I’ve been on and off with my daughters dad for about 3 years… it hasn’t been a good relationship at all… just feel like I don’t love him anymore and don’t feel happy with him but scared to say anything cause he screams and yells about everything and goes nuts and makes it feel like I can’t get away… any tips? Thank you!
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to get away from my relationship without drama
Have a plan, put it in place and leave first then tell him you have left. And that you felt you had to do it that way based in his past behaviour.
Plan it.
Get others you trust to come help get all your things when he is out.
Walk away with what’s yours and the kids Necessary & Sentimental items only.
Say you are gone AFTER safely away.
Don’t say where and Block All contact unless through lawyers about the children.
2 sides to every relationship.
Tell your dad. He can “explain “ it to the goofy boy.
Depends on who’s home it is. If it’s his you just plan a date to get help to get all your stuff and leave. Let him scream and cry. It won’t last. If it’s your home plan to stay somewhere else just for a week or two. Pack enough for the time and tell him when you come back you want him out. If not you’ll legally do something about it.
If you really want a clean exit do not tell anyone not even your family. If no one knows then they cannot tell him when he comes looking. If he is abusive and controlling he will come looking and he will not stop so make sure you have a plan take only a few things you can get everything you need later down the road get rid of your phone it probably has a tracker on it get a burner phone also turn off you car mapping device look under car he might have a tracker there as well. Then go do not look back. Now if this is just a case of I am bored with my life I need to leave then you sit down at the kitchen table and say hey what happen to us? I am not happy and we need a little switch up in our relationship let’s do some fun stuff together bring back the sparks. Talk about the pros and cons of your relationship and how make it better or tell him your done. You have kids you two will never be done even after there 18. It’s very important you have children with men you actually like because when the honeymoon feelings are gone. You’re not together anymore at least you still can raise the kids without messing them up.
I know how u feel I was in a bad relationship for 23 years physical and mental what I did I went to work and never went back I left everything behind granted he wouldn’t let me get anything even though I pd for everything the only thing my daughter was in the middle but I got her by the judge he isn’t allowed to see her at all
Plan plan plan but be very alert!! 22 years and 4 kids… Biggest regret was not leaving sooner. Youngest was 13… Filed for divorce… He attacked my child that very day! He was removed from the home. And walked out of all of our lives. Just keep your guards up for red flags of escalation.
You say you’ve been off and on for years. How did you get away the previous times?
Run don’t walk! Get away from him!
CONGRATULATIONS! you’re dating a narcissist! My ex used to do this when I tried to leave him too, but throw himself on the floor… I didn’t expect for the relationship to run as long as it did with how manipulative he was, it eventually resulted in having a baby together but we were young and it took awhile for him to grow up and not to forget to mention we were both prideful too.
as scary as it is LEAVE… i just went through this and i am still terrified but i got out and it was the best thing for me and my kids
Plan now for the future. Not because it absolutely will turn physically abusive and dangerous, but because it MAY. A little at a time, collect important documents, money, clothes, a spare cheap phone, necessities and stash them in a secure location away from your home. That way if things turn dangerous you can leave ASAP without trying to grab important items and potentially losing your window of opportunity to leave. Talk with your child. Perhaps have a code word where if you call them and say it they know not to come home but to meet you at a set location. This all may seem extreme and God willing you will never have to rely on it. But it will help things go smoother and safer if you ever did end up in danger. Best of luck.
My daughter father same way. Sorry no tips really u just wake up knowing ur done and do what it takes to leave. Male a plan. Have a place to go so ur not couch hoping. There is help for moms. Make sure it’s what u want because the going back and forth could be hurtful also. Make sure someone is around or do it when at work.
i was with my ex for 11 years, same thing miserable always yelling at me and my children, only the oldest is his, whom he didnt meet til my son was 10. he ruined evert single christmas by being drunk or high, tossing furniture and the tree, decorations and gifts had alcohol all over them and i mean every year. i finally waited for my eldest son to get his own place, made a plan, paid first and last on an apartment for me my daughter and youngest son. we havent been happier and all 3 of them are grown and on their own. i now live with my mom and wouldnt have it any other way oh yeah i had enough one day and told him we 3 are moving i have a new place sick of everything living with you, and he let us go no problems
Yes,call the police. If you are moving pack yours and your child’s stuff and leave.
If he is moving call the police to help him move.
Don’t stay in an abusive relationship. It teaches children bad behavior among other things.
Make plans!! There is always a Domestic Violence place you can go to! Good luck dear!
Face it for once and all and never backup so these scenes would end infront of the kids and don’t be afraid, get someone’s help and do the cofneonting with them around but it has to be the last one. That is ifnyou are sure of leaving him