It depends on the child, my baby was breast fed, then I went to similac advance… he could not hold it down. He’s on similac sensitive’s now!
My oldest was straight similac advance from the very beginning no issues.
It depends on the child, my baby was breast fed, then I went to similac advance… he could not hold it down. He’s on similac sensitive’s now!
My oldest was straight similac advance from the very beginning no issues.
Nutramigen was the only one both my kids could handle. It was on the pricey side. But the others made them fussy and gassy. Every baby is different.
It’s trial and error what kind of formula your child will need, better to stock up on gift cards instead because stores don’t usually take formula back.
I used what they gave me at the hospital. It worked fine and his pediatrician agreed.
Don’t stock up til you know for sure what baby will need. You just start with the basic kind and go from there! It’s all trial and error with finding the right one!
Which ever works best for you sign up for coupons because they are pricey
I wouldn’t stack up on any just purchase gift cards so u ur able to just get different kind of needed
Do not stock up on formula just in case you have to switch what formula your given the baby you can stuck up on money to put towards it but dont over buy till you know what’s it’s perfect on her stomach
Doctors know what is best for your baby at birth. My son had an iron deficiency at birth. He said to put him on infamil lipill with iron.
Depends on what baby can handle… Don’t stock up before until you can return it. Get a couple and see what happens
Daughter was picky. Had to figure out which one she liked after trial and error and refusal to drink any. She liked Gentlease and only in liquid form. The powder she didn’t drink at all.
I wouldn’t stock up. My daughter was on soy, my son on goats milk. You just won’t know.
Don’t stock up on formula just set money aside and buy 1 can of formula until u know for sure it’ll work.
I have a 3 week old right now and I just bought one can of the formula I used with my first son to see if my little one would do good on it, so far so good but I wouldn’t stock up too much Incase you end up having to switch. Some places won’t let you return formula
I picked my own and was told by health visitor that it was really good x
Its really up to the baby. Do not stock up on any type of formula just save the cash
So I stocked up on similac they couldn’t tolerate. They really didn’t tolerate enfamil at all. I tried carnation good start. They did extremely well. So I would agree with Valerie Stewart now if you get something like wic I had to have a script from the doctor every 6 months for them to cover it.
I wouldn’t stock up cause you don’t know if you’re baby will be able to even drink the one you stock up on
I usually went with what ever the hospital gave me
I started with infomil. I had to change it 4 times before my son could had one
Just put up the money up because shops will not take back formula at all
You can pick your own but i would probably wait because you never know what you will end up havimg to use OR pick a brand/store that will allow you to exchange if you need too (but unfortunately that can be hard to do)
We had a premie so we didn’t have a choice. Hospital/doctors set her up on Neosure. She had that for several weeks until she was big and strong enough. The we were able to pick one, but it was definitely an ongoing open conversation with the doctor. The sensitive version worked the best for her bc the proteins are already partially broken down.
Put $ aside, don’t stock up every baby is different
Hospital usually starts you out on something. If it works stick with it, if it doesn’t cause maybe it makes them gassy or spit up a lot etc then change it. I always did the gerber good start in the orange can cause it was covered by wic… I see all those judging eye balls
Use a nipple shield and you will build supply!
And you have to try and see what your baby accepts for formula. Doctors don’t pick. How would they know? Lol
I don’t recommend stocking up. We had to try many different formulas with my kids to find the one that they could tolerate. Formula is too expensive to just toss!
I would start with the normal formula. If baby is gassy or has issues then move to the gentle formula. Don’t buy name brand. The target brand is just as good as Enfamil, coming from a mom who thought she had to have name brand Targets gentle is the same thing but OHHHHHH so cheaper and way more
Pick one that you like and then go from there. Don’t stock up too much because babies are all different and they may need a different one. Most have to try a few till they find one that works best for the baby.
I would def put the money up because i wound up buying certain formula and my baby had acid reflux and couldn’t tolerate it!
You should breast feed for the 1st day so baby gets the special nutrients and protective layer throughout the digestive system. The nurses will start you out with a formula and if baby has no issues with it, stick with it. So for now, just save the $$ and don’t buy formula until you know what works for baby.
Good luck with everything and lots of love!!
If you have a history of allergies or sensitivities to milk proteins in other kids or your self I would go with alimentum right off rip. But otherwise the Costco, sams club is just as “nutrientally” equivalent to the more expensive similar and enfamil brands. If you have a kiddo who is smaller (SGA) then consider similac Neosure which has more calories than standard 19/20 calories/oz formula.
The baby picks depending on its health issues.
