How early did you start showing in your second pregnancy?

13 weeks with this pregnancy, it took me until around 6 months with my first pregnancy

By my 4th month with all 3 boys it was very obvious I was pregnant and not just fat

My first pregnancy I was 20 weeks. My second I was about 8 weeks.

25 weeks even with my first.

Second pregnancy was totally different to my first!!! I showed very early with my first, but not until after 13-14 wks with the second. I was sick alot in the second pregnancy, had a smaller tummy, so very uncomfortable and no energy, wicked heartburnā€¦very easy labour and delivery with my second son too.

I showed more and more and earlier and earlier with every one of them, regardless of their weight/size (6 pregnancies)

Second I started showing around 18 weeks, my first one was around 25 weeks and third like right away lol

I showed way later in my second pregnancy

Iā€™m on my second pregnancy and I started showing pretty much straight away. Iā€™m now 21 weeks and this is how big I am already. My first pregnancy, I showed early but didnā€™t really grow that big.this pregnancy just seems to keep getting bigger!

My first one I was like 7 months before u could tell. Second like 12 to 14 weeks u could tell.

Depends on who you ask. With my 2nd, somewhere between 10 and 15 weeks? Idk. One or 2 people speculated by 10 weeks. Others were still shocked when I told them at 15 weeks.
My firstā€¦ ? No idea. There was a lady that didnā€™t realize I was pregnant at 32 weeks, lol! I was swollen from my face to my feet though, but she was a stranger. My huge boobs, my striped top, and my hoodie must have camouflaged my bump? Probably just looked like a big olā€™ natural fatty. :sweat_smile:
I was much heavier when I got pregnant with #1 than I was with #2, so I think that made it less noticeable, but I told everyone around 8 - 10 weeks, soā€¦ idk when they would have noticed on their own.
I have an anteverted uterus that definitely doesnā€™t hide babies, but a body shape that blends weight well. Like I was 30lbs heavier, and 2 pants sizes up 4 months after my 2nd, but people genuinely thought I looked just like I did before I had the baby. Itā€™s just the way I hold weight.

My 2nd I started showing at the beginning of 2nd trimester

As far as showing, both were the same. I didnā€™t start showing until well into my second trimester.

In my second I started showing by 5 monthsā€¦
my first I started showing at 7 monthsā€¦

I started showing with my 2nd at 5 months pregnant.

First one was like 17-18 weeks i started to get a little belly (just looked like i ate too much food) and second one i started showing at like 13 weeks. My 2 pregnancies were like night and day lol i looked full 6 months pregnant at like 18 weeks lol

I my first pregnancy I was carying twins and I started showing at 14weeks but I was so tiny throughout the whole pregnancy. Second pregnancy I started showing at 12 weeks and was a little bigger not that much though. Now Iā€™m in my third and I started showing in 7weeks im so huge right now.

Immediately lol and completely different. Thought Iā€™d have the opposite sex because it was so different but no lol itā€™s another boy

I started showing around 15 weeks with my first, 9 weeks with my second and 8 weeks with my third.

This was TWELVE weeks.

On my 2nd I started showing at 6 weeks. My 2nd pregnancy was so hard! I had morning sickness the 1st 4 months. And was in and out of the hospital trying to keep her in!

I showed at 6.5 months for both children.
My first weighed 8 lbs and 4 oz,; second weighed 7 lbs and 4 oz.

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Like 6 months. I would tell people I was pregnant all the time but they couldnā€™t tell lol