How can I tell my best friend I don't want to include her in our family Christmas?

It’s hard to find friends or family that are so involved with your kids, love them and want to be a huge part of their lives. It’s something I wish my kids had. For that reason, I may consider including them. Is it really worth losing a friendship over? You don’t have to be together 24/7 while there.

Be honest if she is really your best friend even if she is hurt she will respect it and understand. Maybe have your own little Christmas Day before hand.

She mustn’t be your friend so :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I would hope my bestie would just be upfront and honest with me. I’d be 100% okay with missing out on something, that they wanted for just them. We’ve got 20+ years together though and are soul mates. :white_heart::white_heart:

Just tell her the truth. You want to be with your family…

Just be honest with her. Hey I love you, you’re my best friend, but this is a family trip so we can focus on just our kids :heart::heart::heart:

You’re a grownup just say that you’re going and that you need time alone with the family

Tell her the truth. A good friend will understand that sometimes you need just family time. Tell her you would love to still have her included with some things, just not this time.

Have an adult conversation. Tell her it’s family time. And although she is family, It’s YOUR family time.

Be honest. Do you have any other mutual friends you could ask to invite her for Christmas dinner? Going on a vacation for a holiday is not the same as having her over for Christmas dinner. I would tell her sooner than later so that maybe she can make some other plans. Don’t feel bad about needing time just for your children and your husband.

It’s ok to just family!! Tell her now! That’s what real friends do! Be honest!!

i would just be like im sorry and i dont mean anything by it but we want it to be just us

Just because she is a friend does not mean she can be with you 24/7/365. Tell her to go get a life, meet someone, join a club, get a boyfriend just don’t let her handcuff herself to you and your family. Don’t let your husband make the decisions or she will be going to him to ask herself along and he won’t have the heart to say no

Just tell her it’s “the family” period.

If she is a true friend she will get over it…she’s not married to you or your husband no reason for her to be there especially when she’s included in near enough every family celebration…she needs to realize your married with kids, your own family, you all need time alone through the day and not just at bedtime to go to sleep…just because she’s single with no kids doesn’t mean she has to jump in on ur family…sorry but I couldn’t be friends with someone smothering like that as nice as you are for including her in everything she needs to say no spend the time with your family sometimes too

Good luck with this your in a no win situation

You say it exactly how you did here

Does she have any family?

I would think she would just know‼️

This is a special trip for your family. Tell your friend that you love her and value her friendship but you want time with your husband and kids alone. If she does understand, this friendship might be over. Some friendships are for life some for only a season.

I lost a friend because of this- had to let go when she went through my phone and saw me complaining that I needed me time and she was too needy in my busy life. Let her know gently before it gets to that extreme.

Unfortunately you’ve kinda set the tone that she’s “one of the family” so now you will have to tell her she’s not invited on the family trip. There’s no way around this and you shouldn’t not take your kids bc you don’t want to let your friend down. End of the day if she’s really your friend she will understand and wish you a safe fun trip if she doesn’t…well then maybe she’s not your real friend she just wants to live life thru you bc she doesn’t have a husband or kids of her own.

Just say I’m having a pre Christmas dinner, if you would like to come, as we’re going on a family holiday for Christmas, & I won’t see you til we get back, give a Christmas pressie, & say open it now if you like, because we won’t be back until after Christmas :santa:

Tell her straight up
That you can’t include her this Christmas as your family is going away at Christmas
For family time

I so over the “my feelings” crap as a guilt trip to get what they want from people. Too much pushing of people into others lives. Tell her point blank she’s not coming with you and you’ll find out what kind of friend she truly is.

I’d ask her if she minds watching the house when ya gone because you trust her. She’ll understand that way that she isn’t invited. If she says aww I thought I was coming too say awww no this is for my family for Christmas just us and the kids. Xx

I don’t think there’s a nice way of saying that so you’re going to have to blunt. That’s a really big thing for her to just basically say she’s going on. Have something special before you go to maybe lessen the blow?

Tell her it’s a family vaycay. No Brainer

Your husband should tell her he wants to go just with you and the kids… she can go next time. :woman_shrugging:t3:

Wow, l think after she has read all these posts she will get the message.!!!

You shouldnt feel obligated tontake her on such an expensive trip. Would she be paying for anything anyway? Or does she expect you and your husband to pay? She will feel lost while youre gone but hopefully she can cope enough to handle herself at home. I dont know how shes going to react. Juat like i know 0 about if she expects you to pay or she has hers covered. Its super expensive to do a disney trip. I couldnt expect anyone to fund my family juat because i wanted to go. I hope i can take my family some time in the future myself. Maybe… one day.