How to get toddler to stop biting?

I bit my oldest back just enough for him to understand it hurts. He never did it again. The younger two I only had to ask if they wanted me to bite them and they never did it again :woman_shrugging:t2:


17 months ? Thatā€™s a bit scary that hes exhibiting those behaviors already ā€¦ the real concern is that he can start doing that to the baby. Terrible twos are nothin new ā€¦ and you can only ā€œtell him nicelyā€ for so long . Iā€™m not sure about the advice to ā€œbite him backā€ but a pop on the ass and a stern No Sir! never killed anyone


This is just a learning curve. All 4 of my children, most recently My 2 year went through the same. Reinforcement that it wont be acceptable. Please remember heā€™s still a baby! You may have a new baby, but he is STILL a baby. Itā€™s completely inappropriate to spank a child of this age.

Smack on the mouth or bite back.


for the people saying to spank him; hes to little to spank. He wonā€™t understand why youā€™re telling him not to hit or bite or whatever, when youā€™re hitting him. Completely defeats the purpose of ā€œno hittingā€. Time outs work, itā€™ll be a little hard to keep him there for the first few times. Just be persistent. Also try ignoring him when he does these things & just walk away. Donā€™t acknowledge him until he calms down and then explain why his behavior isnā€™t okay.


I agree. Bite him back. Not hard but enough that he realizes. I did with my toddler (hes21 now and not violent at all) he learned real quick how it felt and stopped


Bite back. It sounds so cruel but it shows your kiddo how easily you can hurt someone with biting. Only did it once, and did not leave a mark.


Kids that age may be getting their 2 year old molars, so teething could be to blame. Toddlers also need constructive ways to use all the energy they have, i.e. lots of opportunity to practice gross motor skills, climbing and jumping, throwing and kicking balls.

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Very common for this age group. He doesnā€™t know how to express his frustration.
You just have to keep instilling that this is not acceptable behavior and find out why he is being frustrated. (Im assuming its attention too, but maybe not)

My daughter did that when she would get mad we hit her in the mouth not hard but more of a get her attention. She would bite so hard it was black and blue.

Donā€™t let him watch coco melon anymore !!

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Is he teething? Give him an alternative to bite down on after you explain to him that ā€œOuch! That hurts Mommy when you bite me. Letā€™a get a piece of fruit/food/drink etc instead.ā€ And then praise him after ā€œyum!! That feels better doesnā€™t it?ā€

I would have him bite soap. Explain to him we all have our own germs and beause he bit you ge has get his mouth clean.


And I agree heā€™s a bit young for spanking or biting back. But I time out might help to instill that this is not ok

Honestly, choose what form of consequence you are comfortable with and stick to it. Make sure itā€™s the same consequence every time he bites. Always follow through with it. I also believe spanking or biting back is something the child wonā€™t understand at this point, it only shows that mommy can do it, so I can to. But again not every consequence works for every child. Choose one, follow through with it for at least 2 weeks and if after that it isnā€™t showing signs of working, change it up. But I believe this is normal behaviour. His world has changed and this is how he is dealing with it. Good luckā¤ļø

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To the people saying hes to young to spank are ridiculous. As soon as my child started showing any behaviors toward anger or misbehaving she got stern warnings and if it didnt stop she got a pop on the butt and an explanation that we dont do that. She learned real quick that If I or my husband said no more than once and she didnt stop then there would be consequences to her actions. Guess what shes not even 2 and minds and follows simple directions with no issues. Theres a huge difference between spankings and beatings, and right now she cant hardly feel anything because she wears a diaper, the most she feels is the push from the pop. I agree with biting your child back, obviously not hard enough to leave a mark or harm them, but enough so they understand what they are doing hurts and shouldnt be done.


Bite him back. I did to my now 11 year old one time and she never bite and one ever again.

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No coco melon for him if he donā€™t stop biting


just gotta tell him no with a stern voice so u know he means itā€¦ my toddler sheā€™s 2 she will. occasionally bite me or her sister I make her sit on the naughty chair for 2 mins and tell her that was a bad girl and it hurt mommy.

I agree, bite back but softly, they have to understand what it feels like even at 17 months. He also may be teething- so check that out first!! I also say no more cocomelon! My toddler picked up on some not nice things from cocomelon as well and he began to do stuff to get in trouble and would then send himself to the corner which is something I donā€™t like

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He is obviously reacting to the new arrival. Regardless of how much attention youā€™re giving him, he will still be feeling put out by the new baby.

