How to help a breastfeeding mama?

Are you real and do you have a brother just like you?:joy::thinking:


See about taking something to up supply. Supplementing is also another thing to consider.
Try formula here and there while having her pump as often as possible.
Have mom feed baby when hungry then take baby for some one on one. Mama needs her nap if she is taking care of both kids all day and night.
Try baby wearing so mama can get a nap, you can help with the house work and baby gets to be close to dad in the process!

Just keep on being an amazing husband & father!!


Ask her if she wants to take a baby free shower or relaxing bath. That is one thing I always wish with my husband. He’ll do it if I ask but I feel guilty asking.

Husband of the year award goes to… This guy!!!


You are doing amazing most dad’s wouldn’t think about their wife, maybe take your older one to the park for a few hour or 2 on the weekend so she can have a sleep during the day. Do not give bub formula unless she wants to, I had someone pressure me to supplement with my eldestand it didn’t help at all he actually woke up more at night.

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I would alternate formula and breast milk until she can get a stock up!

From the sounds of it you are doing a lot to relieve pressure. Try helping with mental health. Get her something she really enjoys. Tell her how much you appreciate her, let her know how proud of her you are, and grateful. Speak about her selflessness and the great things she is doing for the little one by breastfeeding and choosing no sleep, putting herself second and third. It will be a (relative) short time of constant feeding. When she does pump enough feed with a bottle, but until then keep doing what you are already doing physically, just add in the mental, awestruck, amazed support. Mamas are badass. We are tough on ourselves hearing from our significant other how badass we are can go a LONG way!

Always be there to wash bottles and pump parts. Always bring her the water and snacks. Make her coffee.


Must say you are amazing and rare! continue supporting her in any and every way


Make sure she drinks a lot of water also when she pumps u can freeze the milk to store it up

You are amazingly awesome!!

To help milk production she can try breast massage to help stimulate the milk try eating oatmeal pump more often

You are doing an amazing job also and so is she so when baby is sleeping she should also sleep

If she’s worried about a freezer stash, get her a hakaa. Best thing ever! Have her use it on opposite side from baby every time she nurses, you’ll be surprised how quickly it adds up! As for the sleep, just know this too shall pass. The first few months are the hardest, sounds like y’all are doing great!

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I’d swtch it up with some bby formula like enfamil. So mama could rest while u bottle feed

Damn… do you have any brothers?? Cause your mumma raised you right! Really though unfortunately until she gets enough stock piled there isn’t much you can do… maybe when she wakes at night to feed the baby sit with her so she d oesnt feel alone and sees you want to help… that alone will make her very happy. You sound like an incredible husband

Keep telling her how grateful you are she is giving life to your baby. And how lucky she is to have a man like you!

When i was nursing, my husband would wake up to the baby crying, change her diaper, lift my shirt (while i was sleeping) and stay awake til she was finished.


I would Say keep offering her MORE Water and 100% Orange Juice/REAL Oranges throughout the day. Make sure she has plenty of Snacks like Real Oatmeal cookies or oatmeal cereal. Throughout the day. Has Mom had her Iron levels checked?

Also maybe baby is still nocturnal, for several days in the day time Mom should try to keep baby awake by Playing and keeping the home bright. Within 2 weeks baby will have day and night switched. (This works for me). Bedtime is when u make it dimmer and quieter, also a soothing bath for baby.
Good luck hope I helped.

You’re doing God’s work! :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

When the baby wakes in the night do the diaper changes let her feed the baby then take the baby back and burp then rock em to sleep so she can lay down sooner after feeding baby

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Also this pattern is normal babies cluster feed and act like they are starving and nurse alot to tell the body to make more milk it’s completely normal !

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Watch both babies tell her get some sleep

Just take the baby as soon as it’s done feeding! You do the burps and all the other stuff so mom can instantly go back to sleep. Other than that if she isn’t willing to supplement just keep supporting her

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Make her lots of oatmeal and drink lots of Gatorade and water !!

Wow. What a rare breed you are sir. Kudos to you. Make sure she’s plenty hydrated. Theres a “Mother’s Tea” sold at Target, it greatly helped me, and I exclusively breastfed, also haakaa isn’t such a bad idea either, it helps get the excess let down every time she nurses so that doesn’t go to a pad wasted. Make sure she’s getting plenty of sleep, let her nap as much as you can, help with the baby so she can nap, also let her take care of herself, run her a bath, get her favorite book, get some epsom salt with lavender bubbles (that always helped me) hydration, rest, and mental stability is key. Sounds like you’re doing amazing work anyways, but any extra help you can so that she can produce more milk, if anything at all cost maybe invest in Motif breast pump, or even medela breast pump so that when shes feeding on one side she can pump the other, vice versa every feeding, that should also help with the production. Best wishes to you!!!


