Moms, who babysit, how much do you charge a day-hours? What do you look for when determining the price and hours? I work F-Sun 12 hour days (weekend shift), so I can basically be a mom during the week. I offered to watch my friends’ son what was supposed to be Tues-Thursday (12 hour days) but now saying Mon-Thursday 10 hour days, and she can only afford 100$ a week. That’s not the original price I said. And she is with the father’s child, they both have good jobs. I am CPR certified, safe house and environment, and food, one less she would have to pack and worry about-that I’m offering. I just need to know what’s a good offering and deal.
$20 and a case of beer That’s what I charge
I pay $13 an hour for two kids ages 3 and 5.
I would do it for my friend
For an in home daycare that I get receipts from so I can claim at taxes I pay 35 a day or 5/hr if under 5hrs
It depends on many factors, are you at your house or there’s are you feeding them or is it there food are you suppose to take them out places how many kids what age and behavior of the kid I’d say for a 12 hour day about $60 a day
$35 per day is the going rate around where i live.
I work F-Sun aswell and I pay 200 week for one child.
Personally I wouldn’t charge a friend, are u a registered child minder ?? Insured ?? All legal??
The daycare my child went to charged $105 a week or $25/day up to 3 days. I pay my babysitter $40/day, two days a week.
You definitely should be getting paid, 40 hours a week is a lot plus you’re providing food…and as your friend she should know that your time is worth more than $25/day for 10 hrs each day and that you’re doing her a favor. I think $150/week for 40 hrs sounds way more reasonable, that’s still way less than a licensed daycare center.
I feel like it depends on what you’re providing and if you’re licensed. Are you providing meals/snacks, educational activities or trips etc., or is he/she just playing with your child and hanging out at the house? Either way, you defiantly need to have a written agreement that includes the price, how you plan to handle sick days/vacations, and late fees etc.
Daycare going rate is 20$ a day for ages birth to 6 if that helps and they are open 12 hours a day.
$100 per week would be acceptable 10 years ago, especially since you are providing meals, I think $150 would be more fair, even closer to $200 per week. What ever you decide on get an agreement in writing even if it is in email that you will be getting paid X amount per week and providing ABC services.
$25 a day, i supply everything, toys, food, diapers, wipes
I pay $100 a week for Monday through Friday 7-6 pm. I provide all the food and stuff my child needs though.
I get paid $175 a week so about $35 a day.
My son’s daycare is only $100 a week so no way I would pay more for someone to watch him at their home or mine. BUT location has a ton to do with it and I’m in an area of lower wages so
I think it depends on area… but, I watch a 2 year old 5-6 hours a day. I provide snacks and eveything else and I only charge them $25 a day. I watch school aged kids and am responsible for getting them to and from school and charge $35 a day
I think it really depends on your area. I’m in a small community, there’s a daycare they charge 120 a week and most in home babysitters charge 100 a week (per child of course) and provide food. Obviously those amounts are going to be a lot different in other places, as you can tell by the comments.
I charge 20 a day for 8 hours and 30 for 12 hours .
I pay $3/hour or $30 a day for one child for 10 hours. I have 3 children.
I paid $850 a month for four days a week 8-5
I get paid 10$ an hour (they set the price per hour not me) but i also have to pick up the child and he is unique (dont like the word special needs) and i make him a snack and dinner. My boss (this is my full time job right now) also makes sure theres food and stuff i like in the fridge (pretty kool) and i cook dinner for them if needed
My child’s daycare is 36$ a day for over 5 hours. They provide food for him, and they’re cpr trained
Depends where you live. Average is typically $10-$25 an hour based on area. I would say if she’s your friend and it’s 40 hours a week at least $150-$200 a week seems reasonable. Ask her to price out child care facilities in the area and go on sitter city and care .com and see what your areas average rate is. Where I am a Preschooler. can range from $250-$400 a week depending on the area.
30 dollars a day to baby sit 3 kids
When I babysat about 10 yrs ago, they paid me $12 an hour (not what I charged, what they offered to me)… 2 kids.
Around here what you are doing would be about $100 a day… if a friend, maybe a little less. But $100 a week is not enough, in my opinion.
