How should a parenting plan be with an infant?

If she is still breastfeeding she doesn’t have to send the baby.

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2 months old is way to early to be staying away from Mama!


Well how others parent may not work for their situation…first off are they still on good terms…are they going to be able to work together for their child… if they are willing and able to work something out without having courts to decide that would be so much better. Both parents have to realize each one are just as important in the child’s life. Even though they are not together in a relationship they are always going to be apart of one another’s life…I would suggest the 2 of them get together and ask how one another would like for it to be done and come up with a compromise…start off with something short term as baby is young then once the baby is a little older start discussing more of a long term plan…how do they want it to be? mom has baby on weekdays dad has baby on weekends switch out every week?what about holidays?birthdays? This is something not to be taken lightly but to be arrange in a positive way for the child…best of luck to them all…hopefully they can work something out.


In Indiana State guidelines are that they don’t stay overnight with dad until they’re 3. I let my daughter go before that but that’s up to you guys and court if it comes to it.

Some of y’all are straight up bitter bitches. You’re the ones that are the petty “baby mamas.”


Mom and dad are both relevant and important. 50/50. Pump. Agree upon a schedule for consistency. Mom isn’t any more important than dad and both should be able to bond with their child during this phase of life.


Depends how well he’d be able to cope, his age, his parents ability to care for the baby, his parents desire to have the baby at his house, if the baby is breastfed. Etc etc.
Personally, best options for child is consistency and routine.
Go to court to get things in writing and so that everyone is clear about what’s happening.


Dad’s have a responsibility to the baby just as much as mum’s if dad wants them they should go just because we birth them it doesn’t mean we have more rights


I wouldn’t have the baby stay over night at dads yet. If she’s breastfeeding baby, me personally, would have baby over night with me.

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I donweek on week of till 2 years old and than switch every Sunday.

The only way it shouldn’t be 50/50 is if breast feeding involved

With me, my daughter’s father and I split when I was still pregnant. The agreement for us is 50/50, but she didn’t do overnight until she was on bottles without nipple confusion and was sleeping for more than 5 hrs at a time. It depends on your state guidelines regarding custody, but having set times that correspond with the child’s age and temperament work best for everyone involved. When he couldn’t do overnights, we compensated with more parenting time during the week until she was old enough for it. So what I would have to do is make sure I pumped enough to send with her. The biggest thing to remember about overnights is to DOCUMENT EVERYTHING. When baby left, how long, what was sent over, how much milk, etc. Try to include time stamps with everything should something with the courts come up. The other thing is to share the driving back and forth, also with time stamps. That’s all from my situation, but I hope it helps your family :heart:


I always kept the newborn baby and the dad came to visit, until the baby was older.


She can pump so he can give bottles. I would suggest an afternoon a week for now. Be in your best interest to agree on visitation between yourselves.

The baby won’t be used to staying away from mum but will soon adapt. If breastfeeding express enough for all feeds plus a few extra just incase of spillage or hungry baby. It will probably be more upsetting for your daughter than the baby as she will also have to adapt to being away from baby. When my daughter stayed away for the night I would start expressing a few days before to make sure I had plenty to send with her. Was strange to start with waking up in the night and having no baby there and just expressing and going back to bed (kept my body used to feeding in the night) unless he is incapable or uninterested the daddy has just as much right to time with the baby as mummy does. If at all possible also try and spend time with the baby together (difficult with a lockdown obviously) but will be a healthier environment for baby to know that both parents are still fully participating in their life. Hope this helps xx

From my experience: I wasn’t in a relationship with baby dad when my daughter was born. He didn’t have her overnight until after her first birthday but he took for her two short days during the week ( because of work commitments) and all day on a Saturday. Now she’s 22 months old and we have her 50/50

Generally by law in the states. Moms aren’t away from their infants especially breastfeeding moms till 12 months. Not overnight and only couple hours at a time. I took family law so my information isn’t false. There are exceptions but generally they can be mediated between the two parents. If not a court appointed mediator can do it.

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I always wait til everything is agreed upon in court, I have a one month old and dads always welcome to visit her at my home even overnights but for me it’s too soon to send her off. Probably not til at least 6mo old or so.

2 months old? She stays with her mama until she is a lil bit bigger then she can go spend the night with the father and his family, & they can stop by and visit ANYTIME they want to. But! let’s actually see if they do it …Boys tend to turn into deadbeats once the free ride ends with their parents and I am talking about the girls parents, his parents like the fact that somebody else is feeding him!!

Mom and dad gets 50/50.

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Technically, if they stayed at your house during the week, and his parents on the weekend… the baby has never been away from her father either. Ultimately, unless there is a safety issue, both parents have the right to equal time with the infant. If she is being breastfed mom can pump and send with and/or baby can drink formula. Don’t start the “mom has more rights” thing this early, both parents should do what’s best for baby… not themselves🤦‍♀️


Does the dad even want overnights? I know more than a few dads that want more time with their kids during the day and understand that taking them overnight is unnecessary. The two parents talking to each other and being truly honest with what they want/need will go a lot further than a grandparent trying to meddle

Get a court order and always document

Dad can take to court and get over night visits so remember that when making that plan

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When I had my daughter the dad couldn’t keep the child overnight until she was a year old 🤷 that was coming from a lawyer

If the mother is breast feeding then the father shouldn’t have the child overnight for the first year. If formula 6 months… I suggest setting up a daily time where he can come by and have some 1 on 1 time with the kid. So take the kid on a walk or take the kid back to His Parent’s house and have 2-3 hours to himself with his kid to bond. Oncr a week or twice if you’re using formula or if mom can pump I would suggest him taking the kid for 6 to 8 hours. Regardless of mom have you guys there that gives her the break time And him time to bond with the child like every baby needs from both parents. Even a toddler or an older kid needs and deserves both parents in their life.

Joint, in my opinion. There are a few options on how to go about it.

Set up a 2-2-3 schedule (mom gets Monday & Tuesday, dad get Wednesday & Thursday, then mom gets Friday, Saturday, & Sunday then they switch it the next week) this is what is recommended for babies.

Once baby get older they can do week on, week off, switching on Sunday (or any day that works best for mom and dad).

Dads are JUST as capable of caring for their babies. As well as studies show that children thrive with equal time with both parents.

Rememeber it isn’t moms baby or dads baby, but the baby’s time with it’s mom and dad.

I do agree it’s between mom and dad, so if no one is asking you for your input, then you need to stay out of it.


They either need to do it on their own or go get a lawyer.