How do I break this pattern?!

Sounds like your husband deserves better. Women like you are the reason men don’t want to settle down. You need to get off your high horse. If you loved your husband, the thought of another man would make you sick.


Your husband deserves better. If you’re cheating on him, yet staying with him, you’re a user.


I’d say you Need to divorce your husband, for both of your sake, and find a man that you are attracted to. Sounds like you should have never married this man. You’ve wasted his time and your own unfortunately :broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart:


you either suck it up and make him happy for the rest of his life, or cut the bullshit act and break it off now before you bring kids into this. he’ll recover eventually.


Shocking what your doing to your husband eventually your attractiveness isn’t gonna be enough for some men A good woman whether she’s attractive or not will always be a good woman sorry bout it but your not that woman


He definitely deserves better than you!


Get some therapy. Sheesh


Funny thing is, in my humble opinion, most of you women TRYING to degrade this anonymous woman is only showing your true colors. I can guarantee you that YOU yourselves have probably cheated on your own man, married or not, and you stand here judging another woman. You better check :heavy_check_mark: yourselves you hypocrites :woman_shrugging:


I don’t understand how people put their business out on social media, and say don’t judge me, be nice?! Insanity at it’s core. You’re insane. Seek help! Start there!!


Get a divorce and tell him the truth.


I had to read this twice bc WTF hahaha.
Are you saying that you cheat???
If you’re in attracted to him then tell him and work on that together.
Or leave him. He deserves better and you deserve to be with someone you’re attracted to and won’t cheat on


Take the reigns and start your sexual intensity with your husband.Be spontaneous.

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Probably not the platform for this specific topic… Seek Therapy… For yourself. Tell him and be honest. See if he will honestly forgive you and respect him enough to give him his space to take it all in. Name calling is not going to solve anything… Be realistic. And lastly own your actions and accept the conciquences.


You need to show him some respect and tell him what’s up. He deserves to know. How would it make you feel if the roles were reversed ??


Find out what it is about him that isn’t attractive to you is it something that you can work on that he can work on that you guys can work on together try different things in the bedroom role-play I don’t know if you’re in the wind but may be bringing a woman into your relationship and being poly would work for you. Just throwing some things out there.

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Divorce him and get into counseling.


Is this a serious post? Are you for real right now??


If you love your husband, be honest with him. If he loves you enough to continue the relationship and help mend the brokenness then, start there. But my advice, tell him regardless. He deserves to know, plus it’ll help you mentally to get it off your heart. Maybe you both can work together in therapy and start the love over again.

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I’m not sure what kind of advice you are looking for? It’s truly sad for your husband. If you really love him you’ll leave him. Once you are single you can have the excitement of new men without betraying someone who loves you.


You need to see a therapist and figure out why you’re having these issues.
You pretty much said it yourself, you’re the problem, the cheater. I don’t know how he’s stayed through all your “exploring” but, you should be thankful he’s still around and really work on yourself.

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I’m confused….why did you get married in the first place?.there’s no way I can have a man touch me in a sexual way unless I’m seriously attracted to him.


Your husband needs to be told what’s going on and He should have the option of being able to see other ppl to or get a divorce.
It sounds like you maybe a person who needs to be in an open marriage, but it needs to be mutual and honest. Stop running around on your husband it’s immature and juvenile behavior.


Halfway reading this I had to go back and make sure you said you were married. Sounds like you need a divorce.


Get therapy for sex addiction. You can consider sexaholics anonymous. You need tools to change. You need to be honest with your spouse and be accountable.


Ah cupcake doubt you’re as attractive as you think you are, you’re just easy :woman_shrugging: seriously marrying someone when you constantly cheat then crying poor you :roll_eyes:


Please do your husband a favor and leave him. Also get tested for STD’s ASAP. What you’re doing is terrible. It’s one thing to make a mistake once, but to continue this pattern is seriously messed up.


you married a man you have no attraction too?
you need to free him and be single


Talk to your husband. Ask him. Tell him what you’ve put in here… otherwise nothing will work if you aren’t on the same pages

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Ok, so obviously if he is your husband, you had to have found him attractive at some point. Start there and trace your steps to what happened for you not to be. Then work through it. Especially if he is truly everything you ever wanted and you love him. If all that you’re looking for is the thrill of the chase, then you need a divorce and you will never be happy in any relationship. The chase eventually ends in every relationship but that doesn’t mean you give up the relationship. If you freshen things up, you can still get that same thrill from that same person and it’s even better when you have the security of knowing he will always be there for you and to support you. It’s nice to feel attractive to others but always maintain your boundaries out of respect for yourself and your partner. Boundaries means no cheating in any way including flirting. Either way, you have to talk to him. Tell him what’s going on and see if its salvageable. Chances are, he already suspects something is going on, the signs are usually pretty clear and obvious, even if you are trying to hide it. I don’t believe in it, but maybe you need an open relationship.

