How to explain periods to a 5-year-old?

I have never hid my period. Hard to hide it when both my daughters had to be front row center when I had to use the bathroom.

I told them the truth. I’m not pregnant so my egg has to go bye bye and it’s completely normal to bleed. Happens to all women.


Many years ago I had the same happen with my 4year old who promptly ran off and came back with a Mr Bump plaster because she thought I’d cut myself…I did explain it to her in the end xx

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Mine walked in on me. I just told her it is normal for women to bleed every month. Left it at that. Told her one day,when she grows up,she will have to deal with it as well. Enjoy childhood. Lol.

I tell mine that it’s my business.
She likes to help, so she’ll hand a pad or tampon and say here mommy, for your business.
If they’re satisfied with an easy answer, go with it.

I told mine I bleed once a month… it just means I’m not having another bby… that it’s OK a d normal when girls become women

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She’s 5 and not traumatized, surely. If…and only if she asks, give an age appropriate answer like…ohhh…mommy is fine. This is just something that happens to older girls. No worries. We can talk about it when you’re older. Want to go outside and swing?


I’m sorry but you don’t. A child that young doesn’t understand that at all.

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i just tell my son that when girls get to a certain age they start to have periods, he’s only three so i don’t want to say anymore cause it won’t sink in if i say too many things. but he asks every month :rofl:


I get paid over $ 126 per hour w0rking from home. I never th0ught l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 21599 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is limitless.

M0re lnf0…

Both my boys, 5&10 know that when a girl gets a certain age each month she bleeds for a week that its completely normal and healthy and about pads

Should have locked the damn door

I’m sorry I find it funny lol. But my 7 year old knows all about it. I just told the truth. Puberty and all. It’s not always comfortable especially when they ask questions but the more calm and open you are the better.


I remember walking in on my mom at that age. Freaked me out something awful!

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I unfortunately have no advice, but this reminds me of my 4 year old daughter following me into the bathroom and seeing my tampon string. She said “uh, mommy…I think you got trash…there…” and points :rofl::rofl:
I said " mind ya business" and to my luck she did lmao

I’ve told me daughter when she was younger that we’ll talk about it when she’s older and can understand it better but it’s completely normal and I’m fine. She’s 9, I started talking to her about periods right after her birthday this year


:sweat_smile::rofl::sweat_smile::rofl: Laugh at it girl, LOL. My granddaughter did that to me andnnnd , We were both shocked. She said Nana you hurt , Me , No baby girl it’s lady stuff, you will know when you become a lady and we will talk about it. Now I’m keep jr stuff for her at my house. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


My body is cracking a tiny egg that a baby could have been in, and this is how it leaves my body over a period of a few days. I’m not hurt, it’s nothing to be scared of. It happens to almost every girl. Be honest you don’t need to sugar coat things because she’s young. My granddaughter is 3 and knows what a period is and the correct anatomical names for men’s and women’s sex organs. I was 8 when I started I’m 34 now. My husband is 40. My bonus son is 21 and his fiance is 28. I’d rather my kid know that stuff from me and not a health class that skips over many subjects and goes straight to the sex talk.

Tell her the truth. There’s no shame to it, it’s part of nature


My mom (Leah) and I just explained to my 3 year old when she asked that it’s a natural thing and that when she gets bigger it will happen to her and that it’s nothing to be scared of

I mean I explained what a period was to my son when he was 3. Keepnit simple but be honest. “Once a month a woman bleeds. It’s help keep her womb (explain what a womb is if you want) clean.”

My daughter is 6 and after I had my son last year she saw how heavy I bled with my cycles afterwards. And she says" mom, I don’t want to have any babies because I don’t want a period" so we had the conversation lol I told her that she will have periods whether she has kids or not it happens to all girls lol

I told my daughter, so she knows that if a lady doesn’t get a baby in their tummy that they bleed each month for the body to make room for a baby.

