How long does ovex stay in your system?

This question was submitted anonymously by real people looking for real advice. Please be mindful with your responses. No bashing or derogatory comments will be tolerated.

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Damn I know these people got Google if they have access to FB‼


Just out of curiosity, this is a prescribed med. WHY didn’t you ask the doctor that??? There really is a reason why they ask if you have any queations. FB is not exactly a great place for medical advice.


I fail to understand how people can go on about questions other’s ask,this group is made for Questions, and people want answers. How can you answer a question with a question. If you dont feel like answering, ignore it then, there’s people here who would love to answer.

I really hope your doctor hasn’t prescribed that durn pregnancy it’s unsafe . I know this because I’ve worked with it and I also needed it when pregnant with my daughter and they would not give me it at all . Xx

Why people have to be rude…


2-5 days. For the “there’s google for this” people. The answer can actually be difficult to find. There’s literally no reason to be rude. If you can’t answer the question just scroll past.


I would say it depends on the person

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Fatness plays a part
“Medicine” or substance stays in fats cells longer 30-90 moderate weight
Over weight 30-200 days
Obese people can take year were talking 40% above in bmi (close to half of weight is fat )

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These Anti-helminthics should not be used during the first three months of pregnancy. They could cause defects in the developing fetus.

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