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You don’t truly love your husband. If you did, only he would be your desires, not the need for desires of other men.
It’s great to feel sexy and wanted, absolutely but spice it up with your husband.
Old song says “dance with the one who brought you”.
Or let him go since he doesn’t Rev your motor. He certainly deserves honesty.


You should consider urself blessed to have a husband like yours. My opinion is that u are selfish and taking advantage of your husband’s gòodness. Like you said the men leave you once they get what they want, that alone should speak volumes to you. I think you should wake up or walk out, cause if you had ever loved your husband, you will never cheat. Get help, before you end up destroying yourself .


Wait…are you asking how to stop cheating or how to get the “men” you’re cheating with to stop ghosting you?

Also, before I teach you, as I am a lovely, genuine, attractive, guru of relationship wisdom and WAPs, is your marriage an open marriage?

If so, I shall teach you the way.

If not, you’re literally cruisin’ for a karmatic bruisin’. You should admit everything to your husband. He deserves to know whether to divorce you and/or to finally take that hot suburban housewife who’s living next door to pound town.


This is a gross post.


I think you feel the thunder of feeling attractive but flirting and cheating are two totally different things! You can flirt all you want but when it comes to you having sex with someone that knows your married it’s not gonna turn out okay! Seek professional help because it sounds like you may have something from your pass that you are not resolving? What happened during your childhood that makes you seek other people? Is the fact that your married not find your husband attractive anymore? Maybe it’s the thrill of getting caught that makes you like it! Maybe you can have this extraordinary fantasies with your husband! I mean half the fun is actually having sex where you least expected!


SLAA. Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous. Also, please be honest with your husband and respect whatever decision he makes.


Get a divorce. Now. This sickens me.


Sounds like your husband got a raw deal, I hope he is t the bread winner. :roll_eyes: When he divorces you atleast be nice and not go for alimony.


You should do your husband the favor and leave him alone. I’d also get yourself checked for stds so you’re husband doesn’t have to catch anything on your affairs.


If you read your last statement: “its sooooooooo important” (the sexual attraction) If it’s not there, its not there. And unfortunately you need to break it off with your husband.


You should be worried about attracting some stds. How ridiculous for you to start a post saying “I’m a genuinely and lovely attractive married woman.” :joy: okay narcissist, calm down. Tell your husband what you’ve been doing, so he can leave and then you can go do all the men you desire without feeling bad. This isn’t fair to your husband.


What in the Young and the Restless did I just read?


I’ll gladly take your husband and treat him how he should be :upside_down_face:


That’s toxic as hell…you better set that man free and fix yourself…smh


I think you would be very hurt to find the taken for granted lovely husband is cheating on you. What I see here is you get bored once you get control of someone and looks for difficult situations like a forbidden romance and in the meantime you want that solid rock to be there for you always loving you after all the mischief you do. But please don’t think it would last, one day he would discard you and want someone who would give equal love to him. So please try to control this desire and be happy with this comfortable life without threats a d heartbreaks and cheating from your husband, he is worth sacrificing your this dark side.


It sounds like you may be dealing with a sex or love addiction. I would recommend looking into local SLAA meetings and maybe get some counseling.


Definitely seek help from a therapist. If you feel like you need this type of attention, then you might have some emotional disorders that you need to decipher and identify to get to the root of why you feel this way. In the meantime, you should come clean to your husband. If he decides to leave you, in the end, you’re dealing with the consequences of your adult actions. This is totally unfair to him.


People like you are a dime a dozen, your husband deserves better than the pos you are. Why did you marry him if you were never sexually attracted to him. I hope you end up totally alone one day.


So let me get this straight…your cheating on your husband? Hmmmm well why didn’t you say that? Probably need to file for divorce and be a player because this is absolutely what marriage is not about. This is not okay :confused: none of this is okay. Also go to the doctor and get that shit checked out may want to drag hubby along to get checked as well. Good lord.


This is the most ridiculous post I’ve ever read. The help you need is professional. Get tested because heaven forbid YOU transmit something to your husband. Then get a therapist.
Tell your husband your a cheating asshole and set him free. Someone would GLADLY take such an amazing man and treat him right.
Do you even realize how what you’re doing is so incredibly wrong? I’m betting your husband does not even know any of this going on!!
Good god the more I write the madder I am at you.


Let your husband find someone better


Do some things to spice it up. Worth a try.

But so would not be flirting with others, unless he is okay with it and that’s far as it goes.

