont even look at it. You’ve done your part by not staying quiet


Show them videos and information don’t just lecture them ! Be informative it will come off better if you lecture them they may feel
Attacked and not take your advice.

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Show them car crash simulator videos

I would show them the difference in the seat by removing the body suit and showing them the difference. Show them the space in between the car seat. A great way to act is act like you’ve also been doing it and just learned this information. Say something like, “hey, I went to this car seat safety seminar at the local fire department and just wanted to share this information.” That way you can act like you just learned it yourself

Let your boyfriend talk to his brother about it

The amount of car seat information that is out there is insane so if they aren’t doing it they are choosing not to do it. You could always message privately and say that you aren’t trying to overstep boundaries but since it’s a safety issue just wanted to drop some information to them. Maybe find some stuff off of Pinterest with pictures

Just start with…I’m not sure if you knew but…it is not safe for the child to be front facing until…

Depending on the state if their child does get hurt they could face some pretty hefty fines and charges. Ultimately you can’t make them do anything though.

I don’t even think it’s legal to forward face a baby that young. I would just approach it as gently as possible and let them know you are saying something because you care and not to be condescending. At the rate they are going if they are in a crash he will be seriously injured or worse

Take a baby doll roughly the same size and dress them in the puffy body suit and loosen the straps. Then take said carseat and FLING IT AROUND LIKE NO TOMORROW and watch their faces as that baby doll flies out the seat.
Then repeat but with no puffy bodysuit and tighter straps.
Send and show videos of what happens when children are faced forward too early.
You can have local law enforcement explain the importance of car seat safety and the reasons why we rear face, snug buckle our little ones.
It’s not legal to front face before a year and honestly, if none of those things work and directly saying something without them making changes, REPORT EM.
Child safety isnt a choice and sometimes learning the hard way by getting them ticketed or at least, visited and educated by DCFS. Cause the only other hard way is getting into an accident and losing their child because they weren’t correctly restrained and flew thru the windshield and into a tree.:woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:

Girl I would let them know what’s wrong with it and tell them why.
I have had moms do that to me and I wasn’t mad

Post a few links, or videos… maybe they will see it…

Or casually bring up an accident where child was forward facing, or not strapped in correctly… just saying it was so sad, and thats why you should keep them rear facing, and strapped correctly… not rudely, more of a… did you hear about that child, so sad…

Maybe they will listen

Find a video online of a crash dummy baby sitting forward and getting in an accident. And then find a video of a crash dummy in a snowsuit. Change their minds real quick

Show him a car safety video…

This is a cute/recent article about a dad putting the baby in wrong and she ‘nagged’ and he fixed it in time for a car accident. So the baby was safe.
It could be a passive way to bring it up and show how important it is.

Send a video and say you saw it on Facebook and thought she’d like to know so her baby is secured. The rest is up to her.

I would go with “so I don’t know if you know this but…” I tried with my co worker and she still only clips the chest clip in the 4 month olds seat “because I’ve got sisters” so annoying and I pray for all the baby’s but the best you can do is try. Maybe you could have law enforcement show up and show them how to do it right. They do it for free at the firestation.

I would not let my husband drive for a month and would check our kid every single time until he was consistently doing it right.

You could add them to the car seat for littles page on Facebook. It is a great resource for new parents.

Talk to the mom. Say it nicely. Make it sound like you truly care about the baby. Or you can say “hey I read this article that says it is safer to put the baby this way”

Be straight up someone needs to stand for that baby and show them videos of what happens when babies ride the way they letting him sit in the car otherwise call the your local cps office tell them what’s going on

Set them up with a local.police station for a car seat safety check…the police gladly help you make sure its the right car seat and its in the right way

Just tell them how it is. Tell them you don’t want to sound like a bitch,but you don’t want something to happen…God forbid you bite your tongue and something does. Just say what you need to say. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Tell them you just saw a commercial about the law I’m nc being rear facing til at least 12months. This is the law!!

I would tell them but be kind. I would rather hurt their feelings than not say anything and something bad happen to the baby.

It’s not shaming it’s your nephews safety. Tell them straight out that is not how to use a car seat.

At the point they are neglecting to properly care for their child, I think it is okay to shame them :woman_shrugging:

Share some car seat horror stories with them… might give them something to consider🤷‍♀️

Tell them straight up what they are doing

Report them to social services. !! Any child who not strapped properly I’m sorry but you need put child’s safety before your love for family.

Never judge a book by its cover, I had always talked rubbish about the spiritual healers because i was living a luxurious life with my husband and kids. I never believed that anyone can solve someone’s problems. I could rudely reply to the posts about the healers with insults little didi know that one day they will help me. It started when a strange disease attacked one of my kid for almost eight months. I visited all the hospitals in Europe but the doctors couldn’t see the disease. I went to pastors, Sheiks, Sisters, and priests but couldn’t see any change. I sold all of my properties and lost my business because I was charged lots of money. I went back to Zero. My husband was used to a luxurious life since he was coming from a rich family. He started losing interest in me, disrespected me, insulted me in our kids’ presence, all my in-laws hate me. I had no shoulder to cry on.I was left with no hope. The most heartbreaking part is when my husband started cheating on me with one of the member of Parliament which I won’t mention her name. I got depressed and tried to commit suicide until when my friend asked me to contact papa marere . I had lost hope and besides didn’t trust healers. I called them scammers. My friend used his cellphone and called him. he gave him a date to go to her office and on that date, my friend picked me very early in the morning and took me there. I explained everything to him. he asked us to go back and bring the sick kid and we did so. he cast his spells and after a few hours, my son was healed. And he also told me that my husband will return that he has settled that After a few weeks my husband came back home and apologized to me. he gave me a ring for my business and as I speak now am not complaining. I got back everything.+2348109805184 is his number for help. Email him via ( marerespells@gmail. com ) he is INCREDIBLE.

When it comes to child safety im a total Karen. Tell them that its not the safety guidelines and offer to help them or show them the correct way. I also use medical journals as my backup. Like dont believe me heres Hella research.
You must do whatever you can to help protect that poor baby.
And even if they don’t listen you atleast did your part and told them the correct way

I know some local fore departments do car seat checks and try to teach about car seat safety there is also videos you can look up

Find an article with the safety guidelines and forward it with omg I just read this and thought i would forward it!

Take them on ride to fire department…they will teach them