It sounds like she might not have enough time to produce enough milk before the baby wants to be fed again. I had that problem with my 4th boy. I supplemented an ounce of formula between feedings until I knew I could feed mine enough to satisfy him.

Just the fact that a husband asked this, makes my heart so happy :heart:


I didn’t know men like you exists at all. Wow!


At 4 weeks old, if she is not getting enough, alternate formula in between feedings and maybe 2 oz of chamomile tea with Karo syrup (great for babies, old school remedy) at night when she wakes, she will sleep longer and be more relaxed, less colicky too and mom will get more sleep too. Expect a big diaper after the chamomile as it will clean her out of any toxins, but trust me she will be so much more relaxed and will get more sleep.

Awww just that fact that you c care enough to want to do more is awesome maybe you can take care of one feeding a day to help her rest a little Kudos dad​:+1::+1:

You are an awesome appreciative male… I wish. Xxx

Mothers milk tea help me to produce more in order to pump and also the more baby feeds the more supply she will have also i co slept with my baby it was so much easier its not the safest option but I never had a problem maybe the cots you attach to the side of bed would help

She is one lucky lady that you care and do so much :heart:

These lactation bars work wonders for milk supply:

Also, lots of Mother’s Milk tea and oatmeal.

Bottle sometalk to dr about formula I liked Carnation Head Start as it is close to mothers milk baby shouldn’t be eating but bout every 4 hrs try a little baby cereal in bottle of formula her breast milk may not be strong enough to satisfy her hunger dr put my last baby on cereal and formula the day he was born It is worth a try and will give her a break

Good job daddy! Fenugreek on the vitamin aisle helped alot with my production and I had a 2yr old when my 2nd was born so it’s def a struggle… Mine both slept thru the night so in the morning I would feed baby on one side and it filled her up and I would pump the other that’s how I built up a healthy freezer stash…

I just want to say I love you! And you are the type of man all men should strive to be! If your wife is set on breastfeeding ( kudos to you both) just be there to support her and find out what she needs. This time will pass before you know it!

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this stuff is amazing and have her pump more often after each feed and that will help getting more milk and this will make her smell like maple.

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You can ask another mum who is breastfeeding and has some spare breast milk to give you some. I know that it takes a lot out of you breastfeeding and she must be tired. Mum needs to be cared for also but look at that option for breast milk from another mum who is willing to give you some.

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You are rocking it as a dad and husband reaching out to others!

My husband took the bassinet out of our room and slept on the couch “on watch” many nights to let me get sleep.


I didn’t have a stock pile per say at the time either. I would say maybe try to determine when the babe might feed next and pump about 15 min before. That way she can rest right after a feeding, wake up pump, then you can fees with a bottle and she can go back to sleep. From research and consulting I’ve found that pumping still leaves 30% of the breastmilk. So even though she might not be getting a ton as long as the baby is gaining she is probably making enough. It will get better as far as the whole resting thing. It is hard though. Lastly if she still can’t seem to rest just be there and support her. Take the baby when it’s not hungry even if she refuses.

Get her a few things from milky mama. They have treats and supplements to boost breast milk and fattening her milk to keep baby more satisfied. You are a rockstar husband/dad!

Anyone else wanna send their hubby to this guy for lessons?? :joy::joy::woman_shrugging:t2:


Good for you, Dad!!! I breastfed our last little one for 18 months and this was a huge source of contention between my Husband and I. Our daughter was sooooooo attached to me, I joke that she only decided she liked her Dad around 9 months but it was kind of true… He said, “what do you want me to do? She cries when I take her and then you take her back”. I couldn’t stand to hear her cry and she cried more and more the longer he had her. I said, “just sit with me, talk to me while I feed or rock her. Offer to get me some water or food. Help me feel like another human being and at least acknowledge what I’m doing and how lonely it must feel at times.” So, those are my thoughts. Support her in breastfeeding since you can’t do it for her. Yes, you take care of your other child and work, but it’s just nice to have some adult interaction and to know that we’re not alone and someone is looking after us too :heart::heart::heart:

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If she stays at home, tell her not to worry about pumping. That’s probably what’s making her so tired and might be depleting her milk. I know I couldnt keep up with both.

Men like you exist??? You are a great husband !!! If your wife isnt pmping enough yoi can switch between formula and breastfeeding…if your wife rather breastfeed instead look up this herbal capsule called “moringa” this is what i drank when i didnt produce enough milk and eating papaya helps also…keep breastfeeding her baby even if it isnt enough at least it lets her body know that she needs to produce more milk… i alternated between formula and breastfeeding and gradually became a full time thing with breastfeeding because of the herbal capsule…
If you seem hesitant about the moringa capsule look it up
“Moringa capsule for breast feeding” and the tree itself is called a drumstick tree if you can look up the benefits the leaves itself has 10x the calcium needed for the body…
Also let your wife drink lots of soup and drink milk it helps produce milk… lactation cookies also help to make things easieri guess…
For sleeping let your wife and baby lay sideways while breastfeeding they will both fall asleep and help mama get a powernap…
You guys are doing great keep it up… and i hope this helps you


I had a co-sleeper and that helped so baby wasnt awake for long and went back to sleep quickly.