I would be paying 40 a day if my little girl went more than 8 hours a day. But she is only part time and we still pay 144 a week
Call around in your area and get quotes from in home and daycare advertising in your area.
I watch two kids from 7:45-about 12:45 Monday-Friday I get paid 450 a month
I pay 20 a day, she provides breakfast, lunch and snacks. I work 10 hour days
I’m CPR/first aid/AED certified and have a paraprofessional certificate (I can teach pre-k lessons). I charge $20/day per child.
My sitter runs an in home daycare. She takes both of my girls to school everyday and picks them up. She also watches my infant son all day. She charges me $30 a day/$150 a week. When my girls go on distant learning because of Covid and she has to keep them all day too, she charges me $50 a day/$250 a week. She provides all their meals. She bases her rates off of income and what we can typically afford without putting us out. We both have full time jobs working 8-12hrs a day.
We pay my sister $30 per 8 hr day for our 8 month old. She also watches 2 other children at the same rate. We provide most of our own food/snacks and so do the others, but that is because 2 are infants and 1 is a toddler.
Is $400 a month worth giving up your time off with your family? I wouldn’t think so.
I charged $20 a day per kid if they supplied food. Add $5 per meal if I provided it. We live in small town America, I would imagine prices would be higher in places with more opportunities.
Remember these people saying $20/day is more than likely 8 hour days. That’s 8-10 hours less a week
I pay $125 a week m-f 7:00ish-3:30ish
Only thing I provide is spare clothes.
Before she was potty trained, diapers and wipes.
Everything else is supplied - in home sitter.
I would be charging 50$ a day and that’s low
I pay $1000 a month for part time/24 hrs a week for 2 kids
I charge 25 a day, they provide all meals and snacks.
I pay my cousin $30 a day for my 5 and 11 year old for 6 and a half hours a day she lives next door so she comes to my house in the morning all food is provided by me plus I get her snacks and her coffee creamers only thing she does for my 11 year old is make him lunch but she helps my little guy with virtual learning
I’m in washington. I watch a kindergarten 5 days a week that includes online school and breakfast and lunch I get paid $960 a month and that’s cheap around here
I pay £46 which is about $62 a day for daycare 8:30-3:30 that includes breakfast, lunch and snacks. We have to supply nappies and formula. Thats in the UK though I dont know what the going rate is in the states. I wouldnt do it for a $100 per week for those hours.
I charge 20 to 25 a day. I provide all food and drinks except formula/breastmilk. If there are siblings i do 25 to 30 pending on how many siblings. Usually charge nothing more than 30 a day. I start watching children between 5 and 6 am amd have some until 6pm.
That’s basically 2$ an hour! Yes you are friends an that should be to her benefit a little, but not to that extent !!! specially if they are a two parent/income home!! No way she won’t get any childcare for that cheap!! let alone willing or able to work those hours!! I think a-least 200$ a week would be fair.
I pay $20 a day or $80 for m-th from 7:30 to 5. And most day cares around my area are 20 - 25 a day. Y’all must live in the city.
Damn some of y’all have cheap daycare. If I put my son in daycare where I live it’s $80-$95 a day. Not worth it for me to work until my son is in school.
But $100 a week is too low! Especially having them more then 6-8 hours a day.
Depends on how much you want to help her out I would say at least 5 an hour at 200 a week but then what is she making I know I have chose to stop working over the cost of sitters. Minimum wage is 7.25 in pa she could be working for 2.25 an hour paying 5 and hour for a sitter.
We pay 20$ a day for Our 7 kids. BUT it’s at our house. Most of our kids take care of themselves. AND it’s only for about 2 hours a day usually while mine and my husbands schedules overlap. Sometimes it’s up to 8 hours of overlap though and we try to pay more for those days (varies based on how many hours it actually ends up being). It’s also a family member watching our children though too and it’s just extra money for her. When I watch other people’s kids I usually do 20$ a day for one, or 35$ for multiple kids for a full day. They bring some snacks and any formula/breast milk. I supply meal foods because I’m already making my own kids meals so it doesn’t really cost too much for me to make a little more food. I’m also CPR/first aid/BLS certified.
