How to get a 5-month-old to stop teeth grinding?

My DD is teething and has 5 teeth and she’s grinding them. How can I get her to stop grinding them?


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Kids naturally grind teeth. We grow out of it once we become an adult (typically) it’s awful sounding but nothing can be done and it’s nothing to worry about

She’s doing that because she’s cutting other teeth, her gums and teeth are probably sore, and it’s soothing. Don’t worry about it until she gets much older and has all of her teeth.

My child’s pediatrician told me when a child grinds their teeth it is because of allergies

I used to give my teething babies a wet cloth I put in the freezer for a minute or two to chew on. It soothed them for a while.


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They normally dont until their teeth come in. The grind because it feels good. I juat asked the dentist this cause my 17 month old does it so bad and it makes me gag.

But I guess you can’t do anything about it specailly while they sleep - normally they grow out of it.

Some kids do this just because it’s a new sensation once they start getting teeth. I always just gently poked their cheek or mouth and told them to stop, they grow out of it pretty fast usually though. It could also be a sign of more teething and giving a teething toy when they start grinding could help.

It’s a phase. They will stop.

My kid is 9 and still grinds but only in his sleep
His dentist says he should grow out of it

Don’t tell them no just redirect them.

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Nothing, though if they are grinding teeth because of teething you can give them a chew toy to help.

You do the best you can to ignore it. They do it for lots of reasons. Figuring out what all those new things in their mouths are, getting teeth, sensory input, orrrr they like the reaction it gets from the people around them. Both of my kiddos went through this stage, and the best thing I did was to school my expression when they did it and try not to react strongly. They eventually lost interest. It’s just a waiting game.

l get paid over $125 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $11628 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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You can get the freezable teething rings. But she will probably still do it for awhile yet. She should stop on her own.

l get paid over $125 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $14561 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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My 10 and 16 yr old still do it. My husband used to too. I absolutely hate the sound!!!

The teething can also cause that but my son whose 4 gradually stopped on his own and that was when he was in the middle of 3 years old … But he has this blanket from birth that once he covers his face and it goes close to him mouth he grinds like he wants to eat the blanket…kids get over things eventually with a little push from us… don’t stress :sunflower:

l get paid over $125 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $17392 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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Wet cloth in the freezer

It’s normal for babies/ toddlers to grind their teeth. It helps to relieve the pressure. Their baby teeth will fall out anyways. Once their adult teeth grow in though they need to stop.

I don’t think there’s anything you can do to stop it