Keep taking her pre natal vitamins up her water intake drink mother’s milk tea

Wow! What an attentive husband! Just be supportive of offering to do some nighttime feeds with formula to help give her some rest. Maybe alternate feedings. My husband took our 8 week old and put her in her own crib in her own room. Everyone slept better. Wish you rest and sleepful nights!

Make sure shes drinking enough water and eating and make her get enough sleep…that can affect her supply…I’m a nursing mom going on 17 months with twins as well as nursed my eldest for 2 years…and I’m sure plenty have told you but kudos for you for being a good man and father…

It gets better. It can take a while to get a routine.

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Take care if mom, ask what she needs done, if she allows maybe take one nighttime feeding by adding in supplemental formula.

Your are a great husband n dad to be so considerate of your wife!!!:+1: n take of the baby +work! Just keep doing your part n eventually the baby will get full n everything will be fine ! You’re one of a kind!!!:+1::+1:

Honestly just support her any way you can. The first month and half I exclusively breastfed and couldn’t pump enough to save quite yet. My hubs felt useless. But it’s the trial and error with breastfeeding and newborns. Make sure she she has enough water and she can always look for milk supply boosters. My son just turned 4 months old and I have a small deep freezer full of milk. On weekends my hubs takes the baby in the morning and lets me sleep in as long as I can and honestly it’s a good recharge for the week. You sound like a great caring husband. It takes time to get into a good routine and once baby starts to stretch feedings she will get some relief.

Honestly I have a husband like you! And let me tell you just by being the man you are being I bet is a ton of help, from time to time ask her if she needs her pump parts or bottles cleaned, a co sleeper next to the bed is a huge plus

Maybe she could try doing both, that way she wouldnt be so tried

I think you’re doing all you can, unfortunately that’s the life of a breastfeeding mama, however, it is very kind of you to want to do more! Great men do exist in this world, she is wise to have married you :purple_heart:


Bless your heart. We need more men like you.


First of all, you’re doing amazing. The fourth trimester is hard.
Please don’t add formula like some people are suggesting because it will hurt her supply. Just keep encouraging baby to latch and have her pump right after a feed for 10 min or so and that will signal her body to make more.
If you want to support her, just make sure she’s hydrated and fed. Cleaning her pumping accessories would be a huge help to, since she’s going to be using it so frequently.

What worked for me to get extra sleep was bedsharing. I originally didn’t plan on it but my son wouldn’t sleep more than 30 min at a time in the bassinet. I researched the safest way to do so and immediately started getting 2 hours at a time.
Good luck to you both!


Put the baby on a bottle.

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A few days a week while your at work see if there is someone who can take your toddler at least for a few hours so she can sleep when baby sleeps. I take my son to a drop in daycare he is the same age and absolutely loves it and even those few hr a week make a huge difference

U r amazing and I can say there isn’t many like you
.be proud of yourself for stepping up financially mentally and Phisicly :heart: doing what your doing is enough. It’s not forever your wife will be fine she has all the support she needs just having an amazing husband like you :heart:

My husband is the same way and let me tell you- you’re helping more than you know. What also may help her is when she is feeding and you’re able, bring her snacks and water. Rub her back. Talk to her. You’re both doing wonderfully!

You’re doing great, dad. Just keep doing what you’re doing. It’ll get easier. About pumping; has she tried different size flanges? Another little trick that Actually worked well for me… Cover the bottle with a sock so you can’t see how much milk is flowing. This did WONDERS for me. I couldn’t see so I couldn’t stress on it


Patrick Stephanie wow

Try and make sure she drinks plenty of water, eats lots of healthy foods (if she doesn’t already), and if she doesn’t already have some get her some prenatal vitamins. These vitamins are great to take during the pregnancy (I know she already had the baby) and they’re great to take afterwards especially with breastfeeding mamas. Ask if she needs anything. Could be anything from something from a store, something to eat, anything. Do all you can for her and the baby. We all get tired but it’s always appreciated when there is help. Keep it up hon. You’re doing a wonderful job as a husband and dad

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Encourage her. Buy her flowers. Let her nap as often as possible. You’re doing awesome!