However, if in an open relationship, find someone(s) that both of you can enjoy, as long as it’s strictly FWB.

Sneaking off and flirting, without his knowledge, is not cool and could lead to a break up/divorce.

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You should stop watching sex life on Netflix :joy: leave your husband please, he’ll find someone much better, that will be easy for him


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Oh wow omg I am shocked for words.
You need to let your husband free let him find someone who will take good care of him.
Why would you marry him if you’ve never had sexual chemistry in the first place!?!

Sounds like you want it all and this is not how it works!


This makes me sick!!!


You need a counselor

In the name of god… what did I just read? Ur heads too far up ur own arse!! Do your husband a favour and leave him before you give him the clap :tipping_hand_woman:


Why did you marry your husband? And I bet you go after married men.


As someone who has been cheated on, this is horrible. You want people to be nice to you. Ahhh no. Let me tell you how it feels to be cheated on, you feel unloved, ugly, alone, you can’t figure out what you did wrong. Maybe you shouldn’t have stood up for yourself, maybe you shouldn’t have asked for attention or love or to be put first. Maybe you should have just taken the crumbs they were willing to give. You feel terrible when your ghosted by a one night stand. Imagine how your husband feels after hearing you say you would love honor and cherish. Yeah no, your husband deserves better and you need to get over yourself


Your being an adulterous, could bring home a disease and you want us to be nice, and not judge, you are immature, selfish and don’t know what true love is, your husband deserves a real woman, not you. You have no idea the pain you will cause him when he finds out. This is not okay. Grow up is my advice.


“Be nice”!!!..The hell…You’re a deceitful player…Your husband deserves better…

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Seek help.

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After been married for nearly 21 years you ma’am are acting like a fucken twat…I can’t even…


Lmao bro you’re married! No one is going to condone this to make you feel better! Of course they bounce after they get what they want, why would they stay? If it’s not about the sex and the build up you already got what you want out of this. They should be worried about catching feelings for a married woman get some therapy and maybe you’ll be lucky enough to save your marriage n

Not many of us think you are "genuinely and lovely " so perhaps get yourself a new mirror and take another look. Idiot


Here’s what’s going to happen… he is going to find out and leave you. You will be happy and he will be devastated…then he will move on because he knows he didn’t do anything wrong. You’ll get older and fatter and the men will keep pumping and dumping you. Meanwhile he will meet the love of his life. You’ll end up used and broken and come crawling back… he will be kind but not take you back. You will end up alone.


Here’s your advice leave your husband so he can find someone better than you.

You are a horrible horrible person.

And you are upset that these people keep leaving after they get sex that they wanted no shit they leave after they get what they want.

Here’s advice try stop cheating on your husband or leave him.

And here I thought i knew :poop:y people but nope you take the cake for sure

No One in their right mind would think this is ok

I wish there was a button to push to smack some sense in into people


You can’t have the cake and the pudding too. Sounds like you need to be single, figure yourself out and let your husband be free of you and your cheating :no_mouth: own up to what you have done and be accountable


I thought this was gonna be one of those posts thY turn out funny cause I didn’t think it was real when reading it


Best advice I can offer you, leave your husband. Let him find someone who he deserves, who worships him and loves every inch of him.

The fact you don’t find the man sexually/attractive is fine… but you shouldn’t have married him if you had these doubts.
You believe you deserve better, so go find what your looking for and let your husband find what he also deserves.

At the moment, you aren’t respecting yourself, and you’re going to end up destroying your husbands soul and if it carries on he will grow to despise you for it.

Do yourself a favour, and do your husband a favour and dont carry this recklessness on any longer :cry:


“Be nice”
Lmao you’ve come to the wrong place.
None of this is okay.


You want to break the pattern? Be honest with your husband and just leave him then if all you’re gonna do is cheat. You honestly sound like such a narcissist. Your husband deserves someone way better!


Guessing you married for money then🙄


“ don’t judge me. Be nice “
Try being nice to your husband. Not happy leave. Fuck sake.
How dare you even think you have the right or the audacity to treat him this way.


You may have a sex addition. You need to seek help. Part of that help is telling your husband about EVERYTHING you have done. Their are groups and counselors for this. Seek help now


You’re disgusting! Divorce him so he can find better!


Please don’t judge me and be nice? I’m sure you realize that your behavior IS the issue here. Get some help before you destroy your life. Good luck, to you and your husband. What a disaster.


Wow. God forbid any of you ever find yourself in a bad situation and reach out for help. “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.”


You sound like you have an avoidant attachment style. If you are flirting and hooking up with other men behind your husband’s back then your marriage is over and you need to free him to find someone who is happy with him and won’t cheat on him.


