How long do you bleed after giving birth?

Unless it’s possibly your period returning you should see your OB. My bleeding stopped fully around 4-5 weeks and my period returned at 8 weeks

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2.5 weeks, do not use tampons :grimacing:


Youre not supposed to use tampons so soon. Unless your doctor cleared you I guess. I’m gonna say see your doctor. The on and off bleeding is weird.

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8 weeks with my first but stopped the day the iud was inserted so I think that played a roll in it stopping… second baby was 4days and I was good :slight_smile: I gave birth vaginally

It’s normal to bleed for 12 weeks. I bled off and on for 12 weeks after my C section. I called my OB and he said it was completely normal. With my second (which was a VBAC) I bled for 6-8 weeks. With my third (who was another vbac) I bled for 2.5-3 weeks off and on.

I bled way longer with my c-sections. Tampons are also probably not helping. I’d do really good and then I’d do something strenuous like clean the house and I’d go back to gushing for a few days. Use pads and take it easy.

Did they take out everything after birth when they press on stomach your suppose to pass it after birth go get checked again! My periods did get heavier after birth

Everyone’s body is different, but you really shouldn’t be using tampons yet.

I bled for just a few weeks with both of m C-sections. Call your ob.

Had 3 c sect longest I bled was 2 weeks I agree with all you should call dr

About 6 weeks. Doctors say use perineal pads but I just used regular pads.

Doctors say do not use tampons after birth

I had a c-section and (luckily) had minimal bleeding. Obgyn still said to not use tampons. Please go see your doctor.