How to help my daughter get used to Kindergarten?

If you can afford it, look into getting your child an AngelWatch. It tracks their location and allows calling and for you to listen in without anyone knowing
There may be something going on


My son was like this last year and it ended up being the teacher. They didn’t get along very well and she made him “feel bad” for everything he did or didn’t do. I was so focused on fixing the problem and seeking different therapies to help I never even thought to look into their interactions or how he was being treated in the classroom. My son has a lot of anxiety so I’m always trying to fix him or make his situation less stressful, but it really wasn’t him last year. She would even correct how he was playing. Needless to say he switched teachers. Once he had a more nurturing loving teacher he did just fine and loved going.


This is exactly what my daughter does every single time I take her to therapy (three times a week) she starts jk in 2 weeks but we have to carry her to the van kicking and screaming, crying. The thing is when she is there inside learning she is having a blast, the therapist sends me videos of Her so happy. It’s just terrible to get her there, but it’s just the transition she HATES she’s been going for 6 months.

Maybe instead of walking het up let her out in the car rider line sounds to me like she is trying her luck at just being brought back home if she throws a big enough fit I leanred with mine ling ago that if you stay and try to calm them it only creates a bigger monster to conquer I know those teachers who say nope dont turn around jist keep walking away seem awful and mean bc its your baby and shes screaming for you but trust them they know how to do those things tge best thing to do is kiss her bye wish her well and walk away dont turn around and check on her just one foot in front of the other and let the teachers have her and yes its hard but trust me shes not the first and she wont be the last and its not easy for any of us good luck


Give it a few weeks until she makes a little friend. In class. Then he will be fine. My granddaughter was the same way

I’m a mom of 6 last year my youngest daughter was homeschooling switch back to school kindergarten so we put pictures in her backpack of me and her step-dad cause I asked if it was OK the only one I had available at the time she said yes this year she took it out and said I don’t need it now mommy ima growing up :sob::sob: it’s so frustrating but let her be clingy

Maybe found out if someone is picking on her … talk with her teacher , maybe found out if she and the best friend can walk into class together, try rewarding her with something special at the end of the day for a little while

I had Same issue with my son. I told him I would wait for him outside of school and this stopped him from screaming. I made sure when they were let out I was the first one there. Later on he told me he did not want me waiting for hours and I could go back to work but just make sure I didn’t forget about him. The best white lie I told.

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Book “here I come kindergarten” worked for my daughter

That’s normal. Every child’s go through it. Just reassure her that you still gonna be there for her waiting after class.

My daughter was the same way because she was watched by her dad or grandma while I worked and just wasn’t accustomed to so much more socialization outside of the house and just more so felt like she was being left with strangers initially because it’s a big change but within a few weeks it did get better and I started bringing a little snack And drink for her to look forward to at pick up time and I told her if I got 3 days in a row without tears then I’d let her pick out a little treat or toy… it helped :woman_shrugging: I’m sure after an adjustment period, it’ll pass

It’s so hard I went through this with my middle son. He cried every morning all through elementary school. It wasn’t until 6th grade, and when he got the most amazing teacher, that he was finally diagnosed with autism and ADD. Not saying this is the case with your daughter. She’s so little still it could totally just be nerves.Stick with it. Consistency is key and I know it’s hard breaking but try not to give in. The more I let my son stay home the harder it was. Stick with it and don’t be afraid to ask for help and ask lots of questions.

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Could be the teacher, my son did great in kindergarten, But frist grade was a terror . The teacher and my son could not get along , he could do nothing right for her. I was at school 3x a week at least. Yes I made him go till the last 3 weeks. Then I pulled him . Had him tested for grade level he had fallen way behind even with me making sure homework was done ext . Home schooled over summer he was retested and went on to 2nd grade did fine .
Sometime people just can’t get along .

Sounds like separate anxiety disorder

I did this when I was in school not until about 4th grade it just got worse and worse
I still have it with my parents and I’m 24 with my own family I’m not as bad but I have to constantly talk to my parents multiple times a day and will go to their house for a few hours everyday

My son started this year to. I gave him a little foam turtle we call Henry. I told him Henry will deliver me a kiss or my kiss to him anytime he feels scared. So he knows if he kisses Henry that he’s giving me a kiss, and if he holds Henry to his cheek it’s mommy giving him a kiss to let him know it’s ok and I will see him shortly. He always gets in the car and says “did you feel me giving you a kiss today mommy”. It sounds weird but it actually helps him not feel alone and safe and secure cause he always feels like I’m right there with him! I’m thankful for Henry ( he’s a $1 play till you win claw machine turtle :joy:)

Take her out and try again next year - she is not ready to separate from you

My youngest son did this , every single day for a few months of preschool and kindergarten… When the bus came one morning he refused to get on it so I drove him to school … By the time we got to the school he would completely undressed :expressionless: so I had to redress him while he punched,pinched, kicked me and screaming and crying in my face
… I was in tears by the time I got him into the school and just wanted to give up… BUT IT GETS BETTER!!! give it some time , he now happily goes to school every single day ( 3rd grade now)

My son was the same way- prek, kinder, and now 1st. We are in play therapy we were going once a week, but now have it to once a month. I would definitely look into that. Also- my son was “given” an older child to walk with every morning when we got to school which has helped tremendously! It’s hard mama, but there are better days ahead :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Are you able to homeschool?