Put a letter on a post it note, do one for each letter of the alphabet and put them on the wall. You can do it in order at first until he gets the hang of it and then mix it up and make a game out of it.
I just kept signing it with them.
My mom use to sing it to me
At Walmart they sell an alaphet puzzle map with both the lower case and upper case letters. It helped my kids out tremondusly.
Alphabet train puzzle
Have him write them out in order
He’s not “blanking out”. He’s manipulating the shit out of you! He’ll be fine. Little peckerheads like to see mom and dad stressing!
Plenty of kindergarten kids don’t know this stuff.
If cool with app - www.starfall.com
Teacher monster reader ’
Abc mouse
Abecka - teach " vowel A EIOu
In preschool we cover one letter & 1 for idealy a week. "
Now 2 /3 days.
Your worrying too much
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How to help my five year old with the alphabet?
He sounds like he is completely fine. Don’t sweat it, just read to him and his teachers will do the rest. Enjoy the rest of ur summer w him and play!! No more pressure with this. Just make sure he can write his name. I am an elementary teacher
My 3 year old sings the alphabet all the time. Maybe try singing it more, make it fun?
Sing the alphabet. Also if you youtube Bob The Train excellent sing rhythm and rhyme
Alphabet books and puzzles are great, then they can relate the letter with an object or animal in order. I like floor puzzles, the kids can do them down a hallway or something and it keeps their interest.
We sing the alphabet every chance we get. When we are washing our hands, i sing it while they’re bruising their teeth, picking up our toys, just daily things. We also count while doing those things too.
In my experience kindergarten “testing” is only to know where the child is and therefore know the best placement/class for them. It has nothing to do with whether or not they attend kindergarten. There are plenty of kids who don’t know their letters before kindergarten. I wouldn’t worry about it. The whole point of sending them to school is for them to learn things.
Alpha-blocks and Numberblocks! It’s on Netflix and it’s helped my son he’s watched it since he was 3 and is now 5 also starting school soon. He loves watching it still and he’s very hard to be hands on with cause he refuses to sit still so it was an amazing thing to come across. be patient. Every one learns at a different pace
He is right where he needs to be. It sounds like he already knows alot more than alot of other 5 year olds. My son was in kindergarten last year so truat me he will get it one day… If he can read and write them thats all they care about at this point…
Repetition is the key. Choose one song only as more can confuse and sing whenever you can.
Well when he’s brushing his teeth you can sing the alphabet twice each time. you could also make him index cards or buy them and have him line up the alphabet and numbers and say them aloud. Maybe seeing them will help him remember.
Depends on the kid. My oldest, I just sat down and said them and he got it. My youngest, we rapped them at the top of our lungs through the house.
Can I ask where u live?I’m in Canada and never heard of test for kindergarten
Thats a visual learner. More walk throughs with the entire alphabet layed out for him to see could help him until he doesnt need to look at it anymore
My son has stared doing this too. I really think it’s just a phase or they think that we(parents) think it’s funny so they do it to make us laugh idk. He can count then randomly starts messing up and refuses to do the ABC’S now. I feel like once he gets to school it’ll be ok. So I guess what I’m trying to say is you’re not alone and I really wouldn’t worry about it I feel it’s more for funny attention then anything
Just keep singing it over and over mama. Bath time, car rides, breakfast, making lunch, picking up toys etc
Sing the alphabet song with him and flash cards.
My son is very special needs but he goes to school just like the other kids he has a IEP in school so he gets extra help when I 1st put him in school I was a mess thinking he would have a hard time keeping up but the school did a IEP test and he has been doing good your son is only 5 they will teach him dont worry yourself over it he will do fine once he is in school
Kinder teacher here.
We dont do “kindergarten tests” after a parent has already gone thru the hassle of signing and registering and vaccinating their kid for school.
Most kindees learn a letter a week, and number songs throughout the start of the year.
26 letters done and learned throughout 26 weeks.
It would be really stupid for a school to basically expell a child of age from school because he doesnt know his letters and numbers yet.
Make a song about them and repeat we all learn by repeating also max and ruby books were great for my kids
I put up the alphabet flash cards all around my my kids bed and we would play a game with letter recognition and also spelling simple words. It also shows the order of the alphabet so it makes it easier for them to recognize the order. Also did the same with numbers. We would play counting and making larger numbers.
He knows all his letters, numbers and can write them all at 5, I think thays fantastic bless him. This is what school is for he will learn it, and anyway who really needs to know what order the letters go anyway, when in our adult life do we use it? As long as he knows his letters and can write them then thats what matters, and he is only 5 yet plenty of time to learn.
It could be an overload situation just make it more fun and sing the alphabet once then again and stop have him fill in the blanks. Same goes for counting. They do teach alphabet in school and counting so he won’t be behind.
He will be ok. Don’t stress about it. That’s what kindergarten its for. Make sure he has social skills. That’s the problem today these kiddos aren’t taught how to socialize with other kiddos. Behavior’s are a big problem for teachers. The learning part is for the teachers. O have been in education for 20 years. Some kiddos have a hard time in kindergarten because they were never taught how to socialize and how to control their emotions. This is what kindergarten teachers worry about. Usually the first 2 weeks of school is hard. Teachers are dealing with different behavior’s and so on. Its really hard if a kiddo has never even been to preschool or daycare. Those kind of kiddos have the hardest time. So make sure your son can handle different situations. A big part is kids don’t know how to share. This is what worries the teachers. If he already know most of the alphabets and so on. He is already ahead of this peers. He will be fine. Its always hard letting go. The first weeks of school is the hardest. Just make sure he has a good routine in the mornings.
My sister n law painted a wall in her home with black satin paint. As you use it and eraser it’s just like a chalk board. I did it for my 2 yr old and she loves it.I also use alphabet puzzles and sticker books. Sesame street is also still a good show to watch.
The test isnt a real test, its more like an assessment to see where they need help. He will be fine, dont stress about it too much.
There’s a test for kindergarten? My daughter never had to take one. That said he will learn it once he starts school, don’t fret.
My daughters 2 and can say her entire alphabet all except the letters L M N and O but she learned everything from YouTube videos she can even count to 15 knows her colors and shapes is a great talker as well and uses all of her manners maybe try some YouTube videos lol kids love YouTube
If you are still worried after he starts Kindergarten, ask his doctor for a referral to a developmental specialist for an evaluation. He’s probably within the “typical” developmental range, but a specialist can determine if he is on the autism spectrum or not, and just may need some extra help for school.
Busy books, you can make yourself or buy them online
My daughter is 5 and she gets her numbers mixed up. I think it’s the normal thing. They are only five. And kindergarten will literally teach them this. Maybe try to relax stop overthinking it and just let him learn on his own pace not every kid needs to learn how to count to 20 perfectly by a certain age
My son was in kindergarten last year. They definitely do not (at least his school) do the alphabet in order. He didn’t once sing the song. It was more about identifying the letter and sound. Sounds like your kid will be perfectly fine. In his class there was a lot of kids who didn’t know half of the letters. (He was virtual last year, that’s how I know) everybody knew what they needed to know by the end of the year. That’s what kindergarten is for.
Make a flour board on table to sand you print out A then have him do B and so on. Both upper and lower case letters. He might just surprise you. You can use colored sand also.
Like Julie said- repetition.
Make it fun and enjoyable - catchy songs - books
Point to the letters as he is singing / saying them so he can make the connection . Sounds like he will pick it up straight away at school though x
We made it all a game like in the car where their bored alphabet repeating it was more fun then .
I feel like he’s just doing it on purpose. He’s tine