How to increase milk supply?

Advice on foods to eat to increase milk supply?
My baby (3month old) is breast feed like 97% also I’m not pumping but am looking towards it. Any one gotten a pump through their insurnace?


Body armor drinks, coconut milk, coconut water

Oats. Oatmeal. Help me alot. Granola. Yogurt

Try to meet with a lactation consultant. If your baby is mostly breastfed, what makes you worry about supply?

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I’ve gotten a pump through my insurance! My doctor gave me a written prescription for it and I took the prescription to a diamond medical supply store. Also I highly recommend pumping to increase your supply I can’t live without mine. I have a almost 5 month old and two other Children. Also I’m increasing my supply right now by drinking body armor drinks and eating lactation cookie bites!

Yes most insurance give you a free breast pump

I got a pump through my insurance. Go thru, it’s super easy!


Try getting one through insurance, That’s how I got mine and it helped tremendously.
Foods: oatmeal, fennel, garlic, carrots, spinach, nuts.

Yes I’ve gotten a pump through insurance. It was a rumble tuff serenity dual electric/hand pump. Really nice too

V8 hydrates, body armor, Milky Mama, LLC makes lactation treats, supplements & drinks. I got my pump free thru insurance with Aeroflow

Nurse on demand from the breast. Lactation cookie recipes are online.

Most insurance cover breast pumps. Go to for information on increasing your milk supply. Those ladies are awesome!

I got one . Shitty one. Its in trash. I bought a medela instead.

Depending on your insurance you can get a medela one. It worked great for me