He is 5. He’s been showing aggression towards his younger sibling. He’ll take toys away, growl, and push his sibling. We’ve talked to him multiple times about how he doesn’t see that behavior from us and he shouldn’t be doing those things. We tell him to use kind words and let us know if he needs help with his sibling (if he wants something from his sibling). We give him praise and encouragement when he tells us he needs help, uses kind words, shares or does something good towards others. We’ve taken away screen time, favorite toys, and sent him to time out. We’re trying to work on sharing feelings and thoughts with us. He’ll get emotional and shut down. He has started hitting students in class. The teacher has talked with him multiple times about his behavior. I feel like we can’t get through to him no matter what we try. It makes my heart sad because he’s going through something but can’t express is through words. Please help.
Does he watch bluey?
As much as I love bluey, my son has picked up some not so good habits from that show. Growling, throwing little fits, trying to use his bare ass to clean the windows on our sliding glass door
If you don’t teach them, the law WILL !
Take child for professional help he could have special needs
Could be behaviour hes seeing or being done to him at school. Or he could be stressed out after school so hes using aggression as a release. My daughter has High Functioning Autism you dont even know it now that shes 10. She was and is the sweetest but things overload her emotions. She was 3 when she started Pre-K and shed be so sweet going into the school then I would pick her up and she was totally different for about an hour or so. Still does it sometimes. I have to stop her and make her focus on what I am saying and I tell her we dont snap/throw things/answer hatefully so take a few deep breaths and regroup. …point of telling you is this, some things overload kids with or without a neurological disorder. They just dont know or understand how to deal with it. Maybe give them time apart when he gets home for an hour so he can calm down and become hisself before hand. Not really a time out more like some one on one with one parent then ask if hes ready to play with his sister. Maybe that will be what he needs to ground hisself after a stressful day.
I think it’s definitely time to get a professional involved. There are a lot of great children’s psychologists and behavioral specialists out there, and it seems like they’ve tried everything you can do at home. Some kids grow out of those kind of behaviors but I’d be kind of worried since it’s not just at home but also at school that it will just escalate over time if not worked on more now.
Please DO NOT listen to those people who are telling you to spank your child! That it so wrong in so many ways. It sounds like he needs help, not spanking! Some kids grow out of that kind of behaviour but there could be an underlying issue. Maybe he reacts to something that has changed in his life? Or maybe its hard to share his parents with younger siblings and wants attention - im not saying you dont give him attention, because it sounds like youre doing all of right things, but maybe its just hard for him or frustrating? I dont know. But it sounds like he needs help with dealing with his emotions, thoughts and frustration that he cant put into words himself. I would try to seek some kind of professional help and keep being supportive of him and make him feel loved unconditionally. He needs you you sound like a very good momma! And again please dont spank him, he needs your love not the opposite
Good luck and im sending you lots of love and hugs
In these times dr. throw meds at kids for this and that my sister had the same problem exactly like what you just described, I was a lot wilder than him, my father would beat us, WAIT READ THE REST, my sister told me what was happening crying to me and I offered to take him my sisters have all said Kids just listen to me, I have never beat any of my kids, I laid the rules down and was very strict with him at first like my father was minus the beatings and gave him more attention but I was on him watching and no meds, he is 26 now a wonderful father and hard worker he did have some setbacks along the way, some kids just need more attention
Do like my mom did. I told her I was going to run away. I was in 1st grade mom said if your so unhappy getting nice meals, clothes a roof over your head then I’ll go pack your bags. She put a few things and sent me out the door. I got a little way down the street, got scared and went back. Of course she was watching out the window. When I got back in house she said now little girl go to the tree and cut you off a switch for your bad behavior. I said NO mama, no. I got the smallest switch I could see took it to her. She ask me if I thought I should get a my legs spanked. She said someone could steal you leaving and I’d never see you again. Did you think of that?? She made it clear I was being a brat and I never wanted to,leave again. We hugged and kissed. I remember being so mad at her and her logic of the switch to keep me safe sure turned on my light bulb. It can hurt more by a parent putting down their foot than being sweet and kind while your being taught a lesson. "The threat’.
That’s how autism presented in my oldest at that same age.
Seek a professional opinion. They maybe able to evaluate your child to make sure there’s not any developmental delays, or conditions like adhd, anxiety, etc. They can suggest strategies with you as well based on diagnosis if there is one.
