How to have a boy?

On a full moon, go outside naked and dance like no one’s watching around a small camp fire, throw a cup of uncooked rice over yourself then individually pick them up, put them back in the cup, go inside and cook your magic rice then feed it to your husband. He must eat every grain… only then I guarantee you that I have no idea what I’m talking about.


idk why all the ignorant comments, you definitely CAN do things to increase your chances of conceiving a boy. male sperm is faster but also loses stamina faster, while female sperm is slower but has a much better stamina. that being said certain sex positions which can deposit the sperm closer to the cervix can give the males a better chance of making it before the females. nothing gives you a hundred percent certainty but there are ways to help. all you rude, ignorant people saying she should just be grateful need to shut up!


There is literally nothing you can do to predetermined the sex of your baby. There are a lot of old wives tales, but the science is well understood. Nothing you eat or drink, no particular sex positions, no moon phase or time of day can alter the chromosomes that determine gender. It’s just the luck of the draw, and you have a 50/50 chance either way.


There are actually recipes for girls and boys. Look on line for the full recipes as to what to eat, etc. Also no orgasm (in the female) for a girl, and orgasm for a boy.


Do not eat acidic foods Make sperm survive better in an alkaline environment

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Get on top! I’m due for boy #3 next month. :joy::rofl: JK

Read. How to Choose the sex of your child.

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Look it up on google! I found something that increases the chance of a girl by 91% by them picking out which sperms look like girls. I forgot what it was called, but I found it looking this type of question up on google because we have 4 boys and 1 girl and I birthed 3 of the boys so I was looking to have 1 more and do this to increase our chance of a girl then her be our last. Good luck!

There is no tricks or anything to make you have a boy. It’s biology. You can’t pick and choose what chromosome the sperm is that fertilizes the egg. It’s amazing to me how many people don’t understand basic biology.

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Adoption is the only way to be sure you get a baby boy!

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Do IVF with PGS testing. It’s the only way to guarantee a boy unless all your embryos end up being girls.

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Yeah good luck with that … we tried every possible position you could think of to have a girl and we still got pregnant with a boy with our 3rd pregnancy… unfortunately the male picks the gender of the baby

Have a google. The deeper the penis go in the more likely for the male sperms to swim to the egg. Since male sperms are slow swimmers compared to female swimmers. So doing doggy style will go in deeper. Also I’ve read somewhere that having an orgasm increases your chances or a male sperm :woman_shrugging:t4: definitely have a read and Amos some homework around how to produce a male bub

Bacon and eggs, eat more bacon and eggs. For the guy

Stay cool… Seriously… Keep yourself in cooler temps… But it’s just an old wives tale but worked for all of us!

Good luck. I have an 8 yr old and 3 yr old girl about to give birth any day to another girl… you dont get want you want so maybe use reverse psychology and convince yourself you want a girl, then maybe you will get your boy lol

Need to talk to your man because his genes determine the sex of the child

The man as you probably know, determines the sex.
My son and wife tried for a girl, got 5 boys.

With IVF they can implant only make sperm if that’s what you want

Try until you get it right?

A baby boy is waiting to be adopted.

Don’t do this! You will dislike this child for not being your dream. Either get pregnant or don’t but don’t hang your future happiness on this random cause.


My husband swears to quit wearing underwear. We have three daughters and he started wearing no undies and we finally got a boy lol

We did Dr. Shettlles and Rovack book got a 10lb Boy

Look up the Chinese birth chart


I’ll say it!! Just my opinion… doggie for boy… you on top for girl
:slightly_smiling_face: I have one of each! :two_hearts:

Plan your baby for the opposite end of the year to your girls

Keep having them until you get your boy. Otherwise. Adopt

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Statistics are if you have two girls it will be another girl.
If you have two boys it will be another boy.

Stand on your head lol

I wouldn’t have a clue. I had 5 boys and I don’t remember doing anything other than the usual baby-making thing :slight_smile:

That’s not a thing…

My brother in law took anti estrogen to ensure they got a boy

Adopt a boy. My friends had 3 boys - all pretty grown up - they wanted a girl and adopted a beautiful 8 year old girl.