Go see a therapist. Spunds like you want to be chased and made to feel like a catch and there isn’t anything wrong with that but if its controlling or ruining your peace then seek out a therapist to find out why you do this and coping skills to help you feel good without the flirting

I’m assuming you posted this to get people all worked up…which worked. I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and take this post as satire. If it isn’t a joke then my official diagnosis is, you’re a dick. :woman_shrugging:


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do I break this pattern?!

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What’s your husbands name and number, I’ll show him how a real, trustworthy, honest, caring woman treats a good man!!! I hope he finds out and knows his self worth and kicks you to the kerb with nothing, and when he divorces you do not disrespect him further by taking “your half” you should walk away with your head facing the gutter. You clearly have NO idea how being hurt, lied to and cheated on feels because you wouldn’t do it :rage: I hope he finds someone who will give him everything you dont.


As someone stated earlier, I too have found myself behind the wrong closed doors. So the first thing that I noted was not the affair but the fact you were concerned because they ghosted you. Seriously! You should have ghosted them. It seems you want an ongoing affair with one man. That is a sure way to end your marriage. There is no advise. It has to be something you want.


Your husband deserves better. Do him a favor and divorce him. You reek of whorish.


Has it ever occurred to you that those “other” men might have AIDS or some other kind of disease? SERIOUSLY, if you get it and spread it to ur husband, that’s gonna look TERRIBLE on u in front of a judge, do him the biggest favor yet an divorce him, so he can find a much better lady that has as much love to share with him as he does her. U go be a prostitute, it just seems like the perfect job for you!!! :person_facepalming::person_shrugging:


I have to say, I do not agree with the things she is doing, but I am taking into consideration that she is asking for help.


Seems to me you think more of yourself than you do your husband…there’s nothing wrong with you having confidence in yourself and your looks. Unfortunately it seems you get off on flirting and cheating. The men you use also use you.
You lie when you say you have everything you could want in a husband! I guarantee if your husband really knew who you are you would NOT be everything he could/would want in a wife! Being pretty on the outside can still mean ugly on the inside!
Get yourself some therapy or leave your husband for his sake.


Awwww, this is truly a verrrrrry saddd post as far as I’m concerned…:sob::sob::sob: This poor man has stayed by your side for God only knows how long, loves & believes you are the woman of his dreams while you are going around behind his back being that flirtatious “other woman” because you are trying to make your “own” eggo feel better by flirting with every other Tom, Dick & Harry as you are perhaps figuring out their net worth???..however you still have “OLD Stosh” back home to rely on…you should truly delete this post because you are an embarassment!!! My God, how did your parents raise you???
Let this man begin a happy life asap! You don’t deserve him, PERIOD!!!


So you’re cheating on your husband who cares about you because of lack of sexual attraction??? Why would you do that to a good man? You never should have gotten married in the first place if you weren’t attracted to him. This :poop: is what ruins good, decent people! It destroys their outlook on love and everything that goes along with it. Your husband deserves better and you need help. There is no learning how to break any pattern here. Your the problem and you need to fix yourself! Your going to destroy that man mentally, emotionally and physically! This is terrible. You should divorce him and let me find someone who deserves him because you most certainly do NOT!!! You’re sick!


Because of someone just like you … I now have a amazing husband . So let someone who deserves him have him … :raised_hands:


Alrighty, no judgement from me. I have found myself behind the wrong closed door ( long story for another day). But the thing that came to my mind is? “ if you don’t feel attracted to him then why did you marry him?” Yes attraction is a very big part of a relationship. Were you attracted to him ever??


girl you’re literally asking for advice on how to basically keep cheating on your husband :joy::woozy_face:


Is there honestly anything your husband can do to make you more sexually attracted to him?

Simple get a divorce and let this man find a woman that will treat him right.


I’m not trying to be rude but it appears to me that you are all about self. You say you have this wonderful husband but yet your with other men behind his back. This man deserves more than what you are giving him. There is the thrill of the hunt and when you catch your hunted target it’s not fun anymore. You need counseling big time. You have committed adultery and if you think you can keep this up and not get caught, well, you’re wrong. You get careless and sloppy. I feel for your husband.


You have “everything you could ever want in a husband” yet you cheat on him.
You like the attention and thrill that a new relationship brings.
Get some therapy.


This is when its time to walk away.


It’s quite easy actually. You’re not in love with your husband. Period. You may be comfortable with him, but that’s it. There may be other factors why you stay such as children or finances but living a lie is not only unfair to him but also to you. You have a lot of soul searching to do. I wish you all the luck in the world.


To be honest your first sentence had me laughing… you have a good man… and if you mess that up that’s on you