How to get baby to sleep through the night?

Fan question

seeking advice on getting 11 weeks old on the bedtime routine.

Alright, you all I’ve tried EVERYTHING. My 11 week old has decided that midnight is bedtime. I have been attempting moving our routine up (time-wise) to try to change this schedule - it doesn’t matter what time we put her down; she will not sleep. She will even wake at midnight for a feeding. The only saving grace is that she will sleep a long stretch from like 12:15 to 10:00 most days, but I do have to go back to work soon… HELP!!!


Ugh shorten her daily naps. Even at that age you can start a schedule of naps. My 5 month old has been having a nap schedule since 3 weeks and she usually sleeps from 10pm-8am (I’m lucky she sleeps through the night

It took a while for my daughter to get in a routine! It was alot of consistency with no naps after 6:30-7:00 and at that time she was wanting to nap between that time. We literally just put up with the pissiness that comes with a grumpy baby until 8:00. It took a good solid 3 weeks for her. Shes now 5 months, and she goes to sleep between 8-9:30 doesnt wake up until 4:30-5:30 am then goes back to sleep until about 8 or 9 am

Don’t let her sleep until 10, wake her at a morning hour and put her down for a morning nap, she will wake up earlier and need an afternoon nap earlier, which she will wake up from earlier. If that doesnt work you just need to accept that new babies don’t always sleep on the schedule WE want them to sleep on.


That still quite new to her , she still gotta get use to night and day hun I went back to work too with my first who’s now 2 and my second recent is almost 1 and she still doesn’t sleep alway through even with proper meals mainly teething just stick to the routine you got bath bed time at a decent time mine dinner at 5 bath after so about 6 ish then bed she goes asleep wakes at least 2 a night nappy change then bottle (soother) back to sleep maybe try a comforter like a little blankey with a teddy attached to south her while sleeping ? Night light? Even a little teddy x

Put her in her crib at a decent hour and walk away. She’ll fall asleep eventually. I’m not saying cry it out just put her to bed and eventually she’ll fall asleep sooner

Keep her up more during the day, and I know you need sleep as well but wake her up earlier in the morning at about the time you’d get up for work. Let her sleep less during the days and try playing more then she’ll want to sleep more. She’ll get on her schedule soon :blush:

Turn on all the lights during daytime that she is in and have it completely dark for bedtime.

you could try giving her an extra ounce of formula or breast milk at bedtime, or if you don’t wanna do a whole ounce you could start with an extra 1/2 oz instead. we had the same problem with our 6 week old, her bedtime was midnight & even if we could get her to go to bed sooner she would still wake up at midnight so we gave her an extra ounce & now she goes to bed at 10pm & usually doesn’t wake up again until about 3 or 4 AM.

Have you heard of “flipping a baby for sleep” search in utube…I have heard it works, I don’t know, but you have nothing to loose. Good luck :four_leaf_clover::shamrock:

Try and keep baby up more during the day. Shorten nap times.
She is still getting used to the difference of night and day. I used to run a warm bath and just run it over my daughter, putting some of the sleepy time bath soap in the water. I would rub her down with some lotion give her a bottle and cuddle until she fell asleep.
Keep room dark and quiet. If you have a fan, or something for white noise, it’ll help as well.
I had a water purifier that lit up and I would run that. She would stare at it for about half hour before passing out. The white noise would keep her asleep and help her sleep better

She’s 11 weeks old? Just follow her lead because chances are as soon as she gets on a “schedule” she’s going to hit a sleep regression.

NONE of my kids slept threw the night consistently until almost 3.

Start hetry her on what your work schedule will be before u go back to work maybe it will work

Read Happiest baby on the block! Swaddle her and turn on a sound machine for sure

Good luck :rofl: babies still brand new ffs