Spanking and whipping isn’t going to teach how to regulate emotions but the opposite.
Mine was diagnosed with ADHD, ODD when he was 3! I started seeing not normal behavior when he was 1 1/2! Very bad thing’s happening! He’s been on meds since! But he also has every symptom of Autism! But none of the doctors would send a referral to be tested. They ALWAYS go straight to ADHD. But, my son has never had any issues at school. He’s a terror at home but not at school. I’ve gotten very used to his behavior. And know what to do. Your son may have more issues, since it’s also at school. I would make an appointment. Get him tested for everything. If you can. I couldn’t. Good luck to you!
What happen to teaching children there is a consequences to their behavior?
Have him tested for autism, then look into getting him services, they might offer applied behavior analysis (ABA) around you
Super nanny. I do agree it’s time for a professional to help.
Mine was diagnosed with adhd and odd at 5
Endure, keep trying with love in your heart. Hit a local mental health center if you feel overwhelmed. Probably best to involve the entire family in that. It’s good maintenance. God bless. God speed.
That sounds like my 6yo. We have her seeing a therapist, psychologist and bhis worker, bhis behavioral health something and mainly works on the behaviors
Maybe trying a child counselor will help.
At some point you need to do some tough love. Seriously. Your child’s behavior is effecting other people’s children as well and I can assure you, those parents are not going to take kindly to this. I’m not saying you need to spank. It’s your child. Your decision. But you do need to not be so nice when disciplining the kid. He has to know respect and know that he has not earned yours.
Yall are diagnosing your kids with adhd and autism and don’t enforce rules for them to follow. If you as an adult would just get yelled at or talked to after doing something bad, why would you care to be good? Your raising children this way talking to them like adults when they simply don’t understand the way an adult does. This is barbaric to say the least. These are kids, not adults, and as such they should learn that actions have consequences through spanking. Then when that gets handled they won’t need to be spanked when they are older because they will realize what consequences means
Tbf if his behaviour is a problem when it happens do a time out and remove his favorite toy for the rest of the day like others have said he needs to learn bad behaviour leads to actions of the bad behaviour…
Spanking is not bad, not abuse and very necessary at the right moments. If you love your child you will discipline them!
If he is acting out at school it is time to talk to the pediatrician about recommendations to a specialist. The worst thing that could happen is you get advice you chose to leave or take.
Just a thought, but just maybe your little one doesn’t know why this is happening either. Push for a paediatrician
Next time one of you “adults” get mad or sad and act out I hope someone hits you to teach you your lesson
Whatever you do , please don’t let some Dr fill him up with drugs ,like phsyc meds or something ,
Usually end up worse in the long run
I whipped my kids. Thats the problem these days parents aint whipping them kids. I was raised on whippings and so was mine they both grown jobs live on there own. Idgaf imma whip my kids and grand babies.
Sounds like someone needs his Heiny whooped.
Nahhh. Spank that ass.
Please see a professional.
Have you had him screened for Autism?
Imo you need to consult his dr and get a referral to a pediatric behavioral therapist.
Use that belt now don’t wait.you will regret it later put him on his knees.
You need to him him screened for autism or other behavior issues. Sounds like my son who has something called dmdd. Bring it up to the pediatrician and they can point you in the right direction. Whether is behavioral therapy or more. Good luck!
I’m going through this with my grandson. He is also 5 and is showing out in school and home. Kicking, screaming, hitting. Hr has an apt with a counselor in a few days. I’m thinking adhd and seperation anxiety but idk. I pray for peace and healing in your family with this.
My son was same way he has oppositional difiency disorder hes 6 and has adhd he doesn’t know why he does it. its his impulses he’ll even say sorry hours after his tantrum look into behavior therapy that’s what is helping us
Try using a emotions chart that he can point at. It’s kind of like the pain chart in the doctors office. Then be sure to ask for autism screening and possibly sensory processing disorder. The aggressiveness is coming from him knowing what he wants but not being able to voice it. Hugs to you dear. Stay strong.
Do what they did in the old days. You know like your grandma!
Get him checked for autism. If he’s okay, beat his ass.
It sounds like he might be bipolar. My son was like that.
