How is being induced?

How many of you moms have been induced? How long did it last and what was your experience?


Both mine were and it only took up to 6 hours. Although I’ve heard of some taking a lot longer.

I was induced twice, didn’t work for me.

Wasn’t bad but I didn’t experience any labor pains like most except with my last one. It was bad and took 2 epidural.

I was suppose to be induced with my 1st she came b4 the date on her own… :purple_heart:

My middle child waited and I had good experience with him… I also got an epidural that worked great for me lol I got meds at 745am labored myself and they let him move down himself he came at 229pm :blue_heart:

My 3rd was suppose to be induced he waited til the date just not the time and came on his own​:joy::blue_heart:

I was induced and ended in c section

I got my IV started at 10:50am and my son was born at 1:44pm with no epidural.

12 hours it wasn’t bad

Mine took 26 hours and was awful until I got the epidural.

I was induced with both of my kids it’s not at all what I expected it to be and the epidural was crucial and almost ten years later I still have a numbing sensation that starts in the spot where it was put it and it runs down my hips. The actual labor took 12hrs each child and I could still feel all the pressure from the water breaking until the delivery. Yes it’s alot simpler than actual labor but I believe I would have got alot more experience as a woman if the doctor would have let me delivery naturally.

Second child, I was induced on my due date with my son. They started the medicine at 7:30 a.m., water broke at 8:15 and I had him by 10:30 a.m. It was really quick, I dilated fast and I didn’t need any medicine

47 hrs with my first. But so worth it now. :blush::heartpulse:

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First took 26 hrs of starving bc you can’t eat or drink. Then my second was 16 hrs but went smooth. Both with epidural. All work it. Time flies after the get here.

21 hours ended up in an emergency c section because of a prolapsed cord

I was induced at 38. Pitocin started around 10:30am, water broke at 1:10pm and my son was born at 1:17pm the same day

11 hours from my first contraction to the delivery of my beautiful baby. It was also my first child.

I was with the 2nd , I still had 8 hr labor

Do not recommend unless medically necessary. If I could do it all over again, I would wait and let nature run it’s course…

52 hours, intense pain, epidurals didn’t work, emergency c-section

14 hrs and I was only 27 week