For a child in a “daycare setting” which is basically being certified and having a safe place for the kid, a decent price for a home daycare would be around $250 a week
Depends on the area you live in I believe. I worked at a daycare in my small city and we charged $117/wk for a non school aged child and like $60/wk for school kids who only came after school. We were open 12 hours a day. Didnt matter if they were there 2 hours or 12 hours, the price stayed the same. Provided 2 meals and 2 snacks.
My daycare charges 150 a week for infants and 140 a week after a year old!
At our local daycare its $175 a week and you have to send diapers, wipes, snacks, lunch and a water bottle. Also bring a sleep mat. And thats cheap for around here
If all she can afford is 100 dollars a week she needs to feed the child before she drops him. She also needs to supply food.and drinks
I’m not certified for anything just a mom that was trying to help other local moms—I charged $35/day when I was babysitting that was about 9 hr days. I had a friend watch my daughter for me and paid her the same. If it were me, I’d charge no less than $40/day for 10 hr days. Cost also varies depending on where you live but especially for a friend your time should be worth more that $2/hr.
$200 a week for one preschool aged i do, i supply all food/snacks…
I used to pay a babysitter 100 per child per week plus I covered the food
So 40 hours for $100… $2.5 per hour. Hard pass, tell them to enrol the kid in daycare. Or come back to you with a better price
I paid $25 a day per child regardless if my children were there full time or part time.
We pay $180 a week for daycare but something more one on one like this is usually even more expensive. I would expect to pay at least minimum wage, but in Nashville I would be lucky to pay less than $15/hour!
Where I’m at in north Texas daycare for 8hrs a day 4-5 days a week is over $300
Where do you all live
i should relocate
I paid 100 a day for my 2 boys this past summer. Daycare is 200 a week for a 3 year old, 78 a week for 7 year old after school.
That’s 10 hour days… I’d charge at the very least $200 a week!
I live in California I pay 25 a day I only work 5 hours I send food ect an that’s dirt cheap here
I watch 2 kids ages 2 and 4 and I have her pay me whatever she can afford which is usually $20-$60 a week depending on how many days and hours she worked because it varies.
At the local Day Care here in Cambridge Bay, Nunavut, we were paying $55 a day for our 1 child.
Robin Cragoe Kaeli Elyse McAuley
My daycare changes 250$ a week preschool age.
I pay 15 an hour and the babysitter literally just have to play with the kids and give them food, i leave everything ready for them.
I have a friend watch my 1 year old daughter and 2 year old son 2 days a week for 8 hours a day and I pay her $300 a month but I also provide everything the kids need during the day.
A friend watches my 2 year old for 6 hours a day, Monday-Friday. I pay $25 a day and provide food/diapers/wipes.
Works out to be $125/week
She’s taking advantage of you for $2 hr she can never get care for that much . I agree let her sign up for daycare or charge more . charges $10 per hour and up for care
Lots of factors to consider. Are you paying taxes on what she is paying you? If so, than definitely ask for a higher amount as she can write childcare off on her tax return. Are you a certified provider with the state and/or county? Do you have carbon monoxide detectors, fire extinguishers, first aid cert, a cert or degree in early childhood development? Liability insurance in case there is an accident while the child is in your care? What covid cleaning procedures are you using? There are way to many factors not considered.
The thing is, if you won’t accept that number…someone else will…I’ve found with babysitting, price trumps anything with people…even safety.
Be careful what you’re getting into babysitting is s full time job. When I did it, my kids got put on the back burner. All my time was focused on someone elses baby 10 hrs a day 5 days a week. Then there are the days that turn into 11 or 12 hr days bc she stops somewhere before picking up her kid.
I was paying 400 a month for 2 kids that were there 3 hours a day a after school
I would say no thank you. That leaves you with no time to do special things with your family and they don’t value your time. They want to pay less than a daycare center for in home care.
I pay 150 for day care m-f 6am to 6pm. So 100 cash isnt bad. But i do supply all food and stuff. But… Maybe 100-150… Those are long hrs but for one child I wouldnt charge to much
U set ur price! If they don’t like it they can move on! Babysitting is not easy!
We do $50 a day. If they don’t come they don’t pay
Sounds like shes taking advantage of you .
I pay my 12-yr-old niece $50 a day to watch my 3-yr-old and I work from home.