There is a series of books about behaviors and emotions that is for kids. The author is Michael Gordon. “Today, I am mad,” is the first book in the series. I have read these to my son and he would try out the different techniques at pre-k the next day. It’s a start to teach about self regulation, expressing emotions, learning about handling situations and so much more.
Throw him out the haha jk jk
A spanking never hurt anyone, not a beating, just a good spanking! The older he gets, the worse he will get. Do something now before it is too late. Have him tested for different behavioral problems. I wish you all the best and may God bless you and your family.
Check out red dye 40 and ALL the foods and drinks it’s in. We had a similar situation. It will all work out for the best, just keep doing the best you can for yourself and your child every day. Take breaks for yourself when needed. Hopefully there is a quick and simple solution for your family
Is he getting enough attention? Sometimes children act out because they are missing a bond. It is also a rough age because they are transitioning into a young child. Good luck. Don’t hesitate to rely on pediatrician
here come all the doctors with the autism diagnosis lol coz normal kids are not just little shits to lol
Please schedule an appointment with his pediatrician.
Maybe he is looking for more attention from you?
Sounds like ODD or Autism
It sounds like you are trying so hard to correct a difficult situation. Have you asked your 5 year old about his feelings and fears regarding his sibling? If you haven’t already, maybe in a quiet time that is removed from any agression you can explore these issues with him. Love and peace to your family.
Spank his ass of course if he isn’t autistic, adhd, etc.
Regression stemmed from jealosy.
A good wooden spoon on the ass would help greatly
See if your doctor can get a referral for speech therapy or occupational therapy. There might be an underlying condition preventing him from being able to express himself or self-regulate properly
If I’m honest, it could just be a temporary thing. I remember my brother’s behaviour being awful around this age and my mum said I was the same also. Keep consistent, mummy, you’re doing great!
If you’re concerned though, maybe it’s worth speaking to a doctor or one of the teachers.
Talking about emotions is very difficult even for adults, so I can understand why he may be struggling. Maybe there are ways you can help him to express them with picture cards or something like that?
Do you have one-on-one time with him at all? Maybe he feels jealous or that he’s missing out? Of course sharing and nice words are important, so is not hitting one another, but he could potentially feel left out. Maybe sitting with him on the sofa and snuggling up for an hour or so (if time permits) once his sibling has gone to bed will help? Or any other one-on-one activities such as painting, dancing, watching a film, going for a walk etc.
Check out Mindful Parenting t
We did therapy and little kid anger management. Made a huge improvement almost instantly
I would speak to his doctor and looking into the cause of this. My youngest had some Similar issues and turns out hes on the autism spectrum and since finding out we have worked wonders with him he’s not medicated at all but we do homeschool him for he doesn’t do well with strangers. He’s 12 now and the sweetest kid you would ever know. He is happy and loving. Goodluck on this journey and I hope you are able to figure out the cause and help him.
Talk to his pediatrician and perhaps get him into a child therapist
Therapy. I had severe anger issues when I was that age and years of therapy worked wonders and I still use what I’ve learned… I’m 32.
Whoop that ass he wants to hit crack his ass back bet it’ll stop quick
Good old ass whipping is what’s needed.
Maybe have a craft corner for time outs. Have him draw what hes feeling and then sit and talk to him about why and ways to help.
My youngest had a lot of anger. Turns out she had a sensory processing disorder. After a lot of OT we don’t see the same meltdowns.
Could he have sensory things going on? Sounds like my ADHD/ASD/ID son.
He’s 5, ask him if he likes it when someone does that to him. Make him have consequences for his actions. Screentime? 5 year Olds shouldn’t have that much screentime to begin with.
This makes me think of my brother. My parents did all this as well. He’d angry about something. Probably sibling rivalry. My parents purchased a drum set and told him if or when he’s feeling angry go beat on the drum. Maybe ND you this was in the mid 70s. . He was also 6 yrs old at the time. By the time he was was 12 he could turn on the radio and play along with Ozzy , Stepenwolf , or any band for that matter. But , he loved Heavy Metal. It wasn’t easy for mom having to listen to them as she was pushing and seeking God for help.
. But she was faithful and encouraging to him. She also did this w/o meds.
. Encourage his release of his anger else where. Maybe karate or boxing. Some may say ADHD. BUT, please don’t drug him. Let him be himself. He will learn to communicate better and process his emotions with an outlet of some sort. Btw. God does help and he will give you the strength and understanding you need if you just ask. God has a reason for everything. Theres a reason why God has chosen him to be a strong willed child. They are leader’s. God bless.