I bought the members mark (Sams) brand of the Enfamil Gentlease. It’s a big container for only $25 lasted us 2 weeks when I stopped breastfeeding.
Buy gift cards or something to buy formula instead of stocking up in case the baby can’t digest certain formula
I know you excided and want to buy stuff and be prepared , I had seven , so I get it ! Just go with enfamil, whatever you buy , put all your receipts in a zip lock in the baby bottle cabinet , that was if they need something else , you can exchange it , worst case , the other one is a lil more expensive, YOU ALREADY GOT MOST OF IT PAID AND DEFINITELY SIGN UP AT ENFAMIL.COM TO GET YOUR FREE BOX THEY SEND OUT !!! THEY SEND YOU 2 SOMETIMES 3 5 DOLLAR OFF COUPONS EVERY MONTH , HOPE THAT HELPS , YOUR MORE THAN WELCOME TO MESSAGE ME IF YOU NEED ANYTHING ELSE , COUPLE DAYS WE PAYED CASH ALWAYS , WE RAN LOW , I MESSAGED ENFAMIL. ,THEY SENT ME A LIL CAN A COUPLE OF TIMES AND OTHERS THEY SENT MORE COUPONS
Every baby is different. Some are more sensitive while other parents prefer the “all organic” crap from target that makes your kid chubby like the Michellen tire man🤣 I did regular similar. Blue can
I would just get one can to see how you lo tolerates it then stock up.
I started enfamil regular but had to switch to gentle ease
It depends on how they ARe doing cuz my twins are on Similac Alimentum but everything is usually a Gerber
Don’t stock up on any until you know what your baby can tolerate
You could sign up for a formula sample club type thing and they will send you different samples of their Different formulas. most brands have one.
My pediatrician suggested one to me when I picked her out.
I started with sensitive just to be safe and then switched to similac soy due to lactose intolerance (he out grew it) but i wouldn’t stock up stock up because you never know what they will like or how they’re bodies will handle it
I used the same as the hospital.
they picked for me at the hospital
Dont stock up in anything till you know what your baby will like best
Ask your kids doctor
The choice is entirely yours. I was desperate to breastfeed but things didn’t go as planned. We decided to use the same formula as what he was on in NICU and that worked for us. We would buy x2 1.8kg boxes which lasted us just over a month.
We also switched over to the follow up formula when he turned 6 months and we have not had an issue.
Dont stock up on a lot. Just one or two cans per brand/type. You never know if your baby will have issues with certain ones. It takes trial and error. Don’t “stock up” until you know which one baby’s tummy agress with. Ive always heard to start with a “gentle” version instead of regular. If problems arise the next step is the added rice formula or the soy. If those also don’t work see the pediatrician as baby may need a special formula. Dont change too mant times without drs consent.
I’d wait until baby is born to see what works for them. In the hospital they started my son on the blue similac and it was too strong for him, he was projectile vomiting, so they switched him to the green one. I was on WIC and they use enfamil so he took enfamil gentlease until he was done with formula.
I would have had no idea what to stock up on prior to him being born and seeing what his belly could handle
Breastfeeding is and always will be the best thing you can do for your baby. My granddaughter are so healthy
Don’t stock up until after baby is here and you find a formula that agrees with them. You don’t want to be stuck with a ton of formula that you can’t use.
You start with what you want then your baby will either tolerate it well or you will have to try different ones til one works with them if it doesn’t.
I just picked mine (did a very small can) to see how LO did on it. I went through 3 brands before I found what worked for us
Go online to each formula company and sign up for free samples too! They will send you coupons. Do all the companies!
You choose what formula but do not stock up on it. I put both my children on similac regular but they had to be switched to soy. If formula feeding is what you want don’t have anyone tell you otherwise.
Edit to add: See if you qualify for wic. Thats a big help also.
Sign up online for samples and they’ll send you coupons too!
I tired several before I found one that worked for us…we used Similac Gentle
Or Enfamil gentle with all 5 babies
I started on enfamil the little 2 ounce ready to feed. The hospital has the nipples and bottles. U just shake it and put the nipple on it. So easy. I used those the first month then did the powder. I put my daughter on enfamil gentle ease. Usually it’s up to your baby if they can tolerate the milk. My daughter was gassy with the yellow enfamil so I switched to the gentle ease and she was a much better baby. Do what’s best for you and your baby.