His 17 months and full of frustration while yes your new born sleeps a lot it makes no difference to him take him by his hand when he bites get to his level and tell him we donā€™t bite Iā€™ve never had to bite or smack my kids at that age but I did use a really stern cranky voice

Lol bite them back thatā€™s what I did he never bit me again and heā€™s perfectly fine now 8 yrs later

I bit back softly to show my son that action hurts and he never bit again

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My son does that when hes upset and does not know how to Express himself. Hes 4 and has ADHD.

I donā€™t ever punish until I have found the underlying cause for my sonā€™s actions. The first time my son bit me I was confused but soon realized he was teething and now 1 yr later he doesnā€™t bite but notifys me if heā€™s in any pain by other signs.

How is his vocabulary? Can he express frustration or other emotions with words? Maybe he doesnā€™t feel understood and is biting to get ur attention?

More than likely something is hurting or maybe attention is required. Theyā€™re still kids and really donā€™t know how to portray what theyā€™re really going through.

When I was a little kid (not sure how little) I remember biting my niece because I was so jealous of her, I wanted to be the only baby so Iā€™d bite her in hopes of her disappearing lmao, but once my older sister realized Iā€™ve been biting her baby she had my mom bring me into the bathroom and my mom bit me, I never bit ever again after that lol. And as for the hitting, maybe try grabbing the toddler and giving him/her some hugs and cuddles, saying hitting hurts and itā€™s not nice

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Yell ouch and fake cry. When he hts or bites u.

Spanking doesnā€™t work, especially if theyā€™re anything like me and all they have to say afterwards is ā€˜didnā€™t even hurtā€™ then Iā€™d get chased with the slipperā€‹:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

My child when she was three years old was a biter it lasted pretty much a whole year she didnā€™t start this until she was two so her understanding was a little more advanced than what is 17 month olds, sometimes at that age when youā€™re frustrated they do not know how to deal with anger they learn to bite and it gets somebodyā€™s attention, he is not too young to understand what you are saying be very very firm when he does that slap his hand tell him no bite and put him in time out he will soon learn his fighting will get him nowhere but negative attention,Is it possible he is bored sometimes introducing a new toy helps I used to take care of my kids toys out put them up for two months and replace him back and I thought they were getting brand new stuff good luck mama I know itā€™s so so so hard

Bite him back did this to my daughter 40 odd years ago she never done it again .

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Bite him back!! Worked everything for me


I had to bite my daughters. My son was a bit easier. He absolutely despised mustard so when he bit me I put a giant dollop of mustard on his tongue. He cried for 20 mins straight and never bit anyone again.

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Bite them back. Sounds mean, but it shows them what they are doing and it hurts.

Bite him back and pop him he will learn that what he is doing hurts and will stop

Naughty chair for 2 mins xx

Following lol. I got one that wonā€™t stop biting whether heā€™s happy or mad and the other wonā€™t stop spitting :triumph: heā€™s spitting in outlets, plugs, floor, highchair, bed, toys. It donā€™t matter. Nothing works to get him to stop. Time out, popping him, taking his sippie away. Itā€™s so annoying.

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Spank his booty :tipping_hand_woman:t2:

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I recommend joint Gentle Parents Unite if youā€™re looking for a gentle parenting approach.

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Children often bite because they are having a tricky time communicating their wants or needs to you. Itā€™s a very typical age appropriate behaviour that most children grow out of by about two and a half. Be consistent and tell him that biting hurts and itā€™s not ok but donā€™t make a huge deal of it other than that because he will realise this gets your attention.

Biting him back just contradicts you telling him that biting hurts and is not ok. Be firm and it will eventually pass. A new baby is a huge change for a child and while you think it might not affect him because the baby sleeps a lot, the world has literally revolves around him for his entire life.

Naughty steps/ chairs donā€™t work with very young children because they donā€™t have the cognitive ability to understand the process.

Thereā€™s a book called Teeth are not for biting thatā€™s very good.


Your finger dipped in vinegar and rubbed on the lips and saying donā€™t bite. And doing it every time biting occurs, usually stops after one or two times

OK, I canā€™t keep silent on this one because these comments are ridiculous. If you bite your 17 month old baby (and yes, they are still babies at that age) then you need to be arrested. He will grow out of it. Keep your eye on your newborn to protect him or her. I raised 5 kids and I wasnā€™t perfect but I would never consider biting a child.


i calmly told my lo biting is for apples and carrots not people and friends so whenever he goes to bite i stop him with ā€œah-atā€ and ask if he wants a snack or wants to play nice with mommy it helps to redirect his behavior without being counteractive and with the way the system is nowadays i wouldnā€™t suggest biting back one complaint to cps can ruin ur life even if u arent hurting ur child or leaving marks.


I would start time outs

Honestly bite that baby back! Pinching? Pinch back! My kid is almost 4 and knows better! He knows it hurts!