You’re kidding right?:roll_eyes:

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Stupid question. No one knows. Enjoy what God gives you

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…and if you get a boy he will probably want to be a girl :rofl:

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You have to be on top

Lol. Honestly no. The male is the decider of this. It’s the luck of the draw. I wanted a girl so very badly but was blessed with four boys instead. It is what it is. :rofl::rofl: I do wish you luck though!! I’d try again one last time if I wasn’t 48. :rofl::rofl:

Gender selection. Gonna cost you about 30-50k though. That’s what my husband and I are going to do to get a boy. We have 3 girls

The closer to ovulation you do it the higher chances of a boy as they die quicker and female eggs last longer!

Well Miss your husband will decide the sex of a child and that us random not much you can do about it.

Just because some things work for others doesnt mean it will work for you…everyone’s body is different and no matter what you do or try to do you wont be guaranteed it comes out what you want lol all you can do is hope :woman_shrugging:

Gtfoh, is this a real question? I would suggest not having any more.

Men determine the sex

IVF you can choose the sex

Jump up and down 81 time, spin in 3 counterclockwise circles and eat the meat of a hippopotamus…trust me, this works.

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Doggystyle :joy::joy::joy: j/k. Good luck on your journey. Just wanted to add a lil light laughter lol

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No. You get what u get


You have sex when you’re ovulating and when you get Pregnant you’re SUPER grateful to be pregnant. With. A. CHILD!!! Ffks :weary::woman_facepalming:t3:

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I’m officially leaving this group :woman_facepalming:

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Shots of tequila… :woman_shrugging:t2: Worked twice for me! :rofl:

No. The man’s sperm determines the gender.

Omg!! Reading some of these comments :tired_face: I wish some of you hadn’t reproduced!!!


The obgyn told me the father obviously decides but the closer to ovulation is better to have sex as boy sperm don’t last as long as girls. So getting pregnant 3 days before you ovulation it has stayed in there longer as if you have sex the night before of the day of it gives them a fighting chance. Worked twice for me as I tracked my periods and ovulation

Wake your man up in the middle of the night. I did twice and had 2 boys lol

Settles method, temping, timing, position and a lot of luck got us 2 girls, then 2 boys which is what we were going for :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Make sure she’s standing on her head and flap your arms like a bird, works for me

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please be blessed with the baby that god brings to your life , I have 4 girls and just lost my babyboy on monday …

I believe God gives you a daughter or a son for a reason and they are there for a reason find contentment with what you have life is beautiful

Be thankful for what you get as long as it is healthy

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Daddy wears boxers and takes cool showers. Frequent “trying,” and staying in bed with hips elevated.


adopt. no treatment aside from messing with dna will guarantee you a boy. there are many good kids in the foster system that need homes.


It’s all about the sperm. But they say if you have sex right during ovulation you’re more likely to have a boy because male sperm swim faster

$50,000 you can have the boy sperm separated lol other than that you can try everything but there is no other 100% way of making a boy.


ONLY for laughs lol… but old wives tail use to be: eat lots of peanut butter while trying to get pregnant for a boy and mayo for a girl lmao

Once the deed is done, jump up and down, the downward motion will stretch the sperm enough to form a set of testicle, fair Dinkum…you can’t be serious mate!!!

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There are prediction tests you can buy at the pharmacy to give a better chance at boys vs. girls

Yeah not gonna happen that way. You can’t just “plan” a gender.

Dont do it lol i tried for another boy a couple times and ended up with 4 girls, i had a boy 10yrs before the 4girls

adopt a boy?

think that’s the only way you can be sure you’ll really get a boy… :joy:

Tell your husband no head til hw make a male child. Let him figure it out!

I always heard the more times you have sex you increase the chances of a baby boy

Better don’t have another child, seriously. It’s not a dog, and it’s not a toy. It’s a human being whose life may be screwed over your ideas.

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Keep your sox on while you busy doing the deed. When you take them off is when you have girls. True story…

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Everything is as it should be, don’t try to play God…

You all know it’s the sperm that determines the sex right…

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If you want to pick and choose then adopt.:sweat_smile:

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