How should I approach this?

I would leave and let them continue to work on their relationship

99.9% of my fb friends are just people I know and I don’t talk to them at all. Doesn’t mean anything that they are “friends” on a social media platform. And it sounds like there are children so maybe he can get children’s pictures without having to talk to her. I think you shouldn’t think to hard on it.

You sound immature . Sorry but they will always be connected. If it’s not fb it could be other ways. You have to put your big girl pants on accept he has a complicated ex. The ONLY thing you can control is your reaction to it. Not his, not hers


He isn’t over her :woman_shrugging:t2:

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I personally feel if u hate someone that much it’s cause you still have feelings for them :woman_shrugging:t2:


My question is, why aren’t they co parenting if they have this much communication already? This seems about them, not their kids.

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The more a man pushes against a woman seems to have her is usually because he truly cares and cant have her… it was true with my sons dad. Now my daughter dad doesn’t push against me and has not one bit of interest in me… just every woman he sees lol

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Well the post doesn’t say anything about kids, only families. But if there’s kids involved then they’re going to be on each other’s lives period. Still, he shouldn’t be looking at her photos. Kinda sounds like he misses her. If there’s not any kids involved and they truly couldn’t stand each other they wouldn’t be speaking at all. Sounds like he’s not over her.

I’m best friends with my ex husbands now wife. Combined we have 6 children! If he isn’t cheating on you… embrace it. Especially if they have kids together. I used to despise this woman but then I grew up :woman_shrugging:t3: now I love her.


That’s still his kids mom lmfao seriously?

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That’s his kids mother. They will ALWAYS be in each others lives. You just sound like a petty, jealous, immature person.


Cut this out. Let this go. Its not worth hurting yourself with these feelings


THEY have a kid together. THEY have to at least try to communicate even if it’s shitty.
If you can’t handle that then you shouldn’t be with someone who has kids. :woman_shrugging:

If they have kids they need to learn to communicate either thru Facebook messenger or thru texts or whatever. Don’t EVER ask him to block her if they have kids because that’s a selfish ass thing to do, what you should do is put his ass in check when he starts arguing with her. Tell him it’s not worth it, leave her on read and don’t respond. My bf is always telling me that with my baby daddy because my baby daddy constantly argues with me.

I get that he’s still friends with her family, and vice versa. You usually divorce the person, not their family. And if they have a child together, they will always be in each others lives. But if they absolutely cannot get along, then why bother being FB friends with each other if all he’s doing is creeping her FB page? Why is he looking at her photos? Is it pics she has of their kid? Or is he creeping pics of her and her friends, etc? That’s a little weird given that he can’t stand her. He needs to leave that part along and concentrate on their kid.


well…I doubt he’ll block her on FB so I guess if you wanna stay with him you’ll maybe get over it. It would bother me too. just sayin…

That sounds really toxic. Personally…I wouldn’t be around it. There’s literally zero reason to keep her on Facebook. And looking at her pictures?!…is just weird.

Note: I knew a couple like this. My friend dated the guy for about a year and all he did was talk horrible things about his ex ….yet wouldn’t cut her off social media. They ended up back together. :woman_shrugging:


The door is being left open.


I don’t think everyone really read your post.

If they aren’t co parenting then what is the reason for them to be talking?


Well yeah you are overreacting considering they share a kid together… he might like to keep up on what his child’s doing when he doesn’t have the child. And why would it matter that they have each others family to? They share a child together they ARE family… him, his ex and their child will always be a family if they’re together or not… it what comes with being with someone who has a kid… if you can’t accept that then maybe it’s time to find someone with no children


If they have kids together they will always be involved in some aspect. Some people say they hate each other but in reality they “hate” the other person’s attitude or demeanor or that they “failed” in that relationship not really the actual person. Personally as long as he treats you well and respectfully, stop worrying about how he reacts to his ex. She is an ex for a reason.


Sounds like unfinished business…there will be much heartache for you if you go down the isle with him …they not done but they won’t aknowledged it …even to themselves


Guess he still likes what he sees. Or else she be unfriended :heavy_heart_exclamation:. WAKE UP


Abit controlling ain’t you. He’s going to be a part of his exs life till the kids are 18 and why should he give up his friendships with his ex family members.

Lordy…what u got yourself into girl???

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If they hate each other why are they Facebook friends? I personally wouldn’t have anyone I hated on my Facebook.


Girl bye! They are always going to be in each other’s lives because they have kids together. You are disposable.


What the hell is wrong with people. If you cannot or do not trust your partner, leave.


Sounds like you’re just a pawn in his game.
Google triangulation from narcissist.

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Hmm…. Have y’all tried growing up? I’m assuming they have at least one child together, so they’ll have to work together for their kid. They need to stop “hating” each other and start coparenting. You sound jealous that he has her on FB, have you tried being friendly with her and also being her friend on FB? You’d be a stepmom to the child, you all should be trying to get along for the child.

Me and my ex had a horrible divorce, spent awhile hating each other and came to the realization that it’s easier to just get along and be friendly. I’ve since remarried and we all have each other on FB. We all talk and get along. My husband tells me more about what my ex posts than I actually ever see :sweat_smile: We’ve even gone on a weekend family trip up to some cabins and had a cruise planned but COVID happened and it got cancelled. Loads easier spending your time being friendly to everyone involved and getting along for the sake of the child/children than it is to be mad and hateful.


That’s cuz he ain’t over her.


They don’t Co parent then there’s no reason to be social media friends except to keep options open…


They are not done, as soon as they realize it, guess who gonna be heartbroken…


It’s really no big deal, and it isn’t your fb🤷‍♀️. My ex family and I are still very close, I and my 2nd husband still participate in my side and my ex side of family events, dinners and vacation together. People need to grow up and have trust and respect.


Idk, my husband and his ex don’t always get along and don’t co-parent (mothers rights are terminated, but still visits w child), and they have each other on fb. My husband has her mom as well and maybe some others from her family. It has personally never bothered me. I understand that they have a child together and are family in a way (including mothers family). That being said, your feelings are VALID. Not everyone experiences situations the same emotionally. I would suggest you to dig deeper though… why does it bother you? Does it bother you so much that you don’t want to live w it for the next X amount of years? Does it cause fights? No partner, no matter how much you love them, is worth the pain of feeling misunderstood and unloved. Wish you clarity and peace xx

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My husband has his ex on his FB. They hate each other as well. They don’t co parent well together. But he likes seeing the pictures when he’s not with his kid. They’re always going to be in each other’s lives. Get over it or move on.


Just restrict her so she can’t see what he is posting… it could be a way to see his kids… and it can be used in his favor if he happens to see something she posts in the event yall have to go to court…

Some thing is wrong. !!!

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Is he looking at photos of his children looking at her Facebook? If so why do you care lol I’d want to know what my kid was up to if he was with his father hence why I’d never get rid of him off fb either. Just because you’re his partner doesn’t mean you get to dictate his every decision. Just because they’re not getting along right now doesn’t mean that they won’t eventually and you should be encouraging them to get along for the children anyway because their happiness is what matters. Not your bruised ego. You knew he had kids when you got with him

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I wouldn’t be doing or saying anything unless they are talking inappropriately.


Normally, I wouldn’t think much of that since they are parents together, they’re always going to have to be in contact. But it’s weird if they don’t even get along. I don’t have my ex on anything anymore and we get along fine lol.


Very thin line between love and hate.


He needs to block her

Sounds like they can’t get along but they can’t let go and move on either!!! He would not be my SO he’d be in the rear view mirror!!! I’d be long gone!!!


He’s in love w/ her. Leave. You’re going to get hurt.


I honestly hate my ex, who is the father of my first. I don’t have him on anything of mine. I have a conversation on FB Messenger that happens maybe once or twice a year, limited to a happy (enter occasion here for child) and a thank you. It seems weird if they have each other on social media if it isn’t for the kids


They share kids so if this is the ONLY form of communication, I wouldn’t worry much. Doesn’t matter if they co parent which is sad. But I do assume that there’s an underlying reason they communicate if it’s not about the kids

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“Hate” eachother is the key point here, no they don’t and someday they’ll be back together so get out now


If he’s using her Facebook to see picture of his child it sounds to me like your the problem. When I met my husband he had a 17 month old son, his sons mom and him didn’t get along and still don’t to this day 4 years later, I stepped in and started the communicating and now basically anything handled about the kid goes between me and his mom. If your not willing to help him be a part of his childrens lives then you don’t need to be part of his :woman_shrugging:t3:


tell him to the bull

Find a fiancé that will respect you. You don’t deserve this kind of stress in your life.


No your not wrong but I think they should both seek counseling and try and talk things out co parent there child

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I would Run… Run as fast as I could before it’s too late.


There is a fine line between love and hate…Beware!


They have a love hate relationship,


What’s the difference if they talk on fb messenger or have exchanged cell numbers if they have to co-parent? I’d say of it pertains to kids…fine, outside that is different. However if you don’t trust him now, leave. If he truly loves you, should be no reason to worry about petty stuff.

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Considering I blocked my ex husband and his entire family and so did my man of 4 years. It’s called respect. Leave that life behind. Communicate through email or texting. No reason to be friends whatsoever. No reason for him to look or have pics of her. No reason to have anything with her except communication with her over kids

People who keep saying her photos of kids. Correction. Her photos mean photos of her. Come on people think!


None of your business!

Why is it you see so many relationships boiling down to something on the internet?


I agree with the rest… He’s still in love with her. They always claim to hate them to cover it up.


Um yeah you’re wrong. That’s The mother of his child. She’s gonna be around at minimum til the kid turns 18 and probably even after that. And they have to communicate about their child as well… you just sound insecure

Girllllll that man is still stuck on his ex. My ex husband and I are on good terms. We don’t even text or call unless emergencies w the babies. He knows what time to get them and drop them off. And there. No me seeing pics of him or having him added. That’s closure. He sounds stuck on his ex still.


Does he hate her or hate that he loves her?

you need to get the hell out of that!

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just give it time—you may be the hated EX in the future!

Some people have each other so that they can see when they post about their kids so both parents are involved.

I would say if he doesn’t have any kids that he needs to block her.

Do not pass go and collect $200