How to get past cheating in a relationship?

You don’t. You find a new man instead of the boy you’re with


You don’t ever really get over it, you just learn to live with it. But the best thing I did was let go, but each to there own

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I would say therapy, but I personally would have zero interest in continuing a relationship with someone that cheated. In my opinion, there is just some of us that it’s a hard boundary and something we could never get past. I don’t want to worry where my husband is all the time and I don’t want to become the person that I know I would be. If it’s hurting you still and you can’t stop thinking about it, you don’t owe him anything and you’ve got to put yourself first. It’s a permanent stain on the relationship, regardless of therapy or anything else you do.

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You will never fully get over it. There will always be a part of you that at random times you look at him with an utter look of disgust and wonder why. Those moments do get easier but they’ll always happen. I was a firm believer in once a cheater always a cheater. Then I realized people do grow up and learn from their mistakes. Did we deserve what they did? Absolutely NOT. A year after we got together my fiance had an emotional affair with an old friend. I found out. I broke up with him, moved out, and was utterly devastated. Through the entire thing from me breaking up with him to me coming back and beyond he talked to me. He let me yell, scream, cry and whatever else I needed to do. He listened, he talked to me, he apologized and explained over and over and over and over again until I didn’t need to hear it anymore. He helped me through my grief. Once I came back he gave me FULL access to everything (I still have full access). Emails, passwords, phone, etc. He also does NOT talk to other females unless work related and will not ever attempt to. He does this because I had no trust in him. He shattered that. He made the wrong choice once. He also chose to learn from it and he saw how it shattered me and he realized how much I love him and he never wants to see me go through that pain again. He took the initiative to change himself to be the man he wants to be for our family. Relationships are a two way street but when one side breaks that trust they need to rebuild it. It does not happen easily and I’m not saying just anyone can come back from it. Some people will look at it like they got away with it once they can do it again and you’ll always be there. But there are some good people out there that learn from their mistakes and will do everything under the sun to prove themselves to you and make it right.

You leave and move on.

It’s very hard. I divorced my ex husband for that reason and still to this day still get upset about it and I carry that worry and insecurity over into my current relationship and it is so hard to get past.

You leave now and don’t waste more of your life… I tried working through it for 14 years… you don’t get over it. That trust can’t be restored.

I think VERY few people have the maturity level in commitment heated it was good to earn back.

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It takes a very very very long time … :unamused::sleepy::heart:

Once a cheater always a cheater. Why do women stay with these guys. Move on sweetie. You’re better off single then with a cheater.
He will do it again because you gave him another chance. You stayed. So he knows you will again.


Open the door and walk out it.


never got cheated on but my bro use to do some grimy ass shit like set bitches up n shit

do voodoo my niggas theyll pay for that shit LOL

Dump him and get a new guy. Problem solved :wink:

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Some people can’t. I sure as heck couldn’t ever get over it and I don’t think it’s something to feel bad about. That’s a huge trust that he broke that you’ll never 100% have back.


Never fully get over! You can’t go back because you’ll never trust them again! So best thing to do is leave and never look or think about going back! Therapy might help a little but nothing can make you trust again! Without trust a relationship just won’t work and once a cheater always a cheater! Just like I’ve read saying “once a snake always a snake! He sheds his skin every year!”


You don’t. Never goes away.

You don’t you toss his ass out

You dont. You will always have that in the back of your head. I wouldn’t stay, its horrible.


I’ve always said once a cheater always a cheater

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I wouldn’t be able to. I’d never trust them again

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I don’t think we ever get past it to the point that it’s not in the back of your mind and pops up time to time. We may forgive but we never ever forget so if forgiving is considered getting past it…hummm…not so sure, but I don’t think we’ll ever forget even long after we move on and forget him/her. That’s something that cuts you to the quick and hurts you deep in your heart and soul. :woman_shrugging:t3:

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i came back after we split, bc he cheated. i was gone for 6 months and i forgave him completely. i moved 4hrs away and made a life in that 6 months with a great job, stable house/babysitter… but i wanted to make it work bc he WAS my person… ybut when i came back… i felt worse for some reason.
im leaving again.
i cant deal with how i feel and even though i truthfully love him more than anything, i cant keep doing it to myself.
he is upset that i dont want to keep going… and so am i… but im too hurt even after everything and how much we talked about things and the counseling… i want to go thru his phone, im constantly looking at our 360 app we have as a family for his younger sister and mother so we all know where she is in case something happens. im constantly wondering why im dreaming about him with someone else and me begging for him.
i have to move on now and let someone else come in bc im mentally over how i feel now


Step one. You can’t and it never goes back to the way it was. Walk away.

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I never got over it I just stopped caring until I left

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You can forgive but you will never forget

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Not every relationship can survive cheating. Even if he has changed his cheating sounds like it has changed you. Either talk to him about your feelings and be 100 percent honest or you have to move on.

You get PAST it by leaving the RELATIONSHIP…