Canā€™t believe all these parents saying bite them back, for one itā€™s child abuse, second its its not productive, a child generally bites as a way of communicating that something is wrong with them , his probably having a hard time adjusting to the new bubs. Thereā€™s alot of good articles and info on Google. Just lots of reassurance, even though your still spending alot of time with him thereā€™s still a new little person in his house.
Itā€™s also something that comes with age


Bite him back!!! I have 4 boyā€™s and that was the only way I could get them to stop.


Bite them back,whoop that ass :person_shrugging::person_shrugging: when my son started biting Iā€™d either bite him back or pop him on the bare ass. He bite me and I spanked him on the bare ass. Never did it again

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Bite him back is terrible advice. Tell him not to bite but then you turn around and bite him? Yeah, that makes sense. Strange question but does he talk? My daughter would bite and that was her way to communicate when she was frustrated and couldnā€™t talk . She started speech therapy and it helped a lot. Just an idea. Also redirection and possibly a little timeout/calming down time. Maybe get a copy of a kids show on his level about not hitting or biting


I thought it said how to get toddler to stop bitching :joy::joy:


my daughter really struggled with biting and I tried everything until finally I decided to allow her to bite a frozen teething ring! it worked sooo well. I told her every time you want to bite tell momma ā€œbiteā€ and I will give it too you and she did that for about a month almost daily and now only does it occasionally. She would take the ring and sit on couch or somewhere to be alone and bite each frozen ring until she felt better and then bring it to me when done. For some kids itā€™s a sensory reaction to emotions. try giving him something safe to be allowed to bite and he will probably stop doing the biting that hurts someone.


Okay I always thought this show was creepy but my kids liked itā€¦anyways here you go:

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to get toddler to stop biting?

Bite him back. :woman_shrugging:t3:

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This is real EASY to stop :stop_sign:
BITE him just one good time. I donā€™t advise to hit him with your hands though. Use a fly swatter, and just pop him. Often times, young childrenā€™s feelings get hurt just from getting popped ā€¦ and learn the lesson.
But donā€™t let anyone else do it. Make sure you do it hard though (referring to biting him). This is serious, as it will get him kicked out of schools, off of buses, and you sued. It has to be dealt with immediately.

*When my daughter was in ā€œMiddle Schoolā€ there was a girl who was STILL biting kidā€™s at school & on the bus. She eventually got removed from the bus permanently.

Our furbaby Lady stopped our daughter.Mattie bit her and Lady did it right back to her. Just enough. Not marks were left

Tell him heā€™s your best boy and heā€™s not allowed to slap or bite,that it isnā€™t good manners.good luck

My son was 2. He bit my mom really hard and I snatched his little butt from her arms, popped his backside, and bit him back. He never did it again!!!


When my grandson was two he was doing a lot of slapping me across the face I finally realize that I think he just wanted a hug so I would just as soon as I grab his hand before you do that and just give him a hug and it finally he quit I donā€™t know if thatā€™s what he wanted or just didnā€™t know what he was doing it too but thatā€™s what worked for me

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My little one walked up behind me while I was washing dishes. I didnā€™t know she was behind me. She bit my azz so hard, I lost my breath and I think I almost passed out. I did bite her back and she never did it again.

However, I think itā€™s fair to assume in this case, having a new addition to the family, the child is upset or hurt or angry and probably feels like that translates to pain so inflicting that feeling on you is his way of letting you know he hurts.

I wouldnā€™t bite back in this situation.

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I used mustard because she didnā€™ put a dab in her mouth everytime she would bite

I had a son who bitā€¦ sometimes he bit other kids out of frustration for them picking on himā€¦they deserved itā€¦but when he bit someone who didnā€™t deserve it then he got bit back. Yes I know him biting them wasnā€™t nice, but they were not nice eitherā€¦bullies

bite backā€¦it works

Mine did that when teeth started coming in. :grimacing:

Do back to him whatever he does to you :+1:

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Every kid goes through the biting stage. My mom bit us back and we stopped. My son on the other hand biting back didnā€™t help. He just kept it up. I was the only one he would bite. It went on for couple years b4 he stopped. My kid u canā€™t do normal methods with. I had to pop him in the mouth few times from it. He liked to just bite on my arm.

Biting them back doesnā€™t do much other then show the child 2 wrongs make it right. I went through the same thing with my daughter and she is 7 and we still fight with it, I am very consistent repeat myself with the same method a time out 7 min and then I ask her why she bites. Then I remind her that people are not food and we canā€™t try to eat them and itā€™s really important that we donā€™t do it. She has gotten much better then it has been over the years as she use to attack her brother daily to bite him

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A slap on the mouth or bite them back and see how they like it. My oldest son like to bite. I bit him back and he never did it again.