Maybe buy Walmart gift cards instead of actual formula. Then buy whatever kind baby needs. Baby could start on one and then need to change to another
I’ve always used Similac orange can (sensitive) since I have a milk sensitivity. It is a couple dollars more but I never had a problem with upset tummies or spitting up. Do not stock up on formula because all babies are different and some can’t tolerate certain kinds. Stock up on diapers and wipes
I started with samples of a few different kinds and found both of my kids were allergic to Similac and Gerber but took enfamil (or store brand of enfamil) just fine. But I wouldn’t stock up just in case. Most brands will send you samples if you sign up for their email list. They’re the small cans that will get you through a few days and to see if your baby has a reaction or is okay taking it.
I just went with enfamil since it was the most popular. The hospital provides formula for you stay and I believe they offer two choices too so that helped limit it. We had to switch my daughter to a different formula within a month tho
I also went with what the hospital gave us (Similac Advanced). And kept eye on baby in case she needed to change but she did great with it!
I bought what they gave mine at the hospital… and then when he got on WIC I went with that
We went through like 3 different kinds before we found what our son could tolerate so I wouldn’t get anything just yet
Dont stock up. You never know what kind will work until birth. Instead of actually buying it , put the money in an envelope so you have it when you need it
We went with the the hospital gave them when they were first born.
Don’t stock up cuz u never know if baby will be allergic or sensitive to some brands
I use the similac pro series. But don’t stock up. See if your baby tolerates it
If you want to stock up, buy yourself gift cards instead. This way you can wait and see what baby tolerates.
We are buying gift cards for different stores since we don’t qualify for WIC this time.
I wouldn’t stock on that if you don’t know how your baby will tolerate if
Don’t stock up until you see what is best for baby, then stock up
I just had my 3rd baby a week ago and I didn’t stock up but got a small supply of the same formula we used with our first 2 kids because while I wanted to give breastfeeding 1 more shot, I figured it wouldn’t work out as it didn’t with my first 2 (and I was right it didn’t work out- I just dont produce any milk). It so happens that this formula seems to be working for him just like it did my other 2. We have always used the orange Similac brand and we just picked. I would recommend not stocking up because you never know what will work for your baby.
I made a mistake and stocked up on Enfamil when my twins were born, one twin hates Enfamil and throws it up. So we ended up having to try different formula for him to see which worked. We now are slowly getting rid of the Enfamil with twin A and have twin B on Similac gentle.
I don’t recommend stocking up on formula before birth. Lots of times, babies need to be switched to a different formula or try several before finding the right one.
I recommend buying gift cards to your grocery store or Visa gift cards you can use anywhere instead and set them aside for formula.
I’m a doula, this is my standard recommendation on formula.
I wouldn’t stock up,
I’d talk with a lactation consultant for ongoing support, as for the formula don’t get more than one can of any one kind until you can tell which one baby tolerates. Also talk with the LC about spoon, cup,syringe, and paced bottle feeding if resorting to bottle if baby has any latch issues. Every baby is different one child can have no issues latching and feeding while the next is a complete champ.
If you have any perceived supply issues talk to the LC right away when first noticing signs. Tracking feeds and diaper outputs in the first 2 weeks can help pinpoint signs and make them more obvious.
Extra pumping and hand expressing after feedings once milk is in or power pumping when signs point to milk supply lowering significantly can help. Talk to your dr about any health conditions you may have and ask about appropriate galactagogues. Another great thing to ask for is any hormone deficiency testing too lower hormone levels of can actually decrease milk supply. Avoid anything with a lot of mints and sage as these herbs in more than culinary amounts (ie teas and tinctures) can lower supply quickly.
Don’t stock up cuz your baby could have bad gas, acid reflux, trouble digesting one, have a sensitive stomach. There’s so much. And you may have to switch to find the right one
Breast feeding is best …but in case you need a formula try NAN HA…or NOVALAC HA …it will prevent any allergies especially if one of the parent has allergies…NOT CURE…also helps with colic and reflux and .with cows milk allergies…
Depends on the baby so don’t prestock. My son used Gerber Goodstart which was third one we tried. He had real bad tummy problems on formula and that was the easiest for him to digest. We were really lucky that with a doctor’s note WIC still decided to cover it!
I would set aside some of money as if you were buying formula. That way you have money saved up to buy whatever formula your baby needs.
Wait for the baby … each baby tummy is a bit different… you might get one kind then find out soy works best… please please wait to find what works best for the baby
I used similac and tried other ones but none of them sit well with my kids until I used good start…
Hard to tell depends on the baby some born with allergies and intolerance to milk so best to wait its really trial and error
The doctor recommends a formula based on your babies vital statistics.
Aptamil is very good and as good as feeding yourself. I used the hungier one