If you ask her where babies come from she says “well, an egg comes out and goes down the tube and sits in the uterus, and then it grows and grows and then pop it comes out, some mums have babies come out their tummies and some mums have babies out their vaginas”


My now 17 yr old saw me changing a pad when she was little … like…3? And she said “OH NO! Mama! You have boo boos on your 'gina?!” And she felt bad for me :sweat_smile:

But honestly, I would just say that when a girl reaches a certain age this happens. Especially since it will be happening to her one day. It’s not a dirty, secret or shameful thing… so why even worry about it?

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My daughter always went to the bathroom with me since she knows no privacy boundaries when it came to mom. However, I was always upfront with her and told her when she got older, she would go through the same thing. I don’t skate around the truth. She knew and I started early at 8 years of age so she’s been carrying hers around since she turned 8 and she wasn’t freaked out or anything when it happened. We practiced when I was on mine when she was around 7 so she knew how to put it on and even had a sample pack of midol in her bag. It was a smooth transition and it happened at school and she was completely prepared and no freak outs. She handled it and went on about her day. She’s soon to be 16 and she’s fine.

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I started having those conversations when they were toddlers so they knew it was natural and not something shocking or embarrassing. Just tell her it’s your body saying it’s ok to hold a baby if your ready but your not so it will happen once a month. If she asks how a baby get in the belly just tell her what I told my kids, there a couple of ways to get a baby in your belly but most often a Daddy will put a baby in a Mommy’s tummy to keep it safe until it’s ready to be born. If you don’t have a partner you can say I asked for help so I could keep a baby in my tummy until it was ready to be born. Any other questions can wait until they’re older. My son is 8 and autistic and is just now asking more questions and understanding how periods work. He asks to get his sister chocolate two days after my period stops :rofl:

My daughter caught me changing a pad around that age. I explained to her that yes I was bleeding but that I wasn’t hurt. It was a different kind of bleeding that only girls deal with. I told her she still had plenty of time before it ever happened to her and that when it did I would explain it to her. Until then not to worry about it. Last year (she’s 9 now) periods came up with her friends at school and she came to me asking questions.

I started telling my daughter at 4 that Mommy had lady days and she’ll understand when she gets older. I never hid it from her, just explained that I was okay and she was okay with it. She just turned 12 in March and the month before she started for the first time. She has handled it like a champ each month.

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I explained to my son that ladies bleed once a month if there is no baby in her stomach.


My son walked in on me at 4 and screamed “ITS A BLOOOOOOOOOD!” and ran out losing his shit lol.

You explain it honestly & truthfully. Simple


I guess iv always talked to my kids about it since they where like 2 and followed me into bathroom my 4 year old son brings me tampons from hall closet I just say mom has her periods and his sisters have then also. I’m very open about bodies and sex when my older 3 took the sex Ed class they told the teacher my mom already explained everything

My 9 yr old son knows I have periods and what is the function of a period … he even asks me if I have period pains bless him, I think it’s important to be honest and prepare them for life, periods will always be part of their life whether a boy of girl and empathy surrounding it can only be a good thing in my opinion, let’s break menstruation taboo once and for all :drop_of_blood: :purple_heart:

I would take a sensitive approach. That’s a delicate age. Definitely don’t rely on Facebook and find quality articles to help speak in a manner she will understand while being sensitive to her age

Just have a delicate conversation with her, just explain how it’s perfectly normal and when ladies grow up once a month that’s just what happens. Just reassure her your perfectly fine she should get used to it x

I always tell my 5 year old it’s a band-aid and that mom has a Bobo

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Honestly :person_shrugging:
“Baby it’s ok! Mommy is fine! See, most of us girls get what is called a period every month. It’s normal and mommy will be fine. It’ll be done in a couple days. Then we might see it again next month now.”
I’ve just always answered honestly with my son. He started asking those questions around 2 tho…as I could never pee in peace lol

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I told mine that it happens to all mommies when you grow up. And that pads are mommy sized band aids lol. Luckily she never saw me with a tampon. :rofl:

Tell her the truth, since she’ll be dealing with it eventually.

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I just tell mine it happens to everyone eventually and she goes ok and walks out

She’s old enough to know the truth especially if they’re asking questions got to give them the right answers sugar coating things or giving them a fairy tale doesn’t protect them that actually damages them truth wins out every time

I just simple told my daughter that when there no baby in my tummy, this is the egg that come out.

I just told my daughter, it’s called a period, every women gets it from when your about 13.

I told my 5 year old son (who still follows me to the bathroom for at least half the day) that it happens to girls when they get older. He said why? And I told him it helps our bodies make babies when we get super old like me. He then said does it hurt? I told him yes it does very much and that if I’m ever bleeding from my v*gina and I seem grumpy that I apologize and I will be better soon. He just walked away and said okay mommy. But he is such a sweet boy because everytime I’m on my period he draws me pictures because he said it makes me happy and that he hope it helps. It melts my heart every month :heartbeat:


Just tell her it’s a fact of life. If she has questions, answer them. Reassure her that you are OK !!

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I was just honest with my 6 yr old son and said, you know how girls have babies well when a girl isn’t having a baby all the stuff she would use to hve a baby has to come out every month. So it comes out like pee but we can’t control it like we can our pee.

It’d actually be really good to tell her the truth and make sure she knows what to do with it honestly. The first girl in my class to get hers was 8 and I was 11 when I got mine.

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My kids are 4, 7, and 10 all girls. My older two know about them and have known for a few years. I just told them that it’s normal. Girls get things called periods which make them bleed from their privates which is called a vagina. I also said if it ever happens at school just go to the nurses it gets mentioned now every few months when they notice I’m on mine. They can start as young as 7.

I had similar happen with my 3.5 year old I just said it’s ok baby just means mummy doesn’t have a baby in her belly, and off he went lol

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I just tell my son when he barges in that I have a boo boo. One time he came in and said he had a boo boo For me to kiss and when he saw that he shut up about his. Lol didn’t say anything else about the rest of the night :joy:

I just told our daughter that most every month women have a period where we bleed. She’s now 6 and just says “oh great your bleeding again” lol. We told her it happens when you start going through puberty. And we explained to her what puberty was. Like you’ll start growing hair, getting boobs, and having periods.

My 3 year old knows of a period. I haven’t been able to pee alone at home since she was born. “Mama what’s that?” “Mama why are you putting that there?” “Mama you pull it out?” Mama what’s that?” “Mama why’s it red?” I just answer the questions. Embarrassing in public restrooms but I got over it quick.

She’s old enough to know. Woman get a period every month and they bleed, so you use a pad or tampon.

Uhmmm why does a 5yr old need to know this stuff? My God people shut the bathroom door.


I was honest with my daughter at 4 because she walked in on me. :woman_shrugging: honesty is the best for stuff like this because eventually she’ll get one too

I had the same with my 5 year old, I told her why I was bleeding and why I use those products (also have to use a T and Pad) and told her when she is older we will discuss it again in more detail so she can be better prepared

I must be old 73 I don’t remember having these conversations at that age


Tell her the minimalist truth. I told our daughter (who freaked out 1st time seeing it at 4yo) it’s normal, I’m ok, it’s a period I get for about 5 days a month, it happens to all women and girls at some point in their lives, and finally we will talk more about it when she gets a bit older. She’s now 6 and doesn’t freak out but does ask if she can get me anything when she sees me in bathroom (she knows about cramps/headaches I tend to get during period)

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Always lock the door when you go into the bathroom. That’s not a “family affair.”


Explain it exactly as it is. My 3 year old son took to it really well :slightly_smiling_face: no funny words, no short cuts, just as is!

My son the other day grabbed a tampon and was like “why aren’t you using these anymore?” (I’m 8 months pregnant) and it was so innocent. We’ve had that talk before but he forgot and it gave me a really good opportunity to speak on it again :slightly_smiling_face: it’s not inappropriate or abnormal. It’s the human body.


She’s old enough to know… My daughter is 4 and she’ll come up and talk to me and ask me questions :woman_shrugging:t2: The first time she saw me bleeding was around halloween time last year, so she was a month away from being 4, and she asked if a vampire bit my vag lmfao so I just took that as the opportunity to explain it to her lol. And each month I’ve gotten it since she will come in and ask me questions and after she’s done asking she’s just like ok thanks and then leaves

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Easy. Mommies bleed because it means they’re healthy and one day when she’s grown she will too. I have 3 daughter… 1.5-13 years old. It’s no big deal.

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Tell her why you bleed. And explain it all and tell her one day she will too. Be honest. She needs to know.

my daughter was about the same age as you daughter when the same thing happened to me i simply told her not to worry about it is a normal thing for a girl. and that the same thing happened to her when she become a big girl and it is something that all girls go through. i was never taught about periods before i started at age 12 (lost my mom at 10 embarresed to ask my dad but had no choice so when jesi asked i told her. to make her feel better and not so scared i kinda made a game of it and told her that it was just our secret not for dad or brother to know. she walked out of the bathroom and as proud as punch told them she had a secret with mom. told hubby later.

Eek! I’ve never experienced it but I think if you just let her know that it happens to all girls at a certain stage of their lives and that it is normal. And maybe don’t think about it unless she asks about it again? Try to distract her with learning videos about other science things that might interest her. I hope this is helpful.

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I told my daughter that it was because mommy did not have a baby in my timmy

My son walked in on me when he was pretty young. He assumed I pooped my pants so we just went with that lmao. Of course now he is 10 and knows about them.

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I would keep it very simple, when girls get big they have a period and no it doesn’t hurt, that way you’re answering her question without giving more information than needed :two_hearts:

I told my boys it’s “mommy time” - every month mommy could get pregnant and cooks a baby. When I don’t, my body has a reset (like a video game) so I can try again next time.
They also saw their pre-cleaned baby pics which helped their understanding.


I explained that once a month adult women bleed out of their private areas for a few days and it’s normal I just left it at that besides saying it doesn’t hurt and it’s a good thing

I just told my daughter its something she’ll learn about when she’s older. And she said ok mom

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Shut the darn door. Let them be innocent.


My answer is just what they ask. Nothing more


I just explained it for what it is but used age appropriate language.


When my son saw I just told him that it was normal for women to bleed like this and it’s not scary because he was worried that I was hurt. He asked my why women bleed and I said because we we have eggs that come out. Long story short he thinks I’m a chicken


Did she even ask? I mean I understand that she saw and freaked out, but did she actually ask what it was or what you were doing? Or did she just like freak out and run away? If she has asked, be honest with her and use age appropriate language and terms. Tell her that it’s something that happens to mommy’s and that it’s mommy’s body telling her that there isn’t a baby in her belly. You’re not lying to her and it’s in simple terms. My mom never talked to me about that stuff, even when I asked. I didn’t know what a period was until mine started when I was 8. So answer any questions she asks, as simple as possible.


Just tell her the truth. Use the correct name for things as well.


I agree—use simple language BUT tell her it is a normal part of girls growing into women! My mom told me nothing, so when I started at 13 years, mom and I were in the city shopping and stopped at a public bathroom!!! Scared me spitless!! I Screamed, knew I was dying and it took me years to adjust to a normal. "growing up? experience!!


Be honest and explain it to her using proper language (menstrual cycle, vagina, etc) but also in a way that makes sense to her. Tell her when she’s bigger she’ll have to go through the same thing and that it is normal

The truth. Age appropriately of course.

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Tell her the truth but appropriate for her age. My son knows it. There is no shame to it. It’s part of nature.


Just explain to her that it’s all ok and it’s just a normal thing that happens and she’ll learn about it when she’s older.

My eldest has asked questions similar when it comes to this and I just explain to her she’ll learn about it properly when she’s older. She just says ok :woman_shrugging:t4:

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I told my son when he walked in on me when he was younger that women bleed once a month to let them know if they are gonna have a baby or not. No blood means baby is coming


U don’t
… jst make a story up n say i had a accident duh


Kids this day n time learn to much at a early age js. By the time there 8 they pretty much know everything js

lol I literally thought my moms tampon was her taking her whole coochie off for a very long time :joy: she probably explained but my little brain did it’s own thing :joy:


Both my 5 year old daughter and 3 year old son leave me no personal space when it comes to the bathroom. So both know that women bleed once a month, that is has to do with babies, and that it is completely normal. I think that telling kids, from a young age, the body parts and what they do is important. Both my kids know the basics of things, except how babies are made, as they have not asked. I don’t understand why some people choose nicknames for body parts or why they don’t explain things properly, but age appropriately, to their kids. The things the human bodies do, it completely normal, so why not explain it?:woman_shrugging:t3:


My 6 year old daughter knows about it. I started my period when I was 9. So when she asked, I told her. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. Something girls and women go through and that I’ll explain more when she’s a little older. She said okay and was fine.

The truth what’s so wrong with that. Even my sons knew the truth at about this age.


Shes to young to be discussing that type of thing to my daughters 4 and I just told her you’ll understand when your older it happens to all of us girls


I told my daughter that mommy bleeds out of her vagina because there is no baby in my belly and that it’s normal part of being a mom (just easier to explain with the woman being a mommy) and my girls know mommy bleeds from her vagina my 5 year old was so serious when she asked me if it was gonna happen to her and I said yes when your a mommy (we’ll obviously have to have the talk again but it’s simple for her to understand ) we go with a simple version of the truth in our house I’d rather my daughter be prepared then think mommy is dieing in the bathroom and then think they are dying in 6 years when it happens to them

I told my 3 year old when she was 2 that once you hit a certain point in life girls or people with vaginas bleed once a month. Only had the conversation that young because she refused to let me potty on my own while I was on my period

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Happened to me to, I use flex disks and she was very concerned about the blood😂 I told my 4 year old it happens once a month to let mommy know there isn’t a baby in her tummy. She seemed to understand fine.


Just be honest. That it something that happens when your much older and go through puberty. That its normal and a part of body functions. It really depends on how much she’s actually interested in it and asks questions.

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Just be honest. I don’t believe in being too young to learn about sex education, the human body and anatomically correct words. They should be told from a young age to 1) get you comfortable talking to them about it & 2) let them gradually know and understand vs a shock of a long convo. Or getting their period before “the talk.”

If they’re old enough to ask, they’re old enough for an answer, for their age. Both of my 5 year olds know the anatomy of both male and female, as well as what a menstrual cycle is. They know that a period comes after puberty starts. And a period is woman’s body spends all month preparing and building a pillow for a baby to grow on. But since she isn’t pregnant, that pillow has to shed. Which comes out as what we call a menstrual cycle/period. Then when its done, the body starts all over every month till the person is pregnant. When she becomes pregnant, that baby gets to lay on the comfy pillow in her uterus to grow. :two_hearts:

I explained it like we would explain why our nose produces mucus; to keep the inside of our nose clean. Our bodies are wonderfully clever machines and in order to clean itself out every so often women have mental cycles to clean and cleanse itself🤷‍♀️ This is how I explained it to my daughter and my son both got it without being traumatised or confused!

Ummm … my 3 year old walked in while I was changing my pad several years ago and asked why I can poop in my diaper and he can’t (We were potty training)! :sob:

I tell my 5 year old daughter (mind you she’s walked in on my many times while changing) that all woman get it and she will one day as well, she knows mum wears nappies too sometimes :rofl::woman_shrugging:t2:


my son know i explained it to him when he walked in when he was 5 he call it my girl time of the month he is now 9 never to young to understand


Just tell her what it is. There isn’t anything wrong with her knowing about periods. I knew when I was 5, I remember being with my mom while she bought pads and liners. I didn’t have to ask what they were for because I already knew. And when I started at 10 I didn’t freak out although my mom did lol.