How can you cope with anxiety while pregnant?

My husband and I plan on getting my IUD taken out in the next couple months, and will try to get pregnant after that. I have generalized anxiety, especially when something is out of my control. anyone have any tips on being pregnant with anxiety issues? or what to expect? I am nervous I won’t be able to handle it. I cannot wait to be a mother, just afraid I cannot handle it. Advice please


I have really bad anxiety and have always wanted to know what was going on at all times still hate the unknown just remember to breath a lot take time for your self I would write down everything that was bothering me n take hot showers my anxiety was a lot better when I was pregnant then it was before n now and I still make my list of things n go down the line to work on one thing at a time I hope you guys the best :heart::blush::blush:

I was pregnant within 4 months of having my IUD out and again when my son was 4 months so it is true your very likely to get pregnant after having it out. I have major anxiety and being a mom is very hard if I were you I would go thru my pregnancy and after baby is born start getting some anxiety meds in your system so that as your baby becomes more active you will be pretty regulated on meds and it will be much easier to control


Just relax I suffer from severe anxiety. All you can do is learn to relax. I can tell you everything made me worry like crazy but it is so worth it

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It’s in walmart rite aid online

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It’s not that bad. Better out than in. I would never recommend IUD as birth control. The mirena was absolutely horrible for me

I’m currently pregnant with my second baby and my doctor increased my anxiety meds because the hormones made my anxiety worst.


Nah you got this. You already sound like a mommy. We always worry if we can handle what the kids throw at us next. Even if you think you are the most prepared person out there, and have all you shit together, the kids will show you just how unprepared you were in that situation, and the shit you thought you had together is now everywhere. It’s part of being a mom. It’s hard, it’s trying, your exhausted, but you love it. You really love being a mom. Talk when you need too, ask for help when you need too, don’t be afraid to reach out to friends or family so you can have some alone time and you and daddy can have some adult time. You can lose yourself in being a mommy, but you won’t if you talk and ask for help when it’s needed, and it will be needed. Don’t place expectations on yourself that are out of your reach. One day at a time one minute at a time.

There are good days and bad days. I have a major anxiety disorder. When I was pregnant I had to go off of my daily medication and my fast acting sedative that was for anxiety attacks. I just told myself it didn’t matter if I thought I needed the meds because baby couldn’t have them. As well as, in times of great distress, I would tell baby I was going to be the best mommy I could be. I’ve been off meds for almost three years because as soon as I quit brestfeeding my first I fell pregnant with my second. Its refreshing to not be a slave to the meds anymore but sometimes a bit touch and go. It’s worth mentioning that I have a great support system. My fiance is really just the best and my mom also lives with anxiety.


I have anxiety. I used to self medicate with Marijuana to control it. It worked for me. But now I use the self guided meditation videos on YouTube. It helps me so much! :heart: it reduces my anxiety drastically and it’s actually made me a better mother because of it. I had a friend swear by it and I was skeptical but now I doubt I will go back to my self medicating. My anxiety is a lot worse at night and cause insomnia. That’s the only time I would smoke. But now I pop in my headphones and listen to which ever one I want to listen too or need that night and I’m out in minutes!

Here’s my advice: from the dawn of time mothers have been handling it, you will to.

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I have PTSD and anxiety and I’m on my second pregnancy. The beginning of the second trimester was honestly so rough this time. I started getting really paranoid about my husband, I wasn’t happy with our living situation, I was a hormonal mess… my regular anxiety med is just the lowest dose of Xanax available and only as needed, because daily maintenance meds wipe me out and cause too many side effects. Obviously I can’t take Xanax while I’m pregnant. So when things occasionally got overwhelming, with permission from my OB, I would take a Benadryl, and take some time for myself to recharge… like drink chamomile tea, wash my face, and take a good long nap. It’s the only way I made it through either pregnancy. Ask your doctor before medicating with anything though, of course.

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starte reading books go take a 9 week parenting class for becoming a new mom. Read an look up all the materials you can find right down question. Also starte a monthly Journal an picture of how your stomach is growing. An how you are feeling. These are things I wish I had done 42 years ago. But I was able to do my daughter’s with her pregnancy. God Bless an please do not stay stress your baby will feel every emotion you have so stay as happy an content as you possibly can.

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