I’m from the South. We whip our kids here. Worked for generations
Each child is different, but from personal experience… my oldest has had anger issues since about 4 years old. She has been to therapy alot and we have tried many different avenues. The most effective, was when we put her on anxiety medication. It stabilizes her mood, calms her anxiety and she is so much happier and more productive. She even said herself, that
she feels better.
Sounds like autism
Better hope he doesn’t hit the wrong child and gets his assbeat at school. Then you’ll probably stop having problems
It amazes me how so many people are quick to say a behavior issue is autism. There are soooo many other reasons. Try counseling.
Stop trying to be his friend and be a parent.
I think it’s time to get help and find out if he has some kind of learning disorder. It may be good to take him to an allergy specialist and see if he has food allergies that might be triggering his behavior. A friend of mine has a son with some serious food allergies and he would go from 0 to 100 after eating a triggering food.
Sit. Him. Down and. Mean. Buzz. And tell. Him. You. Live him. But. You. Will. No. Longer. Put. Up. With. His. Stuff
First give him more one on on attention. Maybe that is all he needs. Then try taking certain things from his diet, or even adding things. Taking red dye 40 might help. Also taking sugar may help. I give my daughter caffeine because she has ADHD does wonders for her she is soo much calmer. But get him in to see a counselor also.
Did you try beating his ass?
Get him to his doctor - there may be physical problems causing his behavior. At least you will have an idea how to treat him. Maybe you need to stricter with him? Who knows?
See a pediatric neurologist or developmental pediatrician and have him evaluated.
Get him into therapy. You’d be surprised what they could teach you about your child….and your parenting.
Should be assessed as could’ve underlying causes
You said he is 5 and can’t express words. Is he delayed in speech? He can see Speech Therapist that will help him assess with it. I have a child with developmental delays she gets all the therapies. She gets frustrated when I don’t understand what she is trying to say. Sign language helped us though as well.
He might have assbergers a form of autism
I tried Journaling, giving my son different situations And going over first thought feeling and action. Gabe him a list of faces to describe his emotions. Talked in detail how angry or mad was not his only emotion he just didn’t know any others. Therapy has also helped alot
Art Therapy! Goes a long way, so does occupational therapy. Look into it, it did wonders for my child.
Please seek a wonderful child psychologist ASAP . This will be most helpful .
Counseling. Get him into counseling and get to the root of this issue. He’s 5, not 35, he doesn’t have many tools to deal with his big emotions. Something is causing him to feel out of control and as his parent, you need to know what that is.
Hes 5. Leave him be! Bust his ass when he’s physical with others, have him talk with a therapist, at 5 he doesn’t understand so much of what you’re describing, don’t dwell on it, discipline home when he needs, but again, hes 5!
I think at this point you might consider having him evaluated by a professional and time is very important
He has learned this behavior somewhere . Somewhere in his life there is a bully. Pay attention, you will find the bully.
I know this may seem strange. My 7 year old does the same. We tried therapy, including play therapy. But the thing that works for us is cut out a lot of sweets. Or a lot of food with red dye in it. Helped a lot. We still have issues. But that’s solved with okay therapy now!
Counselling is always a good thing for a child with or without issues. We as kids dont always know how to deal or talk to people about things. My children has been in couselling for years so they know how it works. Recently my oldest son wanted to move and go to school an hour away my youngest son said he was fine with it. Well his counselor was able to find out the true feelings. So counseling is always a benefit for a child cause life is full of wow moments and we as parents can try hard to protect them but sometimes we can’t. And having a person other then parents to talk to can help. And it will help if he has any medical issues also.
Get the wooden spoon out…and a lot of time out with no toys or TV or computer time
Talk to a counselor and his dr. Play therapy works well at this age
Do an elimination/challenge diet. Kids often get really odd behaviors from food allergies and sensitivities. Most common problem foods are wheat, corn, sugar, red dye, dairy, nightshades, and tropical fruits. Talk to his peditrician. O.D.D. and A.D.H.D can be diagnosed early.
Ask yourself where did he learn this behavior? He saw it somewhere? Check what’s on Television or going on in any environment he has been in.
Talk to his pediatrician about it.