I love hearing that you help so much!! I think that’s all you can do for now though… But just helping her take care of your toddler and the housework is a very very big help, let me tell you

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Good job dad. Have you asked her how you can help? I know breastfeeding is hard and the sleeo you lose is real lol. However as you stated you “worthless nipples” lol wont be of help. Maybe right after she feeds baby, have her take a nap while baby is fed? I know that can be a short nap but even the 30min naps can help! Wish I had this type of support when my kiddos where babies :two_hearts:

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Vitamins… Lactation cookies you can find a recipe online, and water lots of it and her drinking milk will help… You’re doing great dad keep up the help and support…

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If shes not opposed to it you could add formula with her brest milk and bottle feed at night.

“Useless nipples” :joy::joy: i love this i wish more dads posted on here trying to get advice to help the mamas :raised_hands:t2::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


No advice but i just want to say how amazing it is that you want to help your wife. There’s so many dads out there who in your situation would say theyre already doing the majority of the workload so why should they help anymore. The fact that youre doing so much already and still want to do more to help your wife is incredible.

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Look up recipes for lactation cookies and make her some. My favorite were no bake cookies. The ingredients will help her produce more and then be able to pump more. Plus it will be a nice treat for her. Then you could help with nighttime feeding.

You are a fantastic father!!! A true inspiration to other Dads out there!!! :heart:

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Ask your pediatrician if you can supplement with some formula so she can have a break and then do both breastfeeding and supplement

Just that you want to help is amazing. You’re a great dad and husband. :1st_place_medal:


First of all.
You are a amazing husband/ father, to actually care enough to ask.
Do you have family or friends that can come over and help clean the house, take the little boy for a few hours so you , your wife and baby can have some time?

Try mother’s milk tea to help boost supply or fenugreek sounds like your doing amazing! Its tough while breastfeeding maybe supplement a lil with formula if you have to?

If the baby is still very young (like less than a week) her supply may not have fully come in yet. Just keep being there for her. And try some of the above comments suggestions for increasing milk supply.

Local milk Bank of she isn’t opposed to it not being her own breast milk. Can help take the pressure off of her a bit. Your awesome by the way. Gl

sounds like you are one of few really supported fathers


Keep up with your helping your wife. You sound like a good man and husband. She will eventually get through this

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So glad to see there are still real good men out there. I never breastfed my kids, but had to give you a pat on the back for all you do. Your wife is lucky and you are lucky. Best wishes.

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Breastfeeding is friggen HARD and I do t have any advice but wanted to tell you you are amazing for trying to do everything you can!

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Fenugreek herbs increase milk production

Lactation cookies! Lots of high protein snacks already made for mama. And lots of water available! Also see if a lactation consultant could come check on pump fit, schedule, etc. Mama can also use a haaka on the free side when nursing to help collect any extra milk without having to get out the electric pump. Once she has some supply built, Dad can take at least one of the night feedings

Sounds like your doing a great job!

I strictly breast feed (I’m too lazy to pump) but my husband will hang out with our toddler and baby while I do whatever it is I want in between feedings. The winner in our house is the baby swing, when my 2nd baby was brand new he’d stay asleep in the swing for a couple hours at a time while my husband played with our toddler and I took a nap.
I also have our son in a bassinet in our room still to make night time feedings easier making it so I usually get a full nights sleep.
And if she’s really having a hard time with sleep while you’re at home make sure she lays down every time that baby sleeps. Even a few minutes will help

Amazing dad, but the most basic one is also liquids, and lots of them. For every nursing we are supposed to drink I think 8 oz on top of what we are supposed to drink. Making sure she drinks is really a big one for milk production. Trying to attempt pumping between feeding could help to stimulate milk production. I would try some teas but be careful with fenugreek because it can backfire and reduce milkproduction.
Maybe have someone take lil guy for a few hours so you can lay down with wife and baby and bond without stress and just enjoy the moment

My milk came in mostly when my son was 6 weeks. Every pregnancy is different. Lactation cookies have worked awesome for my aunt though!

Body armor drinks, lactation cookies, oatmeal


My husband would just be like “put the kids down and take a nap when they nap” :upside_down_face: like gee thanks darling

Oatmeal, BALANCED DIET and lots of hydration. Body Armor drinks (the coconut water in those helps) Gatorade. Brewers yeast ( from GNC or online) in cereal, smoothies, yogurt, etc. Basically anywhere you can sneak it in. I know eating well is the hardest at first but it really made the biggest difference for me. Keep supporting her to keep the stress down.

she should be drinking lots of water and milk…have her breastfeed laying down on her side so she can rest while she breastfeeds…i have 4 kids i breastfeed my oldest till he was 3yrs old he would not take a bottle at all and all formula would make him sick…youre an awesome husband keep up the good work!

if she having a hard time producing milk have her massage her breast

Idk how you can help your wife, but you caring is enough!

P.s. write my husband and let him know its okay to help :joy::joy: breastfeeding my almost 3 week old with 4 other kids in the house is INSANE :grimacing: