How to cut off toxic family?

Dont feel bad. Just because they are family, means nothing. If they are toxic and negative and cause you stress, drama and financial problems, LET THEM GO. It will be what’s best for you and your family. Someone who cared for you, wouldn’t do that to you. Just my opinion.

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Blood or not, toxic is toxic. Get that vehicle back because it is still in your name so it is YOURS.


Being a parent doesn’t give you special rights to be a toxic piece of shit

Explain how you’re 8 grand overdrawn due to her depositing pension checks.
Their must be a fix to this.

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Yeah, please don’t put up with that… from anyone… not even your mom who gave you life. And I agree with whoever said report the car stolen if not returned. I have had a few run ins with toxic family members… forgive but dont forget.

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You’re all in a blame spiral !! None of you own your own behaviours . You gave her the car , so you had a duty to make sure she changed it to her name . You should have stopped your bank account being used . Your mother should’nt have been taking drugs and looking after your daughter . Get the picture .

My sister is a drug addict. We have really distanced ourselves from her. Love her but she won’t help herself so we all backed off. Nice not having the added stress

Throw the whole family away…

She is toxic. Let her go. Just because she gave birth to you you don’t owe her a thing. She is not being a mother but a user. Drop her like a hot potato before you can not recover from the damages she will cause. Take care if you and yours not her. Let her find the dime to spend on you or your kids.


Move further . No favers for you no favers for them monter your phone calls .you’ll be much more happier live for your husband and kids .

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I cut my toxic dad out 8yrs ago no regrets at all

If your mom was depositing the money, how did your account get negative 8,000? If you spent the money knowing it wasn’t yours then yes you owe the money back duh! Time to grow up and take care of yourself and stop letting others take advantage. File a stolen vehicle report and get the car back. Pay the ticket and learn your lesson.

I wouldn’t stress what other people say. You do what you think is right to have a happy life. My mom is kinda the same way. She doesn’t come around even if I wanted her to she wouldn’t. She’s an alcoholic and drinks every time I’m over there. It’s not fun because it almost always ends up in fights. I haven’t cut her off completely because I do hope she can change but I limit seeing her and talking to her to very minimum. I talk to her maybe once a month if that. She made my childhood a living hell.

For yourself forgive her. Just keep your distance. You must forgive or you will not be forgiven. But he never told us how to forget. Just smile and let it go. Get on with your life and let her go.

Easier to just email your Mom. The negative balance in your account they (bank) can look up who withdrew the funds. The car? I sent notification to DMV (bottom of registration) had the person sign and mailed in. Had his drivers Lic listed. For the future. But now guess file a stolen car.

You all seem to be crazy.

No keep them at a distance your not in the wrong and no. So what If she’s your mom… just bc she gave birth to you doesn’t mean she is a true mother to you. It sounds very toxic and i am very sorry you have had to go thru all of that.
I personally quit talking to my mom who is toxic as well. She’s done everything from kicking me out when my dad died. Askimg me to visit and when I did 6 months pregnant with my 1st she left me and my SO In a park with no where to go and then lied and spread rumors about us so nobody would house us so I would be forced to live on the streets pregnant until my flight back home a week later. If it wasn’t for my aunt’s I would have had nowhere to go until my flight back home.
She also cashed in on my dad’s life insurance with both my brothers and left me with nowhere to go when my dad died and I found out 3 years after the fact. And she claimed when she ran out of the money when I found out, that they would have involved me but I never wanted any part of it which was bullshit bc nobody told me anything other that my dad was dead and I needed to find a place to live. What hurt most wasn’t the money it was the fact that they weren’t acting like family should and I was left to survive on my own with nobody to grieve with.
My excuse was that the woman had a mental disability and I had to forgive her bc she “couldn’t help it” it was her disease. But it gets to a point where u can forgive them. But at some point u have to let them to bc they aren’t good for u.
Loving people from a distance is sometimes best and sometimes just cutting off completely. I finally got to cutting her off completely after years of trying it at a distance…
Trust me. You may go thru a time of guilt bc ur a good person and love them. But in the end you will be happier and have way less anxiety in your life. Trust me.
I wish you the best. Toxic family members can create alot of havoc in your life if you let them… stay strong. Whatever you decide know you should never feel guilty for doing what is best for you.
You only get one life. Spend it being happy. Loved. And appreciated and respected by those who love you. Not hurt and used by those who don’t.
God bless.

Cut them out of your life they’re toxic and won’t change


I don’t speak to my mother. Best decision I ever made.

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Sometimes it’s good to cut off family members that do wrong to you it’s bad to have people around in your life in if they are your family that are toxic some family members I’m not worth the time waiting on or wanting to fix they’re never going to change I have cut half of my family off because they’re just a waste of time they’re too toxic to be around

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