How often should you see a OBGYN?

Every year. To check for abnormal cells and cervical cancer

I go every year even though people say every two years. I take no chances with my health plus I pay insurance monthly. I’m getting so my monies worth.

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You should be going for a smear at the very least every 3 years

I have not seen OB/Gym for 31 years, but I do go to my GP every year. He does my paps. Some GP want you to got to OB. Even though you have been with same partner you should go to family doc every year.

1x a year for a annual check and pap if its time. No referal needed just call ask if their excepting new patients and go from there

You should go once a year. A breast exam and a pelvic. A Pap smear is done every 3 years as long as they are normal. I work in a GYN office.