How to feed purees?

Hi ladies , I’m new to the group and the purée world lol . My son is 4 months and we have the okay from his pediatrician to start giving him purées. So far I’ve done jar apples, bananas, green beans(disgusting) . Now I want to try making my own so far I did green beans it wasn’t a fan. I mixed it with a little apple sauce and he ate it. I don’t want mixed it with apple sauce every time. What are some ways I can make it more enjoyable for him? Also, what are some other green vegetables I can try ? Different purées I can try ? One last question lol, can he eat it cold or should it always be room temp ?


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My son didn’t like them.

Id look into gut health and why its better to wait untill 6 months to start purees or any type of foods. Their stomaches cant digest it properly at this age.


A few tips from an experienced mama. Always do all the veggies first (or baby will aquire a sweet tooth later in life &not want to eat healthy foods. Also only feed the same food for 3 days in case baby has an allergic reaction so you know which food caused the reaction. You can feed cold purées as long as baby likes it.


Honestly i always mixed veggies with fruit with my son because he wouldn’t eat them otherwise. My daughter however loves her some veggies. But if you are making your own I used to put mine in a silicone ice tray and it pops out easily you have small servings and if you arent against microwaves 30 seconds and they’re thawed and a decent temp. If not a little warm water in a cup pop them in a baggie set it in the water and they’re thawed in a few minutes. But that allows you to make more than just a serving at a time. And if you breastfeed add some milk to the fruit purees for a little extra boost of vitamins

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Jus mix it with applesauce until he gets the hang of it.

Trying purees and stuff at this is age is just to help them experience different textures. They don’t count for any nutrition. If your baby doesn’t like it, he doesn’t. Try a different one.

Apple is really acidic for a baby that age

My daughter learned about something called Baby Led Weaning that has a different approach to introducing solids. Her little one is a great eater now.


Babys to young at 4 mths, should start with baby rice, cereals, etc, puree food usually starts bit after once guts matured a bit. As mentioned above always start savory not sweet, same food every 3 days incase of allergy s

Meat first then veggie n last fruit

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You tried sweet potato or carrots?


Honestly I wouldn’t start feeding that until 6 months. Also I have always introduced my babies to all the vegetables first. We only try one new food once a week that way we know if there’s a reaction what caused it. I’ve always served their baby food at room temperature. If they don’t like something at first try it again a few more times and usually they’ll eventually eat it.

Oh I made my own for a long time. My kids loved spaghetti squash acorn squash pumpkin (can mix with apple or banana as well) beets when he’s older watch out they really are that red from the start. Berries grapes pureed then mixed this cereal peas eggplant can also do beans when he’s a bit older too pinto navy white black kidney

You might try a little above room temp. With green beans, you might try a little seasoning, like Mrs Dash. Green beans are kind of nasty without anything on them. Butter beans are good. You could try peas. Spinach would purée pretty well. Other types of greens would purée well, but again, they will need a little seasoning, so try a little Mrs Dash. Kale might also go over well. Other things that my kids liked, I would make goulash for the family and purée some for them when they were little. They liked that really well. Spaghetti goes over well. Veggie soup. My kids also loved when I would make a pot roast and purée the veggies that cooked with the meat. I cooked the meat in the crockpot. It was so tender it puréed as well.

l get paid over $ 185 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 18794 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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Go to the library ( or Goidwill) and get a book on smoothies & purees…

I believe someone above said this, but you should typically start with veggies. If you start with fruits, he will reject veggies because they’re not sweet like fruit. I’m not sure if your pediatrician advised or not (but he should have) to only introduce one new food per week. If he is allergic to something and you’ve introduced a new food each day, it will be harder to determine which he is allergic to. If you’re looking to purée your own foods, simply purée them and then run it through a fine strainer to get any chunks out. You can purée just about anything you want. I would buy a little of each vegetable and fruit to purée. Offer it more than once, because chances are he will reject it the first couple times. Since you have already started with fruits, and don’t want to mix fruits and veggies, I would suggest (once you’re sure there is no allergic reaction) alternating. Offer him green beans and apple sauce, but not mixed. One bite of apple sauce then one bite of green beans. Sweet potatoes are a really good choice as well.


Homemade Purees For Baby

At 4 months I started with baby oatmeal before veggies and fruits puures, but my daughter loved carrots, and sweet potatoes, pumpkin. She wasn’t a fan of green beans until a little older. She loved Zucchini. sometimes would eat peas. I would warm the veggies purees and serve the fruit ones cooler.

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Google Baby Led Weaning. It’s a game changer.

Never start with fruit first. They wont eat the veggies


Start with only veggies before you try fruit, babies will not go for the vegetables if they are used to the sweetness of the fruit. You can do any vegetables. My daughter loved squash and zucchini the best

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l G­e­t p­a­id over $ 127 per h0ur working f­r­o­m h­o­me. l ­n­ever ­th­o­ught ­I’d be able t0 do it but my Buddy makes 0ver $1980­0 a m0nth d0ing this and she c0nvinced me t0 try. The possibility with this is endless.
M0re Inf0…>

Veggies first. Fruit is sweet so they wouldn’t want vegetables. Green ones are gassy. I would start orange.

Vegetables first.And room temperature.

l G­e­t p­a­id over $ 128 per h0ur working f­r­o­m h­o­me. l ­n­ever ­th­o­ught ­I’d be able t0 do it but my Buddy makes 0ver $1989­0 a m0nth d0ing this and she c0nvinced me t0 try. The possibility with this is endless.
M0re Inf0…>

Feed him only veggies. Don’t sweeten them or express your opinion of the food in front of him. You’ll be setting him up for being a picky eater. Give him 1 veggie a week so you’re aware of allergies. If he rejects just try it again. All these flavors are new to him. It’s going to take time to adjust. I personally didn’t really do purees with my boys. I would just put soft veggies on their tray & allow them to explore it. The only reason my daughter had purees was because her father got in the way. He tried with my youngest too. He wouldn’t eat purees. He’d eat steamed veggies. My kids never had anything sweet until their first bday.

Pes and carrots I’m sure cauliflower would work

l get paid over $ 195 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 18678 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
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I gave mine anything suitable that I was eating. I didnt puree but made sure it was soft enough for them to break up …mostly veg and soft fish…scrambled egg went down well too or a little oatmeal.Only small amounts and introduce one new food at a time.
Try not to season and savoury to start rather than sweet.
Eggs are probably frowned on now lol so best check the latest ruling on those

l get paid over $ 185 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 19736 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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Vegetables only at first. If you start fruits to soon he will not want the others.

Yes very disappointing… but this is a weird year for “everything”… hopefully it will become more " normal" next year… apparently people are still afraid…:scream::disappointed_relieved: hope you’re enjoying your time away​:smile:

Broccoli sweet potato carrots :carrot: purée

Vegessss first trust me :sweat_smile: straight out the packet fine too