Yep bite him back immediately same place

bite him on a the tip of a finger on his nail just hard enough to hurtā€¦ worked with my little bitter

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Ask him to help you with his sister like getting a diaper or help holding the bottle

Bite them back! Show them it hurts. It will stop.


Oh and hand her teether! one thing sheā€™s allowed to bite

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My son bit me one time. I bit him back and he never bit anyone else again. Sounds cruel but I honestly donā€™t know of any other way. I donā€™t think they understand how much it hurt when they do it to someone until itā€™s done to them.

Ya bite him back it works

Shit do what parents in the 70s and 80s did. Smack them in the mouth

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As parents we all know that biting back sounds harsh but they dont know how hard they are biting. When we bite them in return we know just how much pressure we are using. Just enough to stun them. Iā€™m currently going through this with my grandson and I have had to give him a warning bite which is just enough for him to realize it doesnā€™t feel good. And I just barely give a little warning bite in the same area that he has bitten someone. Usually his sister. He has tried to bite me however I was able to stop and tell him owie thatā€™s a no no. Heā€™s doing a lot better. Good luck to you. All kids are different. Whatever way you choose I hope it works. :heart: its heartbreaking to have to do the same to them but they have to learn.


Spray a strong breath mint spray in his mouth when he bites. Young taste buds donā€™t generally like it.
Or bite them back so they understand it hurts. That was rule in out house growing up. If someone bit you, you bit them back. We did not have biters and there were a lot of young choldren raised. My parents had 8 kids and 32 grandchildren. It worked.
Biting is a behavior you have to get under control a daycare and pre schools will absolutely permanently expel a biter. Most have a 3 strike policy.

Next time pop him lightly n say that hurts donā€™t do it again. Eventually will stop

Tina Schlesser-Gleeson maybe you have some great advice? Youā€™ve dealt with this many times in all the years youā€™ve worked with Wunderfamilies :wink:

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to get toddler to stop biting?

Do it back to them. Works like a charm.

Donā€™t come at me, but my son bit me once! I bit him back and I promise you he never did it again!


Itā€™s normal, just keep explaining him that itā€™s not good to bite. He is still jealous even though the baby is sleeping but it will get better! My son even bit his baby sister twice on her finger and her toe (sheā€™s fine) but now he only kisses her!


This is not at all abnormalā€¦a lot has changed in his little life!
I think the best advice is to ask his pediatrician for advice. There are many parenting strategiesā€¦ask an expert.

My mom would bite me back and say see how that feels

Sometimes itā€™s just a phase I wouldnā€™t worry too much !! :two_hearts:

I was holding my daughter and she bit me so I bit her back (just enough so she could feel it) she never bit me again


I had to bite back with my oldest, with my youngest, he walked up behind me and bit me on the back of my thigh, and unfortunately my immediate reaction was to smack away what was biting. :grimacing: he never bit me againā€¦ he didnt get hurt, just fell to the kitchen floor, the shocked look on his faceā€¦ ugh. I still feel bad, and this was 9 years ago!


Agree with the above bite back.

I donā€™t think it necessarily has to do with a new sibling. Tell him no, tell him it hurts, and put him down in a safe area like a ā€œtime outā€ every time so he knows when he bites he goes there. Canā€™t risk it with the baby.

Donā€™t allow him to watch Cocomelon anymore. Itā€™s so hyper stimulating that it actually acts as a drug on children.

Bite back. Obviously hard enough to teach them that it hurts and they donā€™t like it.


I had two biters and once I gave them a little bite. Nothing to leave a mark, but just enough to pinch, they stopped. As soon as they bit it did it and explained to them about how biting hurts. It worked for both of mine.


My mom bite me back when I was 2 1/2 and I REMEMBER THE WHOLE THING. Bite him back. It seriously teaches them it hurts and its not a fun feeling. It took my toddler two times and he stopped. Adding time out after works great too! Keep him in there for 30 sec to one minute since heā€™s still tiny. But time out works for my 21mo and he knows he did something wrong even if its those 30 seconds heā€™s standing at the wall. And yes he stands at the wall the way I did when I was in time out :joy: (I personally donā€™t like spanking, so I use time out as an alternative.)

Itā€™s their way of expressing themselves ā€¦ I just started weaning my 21 month down and he has started throwing and hitting me . Heā€™s going through a big transition and itā€™s his way to tell me how he feels about it . So understanding the why will help with what to do . I tell him mommy loves him no matter what but itā€™s not ok to hot snd I ask for a hug instead. Good luck mama !!

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It might seem mean but bite him back and tell him no biting. I did it with my older two and they stopped.

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